Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree that Risk of Rain > Risk of Rain 2

Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree that Risk of Rain > Risk of Rain 2

Attached: risk of rain.jpg (1500x1500, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:!BJNwmIwR!5DeRFccPqHzsvNnWyOc4Fw

Does any user have experience with animating and importing animations into unity? That seems to be an important step to get models into RoR2 since trying to adapt models to the in-game animation skeletons is pretty fucky.

theyre practically the exact same game just 2D and 3D

join fgts 109775240993866479

Nah, the gameplay core and loop are extremely similar in essence but the actual games play pretty differently so they're not really comparable. It's like LTTP and Ocarina of Time, you'd have to be a pretty big faggot to compare them.

Attached: dxmvcqfulub11[1].jpg (1334x750, 63K)

Risk of Rain looks like THAT?!

xth for hoarding loot in mp

reminder that it's okay to play on drizzle

Except it is not

he's not actually dead, you'll be seeing him soon

Attached: 1553739479607.jpg (1080x786, 206K)

It's fun until the host pulls the plug

why ever not, user?

>complete game>not a complete game

wow who would’ve thought

just mod out all enemies at that point

if he becomes a playable character I will shit a house
It would be pretty cool tho

Because I don't like you being comfy if it means I can't be an elitist

Man I just want to play with friends but I keep desynching, any fix for those of us on american ISPs?

Monsoon vanilla lobby.
Get in.

u just have bad internet

Is there a torrent for this game? I wanna see if I can run it. and before you say anything my PC is complete garbage, it's one of those all in one computers with no tower

invalid ID

I'm willing to bet RoR 2 will be better than the first once artifacts are officially in. Playing the original game with Spite, Sacrifice, Command and Glass with Yea Forums was so much fun.

The level design is so bad they might actually have been better off with procedural levels.

>spend 20 hours grinding lunar coins
>finally get artificer
>die 6 times in 30 minutes
>basically dead weight in my 4 man


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More shitty OC for the new thread

Attached: teatime.png (1166x862, 2.89M)

I kinda agree wetlands looks like fucking mess and abyssal depths doesn't hold a candle stick to magma barracks

What would Providence's 4 moves be?

I play on a budget laptop and it runs fine on the lower settings until the harder difficulties when shit hits the fan, but anons with good machines are saying it happens to them too. For some reason the lava map is the absolute worst for it.

I just realized most oc lewd pics are Huntress
While the others oc is comic-relief, tragedy, plain fun is Artificer and Commando.
I'm kinda okay with this.

Attached: Hahahaha.jpg (913x1024, 84K)

You need speed nigga, she has no defensive options so her only hope is to constantly be dodging
very cute!

If Miner gets into 2, it'll be better.

You can try it out for 2 hours and get a refund if it doesn't run properly. The graphics are pretty scalable and you can sacrifice a good amount of LoD.

I only play on single player because I'm the best merc on Yea Forums and you normalfag shitters will just die to a blazing lesser wisp and hold me back

god damn I hate the giant teapot motherfucker boss


Attached: SilenceBot.png (783x647, 187K)

>your face will never be the Huntress' chair

Attached: 1497792623761.gif (500x281, 1.23M)

how does it feel that i spent 1 minute giving myself 100 lunar coins, while you wasted 20 hours of your life achieving a badly designed vidya game currency?

As posted by someone else a few threads ago:
>Passive: When Health is less than 50%, summon Umbra of Providence. The Umbra mimics your movements, and copies items.
>M1 is his sword swings. Slashes twice horizontally in a wide arc, similar to Merc's 3rd hit. Slashes are much slower than Merc's, probably at around HAN-D's datamined base attack speed or even slower
>M2 is his shockwave from RoR1. Thrusts sword down and shoots energy pillars that stop and explode upward when hitting an enemy, and also stuns. A similar move is basically in as a HAN-D move in his files
>Shift skill is his Shield Mode. Any damage dealt to Providence now deals 1 Damage for a set duration (idk 4 or 5 seconds). It's adjusted to have a gimmick where you store the damage taken while in this mode, and at the end of the skill, it erupts in an explosion of pink thorns based on damage taken.
>R moves him forward similar to Merc's Eviscerate, except he teleports above/behind an enemy and slashes downward for a single big hit. Knocks flying enemies to the ground.
A pretty neat concept, imo.

will the game get more stages and bosses?
its a bit barren right now.

im playing on drizzle and starting around stage 30, there's no more bosses per teleporter. should i just end the run?

I think you should end yourself

Once again quoting a post from a previous thread, basically this:
>Providence plays like a berserker style character with big dick numbers and stuns, with great crowd control

I cannot get to level 20 with Huntress or Commando for the life of me. Has anyone else managed to do it without a billion syringes and sticky bombs

>attacking boss
>suddenly start taking massive amounts of hits
>look behind me
>six hundred fucking wisps pelting me with fireballs
I hate these things so much

Attached: 1491586630455.gif (280x189, 835K)

Should I even bother making a lobby? Every time I do this past day it doesn't fill, and I think it's because everyone is using the cheat version.

heres some oc, don't spend it all in one place

Attached: Dont get hit.png (1024x695, 36K)

>jerma starts streaming RoR2
>gets 3 reds in a row and doesn't understand anything
>dies at level 4

it pains me greatly to observe this

Attached: firefox_2019-04-05_17-21-57.png (1629x780, 711K)


>activate mountain shrine
>get swarmed with 3 blazing imps
>kill 2
>get fucked up halfway through the last one
Being greedy with bosses doesn't pay off, especially in singleplayer where you only get 1-2 additional greens for each shrine.

