Is this just Central Fiction for babies?

Is this just Central Fiction for babies?

Attached: blazblue-cross-tag-banner-bbtag.jpg (750x400, 136K)

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>For babies
I get my ass kicked every time I try playing in lobby matches. Basically its just a fanservice game...that has full English dubbing. They wanted to pull in as many Persona fans as possible, but charged like $15 too much, even with the sale price.

I read that as, "Is this just Central Florida for babies?"

Just woke up...

>I get my ass kicked every time I try playing in lobby matches

But I mean, if you tried with Central Fiction, wouldn't it be even worse? That's my point. This game seems to be about who gets the most BS in with insane tag shenanigans.

Its a video game for people that want to have fun.

Why would one buy it over UNIST or Central Fiction though? Is it more accessible?

is the 6th fate still gonna be senrans?

Is there a reason why we're not getting Guilty Gear again?

Why does this game have RWBY in it?

because nips have shit taste and are obsessed with it

CF is CF for babies

Chaos Code.
GG has a game in development, and Daisuke said no.

Wow, it has very low production values, gotta' hand it to RT desu.

I thought BB was the babby Guilty Gear? Or has that reversed now?

>Is it more accessible?
Yes. Compare how intricate the Blazblu characters in Central Fiction to how shallow they are in this baby game.

GG's story isn't over.

But is that not balanced out by the fact that you the dynamics of 2 different characters vs 2 other different characters? And they'd be OP if they were how they are in CF.

>I thought BB was the babby Guilty Gear? Or has that reversed now?
XrdRev2 has a lot of high-end techniques that CF doesn't, but CF's fighters have a lot more going on in their movesets, they're fairly similar in skill ceiling, but I'd say Xrd is harder to get into, especially if you want to main someone like Elphelt or Jack-O.

It's more marvel for babies to me

What does it matter though? We only want a few characters, and they'll be Cross Tag versions, if anything it'll promote both games.

t. Elphelt main

GG and BB crossing over is something special that needs to be saved after the story is done.

Because that's what Daisuke said.

>But is that not balanced out by the fact that you the dynamics of 2 different characters vs 2 other different characters?
Not really. Rachel in CF is more dynamic and has a broader moveset than Rachel + 1 more in Cross Tag. On top of that the base mechanics in CF are just much deeper.

I main Raven actually, sub main is Ky. Mained Robo-Ky in GGR & AC. I do like Elphelt though.

Definitely feels like Guilty Gear isn't this 'patrician's game' ever since Xrd, and Calamity Trigger definitely felt like 'whatever, give us Guilty Gear' but now as of CF (or at least CP) it's come well into it's own.

AC+ was the "patrician's game" a lot of Xrd's mechanics aren't finely-tuned enough, because they undid a lot of what they did in the XX to AC+ span of entries to try and make the games more approachable. This lead to some mechanics being refined or tweaked, and others being removed or changed outright, and also lead to a lot of fighters being streamlined and stripped down, but with a new spin.

Compare Ky in AC+ to Ky in Xrd Rev2. He has less moves and mix ups, but his pressure is better over all. So he's effectively a stronger/better fighter in the atmosphere compared to previous games, but is less mechanically deep in a lot of ways.

We need the Xrd "Accent Core" version, where the game has been balanced and refined to a premier fighting game. Arcsys is spreading themselves thing with all of these spin offs and random other junk, so it'll probably be a while before we're at that point.

Man, some characters aren't as insane to watch for me, I-No for one.

Is Yang and Blake still top tier (maybe not as a team, but individually)

>GG has a game in development

When is this not true? By the time EU got Xrd, I think Revelator was announced like a few months after, if not weeks.

>Daisuke said no

He's being a little bitch

Man, these threads die so fast compared to a year ago

Same for the game itself, I can't believe it made it to Evo still honestly.

They're upper-mid tier at best

No it plays nothing like any of the characters own games. It's its own thing with its own systems.

I'm sure Yang was a solid high at least? Nerf?

wowwww are you accusing user of shit stirring

No, she was never stand-out at all

So it was always just Ruby then? Fair enough.

i bought UNIST because of how much fun waldstein was in BBTAG. a+ character

It's crazy how well he pairs up with Tager, just like it is for teams like Ruby/Gordeau, I'm sure it's intentional, but they still managed it.

speaking of BB and GG, and their inevitable crossover one day, do you guys think ArcSys will go the extra mile by developing 2D sprites for all fighters as well as Xrd's 3D models for all fighters?
I think it would be really cool since I imagine that some BB fans might not dig the Xrd models and maybe some of the OG GG fans might want to see sprite works again

CF is just a glorified CP. CS specifically CSE was the peak of BB gameplay wise just because Guard Primers exist.

Why would anyone not want every 2D anime fighter to look like Guilty Gear?

If BBTag's dev time is anything to go by, sprites are going to be a thing of the past, so I'd expect Xrd-style models
Besides, BB characters in GG Xrd's artstyle would catch a lot more attention then GG characters in BB's artstyle

That takes me back, back when I thought if we'd ever get Jubei or the other Six Heroes, and all that shit and we eventually got it all.

Have you heard of GGXX?

Why is it whenever I see this game, all the UNIST characters have hitboxes that reach across the entire if not all screen? I swear Yuzuriha's aerial is legitimately 50% of the arena.

