Cyberpunk 2077 release date got leaked prior to E3. Does anyone else care?
doubter/denial fags not welcome
Cyberpunk 2077 release date got leaked prior to E3. Does anyone else care?
doubter/denial fags not welcome
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I do.
Cool. Sent ;)
It hasn't even been announced yet. So far, it's TBD.
>18th month
>Does anyone else care?
I imagine the people who really want to play a shitty GTA 5 clone do
I honestly hope it does come out this year. I've been so fucking starved for good games for the past year at least.
I know you're being ironic AND THAT'S A GOOD THING
Why don't you play red dead 2 or any other open world game from last couple years?
>red dead 2
He said good games.
>red dead 2
It's not for EVERYONE
>I've been so fucking starved for good games for the past year at least.
RE 2
Ace Combat 7
Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2
Onimusha HD
Catherine for PC
That's just the past couple months alone you worthless piece of shit.
All shit.
Literally only 1 of those isn't a port or rehash lmao
>and that's a good thing
Cyber punk big immersive open world game
Red dead big immersive open world game
Fuck me I guess
Funny you mention that, because I was enjoying RDR 2. up until the ending deflated all my excitement for continued play. Still haven't touched the epilogue. Fuck games like this. I don't play fucking video games to dive into another bottomless hole of depression.
I'd probably still be playing RDR 2 right now if it wasn't for Chapter 6.
>le shitpost ecks dee
>More threads were made about the alpha demo footage being unreleased to the public than threads when the footage was actually revealed to the public
>That embarrassing Ubishit-style talking head production video with lifeless vessels talking about their generic Destiny clone
>The utter falloff when it was revealed that the Jobs are just three skill trees that have no impact on narrative arcs or day-to-day gameplay
I sure hope Square-Enix lets Eidos-Montreal start working on video games again soon. I'm getting tired of these vaporpunk threads, even if they are on life support.
Based retard
>CDPR said that E3 is for release dates and that they loved what Bethesda did with Fallout 4s release date announcement (E3 show with a release date for a few months later)
>Recently said this E3 is going to be huge for them
Yea, it's most likely coming this year. Now, the real question is, will my 980 + 4690k be able to run it?
Maybe someone will give you (you), certainly won't be me.
I'd have to imagine you'd get 60fps on decent settings with that.
> will my 980 + 4690k be able to run it?
It has to run on current gen consoles, so ofc that rig should be able to run it. Just don't expect maxed out.
Maybe medium-high settings at 1080p if you want 60fps
Holy shit you're dumb
The most popular gpu on the market right now is the 1060, which the 980 is slightly more powerful than performance wise. So that's likely what CDPR will be trying to make this game playable on just like the 970 was the most popular when Witcher 3 came out. Add to that it has to be playable on 750ti consoles like the PS4.
You'll be fine
Yes, can not wait to play Cyberpunk on the 18 month of this Year, morons
RE 2
Ace Combat 7
Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2
>literally who
Onimusha HD
>who cares
Catherine for PC
You need to expand your taste user
Everything you posted as good but I sense you're one of those "WESTERN/CONSOLE BAD" types
Are you guys meme'ing? Europe uses the dd/mm/yyyy format.
>I won't play RE2 because it's a remake
Holy shit are you the 18th month retard
Spot the ignorant person
It's European way of establishing date you monumental retard. Not every country is as dumb as America and uses counter-intuitive format like
I think they spent 18 months in the womb
Honestly I'll care when its closer to release, otherwise I just want to know if the "reason for being in the city" in your background is anything of note of just filler text
Wouldn't that make a baby even more powerful?
I refuse to believe this isn't bait.
Not at all, those were just first to mind. Also, Battlefleet is western.
>tfw set aside 3k to upgrade my PC for when it's released
Finally gonna upgrade after nearly a decade.
> Built net new with RTX 2080
My body is incredibly ready. Give it to me NOOOOW
>18th month
Holy fuck you guys are fucking morons.
>Burgers can't read dates from different countries
unplayable trash unless you are 15 and fall for flavor the month hype
It's a single player game, nothing in common with GTAV which is a multiplayer game.
There is a multiplayer mode. It's basically just a nightclub where players hang out and play minigames.
He posts this in every thread. Stop replying to him.
that would be cool
GTAV is a massive single player game though, retroactively pretending the single player isn't the meat of the game now is just dishonest.
Especially since we all know you're just butthurt they didn't make pointless single player DLC
I thought the US only allowed skilled labor in, apparently I was wrong.
No way it is coming this year
>He’s missing out on American Venom
The epilogue is John Marston’s patch of kino heaven. But I get you, the post Arthur depression is real, Dutch really fucked things by shagging with Micah
If it makes you feel better, the epilouge is comfy and has some genuinely touching moments & is generally very happy in tone
Yes way it's coming this year
They've been working on the game for six fucking years. They have new IP game they have to get out before 2021 by contract. It's coming out Q4 2019
Literally the only thing I'm hoping for is that they let our V have a hat like pic related, so I can make my V a total space cowboy of a Solo. And mod a revolver with that bullet ricochet mod from the demo.
