Finally venture outside the city gates

>finally venture outside the city gates
>2 bandits close to the gate
>drop my backpack and get ready to slap some shit
>they dumpster me and I lose my backpack full of shit

When does this game get good cos I'm at 112 minutes played and I'm feeling a refund coming.

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Other urls found in this thread:

im curious about this one
let's hope for some good postings in this thread
i bet the game is probably just shit but ive enjoyed some really shit games. two worlds being one of them, and i bet i would have enjoyed that elex but i didn't get it

Is this a good single player game or should I only get it when I have friends to play with?

It feels like a janky but somewhat comfy sink-alot-of-hours kinda game like mountain blade or kc:d
My issues are the shit tier optimization that makes the game unplayable if you turn your camera

It's fucking boring.

It's fucking great. Enjoy with a friend for extra fun.

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Well, Yea Forums, who was in the right here?

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It's a $15 game at best.

>2 different people have 2 different opinions on a game

Up next on "user Is Retarded", we learn that water is wet!

Elex was on sale for like 20 bucks a little while ago.



mah nigga!

It reminds me a little of Morrowind in that it you find cool items hidden around the world as you explore it. The magic system is pretty cool too, albeit some spells are of seriously dubious utility.

I kind of like the fact there's no leveling in the game as well.

I started myadventure to save my lighthouse from being taken from me. Just needed to raise 150 silver they said,
After getting equipped I snuck out under the cover of night... a little while later I was running from a pack of hyenas who overpowered me and dragged me to their den where I promptly escaped and had to run for my life til I found the city gate (it was dark so I couldnt see well even with a lantern) so I survived the hyenas and then passed out later from the disease I had contracted... woke up at the Inn only to be informed my lighthouse was now being used as the guards barraks.

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>finished the mushroom shield quest
>got enough gold somehow from looting a bunch of shit to save my lighthouse
>got a bunch of quests from people in town
>bunch of branching paths
>journal doesn't really contain any information on next steps

That's a bit of a bummer. Also the dude with the funny hat talked about some stash somewhere which I thought would be in the journal too and it wasn't. I was under the assumption it would document most shit in the journal, but does it continue being pretty vague with future quests? Just want to know if I should be writing this other stuff down myself

so I pulled my shit together and left the city again to go to someplace called Berg. Unfortunately for me it was winter and I was attacked by a white chocobo looking bird which I swiftly dispatched... unfortunately it attracted the interest of two hyenas who over powered me and dragged me back to their den this is where I quit and deleted that attempt. So now I'm trying a different approach with a new character.

I found myself writing stuff down and they claim the Innkeepers can give you directions but its probably mostly for settlements.

wait so you lose all your items on death?

If the modding scene takes off it will be fixed like Skyrim was fixed, but thats implying that Skyrim was this bad when it came out. It's not a shit game, it's like piss. It's easier to drink piss than eat shit.

no idea, never lost a backpack
I assume dropping your backpack and dying makes so the map you were on gets unloaded and all dropped items dissappear when you get teleported back to safety

is the blue sand armor worth it

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an icon on the compass points to your backpack

From what I heard it's very tanky. By comparison tree scaled armor is less tanky but it gives you a passive bonus to weapon damage. Harder to get the components though.

If you want to play a tanky character, go for it. I think it does slow down your speed and stamina regen though.

Is spellblade/shaman/philosopher viable or will I just get dumpstered?

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nope, I've dive this regularly. Your backpack gets pulled along with you even if you dropped it.

How are you dying to hyenas? Just move out of the way when they attack and hit them 1-2 times

No, every time you die you can always get everything back
If you died once and you can't find your pack just die again to some random bullshits and it'll spawn near you depending on the type of death as long as you didn't switch to another pack
Different death scenarios have different ways of getting your items back depending on how and where you died but they're never gone for good
Absolutely, just farm shrimps on the shore just south of the village and you can get it in hardly any time at all, it's fantastic for a starter set

Is it better than the ammolite armor? Also seems like anyone wanting to do magic cant use it

You're passing up runic magic. Given the limited hotkey space runic magic is arguably the most viable magic in the game. Not to mention spellsword has some interesting synergy with runic summoned weapons given they all have imbued elements.

If you're okay with that then I'd say try not to give up too much stamina if possible. You'll be doing more dodging then normal while waiting on skill cooldowns while luring enemy mobs away from, or to, your sigil.

It's tankier but ammolite doesn't slow you down as much I think
Armor hardly matters for mage shittery unless you're among the 2 extremes of +100% mana cost or -100% cost for free spells, blue sand helmet only gives a +10% cost which is only like 1 or 2 mana for most spells so you can still go nuts, I've seen some other helmets that are like +50% that you might want to avoid for spellsword shit but I can't remember what they are

yes, blue sand is unique in that it gives you 40 res to literally everything, plus its normal def makes you ignore all enemies basically

I was considering that but I'm thinking of building toward spellblade/runic/philosopher instead
Wind sigil is fantastic but it's cooldown is much longer than it's duration, so I guess it just depends if you want the lightning burst damage or consistent spell usage from runes or something else
Summoning ghosts with shaman is also cool though

Low budget, ps2-tier game being sold at AAA prices.

yes nigger

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Its one of those games you play when watching youtube or movies or something, theres alot of running around in the wilderness and standing next to fires when cold. I like the game but I feel something is missing, I love the mechanics but would rather see them in something like Kenshi or perhaps Dragons Dogma. Weather being a very important factor and the ability to manage inventory and stash bags is great, it feels like an adventure, I also love that you dont level up, a hard enemy will always be hard, you just get better at fighting them, but something is missing.

>game is probably just shit but ive enjoyed some really shit games.
This. It's shit. I enjoy it because even with better shit I'm scared to just walk around still.

How does magic work in this game? I only know you have to go through the mountain to get it.

It's definitely not a $40 dollar game but I got it because I wanted to play with a friend. It's super fun getting dunked on by bandits and wildlife with a partner.

>game is shit
>I am scared to walk around
fucking soiboy lmfao

Some have said that the world feels empty when you're running outside. Kind of like how every once in awhile in Dragon's Dogma you'd see people walking around, and the towns don't have any background chatter

Boring is great.

Just fish and go in the shells cave

I know Runes are the strongest which is partly why I don't want to use them. Maybe on my 2nd character. But kiting enemies with OP skills doesn't immediately draw me.

>or -100% cost for free spells
What sorcery is this then?

Oh shit this is out?
It feels like they've been working on this game for decade.

Certain items in the game that give -% mana cost which cumulatively add up.

