You know what to do Yea Forums
You know what to do Yea Forums.

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>2nd place gets a custom made PC
>1st place gets to play fortnite with a spazz

Why do "gamers" need energy to sit in a chair all day?

no actually i don't know, tell me my instructions

Reminder that this dude unironically thinks the developers own him a skin dedicated to him. Also is too scared of rank so sticks to complaining about not having ranked features in public lobbies.

it will probably be over the internet, I doubt you'll have physical contact with him.

Literally who?

I'd make him play Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time with me. Have him just watch me play.

fuckin fag

RedBull > Arizona Extreme Energy > Monster
Every other Energy Drink is trash.

>woman wins sweepstakes
>ninja doesnt play with her because hes scared of people shipping them

this could be a fantastic timeline

>you will never play with a ninja
Feels bad man

Nos is the best energy drink

I actually do microdosing of LSD when gaming.

Yeah report this thread

Yep; never buy Red Bull (not that I ever did) for supporting e-cancer.

kek, it's true

What is the config?

So it's a 'Post your Battlestation' contest?

Pretty much.

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>Ninja was paid real money for the privilege of playing with Justin Roiland but just said nothing

Imagine how fucking little he'd care about some random contest winner.

Why do advertisers think he's anything other than a meme, he has no charisma to speak of and phones it in and they still throw money at him. Astounding.

whose dick do I gotta suck in order to win this contest
playing with ninja is every kid's dream

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>Win contest
>Don't get the computer I wanted
>Ninja spends the entire time screaming how horrible I am

I don't fucking understand Ninja. Even by gamer standards he has the personality of a wet paper towel.

>privilege of playing with Justin Roiland


I entered, I even submitted a picture of me wearing a fucking headband.
If I win, I'll say "Fuck Jannies".

You guys talking about the pedophile?

He's the corporate chosen. Twitch picked him and are basically pushing him as their face.

Are people seriously buying Red Bull just to play with this faggot?

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Kids are.

kids shouldn't be drinking energy drinks

Tell that to their parents.

>Winners will be selected based on creativity (50%), authenticity (30%), and aesthetic (20%).
>aesthetic, lol
When the 2nd and 3rd place prizes are more enticing than the 1st place prize, your sweepstakes is shit.

This reminds me of that Gamestop Powerup Rewards thing where you could, for like 40,000 points, buy a phone call from Joey Logano.

ok this is epic
can we get some Pog in chat please


i mean, i wonder what it's like for him.
>hey Ninja, so uh, since we sponsor you and all, we need you to play FN with a person who wins our contest
>oh, ok. ill just play more FN then.
>more...neverending FN...

cut to 30 years later, Ninja is working at Home Depot because his only life experiences were building and killing and obviously, he isn't killing IRL because he'd be shit at it.

tl;dr ninja must have a shit life and want to die.

He's a millionaire you retard

Not your personal army

>cut to 30 years later, Ninja is working at Home Depot
The dude was paid $1 million for fucking around on Apex for a little while. He gets a shitload of subs from kids who used their parent's amazon prime on their twitch account. I doubt he'll have to work a normal job for the rest of his life.

do you really think a man who dies his hair blue is responsible with his money?

>making me defend fucking ninja
Come on man you could have called him a faggot and I would have been fine but this random correlation of "blue hair=bad with money" makes no fucking sense.

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Kek. Millionaire or not. He is a fucking dweeb.

Oh shit, I have that exact same laptop.

I don't buy into this celebrity stuff and I'm not a fortnite fan, but playing a few rounds of Halo with Ninja would be pretty sweet. He's still probably pretty good right?

How good is he at fighting games? It'd honestly be pretty fun to dab all over him.

Well is he being responsible with his money? Seriously, if he's not, he'll be working at Home Depot. Plenty of semi-celebrities have made tons of money, saved none of it then fallen into obscurity shortly after only to have to be a normal person again.

Oh shit, I need to sign my sisters up for this.


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So are NFL players, when they are playing. The problem with life is that it just keeps going

Are you nerds going to let your social anxiety make you pass on the chance to game with a legend? Well, I guess that just means my chances are that much better.

He put autismo hours into Halo and hopped between BR games until he struck gold with Fortnite. I don't think he's ever played anything else.
You're not allowed to play anything other than Fortnite with him anyway.


All-nighters while staring at a screen in a dark room.

Why do people get rich then get panic attacks? Jist stop giving a shit. Wife probably knows its time to sell high

Because money doesn't automatically make your issues go away unless you were
A. a little bitch
B. a purely materialistic person
C. in extreme debt

Poorfag cope. It's okay bro, we're all poor around here but we don't have to let it drive us to delusion.

How the fuck some dude with no personality got so popular he contantly gets a shitload of money from different companies to advertise their products

What lead you to believe I was a poorfag? Only a poorfag would think money is the solution to his issues.

That guy replied with pure logic, and you do this amateur hour shit.

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I matched him in Halo once.

>play with ninja
>scream "NIGGER" at the top of your lungs mid stream
helps if your black too

im watching ninja for the first time if someone black wins hoping this will happen

You're going on to say that's the only thing a poorfag COULD believe.

In your attempts to argue with this idiot you descended to his level, ye gods.