Twitchfags are worse than redditors, prove me wrong.

US West Monsoon
3/4 get in here

>just got the game
>wanna play with Yea Forums
>keep hearing that people are freaking out over others taking things by mistake


yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me

I am a giant teapot,
Big and Stout
Here is my handle,
Here is my Tar

thats why I like the huntress. her rightclick just kills those shits before I even notice them.

is hauler, loader?
who is paladin?
will miner return?

Attached: Enhance.jpg (657x527, 24K)

fuck off with your twitch shit to twitch

this except jerma

unless you mean in raw skill then yeah

They're pretty much on par, because they're usually one in the same.

>unless you mean in raw skill
What I mean is in how big of a faggot you are, retard

OP, please, not today. I just can't.
I'm very sore.

Nice of you to omitt the fact that this was his 3rd run ever

you're a retard, retard

>glass mod
>bronzong hidden by so many names that I can't see it or the ball flying across the map to hit me
>titan fist AoE hitting you at the corner of the cylinder in open space instead of being a capsule around the actual stone model
>titan laser being inconsistent about it locking on no matter how many times you spin over his head/ankles while other times you get them in a state where they can't lock on for shit
>wisp perfect tracking
>burning enemies dealing ground fire damage instantly before their spawn animation has even begun
>so many names stacked on top of one another its impossible to see the burning bronzong hiding behind them throw a ball at you from 100ft away
Glass isn't an official mod, and some of these issues like 15 names stacking are the result of unofficial player counts, but when you play on Glass you see how the exact very avoidable attacks of RoR1 compare to the 360 degree lock on chaos of RoR2. An FoV slider would help seeing all the shit spawning directly behind you.

Attached: 1492831556392.png (217x193, 67K)

Samefag newfag.

Are any of the thicc mods actually done? I swear like 3 different anons said they were making them and nothing

I have made a boy in LDD!

Attached: ''7778891.7000000365_engineerRAWR2.png (337x482, 168K)

I love Jerma but I don't come to him for high skilled gameplay. The dude is like a wholesome step dad who picks up the controller and asks "hey user, what's going on with this game?" with a big grin on his face.

>20 hours of your life achieving a badly designed
lmao its takes like 3 hours max to get 10 lunar coins you lucklet

Attached: 1517490813032.jpg (480x360, 18K)

You can't just random spout insults you heard in your 5 minutes here and not expect you to look like a faggot redditor.
Kill yourself. Twitch is the exact antithesis of Yea Forums you fucking moron. Why even come here?

How does it feel playing a video game in which you yourself believe to be a waste of time? Are you a retard?

>reading comprehension

Yea Forums - E-Celeb Discussion

it would be cool to see you shit a house honest

>Pretty good run going as huntress
>Infusion, 3 shield generators, a few sticky bombs, brilliant behemoth, like 7 fucking gasoline
>All I have to do is throw a glaive and watch everything die in a fire
>Abyssal Depths
>Hit the teleporter
>Blazing Elder Lemurian x3
>Health deleted before I even knew what happened

I guess blazing is a modifier you don't want to see, then?

God, I hope, Miner was the shit

Attached: 1553593963885.jpg (222x293, 19K)

How the fuck do I host a lobby/paste a code into the thread? Can't find the option

any EU lobbies? where my insomniacs @

top right of the screen you blind faggot

Why would providence kill what he was trying to protect?


>get into official discord
>fags want to play with mic only even on rainstorm

i just want this game to be chill with my music in the back and no faggots talking why no one host in here anymore for US?

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>3 wandering vagrants in the second level
They're easy to fight, and their attacks miss all the time, but they take so fucking long to kill. Literally the only time the teleporter finishes charging before I kill the boss.


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I don't agree that they would be better off with procedural levels, finding shit would be annoying as fuck without heavy logic in place for where chests/teleporter could spawn in. I do agree the level design is pretty shit and visually some of the terrain could be cleaned up to look better without being demanding. I expect each level to get overhauled after some months ago by with however much new content they add, either being bigger or making the existing size more interesting to explore

??? are you retarded? that's not what reading comprehension dumbass

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>Blazing Hermit Crab

LITERALLY NOTHING I COULD DO! You get fucking chunked for half your health, then die from the DoT How is that fair in any situation?

I ain't "Defending" Twitch you retard.

cant join because your modded dll is either older or newer than mine

I like that, good work dude


I resinstalled the game without mods

>tfw someone wants me to join voicechat.

Attached: b267dc58709315808e8513fe8c2dbc42.png (600x800, 306K)

Fucking hell yeah, glad to hear something about it. Getting tagged by that now is a god damn death sentence

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US West Monsoon Vanilla

But here's something you could've not done that would've been good: Get hit

because getting 70 armor for free is retarded

as someone who is just jumping on the train, whet was the story of the first game, and what's the one for this? Something about a rescue mission?

Who said there was only one Providence. And who saiys there can't be a Providence for whatever the player character(s) are?

More like Risk of Wind lol

>why no one host in here anymore for US?
Because when you host in vanilla no one's going to fucking join because everyone is modded, and the kind of underaged retards who mod their games because they kept dying to blazing enemies have garbage internet.

invalid id


Pick my character for my next run.

>tripfag is retarded
What a surprise

Do you have to carry all 5 luna items for the unlock or can you pickup and drop them?



That isn't the issue I figure. (Un)modding is literally copy-pasting one file and renaming it. It seems the only people playing in US much anymore are the neets who host around 7pm-3am

Thanks! I have also made Commando with Wax Quail!

