Yeah man, don't do anything about drugs and alcohol...

Yeah man, don't do anything about drugs and alcohol. Video games are what's responsible for all the problems in the world! This is totally worth taking priority over. Just ban every video game you don't like. Why don't you burn some books while you're at it? Can't have people getting "addicted" to the truth!

Can you believe we still live in a world where video games are being used as a scapegoat?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kiss your gacha goodbye lil zoom

>not wanting Fortnite banned

>don't do anything about drugs and alcohol

I mean, they shouldn't.

If he had named any game other than Fortnite you'd be losing your shit and calling for his execution. But because it's le meme game suddenly you're okay with it.

he's british
banning is their way

Drugs are already banned, you nonce.

The game causes violence though.

A Prince of such a cucked country has no voice nor veto regarding anything.

shit imagine a timeline where prince harry was the one to end fortnites miserable existence
what if we're on that timeline

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Yeah pretty much

>this is the gacha harry playing right now

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Alcohol usage is regulated.
You get arrested for using drugs.
Are you retarded?

If he had named another shitty game, I’d be OK.

Shitty games deserve to be censored.

At least his prize can mow the lawn.

I think social parasites who live lavishly off of the backs of the taxpayer should be banned.

You say this as if booze and drugs are something he'd want to be rid of.

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So, princes?

I am a gamer. Not because I have no life but because I choose to have many.

>still having monarchs 102 years after a cure was discovered

Explain yourselves, Britfags.

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Yeah those things are difficult to access unlike Fortnite where you can download into any device you want. It's blatantly addictive and changes kids priorities. I just know a bunch of game addicts are going to attack me in a blind rage.

>those things are difficult to access
Are you new?

m-muh tourism

Ban saudi-funded mosques.


I always knew Harry was a real gamer.

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yeah guess what you dumdum Lenin is dead now, guess his little socialism couldn't help him

>>still having monarchs 102 years after a cure was discovered
I think you mean 226 years friend.

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Seems to be working out pretty well for Bolsonaro.

I'm already a mulatto. According to DNA from a certain relative, I have lots of ancestry from Africa with several notable European regions mixed in. Hitler would probably be upset that I even have German in me.

Even if he did, it would only be in the UK.
>that face when American and don't have to have a gaming license

Wasnt this guy bald?

No, you're thinking of Bane.

Truly bongs are the scum lf the earth

Communism and monarchism are both retarded

Sounds like he might be a bro who just hates trash zoomer games

Censorship should never be defended.

hey alright

You can't censor something that has nothing to say

>Yeah man, don't do anything about drugs and alcohol.
When did he say that? Saying that some games are a problem off hand isn't the same as making their destruction your sole goal in life.

He literally said games are a larger problem than drugs and alcohol.

Oh fuck off. It doesn't need to "say" something, it just needs to exist to be worthy of protection. I'm a teacher, I fucking hate Fortnite, but I don't think it should be banned outside of schools.

We should ban guns, video games, drugs, alcohol, cars that drive faster than the speed limit, staying up past your bedtime and bullying online and irl. We might not be able to ban them all at the same time but doesn't mean that we shouldn't start somewhere.

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>Just the equivalent to an A list celeb in bongland
Nigga probably never had a video game in his life.

>cars that drive faster than the speed limit
Pretty sure we're actually doing that one soon

Like i'm going to accept advice on what's good or bad from a guy who destroyed his family lineage and married a 30+ year old feminist roastie who probably sucked dick to get roles.

Worry about your own lineage, virgin.

oh no the royal illuminati family don't like that vidya. I guess video games are over.

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Mine is fine. No pieces of shit like you or him destroying it.

She sucked his dick to become part of the royal family. His family will probably fuck him over with inheritance.

I also think he fucked up by marrying a fucking hollywood partygirl (even his best friend since childhood tried to say it was a bad idea, but all it got him was getting kicked out of the friend circle), but at this point who is left for the British royals to marry?

roll in

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It's just sad to see a historical lineage like that get flushed down the toilet because one of them married a hollywood whore.

Why the fuck should we care what this german inbred fuck has to say. Fucking pic relateds opinions have more value than the royal familys.

