ITT: Series with no bad games.
I'll start with an obvious one.
ITT: Series with no bad games
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Phantom Hourglass exisits
are you forgetting about wind wanker, op? that game was ass. and skyward sword? you dumb bitch you've probably only played alttp.
He said "no bad games" not "all bad games"
There are several pointless Zelda games like Link's Crossbow Training or that 3ds co op game
So while Zelda has several of the best games ever made, more than any other franchise, let's not pretend it is flawless.
and spirit tracks
The wand of gamelan?
It’s not that bad, just hasn’t aged well with the annoying stylus controls, and weird art style. Better than most games for its time.
> Pikmin
> Kirby
> Starfy
> Ouendan
> Kururin
> Custom Robo
> Sin & Punishment
Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword are all bad games.
None of them are bad.
Both of you can go fuck yourselves, Toon Link was just fine in his DS incarnations.
God of War.
Phantom Hourglass really fucking pushes it
Pikmin 1 is the only bad game in the series, because it has a limit of how many days you can play. Pikmin 2 did away with that for a much more relaxing experience.
I'll complain about DS2 until this site goes under but I'd rather play it and the other games in the trilogy than most games released today
Hasn't been a bad mainline Ratchet & Clank game
>inb4 Size Matter, Secret Agent Clank, A4One, and Full Frontal
Faces of Evil.
>Series with no bad games.
Skyward Sword exists. Arguably the DS games also. Now I'd say Doom series has never had a bad game. Doom 3 and D44m don't come close to the OG's, but they are still pretty decent in their own merits.
>what is doom 3
Playstation heroes counts too.
>I'll start with an obvious one.
so... where is it? it's certainly not the series that has wand of gamelon, zelda's adventure, skyward shit and botw.
Doom4 is phenomenal. You have no real reasons to dislike it besides it not being a retread of the first one. Doom 2 also sucks ass so I don’t know why that wouldn’t come first when the topic is series with no bad games.
>the pinnacle of cd-i, bad.
CDi isn't canon. Doesn't count.
Dark Souls II sucks
>what if we made Zelda grimdark bro lol
>what if we had some of the worst face models in existence
It wasn't TRULY bad. It was fun.
It felt like an empty husk. It didn't have the atmosphere the first one had.
>what if we made the intro so boring people stop playing it lol
nuts & bolts. though i have to thank it for introducing me to jontron back in the day
I think you meant "series that peak at mediocrity and drop to abject babbymode trash"
Sorry OP. Even excluding the non-Nintendo flops, Skyward Sword still sucked eggs.
>Link's Awakening
>Majora's Mask
>Wind Waker
>Twilight Princess
>Phantom Hourglass
>Spirit Tracks
>Skyward Sword
>A Link Between Worlds
>Breath of the Wild
No bad games, huh?
LA is overrated
Looking at your list. No.
The reboot/remake was fucking awful.
Other than that I'd be willing to agree, but that and the questionable nature of the aforementioned rash of cash-in spin-offs make the series quite a few yards short of perfect.
>>what if we made Zelda grimdark bro
TP isn't grimdark tho.
>WW anywhere near as good OoT
Cute, but gay.
This. I got bored after less than 2 minutes of being the furfag wolf and gave up.
3 brought back the stress by having to get fucking fruits to survive.
Fuck that bees wax.
That is the list of bad games, accounting for the quality of other Action-Adventure and/or Adventure-Puzzle games released in or around the same time frame, and ignoring low hanging fruit.
Zelda has been the bargain bin of the genre it redefined for virtually the entirety of the 21st century, and judging by Nintedo's track record that isn't changing anytime soon.
Can't wait for the next gimmick while relegating core mechanics back to 1998.
What's Miyamoto's autistic obsession this week? Better add it into the fucking game.
There's nothing wrong with those two games dumbo. And while Skyward doesn't have the best controls, it has the best dungeons and the best music
>That is the list of bad games
>other than SS and WW there are no bad games in the list
What did she mean by this?
