Newfag here, what was the reaction like on Yea Forums to ME3's ending?

Newfag here, what was the reaction like on Yea Forums to ME3's ending?

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same as everywhere else

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Do you guys think if the ending stopped with Shepard dying on the citadel, it would be better? But that would leave the fate of the reapers as definite (subdued by whatever the crucible was)

>no krogan romance

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Here's how you fix Mass Effect
> ME2
Remove Cerberus
No Gears of War Shit, add far more RPG & Space Sim elements
Have it star the exact same cast
Have all of your choices from ME1 affect how ME2's story plays out
Make the plot devoted to destroying the Reapers
End the game with it's original Prologue, With Shepard getting killed by the Reapers
Main Cast gets Seperated after Shepard Dies
> ME3
Start the game with how ME2 Started
Introduce Cerberus as the Group who revived Shepard
Remove all of the Kai Leng Bullshit
5 years have gone by since the events of ME2
Reapers now have a stranglehold over the Galaxy
First Half of the game is about Shepard reuniting her old Crew
Reveal that The Illusive Man was controlling the reapers all along
Have all of the choices thus far affect the ending
Over 15 endings based on Past Choices
Perfect ending is a happy ending where everyone lives & the Reapers Dead
Epilogue Shows Shepard getting married & having kids with whomever the Player romanced

Remember when Shepard got a mating request on Tuchanka

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Lots of anger and amusement. Ending aside, the game is decent. It's just so frustrating that the ending is what puts a close to what was one of the best space operas ever.

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Hey there, Commander. My name is __________.

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Exact same cast? Who would Miranda and Jacob serve? Also, idk about the illusive man controlling the reapers reveal in ME3, too cliche. Instead, they should emphasize that the reapers always make you think you can control them ala Saren

Marauder Shields

Gutsmash McStronkjaw

Dick McDirk

>more reapers

Dunno. I didn’t start coming to Yea Forums until 2016.

funny, i always preferred her over liara

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Liara is boring as shit and only seems to be interested in shepard because he’s a walking prothean artifact at first yeah, but Ashley always rubbed me the wrong way with her shitty attitude in 1 and she looks totally different in 3.

I can't even make it to the ending because the game is so goddamn boring.

Ashley was a good character in 1. Her flaws are realistic and she feels like a real person. Liara was just waifu bait and Tali was a Geth codex entry disguised as a character.

based kroganposter

Chuck Steak

Aside form the Tuchanka ancient ruins and the rachni part which was a homage to Alien, yeah the game is pretty underwhelming for the "whole galaxy is at war" part

I like Tali but yeah she was barely a character in 1. Having just finished 1 I can say that the only people worth a damn are Ashley, Garrus, Wrex and to some extent Liara.

What you guys think of if Bioware had imitated New Vegas' reputation system. Like if you chose to fuck the Geth, Krogan, etc. over, you'd see what happens to them after the crucible/catalyst mess

Honestly i'm not even sure Yea Forums could have written a worse ending then the one we got

i'm sure that even Yea Forums would realize that kids ruin everything, i knew from the start that something was wrong when shepard is all buttblasted over one fucking kid among gorillions dying on his watch

The PTSD from the kid dying was especially egregious if you were doing a renegade run

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>Buff Mcgee Chadster
>if you got holes to fill or just want admire my well chiseled oiled body I'm your man Shepard

>James, the dudebro is the only person in the game aside from you who talks to Cortez about his gay husband dying
very odd

Agreed Ashley attitude always made me lose a boner. I prefer qunari with that naviety and pureness that I get to break at the ending while she caught every known disease to man worth it

Dudebros tend to basically either be kinda rapey douches or the human equivalent of a puppy,

>have her in my party for the final push
>"Build yourself a home"
>"I have a home"
it's totally hollywood and schlocky but it hit me in the feels

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It wasn't even just the ending.
>day 1 on-disc DLC of a Prothean squadmate who is massively significant to the story and characters
>Asari are ruined
>Geth are ruined
>Cerberus are even more ruined
>retarded children dreams
>Rachni and other alien races are barely involved
Literally the only good parts of the game are up until Priority: Tuchanka and the Citadel DLC

>tfw SO GOOD. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL

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>Jersey Shore squadmate and news reporter
>Kai Leng

Everyone lost their shit and many demanded that the company change the ending because the Age of Entitlement had truly kicked into high gear and the kids on the internet truly believed that they had the right to force a company to make changes to their story because they didn't like it :(

Such a fucking over reaction.