Attached: ''16783744.69999992_Commandoboi.png (320x468, 131K)

vanilla eu 1/4

someone host with the newest dll file

All 5 at once. I found it easiest to just save coins and head to the blue shop and wait until it was full of items.

Got so tired of getting lunar equipment over and over.

Oh god imagine the smell underneath that undersuit after running and jumping all over the place for days.

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Ok so like, you ridding some huge cargo space ship, then this black nigga named providence crashes the ship with 1 survivor, you land on a strange and alien planet where everything want to kill you, the cargo from the ship crashing a scattered all over the planet and you use items to help yourself in combat, you take these weird teleporters until you end up back on the ship, fight providence and his pet worms, then escape the planet using the ship
The overall story is very vague, the ending depends on which survivor you play as, and a lot of detail is explained in monster log entries and item descriptions

>get to hell or whatever that level was called with one other guy
>he dies, i run around and find the tele
>activate it
>magma worm
>i lasted 3 seconds
How are you supposed to fight magma worm?

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Game is pretty fun with cheats

Attached: cheats risk of rain.png (1806x1041, 1.82M)

Does anyone know where the save files are located?

wowie look at that
fuck you, hope you die irl
only took a week for Yea Forums lobbies to end because of some autist

Does anyone have that picture of ROR1 with Sniper, Miner, Merc, and Huntress fighting off a wave of enemies?

What is the best Lunar item and why is it Transcendence?

artificer just needs mobility items, already does a fuck load of damage
try going for drinks/goat hooves/quails early so you can kite properly when shit ramps up
best increases to your damage are on-hit/on-kill and backup mags
be smart about when you use M2 so you don't eat a bunch of shit
syringes are ok since they let you toss M2 faster
the random zaps from your M2 that get thrown at what it passes can proc everything
your R with some good proc items is ridiculously strong
brain stalks and alien head are actually a lot more mediocre than most people would tell you, M2 and R cooldowns don't start until after you've thrown/finished casting and the cooldowns are already really low.
make sure you use the wall properly, the execute effect is the best partwhen it doesn't bug lol

at some point the game is going to spawn 10 wisps above you
your best bet is not being alone when it happens
or running
you won't kill them before taking damage

What's the point?

Place your bets. Also, finally got the Overload worm's book.

Attached: eRf7ExU.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

>literally cheating
>still plays on rainstorm
The absolute state of this loser

broken glass is the best
hellfire tincture is lowkey the most fun

all at once
best way is to hope for lunar pod and an altar on the map so you can jsut buy the other 4 and pray theres not like, 4 hellfire tinctures in the shop

It's all going into keys and you know it user

Its pretty fun at least for me and my friends. Specifically one of them really doesnt like the whole rogue-like thing.

Attached: Big damage risk of rain.png (1791x932, 1.18M)

uswest vanilla
rainstorm or monsoon

>Cheevo/unlockable item for beating an elite boss on Monsoon
>Kill an elite horde of greater wisps that were a boss one round
>later kill an overloaded magma worm
>still didn't unlock


just post the results attention whore

Here's my collection of Artificer and Huntress pics, mostly cheesecake and some lewd. Updated it recently:!BJNwmIwR!5DeRFccPqHzsvNnWyOc4Fw

Imgur links for those who prefer
Artificer (and Huntress-Artificer pairings):

Attached: 0.jpg (654x1010, 39K)

what are you on about you autist? if you want an unmodded lobby host it yourself

Didn't need to tell me this.

Rip blazing titans.

Attached: 0513466612345.png (546x984, 42K)

Was hoping for syringes.

Attached: QOSKGoY.png (299x71, 30K)

Wasn't my decision. Also would like to add that there seems to be a cap on things that can be spawned so if theres a ton of drones or ghosts the game wont even spawn a boss when you hit the teleporter, kind of a bummer.

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literally shaking

Attached: guys im literrally shaking.jpg (781x883, 113K)

How good is engi?
He seems fun to play.

Thanks user!

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why not just get gestures + capacitor + fuel cells + catalyst

>Complaining about that build, besides the crowns.
That's fuckin' awesome, user.

post a webm of how fast you go now

>Not wanting to fast

It's like you hate fun

post webm of your FAST pls

I'm glad to be of service!

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Have some mercy on my dick, jesus fucking christ

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Attached: woosh.png (1556x716, 23K)

good shit right here, thank you based user

Attached: 1538480168272.gif (560x582, 45K)

Sounds painful. I tried cheating in like 1000 fireworks and my game went to 1fps and was unplayable.


Have any non-lewd huntress / artificer ones? Specifically looking for the two laughing girls edit that someone made of them

I don't like how the change to 3D made finding shit much harder

4 player USA East

>accidentally deleted my screenshots and videos

Well, I just made some fun discoveries.

> Playing Engineer in an attempt to do 20 stages
> Find a Lens-Maker printer on Stage 2
> Print until I'm at 100% crit
> Rest of the items I'm finding are fucking fireworks
> Then I find two of those ghost dagger things and a Preon Accumulator

Fun fact: the fireworks can crit, and can also spawn ghost daggers on kill (which can also crit). They also don't despawn if they don't hit anything. You can build up a massive amount of them, activate the teleporter and basically oneshot the boss that way.

Also, the Preon Accumulator can crit and since it can hit multiple times, you can oneshot bosses on HAHAHAHAHAHA.


Attached: curiosity has just kill killed you.png (1134x597, 858K)

neat thx

I'll add PG pic and possibly do a folder for them soonish.