After you unlock mana you can do several different kinds of magic, you unlock a basic spell called spark from the get go that sucks ass on its own
If you wanna do fireballs and shit you gotta use consumable reagents to make sigils on the ground, casting spark while in those sigils is how you do your fireballs and whatnot, there are other spells like spark that don't do much on their own but combo great with different sigils
Then there's runic magic where you read a book like a nerd and combine runes for different effects like laying traps or summoning lights and swords
Then there's spell blade shit where you put elements on your sword or shield and use those to do your fireball type stuff and aoe's
Shaman stuff is pretty much more sigil shit but instead of using consumables you activate a wind altar one time only in each area in order to make them
Runes aren't stronger they're just a more versatile school, shaman shits out more damage easily, conjure makes a big ass AOE when you're in your sigil, instead of kiting into traps it would just be kiting into your sigil if you're gonna look at it that way
Most of the gear sucks outside of the mana efficiency stat, but you don't even need to unlock mana to cast spells with that setup

Anyone else get huge microstuttering on any graphical setting?
This shit is stopping me from fully immersing myself in the game world :^(

Im wearing the light lich set which gives me a cumulative 70% mana reduction. I know the master's staff reduces it by another 20% and I'm using the light bringer's lexicon which- I think- reduces mana cost of runic spells by 15%. So if I can find a main hand with 15% reduction or better gear than my runic spells at least will be free.

The interesting thing about this stage in the game for me is that healing is no longer an obstacle. Just reduced health/stamina maxes. I'm now stocking major healing potions and the like because they regenerate lost max. Albeit what I should be using is the pungent paste.

There's also chakram spells that I forgot to mention which is really neat because they don't get enough love in games

solo or online? iirc leaving your campfire lit for too long fucks the game when playing online

why the game so ugly tho

solo. I just bought the game based on this thread

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good breakdown

maybe turn off gsync if you have it on?
don't really know what could be the cause

I'm fucking loving this shit. Magic is so damn cool in this game FUCK I feel like a proper scholar crafting all these magic stones and shit.
how do I regain maximum mana? Is 80 mana not enough?

this game has plenty on mana cost reduction, wish they had more +damage items

lmoa i went to the beach, saved the head bitch's nephew, and got my 4 month debt cleared in like 30 minutes IRL time


80 is enough, hoard a bunch of seaweed and make tea using seaweed+water to get your Brit on, seaweed tea is a cheap and easy way to heal mana burn

thnx, senpai
I can just boil salt water to make the tea, right?

By regain you mean the reduced bar effect thing? Mana works opposite to stamina and and health: the longer you are awake, and the more you cast spells, the more your max increases until you top out again. Whenever you sleep, likewise, the mana max reduces.

As an aside, crafting soothing tea from water and seaweed and drinking it will also chip away at the reduced mana bar.

If you mean boiling salt water to make clean water to use, yes that works but you'll still need the seaDUDELMAO

There is no jump???

>interested in game
>no store even has it

so i see you can buy a house but can you furnish it?
what aboot storing all the loot in the game?

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the lighthouse you start with has a stash you can put shit in, no idea about other houses but I'd wager they have one too

So uhh what game are the lot of you talking about?


They do. I bought one in monsoon, albeit I'm oddly regretting choosing the holy mission despite the fact I know they have the better faction rewards.

Sombre user on here wondered awhile back if buying houses was a waste of money, considering you could just set up a permanent tent in town, a couple campfires, and a dropped bag to stay your shit. But I found the top floor of the house had a small garden which offers, as far as I can tell, every variety of plant in the region.

I'm guessing the other faction houses have something similar.

i hear you can steal anything without getting in trouble
is that true?

I think I'm done. Finally got a better bow and some bow skills. Walked around for an hour without finding an enemy. Finally found an alpha deer, which I'd previously killed at least 3 of with my normal bow + melee.

Line up the perfect sniper shot and take it. Barely does any damage. Shoot twice more before switching to axe. Barely damaged the thing and got ass raped in melee. Couldn't run far enough to turn and fight, wound up stunlocked and died.

I think I'm done.

it's not really stealing then is it

Some dude told me it was a good game for co-op but I read that only the host player gets the progress, I only want to play it multiplayer, you think is still worth it? Neither of us has any intention on playing solo

You can still buy skills and build your character and all but you just won't have quest/faction progress
Ideally you would do something like choose one faction and do their main questline on on the original host character then just switch hosts and do a different faction questline on the other guys, keeping both of your characters the whole time

Even splitscreen?

I believe so yes, split screen still uses separate characters so the same rules would apply

raped by lightning shrimps

i want to get some magic, do i have to join a faction for that or can i just march into the mountain and take it?

the 4th Sigil should be a Earth Sigil.

for two handed weapon users yes, since they are best off with tanky armor so they can take a hit and just obliterate. Bow and one handed users id say the damage adding armors are better, since their base damage is lower.

The way armor resistance works is % based, so you kind of want to go all or nothing stacking it and the passive that makes disciplin add another 15% as well, or just dont bother with armor at all. Midling levels of armor are not worth it when you could be using a +damage, move speed, or stamina reduction set.
Blue sand, while not the absolute most defensive, is suitably tanky across the board and a good goal.

No factions are necessary for magic, unlock mana and buy skills whenever you want
Holy mission gives you access to a couple more spells and buffs like holy boon and I'm not sure if the other factions give anything similar or not

>The one handed runic sword counts as a lexicon so you can unequip it and still cast
>The two handed runic sword version does not

2Hfags must suffer

what fucking game is this

Me and a friend just started the game and are struggling hard. We managed to clear the trog cave fine, but no matter where we go, we end up against shit we just can't kill and 3~ shots us. We ended up in the marshes after a little bit that place is worse than the first area in terms of difficulty. I really want to like this game but it's like running into a brick wall over and over again.
Are we missing something fundamental?

read the fucking filename you fagoid

>Are we missing something fundamental?
Probably decent armor, magic, and just how to play in general if you're still getting dunked on when you have a friend to share aggro with
Also use kick if you haven't been, it drains enemy stamina and lets you stunlock/knockdown real easy


I'm wearing a mix of fur armor and some other stuff I've found along the way, not sure what my friend is wearing. I'm using a 2h axe and my friend is using a sword and shield. Single enemies aren't the worst but when there's multiple it become very hard.
I also do try to kick but a lot of times I do it the enemy just keeps slashing me while doing it, chunking my health.
We went somewhere near the mountain that was said to be the fastest route, but there were some trogs and 2 or so mantis things that were pretty tough to deal with.
We'll probably give it another go on a new save to start back in the beginning to get our bearings and hopefully progress better.

Can you build your own home or buy a house in a city hub?

Honestly no. This game isn't one where you tank and go blow for blow with the opponent. Movespeed and other passives are better

block more, combo less unless they fuck up a big attack giving you an opening or you knock them down, save dodging for certain attacks and situations

You can get a house in every city, they might be faction specific though I'm not sure
You start with one house already that the jews try to take from you because of your "debt" and lose it in 5 days from starting if you don't pay it but you can get around paying if you just give a nigga bandage


IDK but my girlfriend is running 100% magic redux and she nukes everything to death while i struggle to run behind the enemy and do 5% of it's hp with backstab


My impression is no other faction offers skills like the holy faction. But that the heroic kingdom does offer a passive physical damage buff, and that you can get a +40 hp buff from blue chamber if you do a quest of theirs correctly.

