Is there a better feeling than knowing we're going home?
Classic WoW
>Didn't see EVE at first
>Finally find him
God I love these threads thank you for making it OP
we're going home, bros
why is poe on here, retard?
You can never ever go back.
I remember being able to fear undead players with my paly when they used WotF but I don't see anything about them actually turning undead with the ability online. Was it all in my mind?
yes, you're imagining shit
You might be thinking of death knights when they used lichborne. that worked in wotlk and cata too I think.
coz your mum's gay
Did you play in vanilla beta?
>not having two moms
What are you gay?
Might be, now that you mention it, I remember being able to fear warlocks in demon form too.
Only contact with beta I had was through some guy I knew (who got me into the game in the first place)
Warlocks didn't have demon form in vanilla
You dudes will play this for a month then it will die.
he's probably still on the topic of cata.
>wanting to play a soulless game with no cosmetic shop
I pity you
>Is the a better feeling than paying $15 a month and being counted towards a current BFA subscriber?
I'd say the feeling of boycotting and letting Activision-Blizzard die the treacherous death it deserves.
>Is there a better feeling than knowing we're going home?
yeah, knowing that classic won't touch the original experience and being perfectly content to just enjoy the memories instead of trying to recapture the magic
>play wow classic
>go to lakeshire
>"anyone want to do the group quests? need healer and tank :)"
>"actually someone did the maths 10 years ago and it turns out that's a huge waste of time and suboptimal xp/hr so we're just grinding mobs instead so we can get to level max and get the bis pre-raid gear"
this d e s u
>what's over there?
>"wowhead says nothing, waste of time faggot"
that's not how it is even on private servers right now.
This Yea Forums is a fucking shithole to discuss WoW because the worst degenerates who do nothing but minmax for end game come here.
The actual games community is chill as fuck and wants to just enjoy playing the game from level 1 to 60.
A true min/max'er would never stop to talk to you.
The theoretical guy is leveling a pala.
not talking about vanilla with that one, just because the guy mentioned DKs
is retail worth playing at all? I haven't played since BC release. I am very bored and need a time sink
Where's pre-F2P All Point Bulletin?
The better GTA online?
Do you want to play an instanced loot gear treadmill with a 100% focus on raids where every build and class is viable? Does cakewalking through the games 'content' without having to communicate or talk to anyone in a static world sounds fun?
If yes, then yes go play retail.
>every build and class is viable?
is this not how it should be? not every build as in every combination of points, but every tree and every class should be playable
>is this not how it should be?
No, it shouldn't. Because in order to achieve it every single build has to be homogeneous with every other build. There are no more unique builds in retail WoW, you're a mage, or a warrior, or a warlock and its all the exact same at the end of the day. At best you might classify yourself as a DPS/Healer/Tank and thats it. You dont have different types of tanks, or different types of DPS its just the same shit in different colors.
There is no reason why Paladin for example couldn't have a tree which focuses them entirely on killing undead and nothing else, the fact it would be unbalanced and nonviable in other situations is a good thing because it gives the character flavor and atmosphere.
The belief that WoW is a game about taking down raids and grinding out minor stat increases from gear rather than creating stories and a community in a persistent world is what killed retail in the first place.
fair enough, hadn't looked at it that way. like I said I haven't played in over a decade so I have no idea how things changed
>level boost
I can just play retail wow with this shit tho and I won't have to deal with trannies and barafags
it got worse
so, so much worse
made me think
you think you are, but you aren't. It wont be the same, everyone already has their leveling and gearing mapped out with step by step guides already written. The sense of community that made vanilla great simply wont be there. Classic will be nothing but a hollow shell.
Nost proved you wrong.
Was this a BLM protest or something?
I think I have finally decided on a warlock since I pve and pvp equal amounts. I still have no idea what faction I'll join due to friends as they are 1/2 and 1/2. I kinda wanted to go warrior since I tanked in vanilla and while that was awesome for pve I got the living shit kicked out of me every time I went to Black Rock. Plus I have a feeling warrior is going to be overpopulated due to all the e-celebs hyping them up.