Hurrr I had no word on w-who was gonna make it, I have no bias, I s-swear!

>hurrr I had no word on w-who was gonna make it, I have no bias, I s-swear!

When will people learn that Sakurai is a compulsive liar and he'll do whatever the hell it takes to make you believe it is not his fault your favorite character didn't make the cut, that it's Nintendo's fault? Why is this man so dishonest?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't use woomy for shitposting

anyone who says slots arn't limited or sakurai doesn't have a bias is a complete retard

Reminder that /ourboy/ is in
> "Sakurai: We would certainly like to see Smash Bros. appeal to as wide an audience as possible. We understand the desire for certain characters to appear in the game, regardless of how unlikely their chances may be. I'm afraid I am partly responsible for the way things have become, as the inclusion of Snake in Super Smash Bros. Brawl has led to many people holding unrealistic expectations for future Smash contestants. That being said, I also appreciate people's capacity to dream, and I can definitely relate to wanting something, despite all the odds being stacked against you. But, there's seriously a limit between dreaming and being beyond hope. Guys, Sora will never be in Smash. Cloud will also never be in Smash. By the way, Tetsuya is a jerk. He used to tease me in Japanese school. Well who's laughing now. I control one of the most popular games in the world and you don't get to be a part of it because you're a dork. So take your stupid hair and go back to the boonies, I rule the school now. Because I built MY kingdom on rock and roll, and I'm not talking about Megaman. He's new. So, yeah, I think Sora is a definite possibility."

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I like the guy and Smash is fun overall but I'm sick of people acting like all of his decisions are some 34D chess moves.

Sakurai bias in DLC confirmed. Also, this makes Reimu in Smash very possible.

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You know, I've been pondering ocassionally about that recently. There was a 2hu game released for the Switch not long ago right?

Fuck sakurai. If Banjo doesn't get in he will be the reason.

No. There are several Touhou Fangames, because zun doesn't give even 1/1463 of a shit and just lets people do whatever, but there's no actually Touhou games on Switch.

I didn't mean mainline game, just "game" as in "just that", a game.

He's still kinda limited, Nintendo just told him which franchises/companies he was allowed to contact for the DLC slots, meaning a Squeenix and Capcom rep are guaranteed to be in by default (DQ swordsman and monster hunter most likely)

If you can't figure out why a fangame means less to Reimu's chances in smash than an official game I can't help you.

How so? Sakurai said it would be a courtesy if the character made an appearance on a Nintendo platform. He didn't say anything about official releases. And besides, it doesn't really matter anyway, since Reggie said that the Nintendo association isn't a limiting factor in the IGN interview.

>game director favorite characters show up on his game rather than my favorite characters
boo fucking woo

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If it is so obvious then he should man the hell up not lie about it.

I'm sorry he hurt your feelings
can we move on from this topic already?

>muh strawman
I'm honored you care about my feelings so much as to derail the issue at hand to focus on them. But no you nu-faggot Sakurai cocksucker, if you can't handle truth (your fake god being a liar ultracapitalist) then you should be the one moving from this thread already.

I been fucking called the moment he said something similar to "Iam letting Nintendo choose the characters, but I am going to only allow the ones I think are "suited" for smash 5.

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Iam expecting 4 more characters to wield blade like weapons

not him, but you sound like a fag for defending this bullshit.

If it's to prevent dumb shit like Steve and Sans in, then I'm all for it.

If Sakurai likes Touhou so much, why hasn't he mentioned it in his Famitsu column?

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>"Joker will participate in Super Smash Bros. mainly because of the invitation from Sora Ltd.'s Masahiro Sakurai," said Hiraoka. "That is what led to this collaboration. Because Mr. Sakurai likes Persona 5 very much, and I personally like Super Smash Bros. a lot, my first thought when I received the invitation was 'Great!' I was very happy to establish a relationship for this collaboration."
Are you retarded? He mentioned that he got an invitation from Sakurai for a collaboration. Then mentioned how happy he was for the invitation because he knew Sakurai liked Persona 5 and that he likes Smash Bros. It's still Nintendo picking character but Sakurai is still the one in charge of approaching companies like always, retard.

Why can't you niggers learn to read?

He never mentioned Persona before Joker's reveal. Probably because he knows everything he publicly says drives speculation. Let's be real though, Sakurai loves shmups, and Touhou is a very well known and long-running shmup franchise. Chances are, he is a 2hufag.

>never mentioned Persona before Joker's reveal

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It's thanks to his bias that Wolf got in, so I'm not complaining.

Okay, you got me. Though whatever Sakurai decides to mention on his column doesn't effect Reimu's chances at all, and at this point you're just grasping for arbitrary reasons for her not to be included.

opinion discarded

why do smashfags still act surprised when sakurai doesn't listen to their bullshit and whining? i'd ignore you guys too if i were him.

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He said Nintendo decided on the pool of DLC fighters, but Sakurai was the one who chose 5 from that pool, one of which was Joker because he loved P5

How are you such a fucking retard?

Yeah and you're the one grasping for the arbitrary reasons why she'd even be considered or wanted

Being from a popular franchise of a genre that Sakurai is known to like isn't arbitrary.

>He said Nintendo decided on the pool of DLC fighters, but Sakurai was the one who chose 5 from that pool
Wrong. He said that Nintendo made the selection and he decided if Nintendo's selection could be turned into fighters. There is no pool of characters that Nintendo gave to Sakurai to pick from. Stop spreading misinformation.

>Being from a popular franchise of a genre that Sakurai is known to like isn't arbitrary.
Geez cause that narrows it down

Yes it does, if you also consider the fact that Touhou is huge in Japan, and is still going strong after 20 years since its inception despite little to no corporate backing. Is it really that outlandish to suggest the NoJ would consider Reimu for that reason, and for Sakurai to prefer her over other potential characters?

>is huge in Japan, and is still going strong after 20 years since its inception
cause that narrows it down

If Nintendo wants an indie rep, it certainly does narrow it down a lot.

>implying they'd want an indie rep
Commander Video only got a trophy because his devs asked for it
Shovel Knight and Shantae showed up because the Ballot

>Shovel Knight and Shantae showed up because the Ballot
>source: my ass
The fact that they appeared at all means that indies have a place in Smash. And Touhou has the legacy and influence that the other Indies lack, making Touhou the perfect franchise to represent indies.