Why do americans censor everything?
Why do americans censor everything?
because they're cowards
Tits bad
Gore good
have sex
Like 5 years of titty games and everyone wants to marry cartoons. It's bad.
This but unironically.
t. sjws
Country was founded by literal Puritans
nation of cucks
Not at all, I hate SJWs (both the Tumblr variety and the /pol/ crossposter variety).
More like
>have gay sex
It's part of a complicated cultural phenomenon dating back to the United State's Christian roots deeming sex to be immoral, a sentiment that though waning in modern time, persists to this day. Adding to this attitude and the double standard media censors place on sex rather than violence is the fact that sex is far more likely to occur in normal society than violence, so the portrayal of it must be handled more delicately.
censoring your post right now
I did and I play games with waifus, I'm pretty much a god and yet you can't do either of these, how sad :^)
Is this mirage sessions?
Be real with me. Without buying a Wii U, will I ever get to play this or XCX?
Dunno about Mirage but XCX emulates good enough on my machine.
Sexually repressed.
Can this be emulated well yet?
You could emulate them on PC. Mirage Sessions didn't make any money, so a chance of a Switch port are next to none. XCX could get ported.
Because jews and christcucks get offended by things that dont concern them and so ruin them for everyone else
PC is my only option then, thanks anons.
On topic, just a little off: If I wanted to build a viable gaming PC to emulate Wii U and be able to play shit like the upcoming Remedy game, what's the cheapest entry build? Anyone have experience with that?
You're talking about a country that got fooled into cutting a piece of their dick off by a certain group of individuals.
Because their women can't compete with 2D standards.
because censorship leads to more sales
We love tits and gore and stuff, but California and New York for stupid fucking reasons get to call the shots on a lot of media content, and they've been mega liberal since the 90s.
But mainstream music and "culture" in America glorifies twerking big booty niggers and sluts. Why promote that shit everywhere but suddenly clutch pearls when someone's gaming?
because the majority of the intelligent population is in california and newyork
Like I said the sentiment is waning, so artists producing mass music are less likely to be affected by prudish sentiment; also music is still heavily censored in the mainstream by being labeled as explicit and having clean versions of songs, etc.
games are for kids
CEMU uses only 2 cores as far as I know, you need more frequency than cores on a CPU, which is where 90% of most emulators do their work, dunno if that changed with recent updates though, but having a good CPU will always help for emulation, never tried Ryzen I'd just go with Intel, I have an i5 8600k.
Then just look up an nVidia GPU just okay enough, a GTX 1060.
RAM is also an important part since shaders are loaded there and help the games not stutter as much, maybe 16GB at 3000~MHz should be good.
Those are the 3 main things for CEMU.
Woah there, you forgot to censor the word tits. What if some poor advertiser were to stumble upon such language? We can't have such things on 4channel.
Theyre born from burgerflowers, not sex
you weren't even alive in the 90s
3200mhz or even 3600mhz offers even more performance for emulators like that. Everything after that though you get big diminishing returns.
God that's hideous. Left is better, but still bad
lmao how embarrassing
Americans will never learn.
How about a JP only port? Do you think thats possible?
nuke america
Commiefornia isn't America.
>why are mutts dumb
jeez idk
All of them are shit in their own special way.
japan is based
Why do you only care about censorship when it involves sex is the real question. People can claim "It's about the principle!" all they want, but we all know the only you people care about getting censored is sex.
It's a start, thanks buddy.
wew lad
The question is why do they boter to censor just a piece of skin. Literally muslim tier values.
I'm sure people would complain as well if they toned the gore down on a videogame.
Maybe if you spent less time fuming over imaginary people on the internet you would have done better in your education
Why do you pretend to have any information on OP's history of censorship complaints?
I did fine in my education you projecting tranny faggot.
muslims are a market too
No one gave a shit when they censored that one male character from final fantasy.
Character looks like shit in both, but what the fuck happened to their legs in the US release?
Only thing you got an education in is deflecting topics without actually saying anything of substance.
Why not then?