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There's nothing that makes a royal lineage any more important than any other lineage. Ooh, they have money. Big fucking deal.

Good is good if it's good for me


>t. fortnite player

He can never become king thankfully. He is like the inbred royal with mental issues you see on movies. Nothing but trash.

If i was british i couldn't take this family seriously, now more than ever.

The fastest way to make Fortnite "cool" is to have figures of authority say such things. GG Harry.

umm technically we all come from africa

He could have picked any pretty white girl in the world or another member of another royal family in europe but (((chose))) a half nigger nobody slut from hollywood. I don't think he had any say in anything. It's really strange and interesting

Why is a random-ass prince considered an "authority" on anything? What makes him more of an authority than a PhD?

I chuckled

>102 years
Marxist-Leninist "intellectualism" in action

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It was all setup by a jewish friend of his. Surprise surprise.

Yeah... a friend...

>still having monarchies
wtf is wrong with you guys?

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well, authority in culture I guess.

i love you

>married a literal mutt

He's a big fan of the FIFA games

takes a lot of guts to pick on children and man children

well, yeah. i don't know why you're trying to get people to "admit" this

If you admit it, it kind of renders everything else you have to say on the matter pointless.

just imagine their kids

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It's the worst thing China's ever exported.

>Yeah man, don't do anything about drugs and alcohol.
Drugs should be legalized and alcohol is not that much of a problem desu
Fuck Fortnite tho

Britain is in a league of its own when it comes to cuckoldry.
>need to pay a license to watch TV or go to jail
>criticize someone else's race or religion, go to jail (White Christians can be attacked all day, though)
>can't own a gun to defend yourself against the Orwellian government or take the responsibility of your personal safety into your own hands
>need ID to buy a butter knife
>need a license to watch porn (meanwhile, the latest British reality show is about children watching porn of their mothers getting fucked by black men)
>the police are weak pansies who don't carry guns and can't protect you
>no freedom of speech
>vote to leave the EU and literally get ignored by your government because the outcome wasn't what they wanted and you broke the illusion of choice; do nothing about this
>pay taxes to a figurehead queen who's single-handedly destroyed the empire and spends millions of taxpayer pounds on repainting one of her palaces
>allow Muslim rapist pedophile networks to operate openly in your country for decades and don't do anything about it because it would be "racist"
British """""people""""" are an absolute fucking joke. Spineless fucking cowards who serve as an experiment for what happens when you allow your government to fuck you in the ass with no Constitution or safeguards.

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>everything else you have to say on the matter pointless
thank god -- but the best part of it all is how you're actually trying to "shame" me on this fucking lel

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Not surprised. He and other rich fucks like him are what keeps those games making millions every month. I would like to see his ultimate team.

How many royal families are left in Europe? Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Netherlands right?

You seem overly defensive about something that doesn't really matter. Seems like I struck a nerve.

Look at this absolute sweetie who thinks he knows the world because he goes to /pol/.

okay, man

where can i watch this show

He's right for the wrong reasons. Fortnite should be banned because it's a shot game, not because it's """"""""addictive""""""""

>Knowing when you've lost
Seems like you got some stuff to admit too.

Banning MMO's would be fine too, actually.

Refute one point in my post, you snivelling little British faggot. Just one.

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Breaking out the wojaks, I see? I'll note you down as another nerd I conquered with no effort at all.

If you're right for the wrong reasons, you're not right. You have to reach that conclusion for the right reasons in order for your conclusion to be valid.



Can you believe we're living in a world where drugs and alcohol are still the scapegoat?

>Fornite has been cited as the cause for over 300 divorces last year

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Who needs a wife when you have Shadow Ops?

shotguns and rifles are perfectly legal
you're still pretty correct tho

>hope to find a bunch of moms of some poor fucks doing the dirty for all to see
>it's a boring lesbo scene and

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videogames hurt socialization way more than either and are often consumed in excess since early childhood because they are considered to be kids entertainment, are legal and pretty cheap.
all the drug users i know have jobs, sometimes pretty good ones. amphetamines improve your productivity, weed and benzos help you relax in the evening, tobacco is present throughout all day, alcohol is an important part of post-work socialization with coworkers and also networking.
most gamurs i know are total loser introverts with no or some shitty, lowpaid deadend job. theyve been satisfied with bingbing wahoos since they were 5 and have no stimuli whatsoever to move forwards and make something out of themselves while making some bucks in the process, preferring slow comfortable degradation of their beloved vidya.
youd notice the same trend if youd known more people.

