ITT: Worst bosses


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It would of been god tier if Batman let himself get roided

he was finally gonna get his revenge on Chad

OH fuck we are never going to get this game done by the deadline!

Fuck it reskin the clayface fight as Joker and cut the whole last act.

>Roided-out Joker holding an over-sized Batman action figure

it's not like any of the other bosses in Asylum were any good

What was the supposed to happen in the last act?

Scarecrow was an interesting boss and Ivy was decent.

Scarecrow isn't a boss, and Ivy is crap


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>gamer becomes a chad after years of oppression
I see nothing wrong with it

Ivy was terrible, user

Scarecrow wasn't a boss. It was a crappy "stay out of the search light" stealth segment.

I'm not sure what's worse, making Joker a roid rage monster or having Deathstoke fight you in a tank

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Bane was Kino.

Its as much of a boss fight as stuff like Croc was.

Deathstroke, easily.
Was a great fight in Origins and was being hyped up in a future game.

>bull fight lmao


>reskinned Titan enemy
His fights in Origins were great though, best boss in the game

>tfw Penguin fight where he uses different umbreallas to shoot you, trap you, sends explosive penguins at you etc
>tfw no Clayface fight where he turns into different Justice League members
>tfw no Mirror Master in a funhouse
>tfw no Ventriloquist in a clothing factory full of mannequins as he throws his voice and you have to find him
>tfw no real Riddler fight as he outsmarts you unless you, the player, can legitimately figure out the answers to his questions
>tfw no Professor Pyg musical movie

>>tfw no real Riddler fight as he outsmarts you unless you, the player, can legitimately figure out the answers to his questions
Probably would be wasted effort because most would probably just look up a walkthrough the first few times they get fucked over

>no fight against deathstroke in a white out blizzard trying to hide and strike

My only gripe with Origins

Fuck you he was an artist

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>make Deathstroke playable
>but only in the gay survival mode, can't even use his sword or guns
Arkham Or*gins sucked

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Maybe they could have fixed him in that cancelled Suicide Squad game WB was working on

an ahTISTE

Thanks for this

that fucking boxing crocodile from rune factory oceans fuck that motherfucker.