I'm playing a Final Fantasy marathon. For the older titles, should I play the originals or the remakes?

I'm playing a Final Fantasy marathon. For the older titles, should I play the originals or the remakes?

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Fuck you retard

why are you such a mean man, user?

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The original titles are playable, the GBA/PS1/PSP remakes are generally better for 1/2/3.

That said, I think there are romhacks for the first few games that fix critical bugs (like spells doing the opposite of what they say) and add some minor QoL things.

Sorry, that was uncalled for. I recommend you play the GBA remakes if you're playing every game.

Orbs > Crystals.

The GBA titles make you pretty overpowered due to changes like MP replacing the Spell Stock mechanic, but, if you can accept that, run with it.

Honestly, the changes are alright -- special weapons actually have their proper effects, stats aren't a mess, and you shouldn't need to spend 20 minutes buying Potions with a turbo controller.

PSP version
PSP version
PSP version
either the DS or PSP version
GBA version with sound fix patch
GBA version with sound fix patch
any version
any version
any version
HD Remaster
The Zodiac Age
any version
Royal Edition

Why not take this to /vr/? Retro games is way better of a place to discuss this. Retard.

>I, II, IV, Tactics, Type-0
>V & VI
S-E Store version

the ffx remaster fucked it

what did it do besides the soundtrack? I'm sure there's a mod to fix that.

it fucked up models and animations making them look way worse than the original,correct answer is FFX international on pcsx2

did it do anything bad to the gameplay? gameplay is the most important, since, yknow, it's a game.

>>V & VI
With the romhack to fix the music.

You shouldn't play either. YIKES

FF I and II in gba is better than psp's

Old games user

My recommendation
Any of the remake

III and IV got shiny DS remakes years back, is there any reason these seem to be frowned upon?

NES is best, is what I always say.

>GBA version with sound fix patch
Washed out colors are kimoi.

Original version for every game except 1-3. Play the remakes for those.

it's also an rpg,which relies on visual cues to demonstrate other kind of feelings,the gameplay is the same as international version although

Balancing is the main issue. I thought it was fine though.

I and III original versions are fine

The NES FF1 and FF2's are virtually unplayable garbage.

How legit is the sound fix patch for VI on GBA? Tried it and it definitely smoothed out all the "FWOMP" but to me it still doesn't quite hit that base SNES quality. Not ruling out the possibility that I might've just lost my fucking mind here.

Remakes, but just know that the third one is still a giant pain in the ass

yes the wonderswan releases


That's why I say to get the remake for II user. I is fine in a charming way
>Thank old fag who play it with two fighters and two healers back in the day


Then how did I play them, user, how?

>I is fine in a charming way
No it's not. A random battle in FF1 takes five minutes because you have to wait for slow-moving text to come up. It's absolutely unplayable.

>GBA version

Into the trash it goes.

They're ugly as fuck and add nothing overtly worthwhile.
Not so much remakes as visual """upgrades""" with some minor balancing changes, as if Final Fantasy has ever been balanced and not been a retard-proof pissing contest.
If you like eye cancer, go for it.

>play the remakes
>original is ok
>but play the PSP version if you can
>play GBA version
>original for being a broken bastard
>GBA remake for new shit
>anything will do
>play the HD remaster on PS4
>HD remaster on PS4

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Not every games have to be fast-paced like today. The slow combat was super comfy

Remakes on PSP.

It's one of the earlier examples of textbook soullessness

You can change the speed at the title screen, dumbass.

Play the PS1 version of 1 and 2
DONT listen to the fucking zoomers that say GBA or PSP they're completely different games, the whole magic system was cucked

Maybe if you're one of these.

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Not him but why? The sprites loo really good.


Even though they have translations that aren’t trash

Fuck you, I liked it. My opinion would probably be different if I'd played the originals first decades ago though

How did we old fags do it in the old days user? How?

Final Fantasy simply can't be good anymore all the people that put passion and love into the franchise are simply gone and you have to come to terms with that as an adult

Everything eventually degrades into unsustainable quality the only place to go is down that goes for any video game series or franchise that is a long-running

Jrpgs are still good it's just that Final Fantasy is not good anymore. learn the difference

There has not been a universally praised Final Fantasy in almost 10 years. Persona and nier has taken the place of Final Fantasy for a lot of people as the go-to for jrpgs now so just move on

>five things need to be happening at once to hold my attention

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Thoughts on DBZ Dokkan Battle? Have you gotten SS4 Gogeta yet?

By far the grindyest with little strategic choices, and bs boss rng. Also fighting bosses is its big thing.


Why the fuck would I play mobile phone garbage especially in 2019? Do I look like a brainwashed consumer falling for gacha?

Dokkan is great bro, we have threads all the time here and it just had its most lucrative month ever 4 years in which means they'll be a staple on Yea Forums for a long time coming. You should stop by.

>"Do I look like a brainwashed consumer falling for gacha?"


You do know, there's a patch to fix the colors too. gba is superior in that respect.