I've seen some SF and Marvel fans being all nostalgic about sprites lately, so I assumed that there's probably a fair portion of BB fans that might not want to lose the sprite work.

I'd hope they just go 3D. BB's sprites are pretty dated and if BBtag is anything to go by, the won't even put in effort to make the sprites look good any more.

However, if it was a GGxBB crossover made by FB then I would totally be down for that.

What was so fantastic about them?

Crazy people, it's not like GG is using standard 3D now.

I'm sick of waiting for this new patch to come out. Why the fuck would they think releasing it at the end of May was a good idea?

All fighting games go through this. KoF XIV was booming with threads back to back when that demo was out. Then months later not a single thread would last.

Any big balances you're waiting on?

KoF is ridiculously non casual.

Imagine CTs but you have to work for it instead of a free open up button, but also everyone's amount of guard primer differed.

anyone that says this game is baby mode confirms that they know nothing abt the game and fighting games as a genre and just get mad for "auto combos uhhh"

Attached: DtRWzeSV4AAU7U5.png (1440x800, 27K)


Attached: bbtag.webm (768x432, 2.89M)

It's all relative though, it's not that it's a baby game but in comparison to BazBlue: Central Fiction, this game is after all, a Blazblue game too.

yeah because spamming one assist + one special in cross combo is so much depth

>those reactions


Get fucked, Team Scythe.

I remember hearing that Akihiko and some other low tier characters got some pretty big buffs, but I'm mostly waiting on Gordeau players to eat shit with the nerfs.

Don't care much about BlazBlue but god damn what an amazing OST.

If Cross Tag has some of this mixed in with P4A's OST it's probably pretty good music wise.

>both players absolutely digusted
this is what this game does to you

Because that's how they are? What answer where you expecting?

Just seems really unblanced is all, UNIST sounds fucked up.

Maybe vanilla UNIEL but UNIST has alot of systems/tools in place so that you don't get infinite'd to death/unable to block the long range attacks and counterhit.

Vanilla UNIEL is prime kusoge though however.

Video related:

UNIST is balanced around big buttons through GRD.

Don't look up Phonon

Shocking, especially as the series was still held in high regard way back then.

I think it was just the circumstance of the guy basically losing the mental game entirely.

See the final match they play too and how it ends.

Attached: 1552435560764.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>vanilla UNIEL
Just call it unib
>high regard
Helps when the fans and devs are really close

I love Blake!~

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Attached: Aang_Korra.jpg (850x478, 56K)

yeah too bad they clipped every track into a one minute loop

Yeah this game is trash.

Only when you lose

Attached: USA vs Japan In A Nutshell.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

>panic raw super gets rightfully punished
>this game is trash
trash opinion, but you're welcome to it.

Koji Kog is based for murdering team scythe.

Here's hoping he gets more mileage out of the new patch in Mid-May.

why'd he pushblock there

Man, you think Gord's tough to deal with here. Now think of how crippling it is to be potentially robbed of being able to pushblock, roman cancel, alpha counter, and air-dash when you guess wrong against his command grab in his home game.

Attached: DJH7QegUMAE3Zev.png (982x957, 1.04M)

Maybe he expected something else (like a different normal/special move on wake up).

I guess it's a good thing that supers don't punish that attempt.

It's the best/only to punish Ruby's fullscreen for most characters.

Maybe it was inevitable. Oh well. The main games still exist.

Why is everyone losing their soul at these losses? I guess it's good to see dedication

>wake-up super gets rekt

What's the problem?

Look at the top middle of the screen and then ask again.

>Winner's Final
>Loser's Final

The guy losing lost his chance to sit in GF and then lost the match before the runback.

It was a soul crushing defeat. The reason why the other guy also had a negative reaction is likely because he didn't want to win with those 3 back to back grabs since it put the other guy to shame.

It's a cashgrab kusoge.

As for the America vs Japan one, it is also likely one of those Winner's finals / Loser's Finals scenarios since it shows an [L] and [W] next to each of their names.

I'd feel bad dying to Mai

It's amazing that you can't even tell who lost.

You recover a set amount of time after a pushblock, regardless of the move, if I'm not mistaken. Basically, if you do it in the right moments, you can get to act way sooner than if you just block. Ruby's super in particular is a bitch to punish if you just block it normally, since while its negative, she usually ends up like fullscreen away. Pushblock, and not only do you get more time to run up on her, the push itself keeps her closer to you and therefore leads to better punishes.

Wheres the patch


It's nothing like Central Fiction. It's P4A for babies.

So when's Akechi?

Too many effects going off makes my eyes bleed.

I never understood the plan behind releasing bbtag. It's a dead game with zero hype behind it and no updates, and Arcsys is seemingly focused on DBZ only. So if they knew the focus was DBZ, why the fuck release this game at all? The lack of support and dismissive attitude towards it from its own company is disheartening for anyone that may wanna get into it. There is no point to this game still being around, and with SamSho being announced and slowly on the rise, it's fading deeper into irrelevancy than ever before.

You don't wait months for balance updates. You don't announce changes on twitter as if the patch is out, only to stay quiet for months and then say "maybe in May". The handling of this game overall is fucking atrocious. Any fans left are masochists to stand so much bullshit from Mori and his retardation.

A few weeks back, folks at my locals literally had to bribe people to sign up for a BBTAG tournament because they didn't get enough entrants. Meanwhile, UNIST way exceeded expectations.

But P4A was already for babies