Attached: 1554427047948.png (1078x1134, 59K)

anyone tried to play with a switch pro controller yet?

Literally just walk back slowly while hitting it.

next time say you dont have the newest dll file

Have big dicks damage and don't get hit by the 300 mobs on top of you as you stand 3ft away from it to hit it properly. Running to the outskirts of the map to drag the worm away can help, but it can also take too long to drag them over, killing the run.

Thanks user, you're a good guy.

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US West Monsoon
3/4 get in here

>tfw no teleporter

Attached: 632360_20190405205456_1.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

I hope to God no one here is retarded enough to play a shooter that requires quick turns to be optimal with some characters with a controller


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Gesture of the Drowned. Multiple lighting bolts a second is pretty okay.

should I just remove my modifed dll and go vanilla? Do they get more players

Hope you have good enough items.
Make a mental map of the area and backpedal

If you're the Mercenary, get to a high area so you don't get fucked by it emerging and burrowing into the ground and use your R skill until ded

If you're Engineer, you put two gunner turrets on opposite sides (but still close enough that they can both shoot it). The magma worm will prioritze the turrets, and if you have good enough items, by the time it kills one turret, your cooldown should have another one available and the worm will now target the other.


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>all teammates die
>you work as fast as possible to finish the stage so they can play next stage
>they all disconnect

Attached: 0C2D573E-9A66-48E5-BB0F-B58393260372.jpg (649x472, 19K)

based af

This level is really the worst offender.

tfw my Huntress sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest

What happens if I obliterate myself as Merc? Any unlocks or no point?

US West Monsoon
3/4 Get in here

just look for the particle effects

>vanillia with no dll

>still doesn't look for the orbs

some people like playing the game

>modfag complaining

>being a modfag
autistic "i need everything rebalanced and buffed" "16 player lobbies only, please" nigger detected

RoR2 hasn't even released yet you fuck

i played huntress before she was cool, fags

Attached: dredd.gif (500x209, 969K)

The modfag really fucked up the threads already, spams his shit every 20'th post and spams the shit non-stop.

>For now... don't get hit

So you;re saying items work and do what they explicitly do?

very nice oc user, saved

pretty sure its just one person trying to push the mod shit

Did you draw that one? It's very cute.

Who is this Slaaneshi champion?

just don't stop attacking, lightning sphere and flamethrower have pretty short cooldowns and you can alternate between them and fireballs constantly without everything being on cooldown (unless you're prematurely canceling your flamethrower by sprinting all the time like me.)

Make sure to use your ice wall on groups of enemies a lot, when they're frozen they have a chance to be instakilled when damaged, and not just from your damage, so if you see Huntress dropping down a rain of arrows, throw an ice wall on the enemies in it.

US West Monsoon
3/4 get in here!

imagine being this retarded

kill yourself fag git gud instead of making the game easier

monsoon lobby NA
3/4 vanilla

>defeat elite boss on monsoon
fuck blazing vagrants

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-04-06 03-04-07-87.jpg (3840x2160, 821K)

Where are the flying the lemurians!!!!


Try again lobby was borked.
Monsoon NA

can new shitters join or will you yell at me over mic?


>community split cus of a shitty mod with tons of bugs

You guys surely know how to kill a game

Attached: 1553730898149.png (199x342, 98K)

>activate teleporter
>4 stone titans
>kill 3 no problem, mostly dealing with blazing mobs
>can't find the last one
>wasting too much time
>it's just chilling behind a wall in a corner doing fuck all

Killed my run pretty much. It's one thing when I can't find the teleporter, but when I can't find a fucking stone colossus you just know this stage is a clusterfuck.

How does Merc survive anything past the 60 min mark if you don't have either 10+ tougher times, 10+ syringes, or 10 extremely useful healing passives. Where as the engine literally only needs like 5 fungus to kill everything and become as gods?
After spending even a fraction of a second turning to dash R dash out through a crowd is enough to insta kill

modfag here, im going back to vanilla. Playing with the artifacts is nice and all, but I dont wanna split the community

won't be long until we're banished to /vg/ and it dies for good

What's with the sudden (literally within this thread) hostility towards mods?
Not even a week ago everyone was hyped to play 5-16 mans, bandit, and use artifacts
I'm guessing it just handful of vocal faggots

Attached: D8CRtMS.jpg (374x374, 41K)

>community split
wow so sad
just play the game with normal people faggot

>Overloaded Bosses
How am I supposed to kill this

Attached: 1506717891953.jpg (861x796, 459K)

Yeah, I dunno. I'm going to blame the discord itself because they're also completely vocal when I looked at it. Also, someone links these threads to them so they get even more mad about it.

by reducing its health bar

Finally got Deicide after an 80 minute run
Fuck me running around 10 stone titans and a billion golems in the titanic plains is stressful

some mod discord asshurt we dont wanna play their mods or just wanna play the regular game

It was fun when there was only one new dll and all codes worked.

Now you have all these different mods people are using and half the codes are invalid. It's just annoying

that was interesting

Attached: file.png (2560x1440, 2.73M)

how many fags here are from the discord

Anyone got artificer laser cheese? I've missed too many threads from work and it's good to be back.

what is this game
it looks like trash

I find the game easier on monsoon than drizzle. The added enemy density lets me get items faster so I can get the fuck to the next stage.

Like fuck I know. It's not like we have infinite's ID system or anything. The anonymous shitposting means it could be anyone and it's quite annoying.