I'll be happy either way, but still.
I don't care about single player DLC. I am pretty buthurt that they locked like 70% of content to MP only though. Massive single player game my arse. It's pretty modest. There ain't really much in the way of branching paths or anything.
A friend of mine showed me an article stating it was coming next year at best from the devs. I saw CD projekt state this E3 is huge for them for cyberpunk 2077, if it really releases this year, thats hype af and this is a great year for games
I want third person perspective to actually see my hat
I would ask what class is everyone going to run, but you know
I'll be the N word class
They're unironically staying true to the pen and paper's skill system but autists ignore that (because they/you have never played it)
>playing with an arbitrary limited toolset GOOD
>Playing and build your character the way you want BAD
How is character creation? Can I make my character look like me?
WHat fucking horseshit. You could absolutely pick your class in the 2020 P&P unless you mean the one before it (which I haven't played). Stop doing it for free
>Yea Forums is now advocating against class systems in RPGs
>Yea Forums is now advocating for Mass Effect Andromedas class system
CDPR really has this place on lockdown it seems. I guess voiced protagonists and the exact same dialogue system as Fallout 4 is "literally fantastic" as well? Kys
BoRDerlaNDS 3
Classes were never a good thing in RPGs.
The best RPGs don't use them in fact, see Deus Ex or Morrowind.
As long as I can be a Samurai Cowpoke, I'll be fine.
What are some good RPGs that will prepare me for 2077?
>you absolutely pick your class in the 2020 P&P
Yeah, and guess what? The only difference between all nine of those classes is the one arbitrary/unique skill that only that class has, like Interface for Netrunners or Streetdeal for a Fixer. You add the rest from a general ability pool how you please, regardless of class. Like how they're doing it in 2077.
But again, you would know that if you actually played the game instead of pretending that you have, to seem like you know what you're talking about.
I wish I was third person irl so I can always see the clothes I wear
>Deus Ex is an RPG
>Morrowind had no classes
Use a mirror
>that image
What the fuck do you think "muh gunslinger" archetype was based on? Samurais. The whole romanticization of gunslingers from spaghetti westerns came from Kurosawa's movies
Are there katanas in C2077?
Classes are okay for pen and paper, since you have to keep track of everything on your own, but Vidya can keep track of stuff for you, so it's better to mix and match individual skills and powers.
He's certainly right about Morrowind, it had no classes.
Apparently in the demo where they showed a male V, there was a cyberized katana that could block bullets with a magnet field or something like that.
Yes and hook blades
>says you can't pick classes
>gets proven wrong
>moves the goalposts
Classic Yea Forums
>Like how they're doing it in 2077.
Yea but that's exactly not what they're doing in 2077 because you can't pick classes. Guess what else you can't do? Roleplay, because of the cancerous voiced actor implementation meaning you have to play as some reddit tier snarky alcoholic whore in every playthrough (god knows how bad the male voice acting is going to be).
Kys CDPRshill
GOTY incoming
Also, Netrunners Techies and Solos were the only classes that really mattered anyway. You wanted at least one of each on your team (or a Medtechie).
The rest were more or less jobs for your character's roleplaying purposes (Rockerboys are literally just Solos with guitars).
It's pretty common knowledge that cowboys and samurai are closely related. But most cowboys don't have Katana, and most samurai don't have six shooters.
>HAHA i said the goalpost thing, GOTTEM
And yet you didn't argue against anything I actually said. Interesting.
Keep having your turboautistic aneyurisms because you can't be a Media or whatever you think the game was going to be.
Classes only make sense if game is party based.
Now I wanna be a samurai cowboy named Bebop in 2077
I mean this without exaggeration: neck yourself
god I loved this show as a kid
couldn't have it on in my house. gave my nephew nightmares and me a massive boner
>where's the trans voice!!!
>Can't be a psychopath, drug addict transgirl
>Does anyone else care
The trailer and gameplay destroyed the hype. I literally don't care at all anymore even though I was hoping to find the inevitable Ciri easter egg they'll put in it.
Whats wrong with gameplay?
I don't like a single one of those games though
Those are 6/10 at best, digital distribution killed gaming, 7/10 is the new 10/10. Great games can't be made anymore
Reminder that the decade is almost over and most "gayming websites" will start making game of the decade lists and Skyrim will be at the top 10 of most of those lists, and we'll get non-stop threads about it on Yea Forums
October release would be pretty nice, I really hope it's this year.
user has no idea because they haven't played the game yet.
>And yet you didn't argue against anything I actually said. Interesting.
Because you were objectively wrong. You said C2020 had no classes and then moved the goalposts to "w-w-well they didn't matter anyway", which was never argued.
You can objectively choose a class in Cyberpunk 2020, that's all I aim to do against faggots on Yea Forums nowadays. Call out their bullshit then peace out the moment they go down the rabbit hole of stubborn goal post shifts because it never get anywhere and I end up wasting 20+ minutes of my life in a pointless back and fourth.
You said there were no classes, you were wrong. Period
Nice strawman. Quote where I said it's not a real RPG. I'll wait
It was in the gameplay demo, literally the most masculine """""female""""" voice i've ever heard. Also a druggy alcoholic whore too.
