Undertale and Deltarune are fantastic games...

Undertale and Deltarune are fantastic games, and people who disagree are 99% contrarian assholes who feel they must hate anything popular.

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An unpopular opinion thread with a popular opinion.

No, I dislike it because I do not support the games' morals and message and also find it to be abysmal in all other aspects as a game and frankly don't want to see anything related to it ever again. The fandom has nothing to with it, but it does exacerbate my dislike towards it.

They're good games, they're just not the single most amazing things in existence.

can't believe we have to wait a whole month before the rest of deltarune comes out

didn't play deltarune. undertale is 7/10. suck it up faggot.

they're overrated and gimmicky with shitty writing
now cry

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I liked Undertale but its message was fucking retarded.

What morals did Undertale even have? "Don't be an asshole"? "Killing is bad"?

When starting a bait thread you must sprinkle enough bullshit in that you will guarantee a great number of responses (ostensibly to correct you) while being coherent enough that it's a salient argument or opinion. After all, objectively Undertale is a passable game with most hatred directed at its "Superwholock"/"Offdanganstuck" galleon of fans that only know about it because their favorite streamer played it or they're desperately trying to link it to Homestuck based off of Toby Fox's previous reputation, and Deltarune is aimed purely at people that actually PLAYED Undertale and despite being a longer and more complete game (despite being a one-part demo?) it didn't have anywhere near as much of a streamer or fandom-goblin presence. Regardless popular-opinion for Yea Forums in particular is seething hatred of Undertale and indifference or confusion to the entire subject of Deltarune; much like the people that profess to love it, most people on Yea Forums that profess to hate it didn't play it either and they're confusing the game itself with the obnoxious hangers-on of the game, and thus you need to craft your bait towards that particular audience.

Example: "Undertale is LITERALLY only popular because of streamers and Tumblr", with optional "Twitter trannies" if you want to attract the faggoty Yea Forums circlejerkers. 2/10 thread OP, do not respond to me.

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Goddamn it, I just now realized Deltarune and Undertale are anagrams of each other, fuck me...

What message? I didn't see anything that was supposed to apply in real life

*stands in the corner at party awkwardly shaking drink*

>"Don't be an asshole"? "Killing is bad"?
Even those are wrong. Even if you don't hurt anyone everyone is still an asshole and attacks you. And even Sans makes a joke about how he would kill you.

>try Deltarune
>no controller support except XBox 360
>Autohotkey input doesn't work with it for some reason
...and into the trash it goes!

Probaby "humans are the REAL monsters maaaaan" which is already heavily missing the point.

So was LISA but reddo and the average sheep always needs quirky and deep characters, as well as furry bait to like anything these days.

InputMapper, brainlet. What are you doing using a Dinput-only controller in this day and age?

Why was Deltarune so bad when Undertale was so decent?

Because the game doesn't support analog and my controller is more comfortable and has a much better dpad?

"you can't save everyone"

what was deltarune's gameplay like. Undertail had nice music and the pseudo bullet hell/rpg combat was fun, even if it was super tedious to get to the best fights in the game.

Why aren't you already using an Xinput wrapper like InputMapper or, shit, even just running the EXE through Steam?

"Enjoying videogame mechanics that are designed to encourage you to progress your character makes you a bad person in a completely arbitrary context in which the desire to kill monsters that are not a threat to you is immorally divorced from the power increase you gain through their deaths."

Wow, asshole, you really made me think by taking Dragon Quest and changing the goal of the game.

the game lets you play it as you want. If you want it to be a tedious grindfest with bosses challenging bordering on completely devoid of fun, you have that option.

If you want to play it like a normal game, focusing on the story but not going crazy with fights, you have that option.

If you want to be peaceful and have a peaceful ending, you have that option.

If the morals piss you off, you're basically saying you hate the idea of a game allowing different people with different playstyles and values to enjoy the game in different ways. Are you that dead set on finding ways to hate things other people like?