>host dies
Every time

>host quits

so far it's just been me complaining about lobbies with no dlls, but I went back to vanilla now

Look, you know just as well as anyone else there was huge pushback immediately and that there were multiple people posting how 16 player lobbies are just silly clusterfucks. They don't even ever fill up to 16 anymore either and you get loads of people waiting for the host to start the damn lobby.

It's good, it only filters out the autismos who can only play one style. I play both according to whoever/whatever's online, it's literally just copy-pasting one file.

The Discord modding groups are literal autists. The way to solve the problem is to release mods with the mod tag off.

us east/south vanilla

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I'd fuck huntress if you know what I mean

The elitism is a meme anyway. Depending on the time played, it all gets to the point where you get one shot by blazing enemies regardless. Just drizzle takes longer to get to that point.

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Drizzle is piss easy and broken

Attached: 2019.04.05-20.03_03.png (1360x768, 1.01M)

>doesn't like rogue like
>buys a rogue like

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>rouge autist

Attached: 1515733246876.png (914x654, 452K)

I just think it's annoying how many different fucking dll's I have to swap around just to play

>easy mode is easy
Holy shit you don't say?

Tough times isn't even great, it's not reliable enough for lategame stuff until you reach the 25 mark.

Attached: the epitome of gitgud.png (425x670, 31K)


Hostility only came when a self-avowed modfag complained about people playing on vanilla. I play on mods sometimes and don't hate mods.

This. Every faggot and his mommy are tweaking shit slightly making it more annoying to play with various people. Mods are fine though

What could it mean?

Attached: shrines.jpg (1920x1076, 390K)

>rouge autist

Attached: rouge.png (336x280, 107)

RoR2 isn't finished.

5x nothing x4

>posts right next to each other

I don't know how to feel about that fight with engi.
His turrets can really fuck your run at that boss due to their questionable target priority.

Had several instances where I had to buy the 7 totems 3 or 4 times to beat the boss.

Attached: pw.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>They don't even ever fill up to 16 anymore either and you get loads of people waiting for the host to start the damn lobby.
I'd figure those just people who are either late to the party or the novelty hasn't wore off for them yet, but you know I understand why make a fuss about it? let them have their fun while you enjoy vanilla, that's what I do, it takes like three seconds to copy and paste a dll, there's no need to draw a line in the sand and pick a side over something so simple

Fuck off, it would need significant changes to match its predecessor it terms of GAMEPLAY, the only thing RoR2 will get is more content

I bought this game on a whim seeing gameplay thinking it was like borderlands-style progression. I've never been into rogue-likes and didn't know what the term meant until after maybe going through three threads when the game came out. Good stuff, just not typically my thing.

STILL haven't seen that golden shrine and I have 40+ hours in the game

I've gotten a gold orb from a chance shrine before so do those too

>not doing research before buying a game

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109775240993914255 eu vanilla 2/4

Satan himself.

>play engi with team
>boss always focus targets my turrets with 20 bears and 20 fungus
>obliterates them with whatever meme beam focus attack he does in a 2 seconds
What is this bullshit, I was literally untouchable until that shit came up

Remember to always play shrines

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the only difference besides amount of content is 3d you spaz

Huntress being able to run and shoot is such a significant advantage
Even if you have shit damage you can just dodge everything and wittle away the enemy, only dying when your concentration eventually breaks.

>literally the first tag on the steam page is Rogue-like

fuck off with this vanilla shit

Eh, it was 20 bucks and bogof and has multiplayer quickplay. That was enough to sell me after watching a 5 minute gameplay video. Anything past 40 bucks there's a good chance I wouldn't have bought it.




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merc makes my hands hurt

Good to buy it now anyway as they've said the price will increase with 1.0 release. Curious to see how much the game ends up being next year because even now I'd probably pay 40 bucks for it as I've gotten 40 hours of it and will most likely double that with the release of artifacts.

>mod lobby
no thanks

whats wrong with the mod? its great

It's some wonky shit for sure


Like I said, I had no idea what the term meant, and I don't look at steam tags, but if I did I just would've ignored it anyways since the gameplay was enough to interest me at $20. Not really a steamfag and dont use it to browse games, for that matter. I'm not the first poster by the way.

I've never bought early access so didn't even know about that. I'll shill to my friends since I know it makes for some good fun value at $20.

dumb modfag
leave the thread already
that goes for all you modniggers reading this too

my pc went to sleep mode for some reason, sorry about the dc...

fuck vanilla fags, you niggers just hate fun

What is the command and sacrifice shit? They don't have tooltips and I saw no gameplay difference when I played a few mod games.

Welp I can't fucking do it, I can't beat this stupid fucking gold titan. The level has no cover and titan eye just does too much fucking damage. Doesn't help that by the time you get the alter the titans are all blazing

I was too tired and cold this morning to fully utilize a printer for Sticky Bombs in the first level as Commando. Should have gone to bed instead

Fuck off, you cum-snorting haggis roll.

command changes all chests to item shops

sacrifice has elites drop items

its pretty great

That ability is what makes people that complain about her having an auto-aim so annoying.

>ridiculously inflated player cap
>autistic half-working artifacts that fuck the game completely
>people playing buggy unfinished characters
no thanks, i'll stick with the non-autistic version of the game.

You can cheese him with Mul-T by using the rail gun and hiding behind the sand barges on the edge of the map.

At the point that it's relevant generally procs take care of crowds for me, and I can just bounce glaives into bosses for massive damage.

except 2 has less content


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eat shit, you modfag-fellating discordnigger

That's pretty good then, I forgot some monsters drop items since it was rare. Also I didn't realize the item shops since I just assumed there was more shit in general with the extra players. That's good since it still keeps some variability to the shop but doesn't completely fuck you over.