Personally speaking, I jumped on Holy Mission quests because I'm playing a mage and wanted to enjoy the buffs and skills. I regret it. I hate the swamp, I don't like the aesthetic appeal of monsoon, I dislike the religious overtones of holy mission quests. I constantly wonder what blue chamber is like instead. If they have interclan intrigue in their missions, of bloody feuds and simpering favors.

The swamp has bangin music though

>cool as ghoul

It does have nice music. Just I want to roleplay a mage stepped in intrigue and not a missionary. Shouldn't have let my min-max tendencies guide me.

It's shit because it has forced difficulty that you can't overcome. You might think "well I'm not a shitter so I can overcome it", but I mean if you choose the wrong decision you will literally lose all your stuff/die on the spot and there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm going to vouch for Spellblade and the Philosopher passive right now. The "discharge weapon" spell -- not Gong (haven't tried Gong) -- is great if you are in the Holy Mission. You get unlimited weapon buffs and magic missiles on a short CD.
The Philo passive is fantastic and with it you don't have to worry about mana pots ever. Chakram is usable and just okay. It has flashy moves

>I mean if you choose the wrong decision you will literally lose all your stuff/die on the spot and there's nothing you can do about it.
absolutely untrue. when you die you occasionally have to recover items that are locked away, etc. but you don't just lose them

Is other factions better? I joined Holy because you guys promise giant tittys but is other faction fun or just the same?
Also fuck the marsh

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Things that seriously need to be added in updates
>featherweight potion or spell you can use
>mount or some kind of wagon that makes the constant backtracking faster and can carry shit for you while you go into dungeons
>recall stone or something to instantly be taken to a city or to your home
>more rune spell combinations, no combinations work like red with blue, ourple with red or blue with red, could be used to add more attack or utility spells besides the lantern spells.

>he fell for the holy meme

I seriously hope we get mounts for this game because the backtracking is ridiculous. Spend 15 minutes walking to the exit gate that's across the map. I wouldn't even care if it's just an alpha coralhorn because it's the only "horse" creature in the game.

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>Survival RPG
It's shit

It's not like copy paste survival games like Ark or Forest you faggot it's an actual game rpg.

this. if anything, the penalty for death is often far too lenient, despite sometimes being inconvenient

>>recall stone or something to instantly be taken to a city or to your home
a lot of times while playing, this will sound nice, but i had more fun playing dragons dogma before i found out about the eternal ferrystone. having to make sure you dont spread yourself too thin on your way out so that you can make it back in one piece, sometimes barely, is part of the fun. a mount would be nice, though


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Im not very good at the game. I just got it a couple days ago. My bad for not getting good quickly.

also four of them at once at night was a bit much for my sucky skills.

Use a greataxe and a lantern, stop being a brainlet scrub.

Where do you get a greataxe?

Mind you I never did finish the lighthouse quest cause I knew nothing about the game other than the tutorial stuff.
I went in blind.

from the greataxe shop

of course. How silly of me.

buy an iron greataxe, combine it with 2 predator bones and a linen

where do you get predator bones?

also where are you getting the money?

Thinly veiled shill thread asking for anons to tell you to "git gud".

water cannot be wet, its already made of moist and its not an object for which that adjective can be applied to

This game is so unbelievably janky, yet it still manages to be fun as hell

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iron greataxe is like 25 silver, you should be able to make that just looting the first shroom shield cave. You get predator bones from hyenas. Here's my protip about combat, breaking poise (white bar) is everything, once it's down to 50% every hit staggers them, so you can light attack them down dark souls 3 style

so you think that the part that makes thievery an actual steal is that its frowned upon?
you sound weird, I would befriend you

kill hyenas/wendigos

Is there any SJW shit in this game, because I feel like playing a game where I'm upset.

None at all

the town leader is a woman

>made of moist

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Oh boy buddy get this, [spoilers] women can do anything men can [/spoiler]

this is traditional in many cultures

I'm really itching for an open world game with exploration. Would this scratch that itch? I'd also be fine with other recommendations

not really
check out kenshi and play this later when theres more shit to do

Look at this fag and laugh

ctrl+s, sweetie

you seem to not have a grasp of your native tongue, apply yourself person of darker color

Okay, here's my progress so far.
Been mining mana stones for money and selling them plus the big stone that sells for 50 silvers.
I have a full fur armor set, fang mace and shield.
I already cleared the Troglodyte cave and nexus mountain cave. Already unlocked magic, but it kind of sucks, the flamethrower seems decent but enemies can just face tank it and hit you while you're stuck in the casting animation.
Went to a cave behind a big ship, fighting lightning enemies, got my shit kicked by the big lightning guy so I stayed away from there, went to a steel tower place, fought against green robot things, managed to beat them, but they're pretty tough, I'm probably not supposed to go there yet, went to a stone fortress and said I wanted to "rest" and got thrown into a mining prison, tried killing them but I failed since my weapon does little damage against the armored guys, I managed to escape by jumping into a hole though.
Where should I go next? The swamp? I really need a bigger bag and better armor and weapons.
And why is the stamina regen so slow? Can you improve them somehow? I hate how fast it runs out when you sprint and how slow the regen is when you run out mid combat.

Moist isn't a thing, its a state.

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get great axe , 2 strong hits for the price of 1 and it staggers , run around and wait for the enemy sprint r1 and punish it , my biggest gripe is i cant hold all the cool stuff i find . there should be a teleport scroll or magic ability bc running back is a chore

>finally committed to a class
>now have three counters and two kicks
>stagger and combo everything
It works but did I miss out not picking Perfect Lunge and Flash Onslaught? Also are there any other armor sets that give +damage? Scaled Leather and the Ammonite armor look like shit.

The idea sounds neat but the combat looks awful

The starting area is the easiest, going to one of the others will just make things harder for yourself
Bring more than 1 waterskin, having a sippy boosts your stamina regen quite a bit for a while if you're having trouble with that

Assuming you mean Perfect Strike, it is really strong. Ignoring all defense also means ignoring blocking, and inflicting pain will make any follow-up attacks that much stronger.

i killed a wendigo with 7 spike traps

I'll probably try that on my next playthrough. I passed on it because I thought that I would have way to many active skills and not enough quickslots after picking my next two classes, shaman and wild hunter probably. Game seriously needs more quickslots.

Does Shamanic Resonance only increase the resistance bonus of Boons or does it increase the damage bonus as well?

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what is the easiest way to safely obtain horror chitin

never ever use the running attack. it does 0 stagger, and takes almost a full lunar cycle to recover.


refund it right now

Did you use penetrating shot? It will reck anything bug sometimes the game glitches it out as if the shot got stopped in mid air. If this happens exit and restart game to fix it.... for awhile.

You are alright.

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You can overcome it if you don't suck dick and aren't a dumbshit. I can literally 2-3 shot most things melee. You can do even more damage with bows and magic.

>im on Yea Forums and i hate basic memery and satire!
16 years old?