The message that if you fuck with and betray everyone then they will turn on you and kill you? Or the message that if you work with people and don't try to kill them then maybe they'll work with you? Basically you're telling me that you hate the idea of social systems, which outs you as a major aspie shut-in.

Considering how many of the monsters are just feral dangerous animals without much deeper thought you could safely genocide everyone except for the townspeople and major characters, and it wouldn't really be that morally wrong except from an animal cruelty perspective. It might even be good considering you're essentially wiping out a dangerous population of monsters before they have the chance to be unleashed on unaware humans for some reason.

>And even Sans makes a joke about how he would kill you.

Because he knows what you're going to do.

I don't wanna install additional 3rd party software for one poorly programmed game

basically the same pseudo bullet hell but now with multiple party members
not much of an improvement

I actually never played Genocide in the time I bothered with the game..

Not gonna lie, didn't enjoy LISA as much as I should've because I was put off by the designs. I know the entire cast being old gross hairy dudes is pivotal to the setting, but still

this man is right, you know

Considering how much monster-on-human violence there is in the game, if that's your only understanding of the plot then you're an elementary student.

I frankly enjoy the idea that either humans or monsters or you the protagonist are the villain depending on how you choose to play. It's a solid design choice.

Combination of turn-based JRPG (think Final Fantasy) and Undertale's bullet-hell, when attacking you use a timing-based slider like some of Undertale's weapons and when defending/the enemy is attacking it switches to a box where the actual bullet-dodge is performed. In battle Susie and Ralsei both can expend TP, generated passively by taking actions, on spells and magic attacks.

>play deltarune
>can't kill things
What's even the point?

You are DESTINED to become Chara. This fate is what makes Sans' interactions with the PC make sense, while at the same time foreshadowing it.

>what if we're the monsters
wow so deep

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Cope then I guess, if you're too lazy to even run the EXE as a shortcut through Steam

If you play the game exactly that way, you don't get a genocide ending. Toby isn't nearly as dumb as you people say.

Everything that Undertale wants you to think it did, Mother 3 already did better.

it was painfully awkward how deltarune has "this is literally undertale" sections but at the same time tries so hard to not be undertale

Oh, it's not that I think the writing is 11/10 oscar-worthy. It's just an okay game all around. It's your dedication to finding things to hate that other people really like that I find purely antisocial.

Stop looking for reasons not to connect with people around you.

>Even those are wrong. Even if you don't hurt anyone everyone is still an asshole and attacks you.

The pacifist route honestly made me want to genocide everyone. These monsters are irredeemably evil and cannot coexist with humanity.

I don't remember that having shmup gameplay.

The game does beat you over the head with the idear that it was human paranoia that started the war with monsters in the first place, and monsters are autistic and shoot magic at eachother as a form of greeting since they're invincible to it. It's a totally incorrect understanding of the plot but it's got enough truth to it that shitposters ran wild with it for some time

I expect games to work without having to manually fix them

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Then clearly the pacifist route isn't for you. You know you didn't have to play it that way and get the sunshine and dog farts ending, right?

but that's wrong
genocide isn't even canon, genocide wasn't even intended to be common knowlege
it was obviously intended to be an extremely specific, hidden, hard to get, meta "fuck you" directed specifically at a certain kind of player

Why did Sans bleed when Papyrus didn't?

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The final boss of everything but the genocide route is a destructive monster. You can definitely read it as both monsters and humans are shitty for not trying to understand and work with one another and instead use violence as a catch-all solution.

If your view is that the entire game makes humans the bad guy, then your critical thought skills aren't as developed as you initially believed.

sorry that you get mad when someone doesn't have the same opinion as you

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I didn't. On my first run I got to the very end having not killed anyone-- although I was sorely tempted to let Undyne die-- then executed ASGORE. He proved to me that sometimes you have to murder someone. Then my game glitched out and from then on everything I did was to spite Flowey.