I couldn't get into Miner. I preferred Merc. Never unlocked HAN D because I'm a fucking lucklet

>fireworks are dogshit

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>Beetle Queen spawns on first level
>1/10 chance you will get one shot by her acid attack
I don't like this one bit

How the hell do you even die to that thing?
Did you stand still and let it ground-pound your ass?

Opinion discarded

Anyone know if attack speed affects Arti's R (flamethrower) in any way? Does it tick faster?

I'm guessing you play Mercenary.

>meteor in dogshit
t. autistic nigger who only plays 16-man lobbies

no shit it's early access
play the full game in a year then judge the two

>implying 20 bears isn't the best point for anyone

>he doesn't meteor the map for lods e money with brittle crown

i mean artifacts aren't in yet, and theres obviously not all the characters yet

>im playing on drizzle
I'll see you tonight.

>dying to beetle queen

8 of them took their turn on huntress ass

i love fighting those things as late game huntress, like 6 teleport on you at once then you just glaive them and watch the health melt

no way an early access game is incomplete! shocking!

Is there literally any benefit to red whip over soda can? Does it factor differently into a better equation when they multiply or something? And even regardless of that it seems kinda shit when there's a million fucks in the map at every second 30 minutes in.

just got instantly deleted by a blazing titan 130 minutes in


oh lord that's a lotta' imps

It was fine when with the mods you could still join normal lobbies, now that they're considered different game versions it splits everyone up.

Is it possible that sometimes there is no terminal? I spent 20 minutes on stage 1 with 2 other guys and we couldn't find the terminal to get to the boss

they multiply eachother and whip stacks +30% but drinks only stack +20%

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There are times when the tele is half inside a wall and half inside a rock/slope.
Just look for the big ass particle effect aoe

Why is popping wisps as Mul-T with the rebar puncher in early game so satisfying?

>for now, don't get hit

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if it was distant roost, the island across the bridge has a ledge on the far side that you can't see unless you're looking directly at it

US West Monsoon
Get in here

>Vanillianada without the dlliridoo

>magma worm gets stuck jumping in place
>i just spend 6 minutes killing the fucking thing with my shit items
walk back and shoot just like with everything else

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Wait are you quoting hopoo?

lobby where



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huntress has always been best waifu

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Unrealistic. Not enough blazing enemies.

as of current it has less content, yes. it's nowhere near worth 20 dollars

Nah we really looked everywhere, half of us had the flying item too so we really went everywhere. I guess this will need to be fixed in the full release.

Gents I am trying to get the unlock for the long road but I don’t want to play on drizzle, so do you guys have any advice you can give me to help me on my grind?

Anyone else noticing that mobs are bouncing across the map/into the stratosphere when using merc's dash attack?
Feel like this wasn't happening prior to the recent update.

Attached: Merc.octet-stream.jpg (482x512, 60K)

i went from 2k hp to -60 in one frame
I will not get hit next time

Also put int a large grouping of Hermit Crabs on one of the hills launching blazing rocks at him.

learn newt shrine locations, shops count as levels

>accidently swing on ded bronzong
>game drops a billion frames for 2 secs
>die to a billion different dots
It's not fair Merc bros..

>that bonzong

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Fuck you mod baby actually watch out for the fire instead of just turning the damage off FAGGOT

you forgot the assortment of shit items

Why do Bronzong fragments still have collision after dying. Accidentally ramming through a piece as Mul-T while trying to escape ends both myself and my frame rate when it happens.

there's no mod to turn off blazing enemies you retard

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Did Hopoo buff the enemies completely or something?
Ever since the update I can barely hit the fourth level, before it I was hitting 2 loops per run.

>discord boogeyman

4 man US vanilla monsoon.

MUL-T shitters confirmed still on sewerside watch.

>All these "don't bother picking this, that is better"
>When 99% of the drops are random

What the fuck is the point of those images? Unless there is a 3option chest or a non-shitty printer (and that doesn't exist) the drops are random, and there is no reason to NOT get an item.

If you're a Merc main, enemies completely lost aggro of him after he used some of his abilities. That was fixed in the latest patch.

Not to turn off the enemies themselves, but you can change the dot damage.

So I've never played RoR 1 or 2 and I just bought 2, what am I in for lads?

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drizzle player.

It happens too sometimes when you throw a bunch of proxy mines on someone as well


Shitters immediately leaving on death in 1st & 2nd stage on all difficulties.
Kiting a boss around the map after getting the tele to 99% (mobs don't spawn anymore)

>and there is no reason to NOT get an item.

>he saw that the item was red and got excited and moved in to immediately pick it up?
>drop the wake of vultures

Attached: hopoo.jpg (500x500, 54K)

That explains a lot
Kind of fucking makes him useless past the first loop now

Can the console do anything fun? Like give items/fuck with random aspects? I didn't see any item commands and cheats doesn't even want to turn on for me.

Did not know that. I usually don’t touch newt shrines as most of the time when I go in there and the shops I just get corpsebloom and brittle crown so I just save my lunar coins. Of course even trying to find a shrine in the first place is a challenge all on its own. I got shit luck. But thank you for the tip.

>cuckmando has no I-frames on his roll
>dont sprint out of roll so it's annoying to use for movement
what the fuck were they thinking? This ability fucking sucks

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*triple dashes up the worm into R at the top of the map*

>avoid hardlight afterburner on huntress and commando
>fuel cells situational
>meteor and fireworks in dogshit

the only thing dogshit is this chart

What's wrong with MUL-T?
Their damage drops off fast late game and they can only rely on procs and nailgun since their long range weapon becomes worse over time, but it has excellent mobility and good utility.