Killing a horror is the easiest way. Only other way I know of would be getting the smuggler's shop opened in the Lavant Slums and then hoping she sells one for an exorbitant price.

Wow guys! Can you believe it? B^U

is the weird sword from on top of the mountain any good? What's the effect do

wtf I hate outward now

Grrrrr... I am angry too.

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Honestly it's not worth the amount of silver you have to pay to make it.
By the time I could afford to make it I had several better options available to me.

It does look pretty cool tho.

The lighting in this game is SO fucking good.

Also, is the combat audio supposed to be single-channel, or is that a bug?

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How? Does Smokey Bear appears and smacks you?


Listen, they've already added half assed dream idea mechanics like magic and soulslike combat, i say they just go balls to the wall and go full sperg with the mechanics.

Really hoping it sells well so we get a bigger and better sequel.

reminder to torrent it with fitgirl, do not fund eurojank low effort cash grabs

This game really needs a fast travel or a teleport spell just because of how big the world is.
It feels like a huge waste of time having to walk for 10+ minutes to go between the big towns or just walking back to town after completing a dungeon with a full backpack.

>big the world is
Emm, no. It needs fasttravel, but world is not big.

>letting a third worlder with a grill avatar add your computer to his bitcoin farm
don't use fitgirl, use literally any other torrent

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Do something you like. It's healthy for you.

I'm hoping good games do well so we can get something not microtransactions for once.

Ah, I see you're fighting the good fight against microtransactions by pirating a game that has none whatsoever
Truly a 5D chess move because even I cannot comprehend it

I agree with not using repacks and getting them from the scene release source, but his stuff doesn't have any miners in them. Out of all the claims i've seen about his repacks over how ever many years they've existed, there hasn't been any evidence that there are miners.

No, I always buy games I enjoy like any nonmanchild. Just not going to do it till later this year.

*second worlder

Fuck the devs for putting Denuvo in this. We ought to punish these asshole.

Spread the word and tell everyone to torrent.

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Mana ward says it can be combined for other effect. Do anyone found any yet?

What the fuck are you talking about? Outward doesn't have DRM, and I also bought the game.
I'm just saying that fitgirls repacks are 99% miner free considering there has yet to be any actual evidence that says otherwise over however many years they've existed.

Just goofing around with sarcasm.

It's big enough to make going through it on foot a massive chore.

Where are the rebel priests? The missionary lady said it was in one of the giant lotuses and i've poisoned myself so many goddamn times looking for them and there is no entrance.

>missionary lady

What the fuck is wrong with this game? Just loaded my save today to play and my fucking tent is gone? WTF? Had to us cheat engine to get it back. FFS.

It's a bug.

It doesn't, unless you are one of those people that plays games for "comfy" or whatever. avoid it, The combat is shit and the rest of the game doesn't make up for it.

give a bandage to whom?

Just a short walk south of the city along the west coast there's some bozo by a rock and some debris on the beach holding his knee
Give him a bandage and he'll give you a favor that you can turn in to pay off your house

Seems like you're getting filtered.

>complain that a game has failstates and punishes you for stupid decisions
This is the plebbest post I have ever seen on Yea Forums, and I've seen many of them. And I don't even know this game so it's not like I'm defending it

Two Worlds was a criminally underrated hyper-addictive gem once you understood its systems and could look past the jank, hoping this is the same

>plays games for "comfy"
Is there something wrong with this?

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In the city or do I have to leave it?

it's outside the city, just go through the storage room under the lighthouse to get to the beach faster.

Two Worlds one or two, which one do you recommend?

>Yea Forums tells me horror bow + piercing shot is ezmodo cheese
>all the tougher enemies are immune to poison or bleed or both

Why do I even listen to you fuckers.

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I was thinking of getting this game so I can play it with my gf. She sucks at 3rd person combat but loves games like Rune factory and stardew. I'm not sure if there's enough content for her though. What kind of chores/jobs are there? Is the combat easy enough a girl could do it?

She can handle cooking and alchemy if is into logistics and not gonna be offended by supposed gender stereotyping. You are several times more efficient with proper food.

Does pealescent mail provide mana reduction or just looks badass?

I really wanted to like this game but the combat is shit.

Can you buy a new house?

ewwww those textures are like something from morrowind. This game looks ancient

Alright combat is pretty clunky, how do I circumvent this? do i just need to hurry up and learn magic?
How do you guys deal with the clunky fight system?

Succumb to the jank, bathe in it.

Trap for dayssssssssssss

>Can only place 1 trap with Rune

That's a pass for me dawg

It's a deliberate design decision so that the game plays in a certain way.

Yeah a 2d way

Would you say the gameplay in Dark Souls is "2D"?


Kick things to stagger them.

i'd say the gameplay in outward was like dark souls 2 yes

A massive problem people face from the outset is that they use a weapon they dont have skills for, move set really matters here and is different from weapon to weapon. At the very start of the game when you go to leave the camp you are offered a skill DEPENDING ON YOUR CURRENT WEAPON, you will not get another skill for a long time. Skills are essential to making combat not a slog in this game.
Craft a spear weapon, talk to the guy when you go to leave, and he will give you a skill that is used for halberds/spears that is really good. I made the mistake of starting with a mace and the starting skill for a mace is
>block with mace, if you block a spell your mace gets an elemental buff
But you barely fight magic users till way later, I seriously recommend starting over using a spear as your first weapon till you get to grips with the combat at least, the skills make that much a of a difference.

Bow, kite things. Set traps, they are actually incredibly cheap to make and buy. Few games let me play as something based around traps and I actually love this game for it.

Do I play a pre-determined character or does this have a character creator? If so, how good is it?

There's a character creator, but it's pretty bad. You're pretty much choosing from a bunch of preset models, and slapping hair on top of it.

Not knowing how stability works seems to be a bigger issue. The combat became a lot easier after I learned that attacking enemies

Is it true the voice acting doesn't match the text of what people say?

Can I have a bun?


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Mornin' user, how's the water?

Two Worlds 1 is bad. Not even just eurojank "bad", but actually completely broken and just not good. Two Worlds 2 is pretty good and for some reason even got a new DLC in 2017 and is getting another one "soon" apparently.

>play game for nearly 20 hours
>having a blast despite the games flaws
>wander into one of these threads during a break
>realize the game is garbage and I actually hate it

Thanks again Yea Forums, those deep seeded shills almost influenced my opinions.

>even got a new DLC in 2017 and is getting another one "soon" apparently

That's cool and all and I'll definitely have to check them out but what's their endgame here?

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>realize the game is garbage and I actually hate it

How does your response make any fucking sense at all?
>Who was in the right
Yea dude i'm pretty sure he noticed that 2 different people had 2 different opinions on the game.

Just one sentence of every dialogue window is voiced, funny thing that it is not necessarily first sentence to be voiced, making this whole voice acting endevour pointless because you are forced first to listen what NPC have to say and then read whole dialogue.

That's infuriating.