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It was just ketchup bro

It literally even tells you that you're going to have a bad time and shuts off all gameplay functions other than grinding. It makes that route as inaccessible as possible.

If you got that ending and only that ending, you're the kind of person who gets mad at people for playing Smash with items and goes home alone every night.

he's full of ketchup

>Sans is Ness but spelled differently

Yeah but you're still treated as evil yourself. You get the same outcome as if you killed everyone except for the main characters, including the more sapient monsters, just a couple lines of dialog differ.

sorry that you push away every person you ever encounter

It's meant to be common knowledge, Flowey even mocks people watching it on youtube.

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No. There's like 10 different endings. The more violence you engage in, the more negative everyone is in the end of the game. It's actually a SUPER DEEP reflection on reality. If you do shitty things and hurt more people, there are less people around to be friends with at the end of the day.

This game is a rorschach test for your social ability.

i don't like ostentatious deviant-art tier weebshit. Toby can take his cringey rehashed Mother 3 clone and go away

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"You should try to help/save others who are inferior to you, even if they dislike you"

I hope Deltarune is less linear because Undertale legitimately felt like a hallway 99% of the time

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Wasn't the whole point that you don't even need that power in undertale? Attacking monsters is functionally not much different from and ACTing on them and the bullet hell system means you can avoid all damage.

The game treats the wild monsters like regular people though. If you go and kill them the end has a distinct feeling of "emptiness" as if you had killed all but a few people, disregarding that the feral ones aren't really people at all.

It's not like exploration was ever supposed to be a selling point. It's a linear game with a linear story.

Except you don't have to help anyone. The more people you help, despite them doing shit to make you angry, the better everyone reacts to you. It takes patience to deal with shitheads, but people like people who are patient.

If you choose not to help anyone, and just kill, then the characters are more negative to you. If you really go out of your way to have a bad time, the game treats you like a sociopath because you probably are one, the genocide route being brutally unfun for anyone but the challenge-obsessed.

the moral is lifted straight from Spec Ops the line; killing is immoral and murder as a power fantasy is bad. Basic shit that even the ancient greeks understood.

can't even tell what you're trying to say

please tell me more about your life

>if you don't like THESE SPECIFIC GAMES you're dumb and wrong
Or maybe people have differing opinions, user.

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that's not the central moral conceit of the game though. There's no reason to think that the the player character is better than the monsters.

Then you're either illiterate or emotionally handicapped.

I'd love to. Do you want to see pictures of my gf?

so is the lamb evil and the prince actually the little spade guy?

why can't games have narrative through game mechanics?
it's always the same "game told me killing is bad so it's bad game" why the fuck the game should bend to your morals or lack of them and give up it's narrative because "they are just pixels" that shit doesn't matter for any fucking game if they "are just pixels" in the end, it's a fucking story.
play games where shit are just hitboxes and menus if you are that autistic about games judging you actions.

You can pacify monsters by talking to them. They're not feral.

I think it depends on the ambitions of the player. If you go in planning genocide then surely you're no better, but if you plan pacifism or self defense then surely you're somewhat morally superior.

yes please show me your tranny gf

haha I'm not going to because I'm not a sociopath and don't post pictures of people in my life to prove things to angry strangers on the internet

Do you mean the reindeer? Because I bet the three heroes will be the Discarded Vessel, Noelle, and Lancer.

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How many real people would firstly assume that? It's easy as the player because you can plan out your course of action with functionally infinite time between turns, and you have the pre-existing knowledge that they can be pacified. If one of these things got out into the wild, how many would have the time, knowledge, or skill to talk them down and "domesticate" them before being mauled to death?

