Objective: Go back

Objective: Go back.

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Yeah, go back to plebbit.

Have sex

With who?

But i can drink coke and eat pizza today


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my mom

My wife

A white woman

Dominos was poorfag kino

with me and my boyfriend you faggot

honestly the best era of my life

Replace that with an N64, Kid Cuisine, orange Fanta, and Mario Party 2.

1998 Friday nights

>Diablo or Duke Nukem 3D marathons

>Hungry Howies green pepper and sausage pizza with a 2L Tahitian Treat

>double pack of Blockbuster new release VHS tapes and a bag of fresh buttered popcorn

>Risk board on my folks dining room table

>my childhood cat sprawled out on top of my CRT monitor until late in the night as I play on my 486 DX/2 with windows 95

Good times mang

Dominoes is shit, just go to a local pizza place, not a chain
Unless its panago

Unironically this.

There was something intrinsically cozy about 90s gaming and internet imo. Everything had a sheen because it was so new. I don't think it's just nostalgia talking. It was long before social media or the normies invaded after the early 2000s. You couldn't always just look up how to beat something. Graphics with few exceptions like Unreal were just bad so gameplay had to be good.

Based and redpilled

Thank you for making this thread OP

>Friday Night
>Early 00's, early teens
>Got an xbox for christmas and morrowind
>played on a small 12" box
>eating fast food because it was the end of the week and parents didn't want to cook
>parents watching dumb-tv because they just want to melt instead of think
>exploring Ald'Ruhn during an ashstorm
>questing in Pelgiad
>finding a daedric ruin while completely underleveled and under-geared, and getting my shit pushed in by a golden saint
>wow! those weather effects are awesome!

It was a different time. A simpler time. I have plenty of good memories going to Blockbuster to pick up a movie for me and the 'rents to watch and a game to marathon on the weekend, but sitting on the floor of my parents room, watching a little box play morrowind was a good one

>Not Little Caesars

Nostalgiafaggotry is cancer.

god I wish I was you

>little caesars

>Little Caesars
>not Caesarions

Ravage and impregnate your neighbor's wife.

what disability do you have?

you can go right back kid

There was a Little Caesar's in a mall I used to visit as a kid; everything there (pizza, spaghetti, lasagna) was delicious. Could never figure out why it wasn't as shitty as the other ones, and people rarely believe me when I tell them about it

>Little Casesars
>not Sbarro

Sbarro was the ultimate pleb filter.

What the fuck is hungry howies? One just opened up as an addition to a local gas station near me so I just thought it was some random garbage but it's a franchise? Why do they advertise "flavored crust" pizzas what does that even mean


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>always been miserable
>but at least back then I got to see my friends every day
>spend hours playing video games, and even though I was otherwise unhappy, I could at least escape for a while in Halo 3 or Modern Warfare 2
>12 years later
>turning 25
>just barely make enough money for myself
>almost all my friends moved away or drifted apart
>only one other left in my city, and he was never even a "best" friend
>so depressed I've barely been functioning the last two weeks
>can't even enjoy playing video games anymore
>things only get worse as time goes on
why the fuck do I have to be so miserable

why can't I just enjoy life

why can't I be happy

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Well, that was depressing.

Pizza Hut has the best delivered pizza outta all the big chains, you can't argue with me on this.

Sometimes you just have to end it, user. I'm giving myself one more year before I finally tap out of life.

>Why do they advertise "flavored crust" pizzas what does that even mean
What the fuck else could "flavored crust" even mean?

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lose weight, stop eating so much junk food, go outside and actually get some cardio, drink more water, get enough sleep

maybe if you actually took care of yourself this wouldn't happen, fuckface

Why advertise it? Doesn't every pizza place have "flavored crust"? It intrigued me. Whatever I'm a Jets pizza man myself, gotta have that nice deep dish crunch

This is the most zoomer post that makes its rounds around this place.


I dunno what it means, but in the UK Pizza Hut season the crust with shaved garlic and herb and it tastes fuckin amazin

>Xbox and Halo
Fucking zoomers.

Enjoy your cheesed cardboard

What do you lack that other happy people have?

Fucking work out, I was where you are and seriously improved my outlook and life. I still play video games and have no friends but I'm enjoying everything so much more.

the majority of people old enough to remember playing halo in 2007 are now adults.
>it has been over 10 years since 2007 and we slide ever closer to our own mortality
this kills the boomer.

Play some multiplayer games with mics, hook up with gaming groups, make friends with people at work and try to get people to go out to a bar or something.

Alternatively, find tabletop stores - they tend to have gaming nights/weekends. Make friends there.

Fuck dude, post your gamertag or something

It's not bad for dollar store pizza.

Is anyone else simply repulsed by most cheeses?

I don't really even know how to explain it necessarily. It's just the smell and the taste, it makes me heave and want to vomit. Cheese just has this really pungent trait that is just so disgusting. Not really all cheeses, though. Like I can tolerate some Italian cheeses, so I'm fine with pizza, and I'm fine with cheesecake, as well. Every other cheese might as well be rotting milk on my dish.

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some stores have people who don't leave the pizza in the oven for an extra 5 minutes which is great for Caesar's

was it really a regular thing to order dominoes every friday night? why not just make pizza yourself or even buy frozen pizzas from the grocer? i am genuinely confused: is it normal for people to get pizza like dominoes so often?

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just you homie.

It's a fairly common thing. Cheese basically IS just rotten milk. It flags a certain trigger in your mind that tells you to stay away because it's not safe to eat.

You gotta eat them at really small slivers honestly, it's a bit overwhelming with the stronger ones, but it's fucking delicious.

It's objective the best cheap chain pizza desu senpai

Yes actually. Did this for about a month every Friday with friends in high school 10 years ago when they sold pizzas for 5 bucks so everyone ordered their own. Everyone would come over to my house since we always had all the consoles with multiplayer shit and had big house and big TV. Shit was so cash. The pizza was hot and ready and delivered in 30minutes from phonecall since it was so close.


are you white?


cheese is the byproduct of a process that is essentially purposeful rotting of milk. that is why certain cheeses exist with that mold shit. this is a perfectly normal dislike. some people just hate that cheesy type of taste.