Ranking Soulsbornetwice

Now that the dust has settled, let's rank all the Soulsbornetwice games.

Sekiro > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 = Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls > Sekiro
>World Design
Dark Souls 1 > Bloodborne > Sekiro > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Sekiro > Demon's Souls
Sekiro > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls
Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Sekiro > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

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Its SoulkiroBorne you mongloid

Well done, retard. By listing Sekiro's story as best, most people, myself included will just have stopped reading right there.

>dark souls 2 having better gameplay than demon souls
bait thread, pack it up

I suggest actually replaying Demon's Souls, the gameplay feels like a clunky prototype of the following games.

>dark souls 2 at the top of difficulty
Someone didn’t realize that soulgems exist

I don't agree, I found DS2 kite easy because the enemies were slower overall.
But I agree with Bloodborne being the hardest, even with the combat mastered the endgame bosses from the DLCs were hellish brutal.

Though it is too early to judge, as Sekiro will probably get DLC with harder bosses.

Sekiro's story is best by default, becaue it actually has one.
In all the other games except for maybe Bloodborne you just go around killing Bosses for no real reason.


DS3 > BB > Sekiro > DS > DeS > DS2

>Dark Souls 2 top for difficulty
Its the easiest by far

post your list then

I actually agree with this.
Once you understand Dark is completely and utterly broken, the game is a joke, and the most difficult enemies are holes.

Dark soul 2 is the definition of artificial difficulty but it is still around high mid in difficulty. The whole game comes from enemy/boss have ohko attack/combo and some bosses have certain gimmicks that is supposed to be removed by some action before the boss room. Shit like ancient dragon is difficulty because it is an endurance test smashing toe of a dragon for pitiful damage while dragon can one hit you any moment and it is the shittiest boss fight of all soulborne series. Also, the game suffer from enemies doing completely mostly useless attack but always have one attack that instant kill

>dark souls 2 and 3 above anything
>above fucking DEMONS SOULS
Not gonna bother reading the rest. Awful post.

bloodborne has the best story by far, fuck off brainlet
>no real reason
that's not true, it's just often times dumb reasons. but bloodborne had an actual and somewhat straight forward story that's entirely possible to piece together, it's not vague bs like souls

>dark souls 2 is the hardest
What???? Did you play it when you were 6?

DeS = DaS = Sekiro > DaS2 > BB = DaS3

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Hey gamers are you drinking the official energy drink of sekiro? Unleash the dragon!

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Only meme chugging zoomers think 3 has any merit

1. Bloodborne
2. Dark Souls
3. Sekiro
4. Dark Souls 3
5. Demon Souls
6. Dark Souls 2

Difficulty should not be a factor in deciding quality.

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Imagine being so stupid you don't know what '>' means ans then calling someone else a brainlet.
Don't even reply to me. Just go asphyxiate yourself.

you said sekiro's story was better, that makes you a brainlet
I'll reply as much as I want to, brainlet

Christ, just. Don't touch it, leave it where it is.
Do not touch that.

I didn't. Hence why I put DS2 last in overall quality.

Not me. I put Sekiro over Bloodborne becaue it actually made me care about the characters which no other game in the list did except for DS1 with Solaire.

Sekiro > Bloodborne >>>>> the rest

why do people act like sekiro is a souls game?
its not

Bloodborne > DaS = DeS > Sekiro > DaS3 > DaS2

well, I did want to fuck kuro. so maybe you have a point

Not to mention the life gems completely break healing.
I wouldn't call it artificially difficult, or difficult at all really. Its just tedious and boring.
If anything the hitboxes is what makes it even somewhat challenging but unless you're a brainlet you should have enough health and more than enough healing items to suffice.
Maybe it was my build, but I never got one shot in my whole time playing DS2

Sekiro > BB = DS3 > DS1 > shit > DS2

Haven't played Sekiro yet.