Fun quickplay matches and getting used to being on the lookout for jews to see if you should leave immediately before wasting your time with a faggot.

How do you improve merc?

wake of vultures is a genuine hinderance and can fucking kill you

>he saw that the item was red and got excited and moved in to immediately pick it up?
>drop the wake of vultures
I know this feel all to fucking well

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no shit they're there for terminals and printers, both have large impacts on your run

Fighting blazing anything as Merc is a fucking terrible experience.

Huh, didn't know that. Is there a map limit also each time, so that you shouldn't bother killing mobs (unless you need money) until the teleporter reachs 99%? Or do the mobs keep piling on until 99% point?

Make his m1 usable while sprinting/don't make it stop momentum.
Fix his current dash bugs and R sometimes fucking up

It's soot, also there's no other female survivor so the artist made do.

do printers eat random items? if so, do they only eat items of their rarity?

Sacrifice artifact is literally broken, almost every enemy drops items, ended my run here because everything died instantly by just being near me..
All those overloaded worms didn't to ANY damage at all, got boring very fast

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>Vending machine is the best game at the casino

Way to miss the point of playing any game.

>bleed dagger and atg missle is meh
>not putting all proc items on engi as need when is turrets basically double effectiveness of all proc items
based retard

>Unless there is a 3option chest or a non-shitty printer
You absolute retarded nigger that's EXACTLY these images are for holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you

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What does the Wake of Vultures even do?

what do you mean map limit? you should kill mobs to get gold for items, but just be aware the difficulty is always increasing.

>Of course even trying to find a shrine in the first place is a challenge all on its own.
It's just a matter of learning where they spawn on each map, they only have a few set locations and there's typically at least one.

yes and yes

>no I-frames
>Guns sounds like shit
>when your surrounded you dont shoot in two different directions like a badass

You are correct.
For instance, if you have enough movement speed and hopoo feathers you can ignore everything during the boss.

Just hop around and 99% then fuck the boss up.

I call this the immortal hellbomber

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they only eat items of their rarity

Make you steal elite enemy buffs.
For some dumbass reason one of the buffs cuts your Hp by half and can and will kill you

BFG with a shitload of fuel cells, or Back-up?

Give him the base movespeed multiplier that MUL-T previously had.
Allow him to deflect projectiles by attacking them (construct spike balls, lemurian fireballs, vagrant balls) with M2 attack.

they eat random items of the same rarity, yes however it may feel they purposely eat the items you want to keep but that's just placebo

Do they stop spawning once they reach a certain number, basically. I said besides needing gold. Because sometimes I want to get the mass of garbage by killing monster during a bossfight, but I saw some spawning right as they die but can't tell if they're spawning because space was freed up or was it just coincidental timing.

monsoon lobby vanilla
Try to hit the teleport under 5 minutes at least

tell me how to do the activate tele with

Tri-tip stacks only increase the bleed chance, not the damage so it really isn't great unless you have a shit ton of other proc items

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Gives you elite powers when you kill them, but right now killing an overloading elite removes half your health, replaces it with shield and then when you lose the buff you're left with half health.
They are going to fix it eventually.


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so i did the aqueduct in the desert map and the altar in the swamp

are there any more hidden areas for items?

My best run with artificer yet
it ended the next level from a blazing titan boss

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Double his movespeed, and give him a roll or start with triple jump.

get tele to 99%
jump off edge
run back to teleporter

It lets you temporally steal an elites ability, the problem is when you steal a shield elite's ability it halves your current HP and replaces them with shielding which would be find if it didn't leave you stuck at half HP when it wears off


Back-up is more of a drowned complement

He's easily the most underwhelming character but he somehow manages to be one guy I can consistently get the farthest with while playing alone. I do agree that he needs at least a tiny buff, like i-frames on roll, or even less damage falloff for M1, or even a more limited spread. Commando to RoR is Mario to Smash. He doesn't really do anything amazing and a lot of stuff isn't particularly good, but for some reason at least for me he manages to get shit done.

Ah, okay. I think they will keep spawning, at least on higher difficulties. Another user may know the answer for certain

i want to see them fuck

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That one golden island with the golden golem thatkills you in one second.

>93% shrine of blood
>run to tp and initiate

Charge tele to 98%, leave area, take hits, enter area


king me

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i beat him and he dropped the titanic item, but I don't think it is unique to that place

monsoon lobby
Get in you nibs its friday night I know you don't have anything better to do
Also tell me if the lobby is bugged again

It's a nightmare when you're just starting out, but if you've been on a run for 20 or 30 minutes and have a bunch of gear worm is just a fun ride that you don't really have to worry about. After a certain point blazing doesn't bother you that much so the only attack the worm has that can harm you is the fireballs that pop out when he burrows and emerges, so you're basically free to just dash along his full length and R on him while spamming M2.

Worm is either the worst boss to encounter early on, or the easiest boss to deal with later on. He just takes a bit longer to kill compared to others since you have to chase him.

>do exactly this yesterday
>doesn't work because teddy bear blocks it
>this has happened 3 times now
what the fuck

What was you plan on the 5+ blue item run?
Just save enough to buy it all from the shop or pray you get lunar item bulbs?

Tiny break and doodled something.