So are Mother games for the most part but even Mother 3 felt less linear despite being the most railroaded game in the series, I hope Toby finds some good people to help him with Deltarune because I don't think he can do it by himself

Frisk is stronger than everyone except for Asriel/Chara/Annoying Dog
He's basically a god compared to the majority of monsters, so the right thing for a just god to do is help/save them

ok pussy

You are explicitly told that humans basically always win fights against monsters because our souls are so strong. Monsters are no threat to humans unless they have human souls with them. If you go genocide, only Undyne and Sans can even attempt to fight you, and Sans does it by cheating the game mechanics.

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it's not like monsters poofed into existence, in the war not a single human died, Humans are THAT strong against monsters, they are non-thread except for the player. and the player has infinite tries so it nothing.

A human can always win a fight against a wolf too, however many would fail. Isn't determination a unique aspect to frisk? When you can't restart anytime to learn as much as you need, mortality can become easy. Souls mean shit all if some monstrosity comes by and lights you on fire.

>A human can always win a fight against a wolf too, however many would fail.
you don't fucking understand, it would be like an adult fighting a 2 year old. most humans CANNOT lose against a monster.

you got me man haha I'm gonna go cum in my gf and then cry about some mean man on the internet

It's the best game ever made! It's more than a game: It exposes the dual nature of the human spirit. The only way to win the game is to be Frisk but you wanna be Chara so you can do cool shit - you see, it's a constant battle between good and evil, and Frisk must never stray from the path of pacifism and if our murderous curiosity gets the lead, then evil will triumph over good and that's the true conflict of the human SOUL!
And to deny the evil completely would only would only force it to the subconscious mind - like Asgore isolated on his mountain trying to find redemption. People don't wanna step outside of their comfort zone when playing a game, like Frisk falling in a different world. He's unwelcome! Nevertheless, he must abide by his own good nature.
No wonder weapons are useless against Sans! The game does not reward you for acting upon your malevolent intentions. It's a proposed guideline for a set of morality rules to be programmed through real life. It uses monster society as a fundamental deciption of outward hostility and inward kindness. It's a metaphor for social and ethical fragmentation. It eludes the Freud theory of repression, in which unacceptable desires or impulses are excluded from the conscious mind and left to operate on their own... in the unconscious.

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This argument can't really be resolved until we got a real-life demonstration of how the monsters actually fight. If they essentially shoot little magic pellets at you that people just shrug off like in bullet-time, you're correct. However if it's actual combat, tooth and claw, then I'd be correct.

btw did you know I have a GIRLFRIEND

Get a trip already so I can filter you, autistic moralfag who shows up in literally every single undertale thread.

Anyone who compares Undertale and any Mother game is objectively retarded. You're on the same level as game journalists who unironically refer to any difficult game as being "the Dark Souls of [genre]".

>A human can always win a fight against a wolf too, however many would fail.

Like, if you try to. If you have a melee weapon then your chance of winning becomes pretty high. If you have traps or projectiles, there's no way it can win. And as a human you pretty much always have a chance at arming yourself, while wolves cannot.

But you don't have to make the metaphor that complicated. The game all but tells you that your "soul" is the ability to savescum, reset and manipulate the game. Until the end, no monster has that ability, and only one gets it through stealing souls.


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Who would the best option for Smash be?

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If I remember correctly the ability to savescum is a frisk exclusive. He had determination, unlike the other children who had stuff like "Bravery", "Kindness", "Patience", etc. Maybe the soul type is random, maybe it's genetic, but either way only some will be able to savescum. A feral animal looks generally harmless when you have an infinite number of lives.


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>I'd be correct in this case that I made up and isn't present in the game and has no evidence to suggest it could be
The library in Snowden explains that the magic pellets is just how monsters express their feelings and the rest of the game points out that humans are much MUCH stronger than monsters because of their souls

Sans assist-trophy that only sleeps
Play the game again, savescumming is tied to "Determination" as an intrinsic part of the human soul and any human who enters can be assumed to trump Flowey's DT and have the ability

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>monsters are harmless to humans
>six dead human children in ASGORE's basement
Pick one.