I mean exactly what I said.
t-thanks for assuming I'm a grill, am I cute, user-sama?
I thought we collectively told IGN to fuck off.
>I mean exactly what I said.
But the complete opposite of what you said happened.
I only fuck thicc, shorthaired, brown tomboys. Either you are one or fuck off.
You know there are games that have great level design, music, AND gameplay?
Fuck outta here, comparing this busted ass franchise to itself from here to eternity. LoZ is too bloated for its own long since creatively bankrupt quote unquote talent.
Fuck your music, an inherently emotional medium attached to a game with fuck all emotion. I'd sooner listen to paint dry, and it would still be preferable if Nintendo could design a video game.
>snack foods
disgusting, but applicable
LoZ can never resemble a proper meal that leaves a good, lasting impression you want to come back to. Just a sugar snack to consume in moments of weakness.
>Food Analogy
1,2 and 4 are the only good ones then.
as long as you dont count rabbids shit, except for maybe rayman m
Majula > Firelink Shrine
>no bad games
Wind waker
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Both DS games
>LoZ can never resemble a proper meal that leaves a good, lasting impression you want to come back to
OoT's coming of age story only hits me harder the older I get
>Twilight Princess
The only good 3D Zelda post-MM.
no, its fucking trash, for multiple reasons
>its fucking trash
Classic Yea Forums, it's either 100% or ITS FUCK TRASH. lel
How did you feel when it was revealed the ghost swordsman in TP was OoT Link?
it is though
-shitty world design
-shitty story
-shitty characters (and their design)
-shitty artstyle
-shitty dungeons
-shitty lore
-literally adds nothing worthwhile to the zelda formula
I'm not big on it honestly. I don't really buy that the same guy who went through the events of OoT and MM would just die unceremoniously in the Lost Woods.
You're acting as if NPCs in Zelda weren't deformed monsters before. Did you not play fucking Ocarina of Time?
Just the main games, doesn't include the spinoffs.
Regardless of what you think of individual titles, none of them are objectively bad.
>would just die unceremoniously in the Lost Woods.
user, he didn't die in the Lost Woods. That was gay ass theory that was disproved by TP given that music from OoT and MM are found in the game, meaning Link survived. Also: he's TP Link's great-great... grandfather.
Yeah, because that game wouldn't be considered a masterpiece if it wasn't a Zelda and had a few changes.
Put "Zelda" on it and people automatically expect a 10/10 and act like it's shit when it's just a decent game. Funny how people think that brand equals a free pass.
Same with Skyward Sword. Just make it a random Wii game by a random niche developer and we would still have daily threads about it today.
That's alright then. Still, it's kinda weird thinking about an older Link, and also seeing the OoT and MM Link having dialogue.
Umm... Yeah, no. 1 was good. Aged a bit, but still good. The only game that has a proper timed based arcade gameplay. 3 and Hey Pikmin are the bad ones.
So are we just pretending this doesn't exist?
Shit games are like Road to Redemption and Haze, you're just acting like a woman. Again.
I don't think it's unfair to expect a series to live up to its own standards.
Spirit Tracks was good tho
I'm gonna pretend your shit opinion doesn't exist, pleb.
>What is NSMB2 and NSMBU
It was nice to bod the guy's spirit after getting fucked over by Zelda and Ganondorf.
Fuck you mate, NSMBU's great. NSMB2 is mediocre at worst, but not bad. Hell, I liked it.
What was wrong with Phantom Hourglass? I never had trouble with it's controls.
Phantom Hourglass, despite being one of the weakest Zelda games, is still a ton of fun.
I'd say Skyward Sword is actually the closest to being the worst mainline title if only because of how aggravating it can be to play at times.
>Just make it a random Wii game by a random niche developer and we would still have daily threads about it today.
We DO still have daily threads about Skyward Sword.
>Skyward Sword exists. Arguably the DS games also.
How the fuck did you know what I was going to post almost word for word!? But yeah, that's going to be a blemish on Zelda forever now.
I’m just gonna be the one that says 64 did not age well at all