To be fair. She is 13 years old or some shit.
She's not real.
That was a shitty mobile game and it was due to overseas feedback. Also
Who gives a shit
huhuhuh hyup did jus' fain in mah alabamer publik skoolin. i read them nummers just like any city boy can
Fuck off back to twitter you stupid dick chopping tranny.
Remember when Genesis's uncensored Mortal Kombat sold better than SNES's censored babby shit? Yeah people don't care about gore at all.
>Who gives a shit
Thanks for proving my point, you absolute fuckwit.
>this projecting
Liberal ideals are literally anti intelligent.
She still represents a 13 year old.
we don't, California isn't the US
She's also not real and equating real things to fictional things is retarded. Like saying "think of all those families who will be fatherless" in response to killing a bunch of random soldiers
You got nothing but trannies on the brain, is there something you wan to share with us? Youre giving an excellent display of how "fine" you did in school by the way.
She's not real.
But californians are americans
Post your body. Prove you aren't a tranny.
It's always California, isn't it? First they ban straws and now this, why do they keep mucking things up for everyone else?
>Teenagers who communicates via greentext calls someone "anti-intelligent"
>someone who says "anti-intelligent" at all
If you wanted to sound smart all you had to do was stay in school
I think you mean less sales in this instance. The game was already on thin ice for being the fabled SMT/FE crossover, then they censored the game and pissed off the few people that were still interested in playing it.
Another example would be Senran Kagura Burst Re;Newal losing preorders after it was revealed that Intimacy mode would be cut despite it being in the previous 2 games untouched.
It's the opposite because the people you are censoring it for won't buy it anyway and the people who actually do buy it are gonna be alienated.
t. Denial SJW
what the fuck is that even supposed to be
And he still is sexualized to fuck even after that so it affected nothing. This is nowhere comparable to MK11 or Xenoblade chronicles X censorship
I'm not looking out for her safety. I'm stating that out sensibilities as a society are such, that 13 year olds are not to be sexualized. And thus, it only makes sense that a character who is contextually a 13 year old, shouldn't be sexualized.
>People UNIRONICALLY angry that a state is trying to reduce their use of plastic.
What the fuck, dude. Are you serious?
>doesn't remember calexit
They revoked their citizenship.
The idea of her being 13 is real in your mind.
She represents an alien cartoon figure which I'm 99% doesn't exist
It's censorship, regardless of how small. You are literally doing nothing but proving my point by justifying this censorship.
>still projecting
If you wanted to be smart all you had to do was have a brain.
whats projecting mean dont google it
>defending removal of freedom
Fuck off, commie.
Yikes, you're even worse than I thought.
She's a human, who has only experience 13 earth cycles.
>Commiefornia isn't America
"Hurr hurr, who cares if we fuck the planet with waste, I won't be alive to deal with it!"
Are you secretly a boomer? Like, the actual definition of a boomer.
How so? You seem to avoid mentioning in specifics in all your posts. It's almost as if you have no actual knowledge on hand about the topic and are just responding to get the last say. If that's how you feel accomplished, by all means enjoy.
It's just where America gets all its money from
Is 15 fine?
Merica is the middle states where I live 30 minutes from the nearest racial minority
Hey the japanese fans wanted him censored. Not SJWs or devs making premptive decisions beforehand.
Society says murder is wrong too, why is there no frothing at the mouth to ban games that include killing?
And where my water catches on fire!
>doesn't know how to capitalize or use punctuation
SEETHING dumb dumb
>tfw my fetish is gore and ryona
>tfw the new tomb raiders
>tfw incoming MK11
Glad they don't censor this stuff
Okay Jason Scherier
A: They only really censor video games, everything else is uncensored
B: Because nobody wants to be that guy that steps up to defend cartoon boobies and gets outed as a weirdo
>not censored
Yeah I like men too
I bet those liberal sissies in commiefornia drink clean water
You sound like a flat earther user.
Where is /ourgirl/'s switch port?