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pretty much just saved up coins
got lucky in a shop and got 3 transcendence

I unironically enjoy commando the most now

so should i buy each of the items in the lunar shop that cost lunar coins once to get them to drop during my runs? or are they just in the lunar shop and buying them adds them to the log

same but 100% pick rate

all other characters are revoltingly slow, boring, or trash.
I just want my nigga bandit back

I enjoyed playing the game so I don't really consider it a waste. But you cheated so you'll probably get bored of the whole thing soon.

merc fills NONE of these roles. try him maybe?


Play the game, it'll happen on its own eventually assuming you don't play engineer.

Were are the other 2 characters?

They dont drop. If you have unlocked them by doing any relevant achievement then they can spawn in the shop and spawn from those lunar eggs on maps.

I also gave myself lunar coins, but I achieved Artificier naturally.

Took a while to get he just killed the jelly, thought it was a another character at first. Draw some squid leg remains there. Took me a second but still kekd.

Prefer mercenary, but fully understand that he requires a lot for work for a lot less outcome.
He's also the most buggy of the current roster

>Teleporter nowhere in sight on this stage
>Find particles in the watery area but no fucking tele
>Oh fuck is it behind this fuck huge wall?
>Forgot there was even access back there and look for entrance in
>Find and activate tele sitting right next to the wall
>Beetle Queen appears but once again nowhere in sight
>She's back on the other side of the wall
Absolutely fuck aqueducts. Worst stage to navigate.

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I only got to the meme zone once and I didnt want to end my run. and then I died to 5 golem lasers

Lobby got bugged again
NA monsoon

This HAS to be b8, the only character that fits any of those more than commando is artificer for slow, and even then just barely because commando's roll is garbage

awesome, thanks

Is Huntress or Artificier more thicc?

merc feels incomplete with the amount of things that can kill him. Feels like he has a bit of a design flaw to him

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>glass and accumulator
>instantly kill bosses from looking at them

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3/4 monsoon vanilla



so... how do you make the hellfire tincture work?

Every time I loop, without fail, it's not titanic plains
I am losing my mind. I just want it done.

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You play engineer and have fungi.

post your level 23 monsoon run user

>Accumulator with Armored Piercing rounds stacks
>Bosses don't exist


>no hopoo feathers or mags
Guess I'll eventually die when I inevitably touch the ground then

Why the fuck did they bring back the most-obnoxious and tedious achievement from the first game but with a different type of crab?

I with there was a way for items to be locked to the opener, unless specified though. For example if someone opens a box, nobody else can take the item unless you press a key to unlock it for everyone.

Magma worm fire does a lot less damage than blazing enemies do. I fear a burning beetle's damage more than a magma worm's.

You see that head? You can stand on it.

Same. After playing every character Commando is the only satisfying one. Just wish he had iframes so I don't have to sit around cover for when I don't get any mobility items or it's shit like dunestrider spamming fucking bombs at you.

the dust clearly has not settled 2 is clearly not finished


it's pretty easy if you can find a black hole

Be jelly

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I'm fully aware of what bosses can and can't be surfed.
It's an unintended bandaid fix

>not just xml editing out that cancer from your life

I told the engineer on my team with the tincture just that and he was being a bitch about it.

the most obnoxious one was the one where you have to get to stage 3 as commando without taking damage

>run up to chest that teammate is standing at grinding gold
>open it myself
>it's my gold spent so only I can have it
I mean yeah but also fuck off mate. There's no real way to fix this without fixing shitheads and that ain't happening.

game just keeps crashing

The tooltip is shit who knows how they fucked it up and still didn't fix it after a patch. Healing is fine if its natural regen or a drone. The real requirement is you can't pick up any healing ITEMS

I guess we should just make merc fucking fly
And also he kills every enemy instantly with his le laser sword of doom because I want to play the cull ninja character but I fucking suck so buff him please!!!!!

just make that button ping

That's pretty awesome, user!

I wish you could send or drop items for others, I feel like that would be comfy in balancing out peoples builds a bit.

i'm talking about the achievement in the first game user

That's some super Sonic speed now nigga

First off, that user is talking about RoR1.
Secondly, I'm still mad that I took the boss reward at the end of stage 3, a scythe, and that invalidated that attempt.

that'd be too exploitable, sadly
>drop all your good items
>hit 3d printer
>friend gives items back
>build improved with no risk or downsides

Whenever I start to go really fast this song plays in my head

>teleporting into an Elder Lemurian
Fuck Magma Map
Fuck Elder Lemurians

I'm building a team.

Lobby ID: 109775240994020697

Attached: the crew.png (1280x742, 588K)

engineer is so fucking boring
early commando is the wild ride compared to this piece of shit
the most saddening thing this turret nigger can't even compete, he's just trash and designed to win first 3 teleports while afk and then get blown off by something

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>year of our lord 1972+47
>still no dedicated server


I mean you can be a faggot about this for sure.
He's without a doubt at a disadvantage when compared to everyone else except, a big maybe even, huntress.
That's purely due to her range.


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You're practically invincible with a few fungus and your turrets copying your items mean an on-hit heavy build is DPSing as hard as 2 people at the very least.

I was thinking before you even pick them up, so if fungus drops from a chest you can press F to send it to a player like your engi

he can be fun

Attached: fuck me.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

>you have no movement speed?
>rolling funballs home on you
>go to next teleporter

the fuck would you need dedicated servers for?

>risk of rain
>no rain

>game is missing a metric fuckton of items
Jesus you people. For all we know hes going to release new items that balance out all the issues you're bitching about, redesigning the characters now is retarded.

it rains it just isn't water