Ahahaha. This cant be true, but it is

Ahahaha. This cant be true, but it is.

Attached: racistremarks.png (850x511, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They banned pepe the frog for being a white power symbol so this is probably true


Attached: 1546017800983.jpg (720x960, 124K)

So what are they going to ban that emoji on the stream too?


Attached: btfo.gif (420x420, 1.38M)

the revolution is inevitable. the companies that are trying to suppress people's thoughts will fall apart in time.

Kek, Blizzard is fucked


I really don't understand how they let such mundane things get coopted by extremists and trolls every fucking time. I literally saw that "White power" image and thought it was a funny joke, that no one would be retarded enough to fall for it, but here we are.

>Competitive overwatch

>competitive overwatch

Attached: 1458146235879.png (420x420, 405K)

>competitive overwatch

Attached: 1537586385704.jpg (800x800, 359K)

wtf I hope they delete the white supremacist hero Zenyatta from the game now

Attached: file.png (1200x675, 976K)

This is confusing to me too. They seem to be playing directly into the white supremacists hand by abandoning these things the second the other side takes it.
Happened with Pepe too. Pepe was not a "hate symbol" until they said it was.
Pretty soon the computer literate white nationalists will bait the media to stop doing more shit.

>reddit screencap

Attached: 1521417099812.jpg (640x628, 40K)

here baby, the attention you need :3

They also banned the trihard emote since it's so racist. I see black fighting game streamers spam this emote so much

Attached: hrd.png (800x450, 272K)

the enemy has a teleporteur

Attached: 1552828807183.jpg (1600x900, 152K)


blizzard is gay

wow, you're cool

fuck /pol/ is so cool
I wish Yea Forums was still the bane of normalfags


Remember when /pol/ tried make ok sign into white supremacist symbol. It seems they succeed. What a clown world.

We gotta take it back. It now means;
WHEN is the

>starting to get a headache
>massage your temples
>get banned because you're mocking Asian eyelids

Attached: 1500325722385.png (393x504, 302K)

>Lefites trying to police though and expression
Nothing new here.

Attached: 1474916414968.png (2328x1514, 188K)

/pol/ has literally grannies browsing the board.

/pol/ has a shit ton of power for literally no reason, jesus

that' funny because this is mostly a gettho emoji used by blacks and gays

Whiter than you

The right can’t meme.

Yea, let's go back to the days when Yea Forums was only just normalfags. Let's do it people!

That's what happens when people see you as the opposition instead of retarded

how did they successfully meme the ok symbol as a white power symbol then?

grannies are the bane of normalfags

I would rather /pol/ infest every single thread on Yea Forums than sjw tumblr twitter reddit resetera kotaku trannies being allowed to even exist here. They are the chemo to their cancer. A necessary evil.

If their opposition didn't exist, they wouldn't be here. Consider this fact and it IS a fact when next you contemplate /pol/'s role.

They literally memed the president into the white house you are off your meds. You robed her of her turn by not stepping up with some better memes.

Shit, the fact that this is real

Yeah, I am not white so not hard to accomplish.

Tell me more
Bonus points if you can do it without putting the entirety of Nietzche's work into a TOP TEXT BOTTOM TEXT formula

Attached: images (7).jpg (484x633, 44K)


Attached: plebbit.jpg (829x417, 95K)

Attached: hjv7pjClLvrj1vvkzSUm3o0SzG4XDnnI71_AtmE1bMo.png (154x170, 22K)

Where can I get one of these plushies?

When will they delete this white supremacist bullshit

So i cant use both? What am i to do?

You're not a real girl, either

aren't buddhists asian

At least they understand who their masters are.

Reminder that if you like dogs you're literally Hitler.

Attached: hitler_dog.jpg (350x511, 35K)

Those dsls fugggdgdgdvfbfbd. Dd dbajwkeowpwllsmcfbfb

I know, I have a dick.

Italians on suicide watch.

Go to and stay on Reddit, that's what.

Attached: 1554460876992[2].jpg (640x940, 281K)

>still paying for let alone playing overwatch

Attached: quality.jpg (2923x3466, 1.1M)


Plot twist: both games are terrible

>competitive overwatch

Attached: 1515729616852.jpg (657x792, 116K)

It's honestly absolutely unwatchable, even if you know the game. I don't know what they were thinking with forcing OWL so hard.

The funny thing is, that by banning symbols for allegedly being associated with "white power" those symbols gain actual meaning in white power circles.
Blizzard is effectively supplying meaningful symbols to those they hope to silence.
Of course the repressive left is way too stupid to realize that.

Attached: 1312596714629.png (380x380, 14K)

>/pol/ does something to make the left look retarded
>they take the bait
>every time

based Blizzard