>hurr Mexico is America durr
>thinking getting rid of straws is going to have any significant impact at all
Stupid commie.
Is that why Commiefornia is so deep in debt?
>because censorship leads to more sales
It literally does not, you have no basis for that claim and there is no mechanism that could cause it.
What continent is Mexico on then?
Fucking retard.
Sexual Revolution Good
Toxic Masculinity Bad
I don't care as long as I can see girls dying with ripped face and torn limbs and I can cum to their death screams.
Shut up, retard.
Let me guess, climate change isn't real either?
You have no basis for your claim that it's otherwise. If companies keep doing it, then it obviously has a value to them and that means it generates money.
Alright spic, I see in your third world garbage school they still teach a 6 continent system instead of the 7 continent system, so I'm going to teach you something. North America and South America are continents. "America" is not a continent.
No one is referring to North America when they say America, dipshit.
Correct. But you go ahead and keep on believing something Al Gore made up to get attention.
please don't remind me of this game. It's one of if not the worst colabration to ever happen between two well known brands.
this but unironically.
Why do you keep using that word? Do you even know what it means?
>Meanwhile Japan censors far more games than the US ever has or will
good morning reddit
>South America
Burger education everyone.
It's in Central America which is on the North American continet. It's above the panama canal.
>Correct. But you go ahead and keep on believing something Al Gore made up to get attention.
And with this, I have no more reason to waste any time on someone this retarded.
Like I said earlier, it's the opposite.
Hell, look at MK1 on Genesis. Nintendo censored the blood and didn't put a blood code so the Genesis version outsold the SNES version of MK1
>/pol/ claims the USA is filled with (((degeneracy))), sexuality is everywhere out in the open
>Yea Forums claims the USA is hyper-conservative and censors every single bit of skin on a woman
I don't know who to believe
Anything is fine, if you rate it high enough. The problem is that you guys are expecting a T rated game to act as though their game isn't geared toward kids.
You can't kill kids in most games. And when you can, it's only after they establish that they're mutants, or monsters, or actually older than their appearance.
So are you implying that California is in Mexico or what?
Because I clearly differentiated America as a continent and the United States of America.
knock out gun
You sound like a boomer. This is what /pol/ does to you.
I don't see how this contradicts anything I said?
Are you okay?
I never said Mexico wasn't in North America?
Because you are "projecting" yourself on to me. Stop trying to pretend you're smart.
I don't live on Japan why would I care
Ok zoomer. Enjoy your DLC and game chopped to pieces. Don't forget to buy that amiibo.
USA has a very diverse range of attitudes across regions and age groups.
Old flyovers: Will curse your existence for doing anything that makes the Baby Jesus cry - sex, gratuitous violence, etc. The only time they like violence is when it's in war movies to make it "real" or whatever the fuck
Zoomers who live in California: Watch trash like Game of Thrones because muh titties and brutal action
Old flyovers have a lot of political power because they 1) have a lot of money 2) dominate most of the more sparsely inhabited states
Did you pick this one up from /r/wojak?
>believes in man made climate change
>calling others retarded
Let me guess, you think that the science behind proving there are only 2 genders is wrong, huh?
(((They))) only censor attractive people. Ugly ass trannies, fags, and dykes are totally ok.
yes, and?
Those aren't contradictory positions.
I dunno man some of those Game of Thrones chicks are pretty good-looking and that is one show that is definitely uncensored
Look it up
What are you even talking about?
called it
And that's a bad thing how? Don't you have tide pods to go eat.
Like many problems in America's history it can all be traced back to religion.
Because liberals (formerly conservitives) believe that children will somehow get their hands on media intended for adults, rated for adults, and sold exclusively to adults and be irriversably traumatised by this. So it all simply MUST be censored.
Also, grown ass adults are apparentmy incalable of deciding what they want, and need to be protected from themselves. Because if you can't have vidya titties, you surely won't get that fix anywhere else...
And lastly (and most retardedly) all media must appeal to literally everyone, and as such must be scrubbed of all icky stuff. But also be scrubbed of all uniqueness, personality and whiteness too.