And yet the other fallen humans didn't have it, which means something happened between the last fallen human, and Flowey's birth.

I always assumed Gaster's accident fucked something up and broke the timeline, but it's a Gaster theory, which means it's basically total head canon.

>all of them died randomly in the environment where you find their gear, likely starvation or accident

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There we go, someone said it.
Monsters aren't "the good guys." There are no good guys unless you take the good guy route and make them.

Stop shoehorning this shit into "muh moralfag game"



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Can you even read gay retard?

There are monsters that actually are surprised and apologize if you get hurt by their attacks.

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>I hope Deltarune is less linear.

It won't be. You can tell from chapter 1 the game is built ontop of its story and you basically walk from scene to scene.

Every fucking Undertale thread.
>Autistic rambling about how Undertale's """morals""" are shitty and how it's pretentious for not giving you the true ending if you don't do the thing the game tells you you should do and is the tagline of the game
>Screeching about how it's bullshit that you're "punished" for attacking monsters who attack you even though it's extensively established that monsters are far weaker than humans and often don't realize their actions would be harmful to a human because humans and monsters have completely different methods of causing harm to eachother
>General cherrypicking and autistic nitpicking to call the entire game a piece of shit because you're not allowed to enjoy any part of Undertale because it's Undertale
>Autistic LARPing and false-flagging as undertale fans as if you need to false-flag in order to make people think Undertale fans can be autistic as fuck

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Toby said Asgore killed them all himself.

[citation needed]

Why don't they stop?

[Citation Link]

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People in the game tell you that none of them got past ASGORE. If none of them even reached ASGORE the statement would still be technically true but it would be ridiculous.

w-what is it toby?

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>ASGORE is every monster
Also, he's never treated as being innocent or harmless. The game overtly tells you he wants your soul. Also, he's the one "normal" fight in the pacifist route where you NEED to fight him. Asgore is obviously an outlier.

It's legitimately not attacking to them, it's not "attacking" in the sense that it hurts human souls. For some of them, it's just how they say hello and stuff.


No. You are genuinely just autistic and have shitty zoomer taste.

Yeah but, if the human way of saying hello hurt them then surely you'd stop. Are they forced to continue communicating or whatever if they know it hurts you?

Recently I've started to think that Deltarune has actually come out as people are speaking of the game as though it were not just a trial anymore. I don't want to google it as the illusion might be broken, but tell me bros is it out yet?

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Andrew? Andrew Hussie, is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

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If the humans were so evil... after the war why did they seal away the monsters instead of wiping them out?

Because humans aren't evil.

More buzzwords please, sir

>monster history books say "we dindu nuffin, mean humans attacked us for no reason"
>monsters try to kill human children unprovoked

I'm also more than a little suspicious that Deltarune takes place in a world where a monster DID get ahold of a human soul during the war, became the Angel that they worship, and killed most of the humans.

you guys do realize there are like multiple endings in UT besides Pacifist and Genocide right?


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It's chapter 1 took a couple years to make and has a clear end point, final boss, etc. The idea its some trial/demo that doesn't reflect the final release is ludicrous.


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They do stop after you solve their problems or say hello or whatever. The only monster in the entire game who can't be reasoned with is Asgore.

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Papyrus is the Speedwagon of Undertale can't change my mind

that bomb ghost
off the top of my head, and there are also unnamed ones.



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play 7th stand user
really good jojo game I swear

Undyne you can reason with in the sense that she can't bring herself to kill you after you help her, and Mettaton you reason with in the sense that he realizes he doesn't need to kill you to achieve fame. I don't remember the bomb ghost, though. And even if there were like four monsters in the game who can't be reasoned with, that still means the overwhelming majority can be.

>Undertale and Deltarune are fantastic games

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not on playstation, ergo, shit games

Asgore is a cuck

Jevil was the best boss of 2018.