All the pre-PS1 Final Fantasies are really trashy games. It doesn't really matter which version you play. Go for the remakes just because you're less likely to run into bugs and most of them have extra content.

Honestly if you are older or can appreciate older gen games then play the original versions.

trashy? what?

They're stereotypical nintentrash.

not what trashy means devin

what does that even mean

>and add nothing overtly worthwhile.
Fuck you, Augments in IV DS were great. Keeping Darkness as a paladin was worth it

could you perhaps speak w/o the buzzwords chumpy?

>didn't give darkness to kain
that's a big yikeroonies

Certain generation can't enjoy what the previous generation enjoy user. It's the passage of generation

I mean that's fine but "trashy" is the one of the dumbest descriptions he could've used, and he doesn't appear to know what it means.

They are just basic, mediocre-quality JRPGs by today's standards. Some of them are fun but they don't do anything especially impressive. People care way too much about the fidelity of their beep boop music and the resolution of their average spritework. It doesn't matter.

The only remakes worth explicitly avoiding are the iOS remakes of 5 and 6 which are physically repulsive to look at.

Zoomer zoom zoom

You callin me that or him?

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Not him either but the GBA version is by far the best-looking one for both I and II. When it comes to choosing a version to play, then yeah, PSP beats it out.

If you play the remakes you're sort of defeating the purpose of a marathon. If you want to see the evolution of the games you have to play them in the order they evolved in, playing versions with changes inherited from later games will ruin that whole thing.

Not to mention the remakes that have graphical and music changes are SOULLESS.

This is correct, but the PSP version of FF4 has the after years which is pretty fun. I play through the series every year killing every superboss, and the PSP versions of the 2d games have the most bonus content, most of which is pretty fun. The Iron Giant in FF3 was probably the most enjoyable superboss I've ever fought in any game.

I'm disappointed this thread didn't result in anyone starting a Final Fantasy playthrough.
Like, FFT is just as Yea Forums-Playable as X-Com is.

Got ffv and ffvi repros coming soon, with the fan translation patch for v obviously.

PS1 versions have unforgivable load times and the ffv localization is ass beyond ass, and while the gba games may have decent localizations (some would say the best ones, but I don't consider lolsorandumb humor and pop culture references good) I would never be able to get over the shitty music and washed out colors.

Sometimes the best are just the originals.

FF2 is a fucking chore.
Like, even after grinding toad to 16 and cheating with the snowcraft minigame it still takes so FUCKING LONG
also don't expect flee to work

TAY is fucking dogshit, it has none of the spirit of the original game and the plot is a complete gagglefuck.

FF2 isn't bad at all
Just punch everyone to death
Then use the blood sword on the final boss
That's literally it

equip 2 shields for the first couple hours, evade everything. gg ez

But I've got like 8 Masamunes.
And the empty rooms are giving me cancer.

use whatever versions are fastest unless you're some kind of purist who wants the full authentic experience

>GBA remakes

>any version

Just keep in mind that if you play the PC version you need to fix the music. It's not hard but it is very important.

So don't go in them

But the game keeps tricking me into it.
Damn that Emperor, truly the craftiest of all villains.

Whichever has the most content and also 100% all of them.

>100% Final Fantasy IX

>They are just basic, mediocre-quality JRPGs
The entire FF series is like that, sweetie.

The GBA version kept the spell charges from I. It was the PSP version that changed over to MP.

wrong, the GBA version was the one that changed to MP

>The entire FF series is like that, sweetie.
The entire JRPG catalog is like that, sweetie. Seriously if you think FF is missing anything that makes JRPGs fun to play then you are just retarded. Your special snowflake JRPG isn't any better.

I guess you're right. I was thinking of the PlayStation versions.

Where can you find PSP roms

don't play 8 user, there is a reason it was never remastered or released


I prefer the original aesthetics, but the original versions are broken messes so do the remakes unless you can find some romhacks that fix the bugs

For I and II remake.
For III NES, the 3D remake is too slow, even the later versions that added fast forward.

Are people seriously recommending the PSP versions of these games? This looks like dogshit

Here are some corrections to your list.

NES with bug fixes
SNES with bug fixes
SNES with bug fix and decensorship mods
PC with script/bug fixes and music restoration mods
who cares
PC with HD backgrounds and menu mods
>Anything past XII

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He's right.
Also pretty sure they were embarrassed that despite pouring so much money into it to the point that it deeply cut into the budget of other games too (#FinishSaGaFrontier) that it sold well less than ffvii.
I mean, it still sold gangbusters, but it pushed out just around two thirds of vii and they were obviously expecting much more.

>He's right
Except he isn't.

>pouring so much money into it to the point that it deeply cut into the budget of other games too
This rumor will always be retarded.

Poor deluded FF faggot, your series is nothing but a joke, and I almost pity you for having such abysmal taste.

Poor deluded FF hater, your series is nothing but a joke, and I pity you for having such abysmal taste.