VTM:B thread
VTM:B thread
What mod gets rid of the shit gameplay?
The mod that raises your intelligence.
I don't think so. I'm using that mod and IQ244, so there has to be another mod to handle the shit gameplay.
What is a good starting clan if I want to play a melee character?
Has anyone gone Tremere and invested into Blood Boil? It seems kinda shit considering you have blood theft and suicide which are also instant kills with lower experience cost, it takes like 5 seconds for the target to explode so I don't know if the aoe is any good, only thing that could redeem it is if it had good boss damage, how is it?
>kill someone
>4 years in prision
You know this isnt such a bad trade off.
>club promoter
Well he wasn't wrong and if he'd had lived he probably would be
brujah dude
Just started playing this for the first time after buying it for $5 like 6 years ago. Aside from installing the unofficial patch what are some good tips and/or things to keep in mind?
don't open it
open it
don't play malk or nos your first playthrough
tremere is the indisputable best clan
mods other than unofficial patch+ (clan quest, antitribu) are all pretty flawed in their own way and shouldn't be used for first playthrough
don't open it
Gangrel. Don't listen to the brujah fag
I'm coming to the end I think of my current playthrough and I think I'll immediately play it again with the plus patch, should I get any other mods as well?
open it
Clan Quest is a mixed bag but worth trying for a later playthrough. It's based off an older version of the unofficial patch so lacks some restored content and fixes, and changes a lot of mechanics itself. Extra content is good, but it's of seriously mixed quality (some very good, others incredibly amateurish).
Haven't played Antitribu but I've heard it's a buggy mess
Is there even a point in raising phys attributes when you can just be roided out on bloodbuff
I'm kind of interested in the frenzy mechanic and what to play as a violent psycho next
>try VTM:R
>it's shit
Who else knows this feel?
Depends what you're looking for
do you want to move 2fast and hit really hard?
if so Brujah
do you want to rip n tear but also be super tanky?
if so Gangrel
both are the cutest girls too
iirc vanilla it's pretty shit. One of the mods (Camarilka Ed, I think) gives it a major range boost, so you can blood boil someone and the group won't aggro you, meaning everyone will just stand around and die once the victim explodes. Honestly, you can do this rarely and it's more of a fun thing to do than an efficient strategy.
THe dark settings and atmospheres make me feel relaxed and spiritual and I Can't play the game because I will never expeirenece it in real life
Seems the little shit died by gross negligence by the paramedics who gave him the OK rather than insist he get a CT scan which would have saved his life (or his own stupidity if he declined further medical care at the hospital)
Why didn't you feed him blood as he lie there agonizing and turn him into a ghoul mini lacroix?
I wonder if that dude think it was worth punching him
Melee characters in order:
Brujah - Generally the best. Superhumanly fast, strong, and awe opponents reducing their stats.
Gangrel - More unarmed focused than Brujah but maybe still not quite as good because celerity is that amazing. You have to turn into a monster, and you'll want to be a major asshole to reduce your humanity and increase frenzy chance (you get a special +5 bonus to all physical atts when frenzying). You're powerful sure, but you lose control of your character.
Toreador - Has celerity and presence, and that makes them almost as good as Brujah. Also has the benefit of being able to become an angel of gun wielding death in the late game.
Nosferatu - Ugly motherfucking monster. Not as good at straight up fighting as the other two, but you can learn to turn invisible in combat and backstab motherfuckers. Not recommended for your first play through.
Ventrue - Technically can be okay, because you can stack both fortitude and presence to be nigh invulnerable. Sure your offense isn't amazing, but you're a melee tank.
Malkavian - Crazy vampires. Very fun. Not melee.
Tremere - Mage vampires. Powerful. Not melee.
the real damage was probably when his head bounced off the concrete after getting heemed
Since many of you guys have played through the game dozens of times have you done Kalliyans sidequest as the different clans? What does she say when you explain the different clan purposes?
When does this game get good?
I really like the story and the characters, too bad the gameplay is too dated
>he bought
Only 244 lol, do you need a caretaker or can you even function without help lmao
>Gangrel - More unarmed focused than Brujah but maybe still not quite as good because celerity is that amazing. You have to turn into a monster, and you'll want to be a major asshole to reduce your humanity and increase frenzy chance (you get a special +5 bonus to all physical atts when frenzying). You're powerful sure, but you lose control of your character.
hot take: gangrel frenzy is a meme. You can't frenzy with protean up, and the claws are more useful than the +str you get from the frenzy. Later levels of protean give you the str boost anyway
>Kalliyans sidequest
>4 years in prison
>can't shitpost on Yea Forums
>try shitposting irl
>get stabbed
Gangrel, fuck Brujah.
You don't need the unofficial patch if you got it from GOG.
Damn I could have sworn I went into frenzy when testing that at low health.
