Does anyone still likes this shit?
everyone that played (or even liked) it seems to trash-talk this game a lot now that Ultimate is a thing.
Does anyone still likes this shit?
No, it's litterally worse than Ultimate in every way.
Eh, not in modes
It's a game that isn't bad, but has effectively zero value today. 3DS still has value
I recently went back to it actually and genuinely no idea how I used to play this. It's practically unplayable.
>Enjoyed Smash 4
>Smash Ult comes out
>After a month watch a game of Smash 4
>Everyone takes a lifetime to leave the screen when launched
Can't say I still enjoy it.
It looks silly now because Ultimate is basically almost an objectively better version rather than a complete sequel.
I'm actually starting to miss Smash 4 a bit.
I'm finding Ultimate to have some issues. Character seem more gimmicky now and player just hack at the gimmick, leaving little distinction in play styles. Ultimate even has less combo potential.
Knockback in this game feels so weird now.
Characters take forever to fly off screen when killed.
It's not that it was bad, it's just that Ultimate is a better version of it
Considering Ultimate was basically a content patch, it's not hard for it to be better.
That and people are generally eager to dismiss the Wii U.
found the ex bayonetta main
i sure as fuck don't miss bayo/cloud/mario
>had tourney mode online
>could taunt online
Online was the only thing fun about smash. Now that they fucked it over, I refuse to touch ultimate
I liked it at the time but I have no reason to return to it when Ultimate has all the characters and all the quality of life and gameplay changes I was hoping for. I won't badmouth it though, I had fun for like half a decade with it and it has the most interesting batch of new playstyles of any game in the series.
Pretty much the only thing I miss from it in ultimate is the wooly world stage.
I'd have to agree, Ultimate is essentially a more fast paced version. Right now the only version to have any real upper hand is Smash 4 3DS with Smash Run because that game mode was a fucking blast.
i still play smash 3ds, surprisingly there's still players with good connection and decent-to-good level of skill ratio.
Going back to it after ultimate makes the glaring flaws even more apparent
That being said the 3DS version still has worth specifically for Smash Run until Ultimate has it
Smash 4 will be remembered as the transition game between Brawl and Ultimate
But it did have arguably the best lineup of fighters especially with the newcomer trailers.
I never played Smash U. I skipped it from Brawl completely while I was in college. Watching footage on Yotube the character's deaths seem so floaty compared to Ultimate.
This. Ultimate's online is awful. It's a better playing game but everything around it is worse.
It’s funny because people originally shat on how fast people get launched in ultimate
But now going back to smash 4 people realize how fucking slow that game was
Hell even Melee's knockback looks pretty floaty now.
Arena matches
>pick up 3DS version a bit after Ultimate
I appreciate 4 for all the good memories but lack of single player content and 'everyone is here' in ultimate essentially render it completely obsolete. at least brawl has subspace, which I still go back to and play through again every few years.
Hell yeah, ultimate needs smash run
Ultimate has no combogame.
Smash Run in general
Because controlling Smash with a 3DS in the first place is a piece of shit
Smash without a C-Stick might as well just be Shrek Super Slam
>Online was the only thing fun about smash
did you only get into the series with brawl or did you legitimately have nobody to play with during 64/melee
3/10 got me to reply
My favorite idea that came from this game (outside of smash run) was the custom move list. It really worked with characters like Palutena/Megaman, granted it was made for them. It's a shame that it got taken out for Ultimate, because I feel like it would've been fun to create custom movelists for characters to take online. Sure, the main gist would be [give good recovery to bad recovery character] and [give stronger but slower move to fast character], but think of all the potential you could have to make the game more fun.
Ultimate is basically a slightly better version in all the right ways.
This is true, unfortunately. At least Smash 4 had footstool combos which were hard to pull off and rewarding.
As a game there's way more to do in Smash 4 than Ultimate. Both Wii U and 3DS individually. If not just playing regular Smash, Ultimate boils down to collecting all the spirits then never going back to them. Because everything is set there's zero replayability. Zero co-op or multiplayer focused modes unlike Smash Wii U. Aside from the original, Ultimate is the easiest Smash game to complete yet. A bunch of missing or butchered modes for no reason. Yes I know about the update. There's no excuse for them to not be here. These games actually had a significant amount of new content unlike Ultimate. Ultimate makes me mad because it's a fucking enigma that's neither an enhanced port or new game.
