It seems like the next AC will be in a Viking era setting. What are your thoughts?

It seems like the next AC will be in a Viking era setting. What are your thoughts?
Personally I am looking forward to raiding villages and exploring Northern Europe

Attached: assassins-creed-vikings.jpg (1920x988, 444K)

yes, fellow gamer.

Sounds fun. I just hope they learned their lessons from Odyssey.

Jesus Christ I hope not that's just about the least interesting setting possible

yes my fellow gamer, I too am HYPED for this brand new game of ASSASSIN'S CREED

Ok. I bit. The clue is a poster for Valhalla. Now Valhalla is not unique to Vikings. It could be the Roman expansion into the the region.

fuck off ubisoft


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nice, will purchase

Can't wait for a latina valkyrie and black vikings.

It'll probably be another clone of the last two


> "We want the God of War audience."

Why? AC Odyssey isn't anything like that.

Sounds interesting, but still a little upset we get no Japan yet.

The Vikings didn't exist.


Haha yes, I can't wait for all the same bugs and paid content with a fresh reskin.

neither did the First Civilization, or the AC versions of the Templars and Assassin's Order

i bet they'll add a fuckload of muslims on it

Can't wait to play as the Moorish Pirates that tried to conquer Iceland in a completely anachronistic justification for having 90% of the cast be blacker than death row.

They're gonna do everything in their power to subvert everything about them because vikings are too white and masculine.

please... make it stop... no more ships... NO MORE SHIPS, PLEASE

This. BF was garbage; of course Yea Forums would like it.

Consider how the last two games were. They obviously departed heavily from the AC format but they still relied a lot on climbing and versatility, IE a lot of buildings and shit. There is not a lot of that in vikings era Europe. The ship combat would be the same as Odyssey, IE not a gripping new feature to draw people. And finally, in Odyssey one of the two main ways to build your character was the combat trees, archer, stealth, warrior. When was the last time you heard of a stealthy viking, or an archer viking? Sure you could make the player character be the exception to the rule, but it just seems like one more strike against the idea rather than for.
All in all, what are they thinking

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I'd play it if it were the opposite, but you know they won't, they'll just go for the stormfag snownigger odin larp bringing freedom and feminist values to backwards Christian dark ages through mass murder, rape, and piracy

Be prepared for
>Brown Vikings
>Lots of female warriors breaking "gender norms"
>Schooling on how these uneducated brutes got their swordmaking skills from Middle Easterners
>Anti-Christian rhetoric, lots of it (atheistfag here, but you know lefties love to push this shit every time)

>The ship combat would be the same as Odyssey,
no, it wouldn't, because the "navies" of northern Europe were shallow-draft longboats that would make the Jackdaw from Black Flag look like an imperial star destroyer in comparison
>IE a lot of buildings and shit. There is not a lot of that in vikings era Europe
There were a TON of such buildings following the Carolingian Renaissance, with the development of Romanesque architecture and stone castles to say nothing of the vast towns full of thatch-roof or wooden houses
>When was the last time you heard of a stealthy viking, or an archer viking?
As much as I hate Viking snowniggers, you need to stop getting your historical information from video games and newspaper comics

Everything I ever believed was a lie

good thing i compared the ships of the vikings to the ships of the greeks, you fucking moron. IE they would be part sail part row (like odyssey) and would operate in combat with ramming and spears or some other projectile thrown by the crew (like odyssey). It doesn't matter if that's what really happened, it's close enough to fit the time period that that is what they would go for to adapt it to a video. Like they did in Odyssey, which was my entire point.
>comparing thatch-roof or wooden houses with a singular castle to the gigantic cities or villages of the previous two AC games
you are so fucking retarded
>archers and stealth
I never said that these things did not happen in the viking era, only that vikings are not as known in the mainstream for being stealthy or for being archers. Mainstream appeal is what this video game would be marketed on.
In conclusion, go fuck yourself.

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you know what would be cool? a game set in the time period of the intro to Unity.