why did beat em ups die? Can Streets of Rage 4 save them?
Why did beat em ups die? Can Streets of Rage 4 save them?
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I thought Speed Brawl was fun
fight n rage was good.
There is always the Friends of Ringo Ishikawa.
>Can Streets of Rage 4 save them?
no because "muh flash game/soulless,etc."
Boring/simple games honestly. This is like asking "why did Pong/Space Invaders die?"
Solid games in terms of gameplay.
Looks fun. Is it like River City Ransom? I always thought introducing light RPG elements to these games give them the staying power they need but purists might not agree.
Pong evolved into Sports games and Space Invaders evolved into Shmups.
Musou games are the new beat em up games.
Change my mind.
And beat em up's evolved into crazy/fightan
>space Invaders evolved into [dead genre]
>he hasn't heard the reviews from the latest build
It's unironically really good in motion and the enhanced combo/special moves system is a good evolution from SoR3.
Also, from the latest build, it looks like we might get an adult Skate and a newcomer to play as.
I still wait for a sale on that.
I chose Mother Russia Bleeds but I don't know, MRB just felt too basic. Like every enemy has exactly 1 attack and for the most part its bullshit. Like the dykes always jump attack and the bums always tackle. There is no variety thats all they will do. Then you have one specific move to counter them and thats it. It becomes a game of doing the stupid gimmicks after a while.
Because of 3D games. Beat 'em ups couldn't stay relevant and died off.
Despite of gems like God Hand and games like Sleeping Dogs which clearly have influences, very few developers can actually do it right, unfortunately.
The indie scene is bringing it back to life, but god, i wish we could get more.
Musou and Crazy are both split evolutions from the original Beat-em-up line.
Musou is for the people that enjoyed the massive crowd control and relatively simple attack systems of some Beat-em-ups. Crazy is for people that enjoyed the more fighting game oriented games that gave you commands for moves and stuff like meter management. Unfortunately true Beat-em-ups kind of got left behind.
>Blaze aged like wine
>Axel aged like cheese.
And both are delicious.
>Yea Forums complained about blaze being latina
It's because everyone will say they look like shitty flash mobile games or something, or not want to pay more than $10 for them despite the amount of content or how good the game is.
Plus, shitty beat'em up games like Castle Crasher made everything so squishy and made the removal of things like hit detection and stun popular. Which is why the footage of SOR4 looks great cause it seems to retain that hit detection.
I hope the music is close to as good.
>the removal of things like hit detection and stun popular.
I would like you to elaborate on that.
Pretty much this. Traditional beat 'em-ups were successful because of the Arcade scene. There were very few console only ones that were good.
God I fucking love Blaze
You HAVE beaten Battle Circuit, right Yea Forums?
Ninja Warriors is the only beat-em-up that I know where the console version was way better than the arcade version. That's getting a switch only remake soon so I hope it's good.
I don't know or care what race she is as long as she's damn fine.
I think that popularity bled to console beat em ups. I know as a kid arcade beat em ups were cool because the cabinets could render better graphics and better performance than consoles.
The famous Simpsins and Xmen games for example.
>Ninja Warriors is the only beat-em-up that I know where the console version was way better than the arcade version
Turtles in Time was better on the SNES than on the Arcade.
Wasn't blaze a honey trap? Or was that wishful thknking?
Are you all going to go straight while having a good life? :^)
When you hit an enemy in older beat'em ups, for a split second, certain enemies would stun right? This gave the player the feeling of weight behind those hits. You punch, they flinch, etc. Obviously some enemies and bosses would only take a few consecutive hits before ramming your ass but thats what made it have difficulty.
Modern beat'em ups just have you mashing away at an enemy that feels like air. Your hits have no meaning other than lowering HP and then you dodge when the enemy shows signs of attacking.
I remember when Code of Princess game out. I was SO happy from the footage since it looked like it was more akin to older games but the problem there is that it was TOO DAMN SLOW.
How the fuck do I beat Jet in Streets of Rage 3
Her, Axel and Adam are all ex-cops. However, you could just headcanon that she did undercover work as a prostitute if it makes you feel any better.
Okay yeah, I have noticed that alot as well. I thought it was just developers having little concept of animatuon timing. Some games you have to hammer your combo and dodge. There is not stun delay, no pause for you to change it up. You pause or try to charge an attack and the enemy does a 1 frame attack to start their combo.
How? It wasn't 4 player.
You switch to Bare Knuckle 3. Streets of Rage 3 is ridiculously hard.
>Jet having 5+ life bars
Fuck that.
If you don't want to switch to the Japanese version, then you're going to need to find a way to jab lock him or some other cheese strategy. He's without a doubt the hardest boss in the game, maybe the franchise.
Put in more quarters
>SEGA Genesis game
Why did SJWs not complain about Blaze being sexy as fuck, perhaps even more sexy then the past games?
I ended up becoming top of my class by studying every day
Use your special everytime he comes at you. Just buy time until the meter fills lolol
Because they included a bearded daddy for them to flock to in Axel's redesign. The strategy worked for Capcom when they made Chunners thicker than ever and now it's working for SEGA.