>Undyne you can reason with in the sense that she can't bring herself to kill you after you help her

Okay but you can't dissuade her from trying to kill you until she collapses dying due to environmental damage. Even on the brink of death she still pursues you. Later, sure.

the only important question about monsters is
can you fuck them?

Gas all the furfags

>video game monsters
like, I get it, part of the fandom has furshit in it but your argument doesn't really make sense if you consider that the monsters(I.E most of the characters in undertale) are just random JRPG enemies, which means you're also against every single game out there that uses animal characters as enemies.

>Mettaton you reason with in the sense that he realizes he doesn't need to kill you to achieve fame

Except his realization has nothing to do with your actions or words, so saying "you" reason with him is a stretch. It's just from him finding out the reaction of other monsters to his announcement that he is leaving to become Michael Jackson.

"Reason" was a bad word to use, I didn't mean reasoning in the sense of literal logical arguments, I meant in the sense of convincing someone not to fight. Undyne is particularly resistant to the idea of not fighting, but it is still possible to show that it shouldn't happen.

And even then, Undyne wants the fight to be fair (she gets upset if you fail to block her first easy attack and explains how the mechanic works, getting more upset if you fail repeatedly) and only does it so everyone else can see the sun again.

Literally the only evil monster in the game is Flowey.

Violence is wrong.

Child-murdering ASGORE isn't evil?

You broke his heart

>people who disagree are 99% contrarian assholes who feel they must hate anything popular

no, it's cringey dogshit

Don't try to find logic in feeding the trolls my man, literally ignore/hide posts that mention shit like that with no substance.
Posts that seem to hate the old core values of this website, like anime, video games, weabshit, big titties, etc. aren't even worth responding to.
Not that furfags are okay, but shitposters dig for shit where there is none

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You can argue Asgore, but he's about the only one, and even then it's clear he doesn't really want to do it. And I did say he's the only person who can't be reasoned with.

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I know I just like shitting on them. It's not like replying takes too much time anyways so might as well just btfo them when they're not giving one tought about their shitposts

clinically insane defense. He was really uncomfortable about having to fight the protagonist, but felt he had to do it because it's the only way to save his people. His solution came about from the duress of losing both his children.

He's equivalent to someone riding into a ghetto with a band of heavily armed good ol boys after his daughter got raped by one chocolate

What about the openly sadistic Muffet whop makes no common cause with other non-spider monsters but rather is only trying to kill you (and is explicitly trying to kill you) for money?

sometimes i genuinely believe that never receiving a (you) is the ultimate defeat for shitposting 4channelers, especially if you manage to reply to someone else who replied to you in the thread.

"Don't kill and don't be killed."

Approach situations with kindness and understanding, but don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.

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(you) is just upvoting for contrarian 4children

>s-stupid redditfags it's not like I need validation or anything

"Violence isn't always the answer"
"Don't judge people before you get to know them first"
"Learn to forgive others for their mistakes"
"Nobody's perfect at what they do"
"It never does hurt to help others"
"Everybody makes regretful decisions in life"

I didn't even play the game and even I knew what the subtle messages were. And they sure as shit weren't left-wing shit. It was just common sense. Why does Yea Forums seemingly try to twist that around to make undertale "tumblr"?

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Muffet believes you hate spiders because someone (probably Flowey) told her you were evil and that he'd reward her for your death. She's crazy and stupid, but not necessarily evil.

Because you're on an anonymous chinese cartoon picture board there's a substancially high volume of people who think tolerance in any form is SJW bullshit.

Sadism is evil, user.

Didn't Mettaton/Alphys hire her?

because every game who's message isn't to kill every single jew on this planet is leftwing cringe and bluepilled
no seriously I fucking hate /pol/niggers so fucking much. They're as bad as fucking resetranny faggots in their own way

Muffet only says that it was someone who "changed shapes."

they are cringe

And if you tell them to shut the fuck up you're suddenly from ResetERA.

