You cannot debate this

You cannot debate this.

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sonic boom and sonic labyrinth are both worse than sonic 06

poopy butt

Partners in Time is better than BIS, Dream Team, and Paper Jam

great thread OP, keep it up! :)

>Final Fantasy VIII
Please gas yourself.

i think '06 is more offensive in the context of what it was planning to be
i agree boom and labyrinth are worse games but i'd still put '06 purely out of what it stood for

also ruby is far from the worst pokemon

Get Halo 4 in there, I'm sure everyone agrees on that.

>pokemon ruby
>Apollo justice
Kill yourself for your bullshit taste
Also DMC2 is so much worse than the memes would have you believe about DmC.

>Star Wars Battlefront III


>Pokemon Ruby

what a joke

FFVIII is not worse than FFXIII.
Mass Effect: Andromeda is worse than Mass Effect 3.
That FE game is listed twice.
Other than that it seems fine.

well you cant say that 06 didn't have some of the best music in the series

Adventures isn't great but it's still better than Command

Where is Dark Souls 2?

>worse than II
say what

Out of the good Pokémon games, Ruby is the worst, but if you're considering Gen 6 and 7 there's no way it's RS

Near the bottom above Silent Hill

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Ace Attorney 2 and Investigations are worse

Pokémon gen 7 is worse

>When you consider all the games, ruby is not the worst
Obviously you fucking turd, read the OP more carefully

>MGS2 worse than 4 and 5

>Star Wars battlefront 3
>Assault Horizon
Listen to this shit

AC3 American version would like a word. Now that is a shit AC game.

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bioshock 2 was worse than bioshock infinite

also, resident evil 5 was worse than resident evil 6

so there!!

>DmC instead of DMC2
>Apollo Justice instead of Investigations 1
>Zelda 2 instead of Spirit Tracks
>MGS2 instead of 4
>ME3 instead of Andromeda
>Sonic 06 instead of Boom
>FFVIII instead of XIII
>#FE instead of FE2
>DS2 instead of 3

1 really is worse than 2. For FF1 you have to wait like 30 seconds to cast a spell on 8 enemies. You'll die of boredom playing it in the present day. With FF2 they at least made battles faster paced. The remake fixed the serious problems with FF1, but the original is terrible.

Id think berseria aka fanservice:the game 2-button mash boogaloo is far worse than zestiria. Zestiria was boring. Berseria was boring and tedious. Velvet's edginess also got old faster than Sorey's faggotry

I can debate your mental health.

2 having the best case in the franchise puts it above AJ. AAI has average cases but nothing stand out bad like 4-3.

How can you be so utterly wrong?

>MGS2 instead of 4/PW
>Ruby instead of XY/SM/USM
>Zelda 2 instead of Triforce Heroes

Metal Gear Solid 2???

Cases 1-3 of Justice for All are straight garbage, and the circus case is probably the worst in the entire series.

Case 4 is really good and one of the best in the series, but it’s not substantially better than some of the greats like 1-5 and 5-4/5. At least not enough to save Justice for All as a whole.

I see. Carry on.

this is some low tier bait but fuck it
>DmC worst than DMC2
>ff8 worst the 13
>mgs2 worst than any mg after 3
>ffta worst rhan ffta2
>dragon age three worst than 2
>TMS#FE on here twice
>re6 below shit like dead aim and operation raccoon city
the problems go on but you don't care, you just want (yous)

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>Zelda 2 instead of Spirit Tracks
Spirit Tracks is a far better game you stupid idiot.


I'm enjoying Zestiria more than Symphonia

>tokyo mirage sessions so bad it gets mentioned twice
>DaS2 instead of 3
>ruby/sapphire instead of R/B/Y
>MGS 2 instead of 4

It's not the worst I've ever seen.
But it ain't good either.

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All very much the correct choices, only the image is older than a couple of those newer ones I'm pretty sure

>2 having the best case
Youre talking about Engarde, yeah? Good case, but far from the best
>4-3 is bad
That's because the writer couldnt elaborate it a bit more. The case was built on a retarded premise, yes, but the point the writer wanted to show was the retarded premise being used was a part of the dark age of the law. AJ suffers from rushed writing more than anything else. Not really the worst. And if youw ant forced shit, how about the clown in 2-3 and all those pointless diversions that just added padding?

And Im pretty sure Tokyo Mirage Sessions is neither the worst SMT game (nigga they got a Virtual Boy spin off) or the worst Fire Emblem Game (I'll probably start an argument among FE fans if I name any of them though.)

>pokemon ruby
>pokemon DP
>Persona 3 portable
And you've got it for those ones.

Nigga persona 1's already on there, retard, #FE is for FE.

lol wtf is star wars battlefront iii?
worst in the series has to be Elite Squadron (ignoring the reboots, that is)

Diamond and Pearl were really bad and I thought the series would never sink lower but SuMo and Let’s Go both proved me wrong.

Rock bottom expectations for gen 8.


>#FE twice
Good shit, I'll let you putting Ruby on there slide

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>#FE is for FE.
There's literally one for megaten and one for FE you blind cunt.

>zelda 2 instead of oot
opinion discarded zoomer pleb confirmed.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is on there twice, I assume filling the role for MT and FE.
Also I'm pretty sure what the guy had in mind was that it's the Revelations version of 1 specifically. If Revelations never happened Innocent Sin would probably the worst.

I think DmC is just overall insulting. At least two has a real Dante, and a good final boss. Also plot relevance.

>Zelda II is a masterpiece

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Not a masterpiece, but def not the worst Zelda.

>Defending DMC2

Except it is, and you have no argument, retard.

StarFox Command was worse

>the worst
Whoever made this is a casual shitter

>not FFTA2
fuck you

How could it be the worst when shit like spirit tracks and the cdi games exist?
Why do fags have such a hate boner for Zelda 2?

Also how is asscreed 3 worse than 1? Asscreed 1 was so bad I refused to ever revisit the series. Is it somehow more boring and repetitive?
What bullshit fucking hype

Downpour, Shattered Memories, and Book of Memories are all worse than Homecoming.

You are an idiot.

Spirit Tracks is a genuinely good game you moron. Nintendo deemed the CDI games to not exist.

Zelda 2 is an ok but massively flawed game. To suggest it's better than Spirit Tracks is confirmation you're stupid.


dmc2 is worse the DmC

2-2 is good dumb nigger.

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>not ff13 or at the very least 2 or 15
>Not pokemon D/P

>not DA2
>not BattlEAfront
Why do you keep posting this bait picture?

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looks good to me

MGS2 belongs there.

ummm where's cringe chronicles 2? like 90% of people that play it hate it lmao.

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Imagine thinking Pokemon Gen 3 is worse than the shit that came after Diamond and Pearl lmao... horrible bait

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I found Dragon's Age 2 to be far more boring and linear but other than that I do agree. I think Final Fantasy IX is over rated but VIII is terrible in most regards and not just due to the junction system that you could cheese the fuck out of.
>99 Death magic on Rinoa
>Doggy power!
>1 shot Bahamut
I shit you not that blew my mind when I first did that and it was cool but it showed me how busted that system was.

dmc devil may cry is still better then dmc 2, all bayo is better than dmc 2, new grounds flash games are better than dmc 2