>This is true
no it fucking isn't
The only characters who combo game got worse are thhe character directly nerfed in frame data or damage, combined with the new engine. Pikachu, Mario, Fox, Game and Watch, I could go one about how more characters have a much better combo game due to things like hitstun cancelling being removed
Footstools shouldn't be techable though
No break the targets is better than angry birds
>uptilt uptilt uptilt upair upair bair bair
Fuck off with t his baby shit
>implying this is what i was talking about
>implying this doesnt also apply to ultimate
>Situational footstool garbage
still playin this only for the mods
Not at all. Going back to play it is a night and day experience.
better than getting rid of it and not adding anything to take its place
just play wario lul
I don't understand why Mario is here. He was never as bullshit as anyone else on this image..
>up tilt combos
>reverse rage up B kills
>what is upsmash
>what is dthrow
>what is upair>upb
>up tilt combos
only really did a lot of damage at low percents
>reverse rage up B kills
That's just a problem with rage itself.
Compare Mario's neutral to everyone else on that image (except maybe ZSS) he's extremely honest compared to everyone else there and his kill potential doesn't even stand out.
I like that my wife can use the paddle to play from the other room while she's breast feeding, but if we had that kind of functionality on the switch we'd just play ultimate
I'm not exaggerating. It feels so dang slow now. Especially the moon knockback.
I wish ultimate had smash run
I don't know about you but grounded meteors not being techable has only improved things for many
The Princesses, Roy, the electric rats and palutena disagree
Fuck yes to this. Screw 4's top tiers
It's even worse than I thought not even a tenth of the characters have anything resembling and sort of combo game. Hit once maybe a follow up attack reset neutral, offstage? Hit once boom dead.
Fucking this. I'd much rather have Ultimate's top tiers than Smash 4's top tiers any day
game has three months ofc we don’t have everything optimised and we are still finding which characters are good, let alone combos. Stop being a child
>Braindead top tiers that literally anyone can pick up and dominate with like Mario and Cloud
>Stally timeout characters that make playing the game a chore like Rosalina and Sonic
>Hoo hah and Bayonetta in general
Smash 4 really did have some cancerous top/high tiers
Did I tell a lie?
That was clearly a small example. Many characters have combo options
Faggots trashtalked it even before its release; it's a marketing bullshit. Ultimate had the same thing but some idiot thought "it was different" because competitivefags "liked" it.
It's a good game. I'm a 3DS guy myself tho; bless that smash run.
Not in content
Fat bastard too
Literally Smash 4
That was their point i think
Yet they weren't aware they were talking about ultimate.
>during smash4's lifespan
>smash players: "dude bayo isn't busted learn2sdi lol"
>ultimate comes out
>same smash players: "lol bayo was so broken glad i don't have to play that shit anymore"
I think the character select screen, theme, and lighting is better in smash 4. but that's pretty much it. Also it's funny how smash 4 players ride sakurai but as soon as the new game comes out they claim that they always hated it. Also the fact that the rag on melee and say the new game is finally the best because it's more like melee lol
Well, you don't have to deal with Snake and Young Link in 4. That should be a plus for most people.
god I love it so much when smash renders are based on art from the original game
>that first year when everyone said it was a "good mix between Brawl and Melee"
The Smash community is like 90% stockholm syndrome, it's pretty hilarious
Don't try to change history. The only ones who ever said just sdi were bayonetta mains
Still nowhere near as obnoxious as smash 4 top tierw
Ultimate really killed Yea Forumseekends, huh.
>that first year when everyone said it was a "good mix between Brawl and Melee"
Except it is.
You know the thing I hate most about Smashfags? Smash 4 came out and everyone was shitposting about Melee being dead and the new king being 4. Now that Ultimate dropped, barely anybody talks about 4. There's a large portion of smashfags that don't actually care about quality or content, they just want the new shiny thing.
nobody gives a fuck about smash tour or angry birds mode
Ultimate is in its honeymoon phase so people are going to trash talk 4. I fucking miss the games being less flashy. Ultimate is cluttered FFAs and doubles feel impossible to play sometimes.
>has virtually nothing from Melee
>is just Brawl with less character-specific tech
sure thing
It still have the trophies.
>He doesn't know
Well, it's more like a fixed Brawl of all things.
>1 person is the voice of all smashers
>The only ones who ever said just sdi were bayonetta mains
I counted delusional people too
>break the targets
64 > Melee > Brawl > 4 > Ultimate
Smash 4 improved on Brawl in every way but its single player. The only reason Smashfags trashtalk it now is because its flaws are much more noticeable now that Ultimate is out and has improved on it in every aspect.
Easily the worst in the series.
Hell fucking no
I don't think those arrows are pointing the way you want them
>play against smash 4 veteran or ultimate newcomer
>have to play around whatever retarded gimmick they have
yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me
>Character has a grab special move you can't mash out of
the atrocity that is smash 4 Falco shall never bw forgotten
Aside from the Kongs' ugly designs (which Ultimate imlroved upon) and lack of K. Rool and story mode, 4 was pure kino.