Because "divsrsity" means making the same exact, painfully bland and predictible thing over and over. Not, ya know, DIVERSIFYING your products in an attempt to attract different groups with individual examples.
Pick your poison, commie scumbag.
>SJW feminists
Boomers single-handedly fucked America,
Puritans who hate sex, it doesn't matter if they are left wing or right wing, they are still anti sex misogynists.
They act like a religious cult
how long have you been waiting for a chance to copy paste this post
Have you ever played the japanese edition of any game that contains some blood? The japs are worse than the burgers when it comes to censorship, pretty much every "violent" game is censored and the censorship isn't subtle at all.
Lib here. What? What kind of strawman bullshit is this? I get that you want to see us like that, but no.
Boy this meme sure didn't get stale fast... NOT!
They don't want to be though. Californians all have a complex because Europoors are mean to them on the internet for sharing a country with GRUMPF, and Californians are all wannabe Euros who wish they lived in Sweden.
But blood is gross so that's okay.
Watch out guys its the radical centrist!
Because we can. It's simply us waving our big dicks around because we're the fucking best and can do as we please.
the people you kill in games represent real people
>boomers are responsible for what millennials have done
I'm not actually a boomer but I wish I was.
Nah, we're Americans who are a bit different, that's all. We're still American, but we tend to see things a bit differently. Yuros are okay.
The pro-censorship group can't do anything to people in real life so they gravitate to positions that let them control something. This leads to them censoring games/cartoons/etc while furries are allowed to walk the streets in their fetish suits
Come on over then, big boy.
More intelegent than cuckservatives.
You can censor a nice set of titties and a fat ass while still promoting fag and tranny shit
Commies aren't American, you fucking pinko faggot.
They still live in the USA
>Hur dur climate change is all fake and I'm just going to ignore every piece of evidence that says otherwise
You're legit as retarded as the anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers.
Yeah, well that's why violent games are rated Mature. T rated games have comical violence.
Factually and scientifically wrong, but you go ahead and keep believing there can be more than 2 genders.
Neither are anthropomorphic animals but you call those people zoophiles and ridicule them constantly
Sure thing, kiddo.
We do, and I still get a chuckle out of Jefferson memers.
>goes on reddit
>has not said a single thing contributing to discussion and talks via autoresponse copy+pasting from his /pol/ .txt file
>calls other npcs
>climate change is real because Al Gore said so!
Is that all you retarded liberals can do is project? Why is it always libs that end up being the pedos and rapists?
Yes they are, and you better like it because they are taking over your country.
>made OP pic literally years ago
>completely forgot it even existed
Stop projecting
what are you talking about, most christians are republican
ok this is epic
>All the relevant post talking about how Japan has worse censorship are ignored or responded to with, "Who cares"
Literally all the information I need to know that people don't give a fuck about censorship. They give a fuck when their anime boobs are taken away.
Speak for yourself friendo as an American I wish California would fucking disappear
>years ago
>3 months
Jesus Christ, I hope you're joking. If you're not than enjoy being killed with the rest of the commie scum once the war starts.
>The world is gonna end in 12 years because some chihuahua faced spic told me so
Climate change is a literal non issue
whats projecting mean, you say it alot. like youre projecting or something
Murrifats are gay as fuck pandering to mentally ill trannies and SJWs that don't even buy video games
>it's always fucking liberals
>hur dur Al Gore
Nobody even brought up liberals, I'm not even from the US.
This is what happens when "the liberals" live in your head rent free.
what is this climate change is not real meme? this is some really basic shit anyone with half a brain can observe from looking at the contamination all around the world
woops, didn't cap that right - I had to make a backup of my old partition, this is the real date.
You're lucky I don't have all the proof saved but you can easily find it on /pol/.
Arguing with libcucks is like arguing with toddlers...
>It's another "spic thinks when the rest of the world says "America" they mean "all of North and South America" episode.