>all these people talking about and OP hasn't even linked the article
It's not article, just some random Finnish game store.
>game was in alpha and looked like a blurry shitshow
>release this year
No fucking way they'll do that. If anything it's getting delayed.
>a druggy alcoholic whore
Yes, because this is a cyberpunk setting. Cyberpunk focuses on vices and addiction. Sorry you can't play as an actual nun in the apocalypse?
either way I want to see the post with my own eyes
the website in the image goes nowhere
You could say the same thing about Witcher 3 and it launched anyway
>You said C2020 had no classes
LOL YOU ARE DELUSIONAL! Where did I say that? Please copy/paste where that was said from my posts, which were
Are you inbred? Legitimate question
I'm buying, not day one, but month one probably.
It got removed very quickly. Believe it or not. No one has anything to gain from lying about a game Yea Forums doesn't even care about
>starting a new file and only progressing the story up until right before the cough starts coming around so I can play happy healthy Arthur forever.
>All those threads before the gameplay trailer came out with people having fun talking about what sort of character they were going to run
>So many rockerboys and corporates and cops
>All the conversation on what character people will be drying up when it turns out you're stuck playing some punk who focuses on shooting, hacking or repairing
I want to go back
I don't it was kind of cringy af.
Some of us tried to tell you kids to temper your expectations, that there's no way they can implement all the classes and if they try they gonna be paper thin.
But no, you fags just kept going.
>117 posts
>No one has mentioned if Sony is going to censor the PS4/5 version
CDPR said nudity is super important, and will be presented uncensored no matter what. If Sony really wants to push the issue, I feel like CDPR would sooner pull from their store. Sony would be the ones to get the angry fanboys' hate mail.
It's always Europeans leaking shit
They announced it 6 years, but they only started really working on it after the Witcher 3 expansions were finished.
can I use a crossbow in this?
What build do you expect to play on your first play through? Personally Netrunner stuff sounds cool in theory but I suspect like most action RPG games all the fun and creativity went in to the combat skill tree.
>lens flares covering any nudity
>announcing a game you're not working on
>implying DLC isn't completed a year before release
How old are you? 16? I wish I could be this naive again
This type of shit never turns out to be correct. I have never seen a release leak that turned out to be true.
Name one you've seen.
Corpo samurai. I still can't decide engi or hacking...
They straight up admitted that they hardly had any team working on it for many years. They didn't start hiring until Witcher was about done so they could focus all of their efforts on it. It's only been in legit development for 3 years at most.
I thought this shit was common knowledge. Have people really only found out about this recently?
Mercenary/hired gun (typical solo) who's only out for himself.
I don't know why but this archetype is what I usually go whenever I have the chance.
I could believe a December release, albeit very skeptical, an October release date doesn't seem feasible with how conversations/interviews about progress has been going. Feel like a May game just like Witcher was. Witcher was pumping out trailers for a whole year during 2014 before launch in 2015
>going to this years E3 to announce their game is coming out after following years E3
This makes sense.
It would launch one month before E3, just like Witcher 3 did.
Why even bother going to E3 if they're not going to release for another 11 months?
>Aug 27, 2018 gameplay reveal
fast forward
no one gives a fuck and besides my threads no one on here discusses the game at all on Yea Forums
It just makes no sense to waste all that time and money to go to E3 and then wait nearly a year for launch.
Everything is lining up for a 2019 release
Production started mid 2016.
I find it very unlikely that it'll come out this year. I think it's gonna be late next year.
Lower class.
This obsession holy shit. Based fucking retard for giving me a good laugh.
HAHAHAHAHAHA fuckin subhuman amerikikes
If this is real, then holy shit, the Finns have done something good for the first time in decades leaking this.
Death Stranding has been at E3 every year for the last four years and all we've got so far is some cinematic trailers and footage of Norman Reedus walking through postapocalyptic Iceland.
Classes are great in party-based RPGs. If you're just playing a single character you'll need to make a well-rounded character that has access to at least some of the myriad options in how to tackle quests/missions, not necessarily a master of none type thing since speccing into one thing above all others is usually the way to go, but definitely a Mary Sue regardless. If only because it's nice to maximize your options for any given situation.
It doesn't make sense to be a glass cannon wizard/dps or tank or whatever in this game, from whichever way you look at it.
gog exclusive soon guys..
I went to that site but now it says 31.12.2019 instead, probably just a placeholder kinda thing.At the very bottom of the page
thank you for outing the actual special needs eurofags in the replys
Please be true, I can't wait to try this game out and I was afraid the game wouldn't be out until 2020 or even 2021.
If it was an actual leak then CDPR obviously contacted them to change it
Isn't this like third leak that's saying it's coming out 2019?
There was that turkish company, company that made the logo and now this.
I'm CDPR and I can't confirm or deny our involvement.
what part of when its ready dont you understand?
Online stores leak release dates all the goddamn time that never turn out to be true
Yeah, but those are usually December 31st, or January 1st, but the 18th of October is oddly specific.