Sure they could have put more effort into a few of the epilogues but you're a retard for expecting a well written ending from a sexy space opera.

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>>Asari are ruined
>>Geth are ruined

How so?

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>reveal that Asari withheld their Prothean technology to maintain their advantage over other races (well into the Reaper war), breaking the laws they wrote and enforced on others
>Liara acting like an angsty unscientific retard as Javik spends 10 minutes shitting on her chest

>ME2, Legion describes the great schism as a disagreement on whether or not the Reapers are the end goal of synthetic evolution/should dictate the Geths evolution, and the first case of the Collective reaching two different conclusions
>places great importance the value of forging your own technological path (discovering different ways of achieving the same result, discovering shit you may have otherwise missed if you just copy someone else)
>enforces that there is no individual Geth, they are a collective intelligence and just as sapient as EDI (if not more so) in high numbers

>ME3, Legion is obsessed with retaining Reaper code upgrades and becoming an individual/"real boy" for reasons unstated
>wants to make the entire Geth race derivatives of the Reapers
>writers don't seem to understand what the Geth Collective actually is (ex: units not participating in Morning War hostilities when others are)

the asari also surrender like bitches

Was the Asari thing you just said from the DLC? Cause I have no memory of it.

I didn't mind Legion's desire to keep the Reaper code. Kinda made sense considering his origin, didn't necessarily mean he wanted to remove individuality and completely give over to one side. It's just invaluable to his people.

Big McHugelarge

cut it out

>Joker babbling on about his paper mache body in 1
>immediately go for the renegade option

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Remember when Femshep raped him in the citadel DLC what a hoot haha

There’s a lot of Shepard lines/situations that are amazing
>Jack: Hey.

It's facinating how a series could end up being so fucking bad, the first game was great but everything after was a clusterfuck. The entire series has been destroyed after how hated the ending was

1: Drew Karpyshyn
2: Drew Karpyshyn, Mac Walters
3: Mac Walters

SNEED steak
(formerly chuck)

No, the Asari thing is not from the DLC. The Liara/Javik thing is, but I hesitate to say so because as I already mentioned this was literally content on the disc planned for the full release before they cut it out of the game and sold it for 10 fucking dollars at launch.
>remove individuality
The fuck are you talking about?
I am telling you that originally the Geth had no individuality. They didn't need individuality, it wasn't a facet of their nature which was completely fine.

Legion's origins is that he is literally the first case of enough programs being loaded up onto a single platform in order to be sapient and operate/infiltrate beyond the veil.
He didn't exist as a being before these several thousand program got together, the ME3 backstory is retarded because it makes it seem like he was around during the Morning War and individually decided to open fire.

That's not how that shit worked back then, there was just the Collective. When it decides on something, all units act in concert. There's no "oh, this unit isn't participating on hostilities" or "oh, these peaceful farmbots are running for their lives". No, the farmbots would be rushing threats to mob them to death because destroying their platforms is an infinitesimally minor fragment of the whole, they are not intelligent like Legion or the networked Collective. They may as well be white blood cells attacking an infection.

You really need to calm down. We're just talking about an old game here. No need to get your blood up.

It was day 1 DLC and as bullshit as that is, it's still DLC.

Original Geth seemed to have no individuality but didn't it turn out that they actually did and the Heretics were the ones who gave it up to mindlessly follow the Reapers? I do not think he was the first to have to build consensus. He talked a lot about how his people communicated and lived and it was very much as he operated: many voices trying to reach consensus on thousands of issues all at once.

Karpyshyn's intended end for the story had something to do with dark matter and the reapers being the real heroes because if the organics found about it, it would end all life forever or some shit

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Mass Effect had some legitimately funny moments

Instead we got Quarian vs Geth x50000

I want to lick all of Jack's tattooed skin

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if only knocking tali up and taking responsibility wasn’t almost certainly fatal to her health

Please delet this, user.


there's more?

Fred Jones


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this nigga was so bland and had so little content he almos makes kaidan and jacob look good

Realistically I don't think they could make thousands of endings based on different choices.

A charecter that was so nothing he made Jacob and Kaiden look like people.

Should’ve ended with “I’m proud of you.” As you both watch the combined might of all sentient life in the universe working in concert to abort their collective doom at the tentacles of an unfeeling, and soon to be unioerational enemy.