Can't wait until Hiro rangebans all of you. Getting real tired of explaining this shit to you irreverent beaners all the time
What a sad person
I hope you meet some real Californians one day. Perhaps you'll discover that we're people, just like you are.
Because of a twofold issue.
Conservatives want to censor to retain a sense of morality.
Progressives want to censor because as much as they play pretend that they've abolished the stories and teachings of Christianity, they still maintained the morality enforcement.
Poorope - Violence bad, sex good, violence against robots good
USA - Violence good, sex bad
Japan - Violence bad, sex bad
>3rd worlder is uneducated
>Lol this censorship is stupid
>N-no it isn't look at the censorship being done over here!
You're damn right.
I bought my PS4 for anime games and 2 years since they moved to that sjw henhouse state that is California their censoring games and even censoring them at the damn source.
South america: sex good, violence good
>Lives in some rural area in the middle of bum fuck nowhere
>Denies all science that doesn't agree with his worldview
>Thinks everything outside of his own country is "3rd world"
>calls anyone uneducated
didnt answer my question at all, guess you literally are throwing around a word you dont even know the meaning of. But to what end?
>It's just where America gets all its money from
If you're going to shitpost, at least put some effort into it.
i mean FUCK just google it first
fuck off beaner
It's a fact. If you had such a thing to back you up you wouldnt have to resort to a weak >implying reply.
I'm not the guy you were responding to, but here you go. There are plenty of other sources out there on Google if you dislike this one.
>lives in 3rd world shithole
>pretends to act smart
>is an actual retarded huemonkey
>2 trillion is more than 17 trillion
Yea, man, all our money.
>Implying isn't true
Ah, I see what's going on now. Decent effort, 6.5/10.
Then why is California so deep in debt?
>New Englanders think they're the real Americans and everyone else are just cultural zoomers
>Southerners think they're the real Americans and everyone else are communist traitors
>West coaties think they're the real Americans and everyone else are fascist traitors
This place is a fucking mess.
woah, epic argument, you sure showed him! all this proof!
I despise censorship, but I'd rather see a girl with more clothes than to play games with pixels a la jav or black screens (they literally blacked the ending of Killzone 3).
You can't sexualize a 13 year old.
Burden of proof isn't on me, stupid.
Ignoring the "but debt for a government body is exactly like debt for a person" nonsense, it's a good thing Newsom seems to care about that.
Because the same crowd that believes cartoon titties are bad are the same people that don't see anything wrong with letting little boys cross dress, dance for money, and hang out with convicted murderers/drug addicts and faggots.
You just proved him right
Mexicans are subhuman apes
Racists are no better.
Wtf ese we love titties its you white cucks that are in charge of censoring everything.
t. mutt
kneejerk reaction.
I never said that neo-liberals were smart. But they still smarter than people who afraid of actually working healthcare system.
And why are they doing this? I don't think that many people have any actual expirience with Japan.
And neither is burden of intelegence.
>answer op's question with the truth
>SEETHING libcucks coming rushing in to shit up the thread with irrelevant shit
Like pottery
Thanks for ruining another thread like you're ruining the world.
Fuck off beaners
>ESL retard
>thinks tax paid health care is a better option
Literal retard.
Glad your kind is dying
>reads Atlas Shrugged at least twice a day
>unironically agrees with John Galt's rant
hating beaners isn't dying. Whether its chinks or niggers, you'll always be hated.
Racism is literally getting stronger thanks to libcucks. Zoomers might actually be more racist than actual boomers now.
>john galt
Don't know who that is. I'm speaking from experience. When you have "free" healthcare you don't get a choice a lot of things and you often get the worst care.
i like how america censors the shit out of sexual shit in their entertainment shit but this country is like THE country for drugs while japan is literally the other way around.
t. furry
hang yourself
who is john galt?
What the fuck is happening in this thread?
>like THE country for drugs
no other country borders mexico thats important
how do you even counter this argument
Gamergate 2.0
>who is john galt
The ultimate hero for libertarian retards.