They want to revive the franchise. I actually just remembered that Two Worlds 3 was supposed to come out this year too. Tho considering the second DLC isn't even out and I can't find any updates on it, it probably fell through.

Nevermind. Seems like the second DLC did come out in two parts, but it has a different name than what it was announced as (Echoes of the Dark Past instead of Shattered Embrace).

Bummer. I guess they weren't in a situation to just bust out a full sequel.

Does this game a have a good story?

That depends on your imagination. There's a bit of lore and a handful of quests for each faction but it's not a driving force behind the game.

I like two worlds and two worlds 2, two worlds is easily the jankiest game I've played too.

>pick up monk skills for my battlemage
>counter and brace are slower than I expected with huge cooldowns

Thinking I should reroll to Spellblade even if that puts more focus on the mage part of batlemage. +15 to all defenses seems nice though, even if I'm too shit to keep Discipline up with Brace alone I can fall back on potions.

How's the damage formula in this game? Is it flat damage reduction like Gothic, Dragon's Dogma, BotW meaning player skill doesn't matter shit compared to having equipment with the right numbers, or proper % armour reduction like normal ARPGs should?

Just looked up gameplay and it looks pretty bad.
Looks like open world early access shit

With Infuse Wind and the Rage boon you can get ridiculous amounts of Impact damage and just stagger everything like crazy. On top of that if you get Infuse Fire, Mana Ward and Sigil of Fire, you can cast Immolate, which will give you 30% more Fire damage + the warm boon which gives you some and well, Infuse Fire, you can get huge amounts of Fire damage. Seems pretty good to me.

How do you open the last damn gate in Ghost Pass? I mean its the first, last if you go from the cabal tower back to mainland (shortcut i think). I cant find lever to open last one.

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oh so it doesn't i was hoping for a fable like game

% with a little bit of flat.

>I cant find lever to open last one.
Because there isn't. You either go below or you open passage to the side.


That seems nice, I'm slightly interested now

That sounds like Ludo to me.

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>Looks like open world early access shit
Feels like that

man this game is really fuckn dark anyway to fix that?

Torches and lanterns. Also a few spells.


I'm using a lantern it feels like it doesn't do anything

Laaame. I thought you can cos it said "does not open from here" or whatever. Why they didn't placed static?

Is the Holy Mission ending forced on me or can I just tell god to fuck off? I'm torn between the childhood friend route and my only bro in the whole world but I fucking hate the desert so much.

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Two Worlds One is great. They missed some features that were promised, like horse riding enemies, but thats no reason not to enjoy it now for a few dollars or less.

It goes up depending on lever positions but you'll never get all 3 open at once.

Oh fuck there are puzzles

Get a better one

what does janky even mean?
As far as I can see it just means good but not casual-friendly

>Is this a good single player game or should I only get it when I have friends to play with?

What are 'friends' ?? is that DLC

>cant jump
>cant swim
>combat is shitty clone of dark souls combat but ds had good combat and this has shitty combat

I would not call them puzzles... its sub-skyrim level of complexity.


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You tell me why should i play this

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>basic European combat since Gothic
>shitty clone of dark souls
It is all so tiresome. Game have many flaws such as voice acting, story, world being empty, devs force you to waste ungodly amount of time walking from A to B, quests are few and far between, magic is mediocre, optimization isn't where it should be, hotbar is limited to 8 because fuck M+KB user. Combat and exploration are the only things done right in this game.

>Yea Forums won't stop shilling this game
>look up some gameplay

That's a big fucking yikes from me. Didn't even have to watch any footage to know this game is just plain shit.

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>Enjoy with a friend for extra fun.
My friend seems super fucking turned off by the idea that one of us won't be getting anything from quests and whatnot.
Are there ways to even things out or is one person going to fall further and further behind the longer two people play together?

All you need to do is see the word "survival"
Survival is code word for unfinished

>jade quarry
>manage to go through and kill everything
>last mob poisons me and I an out of heals
>get spawned inside the quarry but out of reach of my backpack
>can't see shit because I don't have a light source on me
>nothing left to kill me and no way to die
>spend 45 minutes of running into walls until I reach my backpack

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Wow that sounds like "fun"

Quest rewards typically amount to jack shit. I don't play co-op because I have no friends but if that's the only down side it's hardly relevant. Maybe one of you play melee focused and the other use magic, you can just drop anything your friend might want and vice versa. Early game might be slow if you play co-op religiously but by mid-game you're drowning in loot and money.

Sounds based. No hand-holding.

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That's fucking retarded. The game wasted your time because of poor game design not intentional difficulty. You spent 45 minutes fucking WALKING and you're acting like it's some kind of accomplishment. Jesus christ man get a grip


But that's literally how it should be in a dungeon. Why don't you ever complain about Turdthesda's games having dungeons lit like Christmas trees? They'll never make a proper dungeon with danger and darkness.
Stupid little casuals. Back to Skyrim.

i was looking at a review and the entire thing summed up to basically "the bad design of the game makes it hard and that's a good thing!"

jesus christ...

shut the fuck up virgin

have sex, incel, cuck

can you play as a heavy armor mage/paladin type character? or does heavy armor reduce your spell power like oblivion?

There's a skill tree called "spellblade" which relies on buffing weapons. Some heavy armors increase mana costs, but not all.

can anyone tell me what game is in OP pic?

>Quest rewards typically amount to jack shit.
Are they only ever gold, equipment, and other items that can be split and traded, or are they sometimes experience or other intangible things that can't be shared?

because I'm not autistic
Also fuck skyrim and fuck early access survival shit

i love seeing threads of this game because of the clear divide between people who like it and people who think it's trash

NPC says that only helmet "blocks you connection to the force" thats why they wear light helmets. I am currently kind of paladin and it works.

It isn't even a survival game, you brainlet.

can i respec in any capacity?

Pretty much. There is no experience or leveling in this game by the way, only skills both passive and active you buy with money. Quest rewards are typically items and equipment, for example a side quest in the marsh rewards you with a backpack that reduces mana costs by 10%. Useless for a warrior, must have for a mage. You can also experience two of the three factions on a single playthrough with co-op, just take turns hosting.


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What the fuck this game is and why do i constantly see threads about it on Yea Forums but never heard about elsewhere?

it's not that bad, it's basically just a clunkier version of souls combat

>hunger, thirst, exhaustion, cold and heat
common bro

>game is enjoyable but has flaw, still really like it despite the flaws
>game is pure fucking garbage hard stop and you're a delusional shill if you disagree

It can be amusing at times.

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And it still isn't when you actually play it. You are just a moron shouting here without knowing anything.

it's a shit game being shilled by people who think that it being shit makes it good.

Modern gamer folks

outwards parry system is pretty shit because it's tied to skills with long cds.

Nope. You have to live with your decisions.

>someone wrote some inaccurate things poorly and it made me upset

>he cries about minor inconvenience which just brings flavor to the game
How far are you in the game anyway, boy?

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>literally defined as a survival game
>trying to argue it
Holy fuck

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Is your first instinct when proven wrong to project?
learn what the words survival means

Whos fault is it that you don't keep a torch in pocket?