Oh well, in that case Brujah>Toreador>Grangrel for melee.
Never mind it was a clan quest addition apparently. Ignore my previous question. Pretty interesting as it gave some more info on kuei jin lore but overall of meh quality.
you can try it, type frenzyplayer in the console with protean; it won't work
If you're playing with the basic patch, then no, but the plus patch nerfs it to two dots.
wish +stat buffs like bloodbuff and protean gave you stats above the 5 cap
Post the guide pic please
Tzmisce """""""""""""""""'free"""""""""""""""""""''' DLC for VTMB2 never ever
Once again here to remind all of the lesser clans who the greatest clan is:
>natural leaders
>strong internal support system
>rock solid clan loyalty
>lasombra eternally seething
>brujah eternally screeching
>no mind control needed
>no antediluvian
Anyone have the original of the op pic?
Based and vampilled.
>stolen also dominate
>mad because they learned from you
>killed by brujah or it's own
which is exactly why you should get your head ct scanned whenever you take a blow to the head. internal bleeding isn't that big of a deal if they catch it, but you're SoL if it goes undetected
How many clans doesn't have antediluvian anymore. Malkavians, Ventrues, Ravanos ? The Tremere antediluvian probably doesn't want to kill all the Tremere so they're fine too. Seth and Haqim looks like cool guys too.
All powerful leaders, with maybe a teensy weensy little eating disorder.
Anyways Ventrue can take care of petty day to day business. We all know which clan only embraces those brilliant people who truly deserve to live forever. While others suffer through their sad unlives, those of the truly greatest clan are filled with a new and overwhelming enjoyment of true art and beauty.
>We all know which clan only embraces those brilliant people who truly deserve to live forever.
The True Brujah ?
Maybe lesser clans would resort to such crass measures but Ventrue blood simply instills noble virtues like honor and loyalty.
Remind me again how Carthage went?
tremere is a fucking worm lol
Brujah is objectively better because lol celerity
but Gangrel is more fun
I thought he got the fuck out of that body and is living in the body of one of his childe. Only Tzimisce is still in the worm.
>can't shitpost on Yea Forums
>he doesnt know
nigga anders brevik got a fucking ps2 after shooting up an island and then asked for a ps3
tzimisce is the worm and half the buildings in the city
Give me some fun run ideas, Ive played the beginning so much that i cant do it anymore without getting bored after an hour.
Currently Im doing a renegade Cop Ventrue; beating people up in alleys, telling the thin-bloods to get the fuck off my beach. I always play perfectionist in RPGs so its hard to not just try and do every quest perfectly
Ventrue were jelous that the Brujah did what they did but better and without dominate and so got the other clans to help them destroy Carthage.
Should I play Final nights or Clan Quest bros.
clan quest seems to be better, never played either tho
Do you even level up haggling ?
So Venture were Chads in Bloodlines 1, and now being a Chad is toxic masculinity.
>telling the thin-bloods to get the fuck off my beach
The fuck does that even mean?
Why was he such a nice guy? I'd expect an ex mob guy to be more of a prick but he literally never insults you and is always helpful. Since he was Lacroix's ghoul, what happened to him after the game with Lacroux gone?
Forgot image
Malk first is fine if they sound the most interesting to you. Plus patch also has its own flaws and you shouldn't be using it your first time. It's kind of silly to mod a game without playing vanilla at least once.
>It's kind of silly to mod a game without playing vanilla at least once.
It think my 32 gigs of DDR4 RAM arn't enough to play the game without the unofficial patch.
Bug fixing isn't really modding
not really needed unless you're buying ammo all the time
He's nice because you covered for him after he lost the explosives. He probably found someone else to ghoul him though if he really was that good at smuggling and already knew everything about vampires.
I like to think my ventrue hired him. Outside of the astrolite fuckup he's probably the most competent ghoul in the game
It is when it comes as a package deal.
I killed him since he tried to off me for refusing to lie for him.
what should my character sheet look like for nostefaru?
The basic patch is mostly just bug fixes though, you're not forced to get all plus content just for the fixes.
come on man
you knew lacroix was gonna kill him
Maxed Obfuscate, Lockpicking, Hacking, and points in Stamina/Dodge since they're kind of glass cannons. Points in Potence too and I like to put a point in Animalism since you can spam Burrowing Beetle while meleeing bosses.
Also start putting a few points in Melee once you get downtown.
I just downloaded the first unofficial mod google gave me.
Yea you just need to only select the basic option during installation for the bug fixes without the custom content mods.
I'm not going to lie cause someone fucked up.
Why do you get the nosferatu home so late in the game? Seems like I only have a couple of main quests left and the game is over.
>not brujah
Nigga get your facts straight.
Brujah are the punchy ones with no respect for Ventrue faggots. Gangrel are scratchy bitch werewolf wannabes.
I think the devs originally intended for there to be more content