You’re obsessed. Calm down and have a drink or something.
I know it's never explicitly stated, but I'm sure they're supposed to be a couple.
The arcade version has the same bullshit as the first where enemies get invincibility seemingly at random so they can get more quarters. Also the SNES version has more levels.
>Asking a simple and reasonable question is obsession
Haven't played SoR before but this Blaze girl has captured my heart and peepee.
Which ones should I play? Does the new one look like it's gonna be any good?
That's unironically a good strategy since there is no timer in SoR3 and, with the charge mechanic, you never have to worry about draining health if you have a full special charge.
>No release date yet
Why's it gotta be like dis, Yea Forums? I'm itching for a good brawler but I've played all of them already. I don't want to wait until 2022.
>we live in an age when a man can't satisfy his hunger for a good beat em up
It's just not right
Because they are a promotional gimmick. Sega didnt pay them to complain so there you go.
Really though, ots because they don't have any interest in videogames. They just go after the low hanging AAA titles everyone has heard of or something specific they want to make a thing.
Streets of Rage 2 / Bare Knuckle 2 is a good one to start with and it has had many re-releases in SEGA compilations. The Japanese version is uncensored, but mechanically they are about the same. Not so much fanservicey as SoR4, but the music and gameplay is what defined the series.
If you like it, then try SoR1 or Bare Knuckle 3. SoR3 had its difficulty jacked in the US release so it should be avoided for people new to the series as the Normal difficulty is harder than the Japanese's Very Hard difficulty. SoR1 is very limited compared to 2 or 3, almost akin to Golden Axe, but it has a great track.
Play the SOR Remake.
One of the best things the gods have ever blessed upon our world.
I'm sure it'll be by this year...but it's okay. Good things take time. I don't want the SOR name soiled.
2 is considered the classic. Everyone is waiting for more gameplay to decide if ifs good.
beat em ups always sucked ass
3D happened. Several companies tried to do the beat em up thing in 3D but none were successful. It's just inherently difficult with 360 degrees for some reason.
Considering SEGA's track history with rushing games, I'm glad this one is allowed to take its time. The developer has already confirmed that it will be longer than the older games so they might be adding more levels, enemies, who knows.
Also, check out the silhouettes added to the title screen.
I want that to be Stake on the right. That would be fucking hilarious
Is that Skate on the left? My boy got dreadlocks? Oh shiit.
I want it to be a qt girl though. Probably won't be.
Sega has almost nothing to do with this remake. It's not even Japanese. It's being made in Europe.
Beat em ups evolved into their 3d equivalents. The Yakuza series is a beat em up.
DFO was the last hope of the beatemup, but as usual the gooks ruined it with p2w cashgrab garbage and a fatigue system so their citizens would stop killing themselves playing the game.
>Classic big fella and little dude to round out the cast
We've got ourselves a beat-em-up, lads. I'm guessing it's grown up Skate and maybe the robot dude?
He's got hair.
Almost looks like one of those huge chinese monk dudes.
>Wonder Boy
>Streets of Rage
What dead Sega IP do you want to see Lizardcube bring back next? Gunstar Heroes? Ristar?
I want to take a moment to say that Super Shredder is so fucking cool.
Gunstar Heroes is pretty lame once you get that powerup combo that auto-locks on every enemy on the screen.
The thing that killed beatemups was when they went down the road of damage sponges as a way of creating "difficulty."
Castle Crashers, Scott Pilgrim, etc. They sucked because they're not actually hard at all. You just get to a point where it takes like 30 seconds to kill a single trash dude, and it's just not fun.
I played one a couple years ago called Rampage Knights that was pretty decent, though. It was a beatemup roguelite, which I'd honestly like to see more of.
The Scott Pilgrim game was a god tier Beat 'em Up, sadly it wasn't ported to PC or newest consoles.
That only works on Normal or lower. Trying Homing+Lightning on Hard and you'll get your ass kicked.
Skies of Arcadia
Rampage knights is okay until it goes full retard with it's rng features, it baffles me that they thought going through the whole game with debuffs being shoved up your ass just to get an EVERYTHING IS RANDOM mode was a good idea
They meant for you to use the shop in Scott Pilgrim, which is fine except it was broken as well. Save up $100 and you could by the Bionic Arm that gave you 100 extra strength, compared to the other stuff that would only give you single digit stat increases it's practically broken. Grind for it twice and everyone melts when you hit them, even bosses. The other stats are practically meaningless.
Actually, Scott Pilgrim was fantastic.
It had damn near everything that made older ones great and I don't really remember it being a damage sponge type of game like Castle Crashers.
It was hard though.
I ask that every time I see journos fawn over Shantae.
Last I checked its one of the top mmos right now.
They're brown women
I don't remember having a hard time with it. I just remember it taking forever to kill shit. Might not have used the shop correctly, or did enemy health scale in multiplayer? Because I only ever played it with my friends.
The poison debuff was honestly the only thing I felt was a little bit on the bullshit side of things. Everything else seemed pretty fair. I liked the curse items and shops that would curse you for something really good, since there were ways to remove or mitigate a lot of the negative effects of those. Also, things like going a certain number of rooms with the auto jump disease so that it cures itself and gives you permanent double jump were neat.
