Slaves you buy joins ur faction. Thinskin

Slaves you buy joins ur faction. Thinskin

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not in the main squad, that means ur a muh village slave
You've got a 500 shit to do i randomly assigned you if i don't consider you funny enough
You mean nothing to me, there are
Not so many desu since i grabbed all the locals
I'll replace you sooner or later without care if something happens
Loose a leg? Fieldwork it is
Loose an arm? Crafting medicine/electrical components it is
You mean shit
Get to work
Might as well label you what that chain-around-neck store implied you were

I bought double
In the background
Because his name sounded funny to me
He's like a dwarf or some shit
He just succeeded in looking really funny

So i sent him outside to work really far away with a drill. He barely exists, like the local beggar tier carrying a bunch of copper ores in exchange for 1 meat
Just so i can call him a fucking benedict everytime a raid shows up
Who else would've sold us out to every raid that shows up ever

>Who else would've sold us out to every raid that shows up ever
Fuck you double
You're the secret villain of the trequel

Fuck i accidentally accepted Windows updating when i tried to speedrun click next time
My save better still exist ffs


Nah seems fine i see it still one as usual
Backing shit sometime
Dont feel like starting over
And still have shit to go on
But city simming in the end and getting burned out on that


Attached: Fast Boi Beep.jpg (2560x1440, 1.41M)

>Backing shit sometime
Yeah right
Why did i even bother posting this shit
Muhvillage promise

Never took a notice to the speedtracker
Gotta check at what speed my nig is sprinting at next time
Is he wearing +athletics robolegs in that one? Not sure how fast that's supposed to be

What game is this?

>athletics robolegs
Looks like he's wearing those prosthetics bladerunner was wearing
When he killed his wife or whatever random shit he did lmfao

Hey hey people, seth here...

Muh ambition
Muh ideals
Muh trahdes

It's kenshi
It's random that it exists

Why that blast from the past now?
What's the link even? I've been at it for too much to willy nilly open it

Why the fuck is someone autistically posting chat logs from some shitty fucking game that no one even knows what the fuck it is?

It's a legitimate question. Is this like a spam bot, some kind of viral marketing, someone who is just genuinely autistic? I'm so fucking confused.

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Better than whatever looser Garbage you spend ur time doing
Like asking stupid shit like that

Using that fucking face on top of it
Thanks mike
You a man of culture or some meme like that

Just fuck this

Is your save still there?

Missed 4:20 o'block by 6 minuted because of it.
The joint calmed me down as proven
At 4:18 i was still pouring liquid cocaine

Yup. That cancel click actually worked miraculously enough
Would've never at work lmfao
It just would turn into even more work you never asked for
This late too lmfao

I'll go off, i'll do another with liquid cocaine along it
Sure as fuck going to be fucking with my sleep

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Who gets trolled?

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As in what did i miss

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He had done a kenshi one.

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Well i made some before i knew about that lol.

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Attached: pg7.jpg (900x2049, 478K)

Go on, i'm reading
Not even sure why

>i'm so angry i'm going to sex my gf
Hahahaha always gets me

who told you to stop posting

I know i've read these before
I remember that line
How come now though?

Just go on
Figured there'd be silence