And you see why Americans told the British to Fuck off near 300 years ago

How has every last person involved in this not been lynched?

Based royals BTFOing the casuals. I always knew you had to be a republican faggot to like fortnite.

Brave new world of uk

Step those numbers up

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Reminder that red terror killed more than black death in middle ages.

Europeans, but especially the inbred fucks in the UK, love banning shit nonsensically.
It's the national passtime.
They literally think anything and everything they don't like should be banned.

mutt test

Replace Fortnite with any other battle royale game and Im sure Yea Forums would be just as fine with it.

Yea Forums is weirdly defensive of Apex Legends.

>Brits in charge of biology
3 people cant make a child. But you cucks wouldnt know this.

>Be UK
>Citizens killed every day by paki muslims
>Daughters raped every day by paki muslims
>Streets wholly unsafe because paki muslims
>Culture destroyed daily by paki muslims
>Ban Fortnite
Hmmmmm... REALLY makes you think

fortnite is designed to exploit the reward center of your brain and children in particular are vulnerable to this

Then parents should do their roles as parents better. Kids don't need smartphones or data plans that let them play online games.

>fortnite is designed to exploit the reward center of your brain
How so? Explain specifically.

>fortnite is designed to exploit the reward center of your brain
Literally every video game is.

The parents are playing Fortnite too, of course they don't do anything about it.

Literally all games are designed that way, you moron.
How about you ban the people raping your children and blowing up your cities instead of entertainment you don't like?

So it's fun for the whole family? Good to hear. Parents are still responsible because they're adults.

While you're right, I think he's referring to the way Fortnite structures its unlockables so that you always feel like you're making tangible progress. Most games these days are so heavy on the DLC that you can only obtain by purchasing it.

I didn't say they aren't, but they aren't exactly incentivized to stop.

How does that change the fact that all video games appeal to human psychology in one way or another? Saying games "EXPLOIT THE MINDS OF CHILDREN" is just a bullshit attempt at defending the nanny state. Literally everything in society appeals to human psychology.


>He could have picked any pretty white girl in the world

user he's already fucked hundreds of "pretty" white girls. They are a dime a dozen and ridiculous easy game for his status. Harry has already maxed out his social stats just from his birth rights alone. He doesn't care anymore.

Just because you're some poor loser on a Chinese bing bing wahoo board who hates blacks and want to live some real life harem bullshit doesn't mean he's "strange" for not adhering to your views. It means you're fucked in the head for thinking any of this matters.

I don't hate blacks. I AM black.

>supporting the narcotic/fermented jew

maybe you brits will finally get some taste

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UK should ban children from having any fun desu. keep them off the internet, electronics, etc

Well if he had named FGO or Granblue, I'd be laughing my ass off
But naming Fortnite just clearly shows this a publicity stunt where he's trying to stay relevant

What is Ricardo?

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>take your memes
>take your porn
>take your games
lol @ europoors

Prince Harry is just a Steamfag and wants Epic Store to fail.

Hit the nail on the head. The ONLY reason people are getting up in arms about Fortnite is because it has somehow achieved so much popularity that even normie non-gamers are taking notice of it, also indicated by the lawsuits over dances even though millions of games have used dances from pop culture and nobody minded before. Something like FGO is far more worthy of criticism but of course normies have no fucking clue what it is.

Alcohol, cocaine and opioids are shit-tier. But you've clearly not tried anything else because molly, speed, cannabis, and LSD are as essential as vitamins with the added benefit you only need to take them once in a while to enjoy their benefits. And they cost literally next to nothing, you can grow weed yourself, mdma and speed are 3-5 bux a pill and you literally only need one or two for a 12 hour party, and LSD is cheaper still (I paid about 40 for 25 tabs and I still have 14 left from 2 years back) and you shouldn't do that more than once every few months tops anyway, it doesn't even work if you take it two days in a row.