Also fucking dying to poison after wiping everything...

Yeah marketing is the same as actually playing it. Good job.
How far are you in the game, boy? Thought so, you never even seen gameplay let alone launched it.

If this game had official mod tools, then this game would be bigger. Why don't developers release mod tools anymore, in the past devs did it all the time.

You might actually be retarded. It has survival mechanics and the developers themselves said it's a survival game. Sorry loser!

And tell me how do those manifest in the actual game. How often do you need to eat etc.?

Stop running back to town as soon as the sun sets every day you fucking pussy.

Even if I eat once every hour that's still a survival aspect. Survival game. Period.

A very weak one. It's often used against it by babies who cry "waahhhh i can't play games like this"

You're either a troll or a shill dev because no one would compare the game with morrowind, the praise the lack of leveling in the same breath.

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>it's not a survival game
>yeah huh
>okay but it's not a REAL survival game

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Non-autists are not interested in semantics bullshit.

>whaaaaa why don't people like survival games
maybe because they're tedious instead of engaging the majority of the time and only a specific niché is still interested in them after the survival game craze we had a couple years ago. is it seriously that hard to understand that it's a hashed out genre that's been poorly managed by devs for a long time now?
also why not just say
>yes it's a survival game but it deals with the survival aspects better than previous games and makes them more engaging instead it's
I swear to god i love this thread because so many people in it for and against the game are complete retards.

Which is why a non autist would know it definitely is a survival game

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i saw Cohh the other day mentioning it's similar to morrowind. There were 20k people watching him so you might just be in front of a parrot, non necessarily a troll


>It reminds me a little of Morrowind
this is like saying fable reminds you of morrowind because they're both rpgs.

No, I'm simply several steps ahead of the discussion by denying you the right to bitch about it.

should i buy this game?

so what?
you can still easily kite them because they can never hit you as long as you move

Video games in general are tedious. Go sleep since you are clearly too much of a sack of shit to do anything.


>divide between people
it's just 2 autistic dudes raging at each other in every thread because one likes it and the other doesn't

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>Video games in general are tedious.
If you think this I recommend getting a new hobby.

Absolutely not. If you respect euro jank you really should avoid giving your shekels to this dev team. It is most obvious cash grab if I ever saw one, even fucking EA and co. are not so bad. Seriously, game is basically early access but devs already charge you 40$ and there won't be any additional content whatsoever.

>this thread is still up somehow
Yea Forums is dead

>Hallowed Marsh theme

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It's not the same two autistic people, it's large groups of autistic people bitter arguing over what makes a game good and what makes a game good bad.
And it's a joy to read everytime.

Quick! What're the best skill trees for a battlemage with a bit more focus on the mage part?

>devs have already planned some DLC
I agree with you though this is a wait until bugs fixed/ mods made and price dropped game.

It's clearly not the game for you. Either you need to go to sleep or play something mechanically less complex.

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game seems like it mite b cool but it feels so early access. £35 for this turd is a crazy ask desu
Refunded it and downloaded reloaded instead like any non-brainlet

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Because I don't find all games tedious like you?

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anyone else recognise the trees from the unity asset store?

>not downloading reloaded right away
>calling other brainlets

Tedious doesn't mean you can't cope with it. I still would much rather walk to places than fast travel in a dumbed down way.

You realize it's possible to go to far in the opposite direction right?

No. All games need to be Dwarf Fortresses.

that's the one next to Idaho right?

>[game]'s not worth money, just pirate it
>why don't more companies make games like [game]?
>why did [studio] go under? [game] was so good

You're fully within your moral and legal rights to pirate whatever you damn well please as far as I'm concerned, just consider the future you're choosing the next time you "refunded and downloaded" a game you enjoyed or thought had potential.

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These threads make me enjoy the game because it's actually like I'm traveling with a bunch of autists and half of them hate every part of the journey and complain about it while the other half love every part and keep praising it

It's unironically quite comfy
I bet this is how camping with Yea Forums would be

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>Birdmask + Master Trader Chest and Boots

Im fast as fuck. Are there any other items that increase movespeed?

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>You're fully within your moral and legal rights to pirate whatever you damn well please as far as I'm concerned
Explain this

you need a better lantern

never noticed the audio, I single sling headphones because I am constantly interrupted and only listen to left channels.

I'm a based Sony lad should I get it?

Real shame it's not Skyrim 2.0

Piracy is a service problem
If it was half the price like it should be then people wouldnt have a problem with it

>[game]'s not worth money, just pirate it
>why don't more companies make games like [game]?
>why did [studio] go under? [game] was so good
It's very silly of you assuming these are statements made by the same person

I don't think piracy is immoral or should be illegal. I've downloaded more than a few games and movies. Developers don't get future funding off of "downloads" though so I personally will purchase the games I actually like and want to see more of.

what if i enjoy a game but don't want to see more of it?

>half the price like it should be

then don't play it anymore? you can get up from your computer chair you know. go outside maybe?

You misunderstood me, I enjoy the game but I don't want to developer to make another game in the same vein.
Think of deus ex if you need an example

A friend of mine is that person. Granted he's an idiot but that's a common problem.

just be urself

I'm not buying outward because it's not worth $40 and I don't want the game company to think it is under any circumstance because it will lead to worse problems down the line.

This game isn't the best, but fuck me sometimes it's really damn good
>just went into the Spire of Light
>meet a lich
>like an idiot he reveals his plan to kill humanity
>tell him if he does I'll beat him up
>proceed to beat him up
>he says he'll just rise again next week
>then I'm gonna kill you again next week
>he gets scared and calls me a monster
>tell him I dont want to kill him all the time but he leaves me no choice
>he wants to make a deal
>he'll stop planning to kill humanity until I'm dead and will give me rare materials every week
>take the deal
>mfw I just beat up and old man so hard he lets go of his lifes amibiton and has to give me his rare valuable stuff every week
>mfw I also killed all his minions and stole a tablet which powered his barriers setting him back by a lot

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this games combat reminds me of the witcher 2

Is the dissapearing items glitch fixed? Cos i can't be arsed to play this till it is.

>but I don't want to developer to make another game
this makes no sense

That's fine. I want to think this time will be different since it's a small studio, 10 people iirc, who have been putting out passion projects rather than derivative cashgrabs like other small time studios or indie devs. They're pretty active in the community from what I hear too. I just want to believe they'll improve so I gave them $40 (minus GabeN's tax).

This game's combat reminds me of that event when idiots chase cheese wheel down the hill and break their legs.

Makes a lot of sense to me, look at dues ex or the witcher or fable or dragon age or mass effect post 2.

51 hours played, hasn't happened to me. I think I remember hearing something about a small patch with a fix but I don't know for sure.

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That's entirely fair and I hope your investment works out, If the game is worth that much to you I've got no problem with you spending that much and enjoying the product you purchased.

Oi, why no one posts webms here? How's the combat? How's the NPC interactions/rp? I mainly care about the combat desu but it seems like a comfy game for a good weekend.