>does not know how econonomics work, still decides to argue about it
Kill yourself
proof that we should burn down all the rainforests to prevent forest fires
>how do you even counter this argument
I had sex, now what?
average thread on Yea Forums my man
you should know this by now
One Piece, really awful show desu
If you want to the real reason, It's to a futile attempt at trying to make real women more desirable, Declining birthrates and 40 year old virgins is the future of the western world.
True desu
And end up on the sex offenders registry when a woman who is willing to touch my pig disgusting ass regrets it the next day? Naw.
this is coming from someone who thinks california provides all the wealth
>japan censors bikinis with burgerland releases
>japans version of witcher 3 has all the nudity cut out
imagine still trying to blame conservatives for censorship of titties while games all push gays and interracial relationships
You literally can't show nipples in nip games. So instead of just censoring the nipples they cut out all the nudity because they're lazy hacks and the Polish fuccbois at CDPR were too based to self-censor for a Japanese release.
>censorship of titties
>gays and interracial relationships
I fail to see the connection.
Unironically based that the beauty and grace of the male form is being recognized in the modern world.
>titties bad
>fags good
"leftist propaganda" and the like. Each side had and will have a hand in censorship one way or another. Conservatives were against music with rock, hip hop, dirty dancing etc. And liberals are now on the whole, 'vidya promotes gun violence' along with the whole "TOXIC" community thing. The horseshoe theory is very real.
It does.
or roasties are just threatened by 2D and instead of improving themselves to make themselves more desirable as mates they got lazy and just blame heterosexual men for having standards that exceed their prospective options IRL.
It's either left wing feminist nutjobs or right wing evangelical christcucks.
They are both shit and the enemy of freedom.
I honestly don't see a problem with either. If you have a problem with 2 women making out you're just insecure af.
>pedophile apologists itt
Well Yea Forums is whiny and /pol/'s retarded, you should be able to figure it out.
Hmm, it's almost like females begin their periods around 11-12 for no fucking reason whatsoever. But hey, what do tens of thousands of years of evolution know about modern human society.
>pedos on Yea Forums
oh no, stop the presses.
>Allowed to walk the streets
Oh no, won't somebody please think of the children?
Kill yourself furfag
what an argument
Come and get me, bitch. You faggots are all supposed to have 2.41 guns per person, right?
why would i argue with someone who thinks all the wealth of the entire country is solely coming from one single state
This is your leader.
Puritan logic
It's the opposite everywhere east of the US
And he will be again in 2020, but you go ahead and keep SEETHING tranny
because Christianity senpai
I don't give a shit about 2020, I don't live in burgerland, but don't try to deny that he's a fucking moron and/or a sellout to coal/oil industries.
based nintendo censoring incels games
Because americans have become weak pussies
>3rd worlder
>SEETHING over trump
Like pottery
Mutts always seething at based Cali
we need both
Is this really what you do all day? Just bait for (you)s on a Kazakhstani cement mixing board?
youre right. who would argue against fact
The argument was about conservatives being more intelligent than liberals, I was pointing out that the democratically elected republican is a fucking retard who represents the average conservative.
It's amazing how far you'll go to defend your kike-slurping president who doesn't do anything for you. Everything opposed to you is HURR SEETHING TRANNY. Why did you turn out like this?
A spring-loaded hammer with a trigger.
better than yours sven
You're just not trying hard enough.
>thinking censoring does anything
Many of the kids above 10 already have their own smartphone with internet/wifi access. Any horny boy could've just entered chrome mobile and browse pornhub and wank off until his dick goes sore.
Why do these corporations act like kids these days are pure little angels?
>im pretending to be retarded haha
Okay, I win, got it
Because otherwise some parents from some bumhule in the South will get together and try to organize a class-action lawsuit for corrupting their children.
And nobody wants to deal with that annoyance, even if they really can't win the case.
Nuke California.
Just nuke all of the US to be safe.
The person that made the OP image lives in California, ya jabronis.
That's a lot to unpack, sicko
Unfortunately for you it's Non-H.
I actually really like yuri and this particular mango has been under my radar for a long time, thank you.