God I wish that was me

God I wish that was me

Attached: Bloodborne™_20171231155245.png (1920x1080, 2.65M)

You can just go buy a squid at the fish market, and pretty sure a cosplay supplier can get you the dress.

I am a very pale Irish twink I could probably pull it off with a blonde wig

Live your dream, user.

>God I wish that was me
I wish it was you as well, so i wouldn't have to read your bullshit threads.

why is this doll bitch so huge

What the fuck is wrong with her hands?

>Japanese devs in charge of making an aesthetically pleasing woman.

Emma is cuter

did they fucked

Gehrman had a tall girl fetish

She would make a good mommy.

Attached: Plain Doll and Hunter.jpg (1000x1249, 215K)

She's a doll you fucking retard. Also, are you seriously implying the goblinas that are most western game """girls""" are better than glorious nippon waifus?

Hunter is just a manlet.

Attached: Challenge Mode.jpg (600x6900, 808K)

>have to lube her wooden slit every time you want to have sex
>always have to worry about catching a splinter in your dick
>also termites

I think the doll is fleshy.

Attached: doll_tired.jpg (650x550, 166K)

Please, you know they lined it with some beast skin and fur.

Bloodborne is a great game.

Attached: Plain.Doll.full.2136414.png (1000x1216, 1.41M)

She's secretly a Great One.

So that when you hug her your face is in her heart

>tfw no tall doll gf

truly pain

Attached: Plain.Doll.full.2136457.jpg (689x1020, 763K)

>tfw no doll gf

Attached: 1554506984514_0.jpg (720x480, 128K)

Attached: insight_feels.jpg (1023x682, 52K)

Is this really worth playing? I don't wanna get meme'd again


Attached: Approving Amy.jpg (661x620, 134K)

You have to clean out Gehrman's "deposits" first


Attached: GascoigneSmash.png (569x570, 280K)

>I’m gonna pleasure myself with this.