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Anyone got a fix for insane stuttering problems this game faces outside of cities?

that's oddly fitting

If water is wet then is fire burnt?

>Moist isn't a thing, its a state
jesus christ

Shadowplay is fucked so it's a pain in the ass to record that's my excuse.

>How's the comba
Extremely jank which is
>why no one posts webms here?

No, but there is food that does. The red cocks in the desert drop meat that increases movement speed when cooked and I think is also used as an ingredient for a dish that also increases movement speed.

Fire is burning.

I didn't give up though
My plan is still gonna happen when you die

I'd post webms if I wasn't so lazy and they wouldn't all just be me stunlocking all the enemies to death.

The user is saying he doesn't want them to make shitty sequels and just stop at one game
Can't say I blame him when MOST sequels suck ass

Sure, but when I'm dead I won't care about that.

Not if I become a lich too fuckface.

From what I've seen this game looks empty most of the time. Is that true majority of the time?

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Can't have an erect dick

The first two areas, Chersonese and Enmerkar Forest, have awful overworlds. The last two, Hallowed Marsh and Abrassar Dessert, have much better overworlds, but still nothing too fancy. Dungeons are cool tho.


Overworld can be a bit dull, especially in the first area. Later areas are crawling with baddies that respawn quickly so you're forced to choose between slaughtering everything in your path (and expending resources) or trying to avoid fighting. Dungeons definitely got more attention than the overworld but there's still shit to see and find by just wandering. Every zone has a few unmarked dungeons too.

Filthy gaijin.

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Just installed this game any tips?

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Don't drop your bag like they suggest, it's better to "die" with your shit than go look for it after you're across the map. The adventurer's or scale backpack is great for this purpose because it does not hinder dodges

Kick is your best friend and Fang weapons are great beginner weapons.

I don't have the game but that doesn't sound right

If you're about to die, it's better to equip your bag because there are situations where you're kicked out of a dungeon while your bag is still inside, leaving you to backtrack to get it.

Good ways to make money?

Anyone know where I can get a mage tent?

Why not just die again and your bag will be moved close to you as an user above said?

If you don't mind using exploits, start splitscreen, make new character and drop the silver he has on him and repeat. If you don't wanna use exploits, gather fuckloads of iron scraps, bandages and life potions and go to Vendavel fortress. The bandits there buy scraps and bandages for 5 silver each and life pots for 15 silver each.

Well, if you're in a situation where you're all the way across the map, you might end up respawning back to town which you might not want to happen. If you're looking to off-load your stuff then it's not a bad idea to do that.


right here *grabs bulge*

I really wanted to like it. Too fucking clunky for me.

TW1 is meh
TW2 is eurojank kino
I went to some russian website to download a mod that let me play as a half-orc in SP instead of a human

This game could use more chest to separate items into really, was kind of hoping the later houses would of had a food pantry, armor rack, alchemists shelf to be honest.

I bought mine in Levant.

I want a game like Morrowind with all its wacky alchemy and spells and quests but with the freedom of movement and exploration of Breath of the Wild

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then this is probably the best you're getting

That'd be pretty great, shame it'l never be done.

Thanks, I'll go see if I can find one.

>having a hard time with boss
>decide to drop his ass through the trap floor in the treasure room and let gravity do its thing

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>tfw when I can’t even progress past the manticore monster of gay magic mountain
I guess I’ll be a fucking cook slut in the mining dungeons forever then.

this game didn't run on my laptop lads

>magic mountain

Whatever the purple pintail where you unlock mana is called and the monster on top.

yeah the manticore gave me a lot of trouble aswell

The rock mantis?

>put like 10 traps
>finish it if it's still alive after that
wew lad that was hard

just started playing where can i get a decent bag? walking around like i'm dummy thicc here.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (311x424, 240K)

>i9 7900x
>rtx 2080
>32gb ram
>game runs like complete ass and developers dont acknowledge anything is wrong
Anyone else having this problem? I'm getting close to the 2hr mark..


What's a good melee weapon for a first timer? is sword and shield good in this game? Thinking of joining the holy order first and larping as a paladin.

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>I bought Outword instead of Sekiro
Its so I can get a complete version of the game with all its DLC for the first time I play it

>I bought Outword instead of Sekiro

>is sword and shield good in this game?
Shields are kind of meh, but some skills like the Shield Gong or whatever it's called seem pretty good. I've had issues with the reach of 1H swords, sometimes when I stagger an enemy they stumble just out of range of my sword. Greataxe is the best weapon type by far. You can use all weapon types tho, none of them are straight up shit.

They are harder to use for sure since they dont have the reach and stagger power of other weapons, I would actually recommend starting the game, finding a move set you like and then restarting. Remember, the first weapon you leave town with is the one you get your first skill for, and this skill will be all you have for a while so make sure its a weapon you actually like, first playthoughs might suffer because they didnt get a skill at the start that they like or even use.

Find black chicken, go to the mountain top. Watch.

The fuck? I have a GTX 660 and 6gb of ram and the game runs fine for me.

So is this like a more janky version of Dragon's Dogma with wrose combat?

gold lich spear or poison spear for monsoon grinding?

force fullscreen or disable multi monitors

It's nothing like it.

Its hard to say, the combat is very deliberate and I can see people hating it, but once you get good at it its satisfying to clean through enemies that once gave you issue. You dont level up in this you just get skills and better at fighting, so even some shitty bandit can body you if you arent giving it some effort.

Its similar to DD in that it feels like an adventure, I would love these mechanics in DD with a bigger map, it would be perfect.

>I can't retard my way through fights
Don't you guys worship the ground all souls game touch because of this "git gud" play?
It's like that, but lite

"We only have 10 ppl, bla bla, it would take alot of manpower, bla bla"

only thing that's like DD is the open world being empty the combining items and the weight slowing you down.

Why do you even care about monster on top? If you want the shitty sword just grab it and run.

you know people think dark souls 2 is a bad game

>Souls: Learn attack pattern, dodge and attack when you have an opening.
>This trash: monste attack recovery is faster than yours and even if you block/dodge/circle strage monster can attack before your next dodge/block.
Literally no point in doing anythign but cheesing this shit with lightning balls.

>game holds your vision hostage
this makes me mad

What are you talking about?

Yea this really, there needs to be some kind of training mode so people can check for a move set they like and learn how stamina works, it is crucial to fighting but never quite explained properly how it works.
Get enemies to 50% stamina and they start getting staggered by hits, same for you. The idea is to wear them down and then go for it, not immediately start bringing out combos because the enemy(and you) can just tank those hits if they are over 50% stamina and youll find you are getting hit mid swing, if they get knocked down this isnt always helpfull since they stumble backwards out of range alot of the time and recover stamina, so you dont want to immediately go for heavy attacks unless its to finish a fight. Hitting them while they are blocking DOES do stamina damage, when the bar comes up that is their block meter, not their stamina, you can wear an enemy down who keeps blocking if you keep attacking, but you also have to account for your own stamina when doing this.

