How would Valve drones react to a game being a physical copy exclusive? I think they would get even more upset than they do from Epic exclusives
How would Valve drones react to a game being a physical copy exclusive...
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what would it even be? a usb stick? lots of people dont even have dvd drives in their computers now
I don't buy physical games anymore, I live in the middle of nowhere so buying a physical copy of a game costs more than double the retail price
With that said I just wouldn't buy it, there's like a dozen digital distribution platforms, there's not just steam and epic
I don't think you realize how outdated discs are.
DRM isn't even an excuse for your retardation since stuff like GOG has DRM-free installers.
I still have an optical drive but I use it so rarely I unplugged the sata cables to use for a second HDD
Discs still cannot be beat for long term backup
Using your logic Denuvo isn't DRM because it can be cracked. Charging for a download should have never been accepted
>How would Valve drones react to a game being a physical copy exclusive?
Laugh and just pirate because the game will sell about 5,000 copies at most and this is assuming it's a AAA game
>Charging for a download should have never been accepted
What is this retarded-ass line of thinking that requires something to be physically in your hands to have value?
havent bought pyhsical games in almost 20 years now it seems like
its amazing that you care about this. about "owning" your games. have something else important in your life bro. games are transient experiences and theres basically 1 game ive gone back to play time and time again my life, quake, an open sourced game.
>Discs still cannot be beat for long term backup
discs arent even a viable option for long term backup. Go look at your oldest optical disks that you have not opened in years. go do it.
nothing beats this physical back up
They'd probably be annoyed and wouldn't bother buying it. It doesn't take a lot of thought, brainlet.
physical PC games died for a reason
if i have to install them anyways why bother
What the fuck? How is a disc with its own anti-copy DRM holding data hostage in any way better for backing up a game than just straight up having free control over the data which you can copy as many times as you want and burn into CDs as well if you think that makes you own something more.
>Using your logic Denuvo isn't DRM because it can be cracked
No since Denuvo is DRM while GOG literally doesn't have DRM, you are utterly moronic and think that additional physical DRM is somehow more value and you can't wrap your head around the separation of digital and DRM since you will never experience that in consoles which are by definition DRM machines for retards that don't care about ownership.
unironic boomers who may also be hoarders
I'd say it's more about zoomers that never saw a file explorer in their lives and don't know what ctrl+c ctrl+v means.
zoomers would be entirely unfamiliar with the concept of physical media, especially for PC games
Zoomers are unfamiliar with PCs, period.
I'm sure at least some of them play Fortnite on PC
The vast majority are on consoles and mobile
enjoy renting licenses from campo santo sjws instead of actually owning your games.
you're renting your games on physical discs too. Hell, most physical games are copy protected much more strictly than a GOG installer
Yeah, OK. I don't own any of my Steam games. But VR! And Linux!
Would be physical exclusive for all of 2 hours before an ISO was made
Zoomers are lizard men that live in empty white boxes don't understand the spiritual value of physical property. They don't deserve media, and the universe won't mourn their generations because they won't have produced anything of value.
Physical > Steam > Origin >Uplay > Literally anything > Shit >>>> Ebin
>spiritual value of physical property
Property only holds the value you or someone else assigns to it
plastic junk that isn't actually the game has no spiritual value. A book, sure. A musical instrument, absolutely. But something that is not intrinsically the thing it contains has no inherent value.
I'm 26 and I certainly don't fucking miss CDs, why the fuck would I willingly subject myself to that garbage legacy tech again? All my old PC games CDs are probably dead and I can just easily find them online DRM-free.
CDs dying is doubly sweet for me since I work on video editing and it's so so much nicer to not have to burn DVDs and Blu-rays anymore, just copy the file to a pen drive and that's it, no one hours of burning and testing and failed burns and eternal time wasting bullshit.
Zoomer here, where the fuck is the power button???
Actual humans can do that. Lizard men believe everything can be reduced to data only, and the only physical items we need are interfaces to that data.
A book is just words. The paper has no meaning unless we assign it one. It's easy to reduce any form of art to a binary file. But you shouldn't because there's no human soul to gain from that.
it is impossible to gain any soul from a cheap piece of plastic
That's your failing.
it's more like your failing if you find value in a piece of trash simply because you can touch it