>he chooses armor and clothing based on stats and not /fa/
He chooses armor and clothing based on stats and not /fa/
It's a video game, not high school. You can stop worrying about what you look like.
>the items with the best stats are hideous and vice versa
I blame the devs.
Depends on the game. If it's something like monster hunter, only a fag would choose looking ebin over getting (more of) those sweet staggers and breaks and cuts.
>not only playing games with stat and fashion sets
if you don't want to look good in a video game, chances are you don't want to look good in real life.
That doesn't make much sense
Fuck off, Souls nigger.
Clownsuits are good. They are recognizable and have connections to specific fights/bosses, and let you measure up what kind of player a person is somewhat. Special snowflake transmog garbage is for social media roasties and erp discord trannies.
neither does white chocolate but it exists
>posts a yearbook photo of himself
Underage spotted
You should be skilled enough to withstand the challenge of not wearing new armor until you have the whole set.
The best games are the ones where the armors aesthetic fits the play style. Like a musketeer outfit that boosts rapier+pistol.
I wanted to but if you get shot ONCE your character is drenched in blood and you're forced to watch a cutscene before you can wash it off.
Essentially what I'm saying is fuck Metal Gear Solid V. What a fucking travesty of a game. Don't even get me started on the fucking mobile game timers in fucking fully priced title.
God damn I am so fucking mad about that game all of a sudden.
It has some of the best locomotion mechanics and overall gameplay I've ever seen but it's all being held hostage by absolutely dogshit game design not fit for the dirt it sits in.
Fuck both Konami and Kojima for mutually agreeing to let such an abomination exist. I would rather have a cancelled game than the utterly rotten taste in my mouth it left.
Fuck video games, man. I'm so tired of this shit happening.
This, fucking hell.
Same armor since 2008 bro
I assure you white chocolate is not a supernatural phenomenon.
>facebook filename
>doesnt recognize old ass reaction image
Underage spotted
you better be memeing
High school is the time you shouldn’t worry about how you look.
>he doesn’t play lotro where you can have cosmetics over stat gear
90% of the time you can easily beat a game without optimizing stats and doing so makes the game boring and way too fucking easy