Sekiro > BB > DeS = DaS3 > DaS > DaS2

Personally have never given a fuck about "builds" in Souls games so the lack of weapons doesn't bother me at all in Sekiro. I like the experiential elements of Souls games but I also love its combat. I know people think its too simplistic but thats honestly one of the reasons I love it. Every decision in a battle feels important and you can die at any moment so the combat is always tense as hell. Sekiro added the ability to actually be able to style on enemies with cool arts and prosthetics so unlike the other games its actually fun to shit all over enemies that used to give you problems. I love that most of the enemies actually fight back now, as opposed to the majority of enemies in the other games that could either be R1-spammed to death or easily backstabbed. Almost all of the bosses were also great. To me Sekiro is the most quality over quanitity game that they've made.

Its not exactly a 180 from the other games. It isn't as far from souls as DMC, NG, or GoW. It is closer to souls than any other hack and slash, and its not different enough to be called its own thing completely.

similarity with some things like shrines and trial/error doesn't mean its a soul game
there's no soul currency or classes or anything else what the souls games are famous for
if anything its more similar to nioh

Similarity of its in japan does not mean its a nioh game. It does not have stamina, rng weapons, style switching that nioh is famous for. If anything its more like souls

the fact that dark souls 1 is greater than dark souls 2 in anything other than lore invalidates this entire post

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but ds2 is trash compared to ds1?

>Its another "Bloodborne is the best game ever" thread

BBfags are a cancer.

except it has way more bosses, zones, varied builds, less broken pvp, etc etc

try to distance yourself from your nostalgia

ds2 has more bad bosses and bad areas than ds1 and ds3 combined
try to distance yourself from your contrarianism

The 2 best games are DeS and Sekiro, with DS1 a third. Bloodborne hasn't been played.

There’re bosses that are just obnoxious due to the “artificial” difficult one hit such as vendrick, ancient dragon, old iron king knocking into lava, nashandra constant curse etc that just make thing tedious. Some normal enemies such as those giant hippo, giant thing with little shit riding on them, and the worst, the mace armored fuckers are tedious enemies with really limited and tedious but annoying moveset. Other bosses that aren’t downright easy like dragon rider or covetus are just medicore and okay at best.

BB > DaS 1 > Sekiro > DaS 3 > DaS2 > DeS


Why are snoy so insecure? It is 5 threads about BB every day since Sekiro came out

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I get what you're saying. The game has spikes of difficulty for unfair reasons like the kings hole one shots. I'd still propose that as a whole package, DS2 is the easiest.

Sekiro is meh desu

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Sekiro is hands down the hardest.
Every boss is on steroids and there's no summon or grinding that can save your ass.

Sekiro > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Sekiro

>World Design
Dark Souls 1 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Demons Souls > Sekiro > DS 2

Sekiro >> Bloodborne >>>> DS3 > DS > DeS > DS2

>Game actually has a narrative
>People naturally feel it's has a better story than the ones that confuse story telling with piece mealed world building


Came to say almost exactly this
At least it worked great in baiting people into the thread since the rest is agreeable

use real words

Using summons in Dark Souls is like using trainers in Sekiro.

>Dark Souls 3 and Demons Souls above Sekiro in World Design
Fuck no.

my list goes

Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > Bloodborne > Sekiro > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2

mostly based on quantifiable fun and aesthetic preference

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>Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Sekiro > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
I like you user, you have my tastes

DS1 > DS3 > Bloodborne > Sekiro > DS2

Still haven’t played Demon’s Souls yet.

What do you like so much about DS3? To me it felt like mostrly rehashed fights and environments without anything to really set it apart. It was very good but overall just kinda bland imho.

To me it felt like DS1 but with better controls/online and less of the bullshit areas and enemies. It's like a refined version of DS1 without being a complete rehash. I got addicted to making pvp builds at meta level and messing around with magic and all the different weapon movesets.

The fights in ds3 are just top tier. Every bosses have specific character, archetype, and style even if they are humanoid bosses. They actually incorporate magic/miracle for boss without making them cancer and they flow nicely with the boss moveset.
I think environment are fine, just not spectacular but this is the 3rd game in the series so I don’t expect them to come up with super duper unique setting that never have been seen before. I also don’t get absolutely triggered whenever a ds1 character or part of an area show up(it’s not like they force you to go through an whole full ds1 level). It is a sequel to ds series so maybe that’s perfectly for me.


Alright, this is getting ridiculous. Just say "modern FromSoft games".

That would include Déraciné.