>calm down
Nigger no one is upset, don't pull that embarrassingly transparent shit.
>it's still DLC
Not sure how that's even relevant to the Asari being shit.
Do you think the DLC is non-canon or something?
>the Geth originally had individuality but it turned out that the Heretics gave up individuality?
Hard no, I have no idea where you're getting this shit.
Each individual program is a "voice", but each voice is not a sapient individual, singular programs are too stupid. The more Geth programs in the network, the smarter they get as a collective. You could say that any collective large enough to achieve sapience is what approximates a Geth "individual". This is their entire shtick, Quarians thought they could skirt the "No AI" laws by networking individually dumb programs until they get smart enough to do their chores.

Legion is a collective of 1,183 programs in one platform. This is unprecedented because it's kind of an "all your eggs in one basket" case, and almost a psuedo-schism because he's operating autonomously. In time, like the Heretics, he could eventually radically differentiate in thought process.
If he disseminated back into the main Collective, the "individual" known as Legion would cease to exist, or rather becomes the Collective as it learns/updates itself from everything he learned, and reaches consensus on any new topics broached.

>tfw wrote a freshman argument paper that EA should be boycotted
>tfw paired up with a Stacy for peer review
>tfw she tried to make you feel better about your embarrassment by saying her brother really cares about these things
>tfw you still blow it

I'm haunted a decade later. College is a meme.

>nah you have to go back all the way and remove the reapers. Have Shepard hunt down Galactic terrorist Saren who is using the Geth's religion to take down the citadel.
Make Shepard James Bond in space.

>The fuck are you talking about?
>don't pull that embarrassingly transparent shit

Yes, you need to calm down. No one is arguing with you here, just talking about an old game. You're a little too tense from this place where people are always automatically screaming at one another.

>Do you think the DLC is non-canon or something?

This was never even implied let alone said.

>Each individual program is a "voice", but each voice is not a sapient individual

They are, that's why they have individual voices. They become more sophisticated as they grow in number, able to execute more complicated tasks and such, but they are absolutely (albeit dumb) individuals. You literally cannot have an entity with it's own voice but no individuality as one is required for the other. See now someone is disagreeing with you but try to keep a level head, that doesn't mean they're screaming "RETARD!" at you.

>talking about video games ever anywhere
Tell everyone it's nerd shit and you're above it. You fucking tard.

The only way to get shit on more as a nerd is to adopt an uppity superiority complex because of your nerd shit. At least, that used to be the case. You zoomers may have made progress in fixing that, I wouldn't know.

>yes you need to calm down
Generally the first person to imply the other is mad is upset themselves.
I can't control how you interpret text dude, that's your own mind projecting.
>this was never implied let alone said
So why is this the third time you've brought up DLC? Why did you feel like it was important to mention?
Ok, so you forgot about one of Javik's big exposition dumps. Were you trying to warn me that you didn't know basic shit about ME's lore beforehand?
>each individual Geth program is sapient
You do not know what sapience is.
Straight from the Codex:
>The Geth possess a unique distributed intelligence. An individual has rudimentary animal instincts, but as their numbers and proximity increase, the apparent intelligence of each individual improves. In groups, they can reason, analyze situations, and use tactics as well as any organic race.
>The claim that the Geth are an example of the extreme risk posed by AI development is misleading. As opposed to the "top down" design of organic-created AIs, in which hardware and software are specifically designed to achieve consciousness, Geth are a "bottom up" model. They were never intended to possess more than animal-level, trainable reasoning.
>Designed as VI-driven robots -- not significantly different from modern security mechs -- Geth CONSCIOUSNESS developed as their adaptive learning programs interacted with one another via NETWORKED processing.
By virtue of being on par with a dumb animal, each individual program is sentient, not sapient. When they network, the entire network reaches a consensus and acts because they are one shared intelligence. There's no "screw you guys, I'm gonna do this" for individual programs, it would cause a schism and then instantly downgrade into a retarded animal VI.

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>>The fuck are you talking about?
>>don't pull that embarrassingly transparent shit
>>you the one who mad

Okay buddy.

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>he typed fuck, nigger so he's mad
Maybe you would be more comfortable in r/mass_effect? I'm not sure why you would come here to upset yourself, it's almost the entire appeal of posting on Yea Forums.
>not even going to try to talk about subject anymore after being ignorant on codex entry level info
If this was all an elaborate ruse to waste my time, I guess you can successfully consider me lightly annoyed.
Genuinely thought you just didn't know shit.