Rampage Knights definitely could have done with a lot more polish, but it was an excellent concept and a lot of fun to play with a buddy.
>tfw no spiritual successor to RBO
Come on French Bread.
Well Shantae is a genie.
I mean she's sexy as hell but yeah.
Shantae has a ton of other hella sexy girls. Delicious Rottytops, goddamn.
No Yuzo Koshiro, no buy.
>Shantae characters
Are you 10?
If I was I wouldn't be able to last 5 mins playing it without rubbing a few out.
Have hope. The song in the latest video was good.
I guess it's because they were too simplistic. Their gameplay doesn't lend itself well into things that are very different than the standard of what that game offers.
For an example, take your Garcias, every enemy is basically Garcia but with one or two new moves. There's not a heavy distinction between them other than their sprites, and that one move that with different properties
If you stray too far from that, including bosses, you get something inherently frustrating to fight because the game's mechanics were not meant for it. Like SoR2's jetpack guy, he fucking sucks to fight and is the biggest deviation in terms of enemy design.
So because of their formula, enemy design is limited, what about the rest?
Level designers can only go so far when the game doesn't have extensive and fully developmed movement. You can't make intricate level design in a game like that, the most you'll get are a few bottomless pits, and levels that sometimes scrolls up before it continues scrolling right.
And because of the limited level design, and limited gameplay that, even with added special moves like SoR2~3 and Final Fight 3, doesn't offer a lot of new shit, you get a game that becoems repettitive quickly, And because of their nature as an arcade like experience, making them longer would just make shit worse beacuse the game would drag for longer than necessary.
At least that's why I think Beat'em Ups "died", that, and the shift in the gaming landscape changing from quick, pick up and play romps to more focused and indepth experiences.
They tried to keep themselves true to their roots in these changing times ith games like Die Hard Arcade, Crisis Beat, The Bouncer, but it was clear that they needed more than just changing the perspective to 3D, they needed a complete overhaul, they had to adapt
And when they did, well, Devil May Cry happened, and it set the new standard for the genre from there on out.
At least that's my take on the whole death of the Beat'em Ups thing.
>Like SoR2's jetpack guy, he fucking sucks to fight
Eat my fucking cock nigger he's best boss
Who is doing the music?
Beat 'em ups didn't die
Dragon's Crown
Diablo III
Odin Sphere
Castle Crashers
all good games.
Is the figure on the right Max? Skate is obviously the left figure despite looking pretty girly and the guy is huge so I'm betting on that or a new character.
Probably because they were incredibly repetitive and boring.
>Dragon's Crown
To be fair this game is carried by the art. The actual game part is kinda shite
>Dragon's Crown
>6 year old game
>Diablo 3
>not a beatemup
>sucks dick
>Odin Sphere
>pretty goddamn obscure game from back in the PS2 days
>Castle Crashers
>sucked dick
>over 10 years old
I still think you can do things like special moves and more intricate levels it's just that newer devs haven't tried. Denjin Makai used negative edge special move inputs that were pretty fun/intuitive once you got the hang of it, meaning you had more than just attack/jump attack and a typical "get off me" health draining for offense. Double Dragon on the NES made use of interesting platforming sections (some were too unforgiving however) like conveyor belts and platform/ladder sections where you could knock enemies off of them. You can make the genre more than just "walk along flat stage and 4 hit combo people to death", it just takes effort.
t. Bitch who divekicked everything
>Have hope. The song in the latest video was good.
Not particularly.
It at least made my head bop.
Wasn't boring.
Road rash
Battletoads will save them.
Nope, just got bored of the same few enemies (or recolored ones!) ad nauseum. With such a limited moveset in most of these games, they became boring fast.
Just play GTA 5 and roll around on a motorcycle kicking things. It's the same experience except there's also a ton of other shit in the game for you to do.
Play Kouryuu no Mimi
There's a new Battletoads?
Boring is exactly how I'd describe it.
They announced it last year
Are beat em ups supposed to be beaten on 1 credit if you are really good or are some games just plain unfair?
>perhaps even more sexy then the past games?
>Playing Streets of Rage
>Even knowing what SoR is
o am i laf etc
You can 1cc plenty of them according to youtube but I don't know if it was intentional. Maybe if modern beatemups built their games around working towards a 1cc they could attract the shmup autists.
Beat 'Em Ups didn't die. They just evolved from side scrollers. The Yakuza series is an example of a thriving beat 'em up
Mega-Tech: A Mega Drive inside an Arcade Cabinet.
It's being developed by Lizarcube, who also made Master System's Wonder Boy lll: The Dragon's Trap.
Golden Axe.
But it isn't. It's exactly what a new Golden Axe should be.
>>Odin Sphere
>>pretty goddamn obscure game from back in the PS2 days
>Gets re-released and remastered for PS4/VITA
Didn't even know it got a rerelease. That's how obscure it is. And how successful was the rerelease that someone who owns the original game on the PS2 didn't even know about it?
Anyone else want unlockable bosses in SoR4?
Including Master Program