You know what is funny? This game is best described by the first 5 words of the official description.

Theres an FOV slider user.

>Outward delivers an immersive RPG

what's the game about


Two Worlds 1 is worse, but I liked it better
Two Worlds 2 felt too linear for me
I also liked Too Human tho so

Choose which game is getting more shilled on Yea Forums. Kenshi or this game.

>No remarkable journey is achieved

Laugh my ovaries away
Yeah I bet that's it.

Kenshi is just shilled by cultists, this is clearly either devs or someone paid.


>I failed to learn monster pattern
>It is game fault
Maybe you having trouble to comprehend that monster can chain random amount of moves into one attack? Well, now you now. Monster can chain from 1 to 3 moves in one attack and it is up to you to learn which attacks monster can chain and which he doesn't. Yes, it is harder than souls games but then again, souls games are for girls and disabled people.

Hyena's lunge and have a long recovery time they suck at circling you but will leap back if you try to rush them
Bandits with 2h = let them swing heavy then punish them
Bandits with spells/bow = rush after they fire ranged, but be quick or they will draw their melee weapon and block non stop
Dinosaurs = think hyenas but with a mean ass bleed and more pouncing

Also, get traps if you truly can't handle these baby mode fights

>Kenshi or this game
Are we forgetting the 10+ daily Sekiro help threads and their very blatant hate of being redirected to /vg/?

Attached: 488.gif (640x266, 3.26M)

It does not matter how many attacks are chained, they just recover from the last attack faster than PC's attack can finish. Only way to play this game is 50 traps bullshit, so fucking exciting. Rubbish. Souls are leagues above this cheap trash where they didn't even bother to test.

Oh, you didn't explained how to beat white fucking chokobos. /s
I can kill hyenas just fine, 2 at the time if needed. Dinosaurs is just fucking slow to wait for 4 hit combo and then try to clip them after they input read your swing and jump back.

I don't think that's a manticore. Manticores are late-game enemies that are way stronger. also you should use traps and weapon buffs every time you fight something tough. or get another friendly user to help you

couldn't be that people are just enjoying game, could it? there's maybe one or two threads on Yea Forums a day. most anons are actually discussing the game unlike (you)


>for example a side quest in the marsh rewards you with a backpack that reduces mana costs
FUCK! Don't tell me the quest is called "Purify" ... I failed that one because apparently there's a timer on it.

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>they just recover from the last attack faster than PC's attack can finish.
This is outright false. Ghosts, bandits, monsters (hyenas, mantles, etc.) all have window of opportunity for you to exploit and it is with 0.9 speed weapon, mind you.

First weapon you leave with is the weapon you get your first skill for. If you dont want to test weapons with new saves make a quarterstaff, it will give you a good skill that applies to spears and halberds.

The problem is that you're trying to play the game like a poke-poke-roll Souls i-frame abuse game ingame instead of playing around stability like the game wants you to.

you use one trap or two then hammer them when their Impact gauge is 1/2 from the traps. you don't need that many traps. you could use all traps, but that's a huge waste of supplies.

could you theoretically play with only lantern throw?

>Dude everything is just subjectivr xD

>how do I kill hyenas
>with a greataxe
>how do I get a greataxe
>make one out of hyena bones

make your bone weapon, go in 1-2 hits with bleed and poison, and whittle them down
or go with frost or bolt and widen that window with slows

Serious-fucking-ly, you're playing an RPG and you need help on the most basic of RPG elements
you can get the best backpack right at the start

If you can afford them sure, think of it as grenades if you want, it is always worth carrying more than one anyway

>four of them at once
dont fight four at once
>at night
dont go out at night

use kick

fuck off with that shit

And? If you are so bad you can let bandits kill hyenas for you, what is your problem?

Use traps
Throw lanters at them
Use any of the 3 spear weapons available in town
Get sword and board from town
kick them to death
kite them to bandits

Make a campfire and cook the crabeyes and then add them on to linen for poison rags for said weapons
How much more of a game do you need explained to you before you start using your brain for yourself

yikes I don't even have this game I was just making a joke

There are two types of people in this world: people who don't like survival games and people with autism

How much mana channeling does everyone recommend? I was thinking for somewhere between 2-4 for a more warrior based spec.
But there's been a deluge of absolute shit tier survival crafting open world games over the past few years. This one is alright because it's more of an rpg and less of survival.

Fang weapon tooks ugly as fuck, no thanks.
Yea, literally no point in learning combat, I just infuse->spellblade lightingin orb->drops them to 50 just go hay fuckign 1 button spam = dead. Fucking mad skillz.

this game is about as much a survival game as Zelda
you have to be pants on head retarded to not survive
>Here's every decent weapon/tool on the floor
>Catch the fish with this harpoon, no minigame, no timing, just get them
>By the way, that harpoon has good damage and max range, perfect for those pesky hyenas outside
>Did we mention you don't need these 20 odd axes we have in town? You can sell those bad boys for a pretty penny

20-40 if you're not gonna be doing much but buffing
60 for a spellblade
80-100 for a pure mage
100+ if you're doing a heavy armor themed mage or something.

The survival oriented debuffs are pretty severe. Hot and Very Hot fucks you over completely if you use melee or bows.

>I don't want crazy good damage and Bleed DoT
If aesthetics take precedence over function, then skip ammolite armor and get your fancy boy blue sand. Enjoy being cooked alive though

Actually, pure mage can go without mana at all.

>devs have already planned some DLC
Not that guy but can I get a source? I've been looking for more information on post launch content. Mostly because I really like it. Its fun eurojank that I want more of. Honestly I just want even more desert with more punishing conditions. Like a sandstorm would be great.

I don't give a fuck how easy it is. Playing "Inventory Management and Material Farming Simulator" is just the modern version of doing puzzles you fucking autistic.

You can't expect someone just starting the game to make a cheese build centered around a lategame armor set that they don't know exists.

I really hope they add some DLC, some super high level stuff would be great. Once you get a suit of armor and one of the legendary weapons, you just walk all over everything, so some stuff for maxed out characters would be fun.

>can only either threaten or bribe Lockwell into freeing Oliele
Well this is dumb.

Those must be some sour grapes my dude

>Bribing the already omega level jews
Just threaten everyone all the time, if they throw down ala Vandavel fort, you get nice loot

I finished purifier and didn't get any backpacks from it.

Nah it's a different quest.

Why the fuck am I losing max stamina just from running around? Does the cold do that?

No, it just happens by using stamina.

You get tired. Sleep it off.

>right click
>explore stack
holy shit

the more active you are, the more stamina you burn
also the day naturally takes some stamina
Make pungent paste and forget about it

Having a pack mule you bring would be the only thing in the list I'd want to see. Everything else is just your standard rpg

shit sjw game

The character creation for this game is fucking hideous. I know it's a low budget indie game where you play a peasant but fucking hell this is just shocking. Oblivion is better than this

My sentiments, exactly.

My sentiments, exactly.