Undertale was a solid 6/10. The story was okay and the music was excellent, but the gameplay was boring.

Never played Deltarune.

>game about having the option to spare monsters, which is a nice setup for interesting moral exploration depending on what monsters you encounter and who they are as people
>could spare someone and it comes back in a bad way later on, etc.
>this never happens because it's about as deep as a fucking puddle with KILL BAD SPARE GOOD
>this wouldn't be much of an issue on its own but good thing the characters, except maybe Sans, are either one-note tripe, flat-out unlikable or both at the same time
>combat is good on paper but a slog in game

Undertale fucking sucked. Deltarune is much better because the main cast is actually likable.

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Muffet is a young child, which isn't a fact that's very well conveyed.

Come on, Asgore has at least some depth to him.

>except maybe Sans and Asgore*

Alright, you got me there. I shouldn't have missed that.

Your choises don't matter


Chara is the one to say that, and he's contradicted by Ralsei, who says your choices do matter.

and if you tell the ERAtrannies to shut the fuck up too you're a fucking nazi
there's no fucking winning
neither of them are right.
it's all just bullshit we as humans made to waste our arealdy short times on shit that doesn't matter AND doesn't bring us happiness.
you know what brings us happiness? Videogames. That's what we should be talking about.
now that I think about it, sometimes the off-topic 404 bait threads aren't so bad at all, because the people in them are actually having fun, even if they're doing shit like posting furry porn or shitty webcomics or whatever. Meanwhile us who are actually trying to talk about videogames and shit have to deal with these shitstains.
I wish I could leave this place, but really there's nowhere else to go. The anonimity makes it so everyone's equal in a way I've never felt before. If I go to a place like Reddit or Discord I'll just be another random dot that will be ignored all the time, while in here I can talk to others while still being seen in the main pages. It's a curse and a blessing, because the same way people like me,who in a sea of pretty rich people would be just another dot, voice their opinions and reach the top easily just by words, it also allows those niggerfaggots to be as annoying as they can all the time. Hit me with your "reddit spacing"memes or whatever, I dont care.

I don't mind though. If I was so weak as to fall everytime I had to deal with shitty people I would have killed myself long ago, or become a failed normie like those retards on /r9k/ and "depression teens".

it truly is a shitty world we live in, but honestly, I don't care so much. I just want to play my videogames, and maybe talk about them sometimes.

Undertale and Deltarune are really good videogames, they have really good music and I like the characters and the way they act, the humor's pretty good too. I woudn't say they're perfect but they're really good games, specially in the sea of AAA garbage we've been getting.

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Damn it man I came in here to talk about Undertale, not be reminded of how this site has gone so far down the shitter.

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>can't kill Alphys
nah it's shit

Haven't played Deltarune because Toby fox's games make me vom but I played through all 3 endings of undertale and all were shit. The genocide run is poorly designed with its radically shifting difficulty spikes and is literally a filler lore run. Pacifist was the best because of it having by far the most content and it actually allowing the creativity of the battle system to be shown in full force. The part where it falters though is the plot. The same "power of friendship" plot we've seen time and time again. This time with 1 dimensional characters and forced liberal agendas(see nerd stereotype's "romance plot" with tomboy stereotype). The neutral run suffers because of the pacifist run. Since all of the game's enemies had to be designed with a level 1 player in mimd with only 20 hit points they do fuck all damage and any semblance of a challenge or substance in the battle system is lost. Not to mention that the plot for that one sucks dick simply because of the other two endings. The ones that had the most thought put into them were two extremes on complete opposite side of the spectrum; either everyone's alive, or nobody is. The middle ground is a muddy mess of characters that you picked and chose and it overall feels like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle. The best part of the game is the music which is something any game could do, and even then, Fox left one of the best songs, and definitely the most interesting song, the song that might play when you fight sans, completely out of the game. Undertale is sloppy, plain and simple.

If you really want to, you can make her so depressed that she kills herself.