Weird Ports No One Asked For

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but I liked this one

literally an entire generation was introduced to one of the greatest platforming games ever made because of this you retard

But World was amazing

This game was the birth of Toad's "modern" voice that he still has today

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I love it!



Considering I didn't have a SNES, I was pretty cool with it.

No it's not

0:20 and 1:45

>not wanting to play SNES games on the go
Zoomers need to stop fucking posting god damn it

laugh at this fag

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didn't luigi also have different jump mechanics in that port as well?
like his jumps were more floaty

Luigi's Mansion for the 3DS.
Literally who asked for it?

was there a single person who got this game on xbox?

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oh fuck

well i was just a year off at least. Was this the last time DK Jr was playable in anything?

>Super Mario Advance: SMB2
>Super Mario Advance 2: SMW
>Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi’s Island
>Super Mario Advance 4: SMB3
What the fuck was going through. Nintendo’s mind?

Of all the shitty ports out there, this one is fine
Yeah but why the fuck would you ever play as Luigi

There's nothing weird about the Super Mario Advance games, they were created to show how strong to GBA was.

So why not? back in the day the GBA was like a portable snes, that's why they make a lot of snes ports for the gba

hot take: All of the games ported from SNES to GBA were superior as handhelds.

I don't go into confession threads so I might as well say it here: Super Mario Advance was the first way I experienced all four of those games.

Because it messed up the sound, Mario sounds like his socks are wet when he runs and Luigi moans every time he gets hit. It's stupid

He had the same voice in Mario Golf 64, but he only said one line there, so it wasn't as noticeable.

Yeah, Diddy Kong basically replaced DKJR.

Most valid post in this thread right now

They wanted to save the best for the last.

ur stupid

SNES version was miles better

This game is so bizarre, it's like a 1:1 remake of max payne on the gba.

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There's actually a bonus scene in the GBA version if you get all of the Dragon coins and they turn into Princess Peach coins.

Then why did they put the best second?

no he's right, but you're ugleh

I want to say maybe, but if I did then I sold it along with my xbox when I got a PS3, and P4AU again.

this was like the most popular GBA game of all time though

I do think that Luigi plays oddly more floaty than in the other games that he’s playable in, but the floatiness is really fun.

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Woah calm down there captain nerd. We don't need to know every detail about this game, geez

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But the voices add a little bit of soul with the bit crunch

The real trick is that they released SMB1/TLL on GBC

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I always liked the artstyle they used for this game

i did.
i even got the special edition with the blowup teddy doll.
the thing fucking blew up when i punched it.

Oh man that totally makes it worth it

I played the fuck out of this one though.

This one was actually weird. Worse yet, calling it "Deluxe", which was blatantly misleading considering the screen crunch.

They should use this next ASL

>Link it up! 1 game pak 4 players
how the fuck did this work? mario world was only 2 players

SMW had some of the most nostalgia-inducing vidya tunes of all time.

Before the age of the smart phone it was nice and novel to play smw on your gba you faglording zoomer cunt.

You could play some classic mario arcade games with it.

They were making up for how much they absolutely botched the sequel

The credits music from that game was fucking amazing

Would always take the GBC speaker close to my ear to listen to this in full blast.


Wouldn't it be more zoomer to say that sitting at home in front of a TV to play SMW is outdated?

Sorry guys, wrong link


The Lost Levels, minus 20. No World 9 or A-D.

>release a CryEngine FPS seven months after the XB1/PS4 on PC/PS3/360
>sub 720p, 20FPS, insane object culling, streaming hitches, etc.

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This had local split screen. PC version still doesn't iirc. Same with Terraria :/

It's not SMW that you play in multiplayer, but the Arcade Mario Bros side game.
Came with all four of the Advance games, and were all compatible with each other.

*seven months after the XB1/PS4 are out

>weird ports that no one asked for
pretty much every single one of those movie tie-in games that got both console releases and handheld versions. the handheld versions (especially around the time of the gba) always ended up being extremely garbage shovelware that literally no one in their right mind would ever buy or play, with maybe one or two exceptions. although movie tie-in games are usually garbage to begin with there's definitely more than a fair share of decent ones that came out on consoles

I played Lunar Legend, Sword of Mana and FF6. Didn't find out until much later that they were all sorts of existing games. Never played the originals but I've been told the ports were shitty and did not do them justice

I did, because my first HDTV is 1366x768 and the 360 supports that resolution which is especially important with sprites.

Yes but where did he imply that?

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I always thought the Zelda ports on the Wiiu were pretty bizarre, especially TP considering that game could already be played on the Wii u.

Sonic Adventure on steam is pretty funny, since it's a port of the Xbox 360 version, which is a port of SADX on the PC, which is a port of the gamecube version of SADX, which is a terrible port of the the original. It's like a game of telephone.

I remember dead rising on the wii was pretty terrible, since there could only be like 2 zombies on the screen at a time.

The GBA had some really cool "ports" like max payne and jet set radio that were essentially demakes of the original games.

This fucking game.
I used to have one of those pink GBAs, it used to be my aunts but she let me have it. She only had like 2 games for it, and this was the only one I played. That Harry Potter game fucking blew.
Anyway, so this game was my childhood. I was born in '97, so I was right in the cusp of when you could look up guides and walkthroughs for every game, and my family was poor, so I never got the chance. But still, I played this game so much that I found all the star levels, all the secrets, and even found a nice spot to farm for infinite lives. However, I could never beat bowser. Ever. I dont know why. But what MATTERS is that I had a save file with all the secrets, and 297 extra lives, right at browsers castle. I continued to try, playing new games in the second save slot, it was my most played game on my DS I had in middle school.

So, we fast forward years. Now, I'm in high school. I have a (cute) girlfriend. She tells me that she has an SP, and I make the GRAVE mistake of letting her borrow my mario game.
I shouldn't have done that.
A few months later, we break up, she gives me back all my hoodies and shirts I let her borrow. But, I never got that game back. I'm still fucking upset.

Tl;dr? Never trust a fucking roastie.

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Significantly better than the PS2 game.

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>We never got an original GBA Mario platformer
Sonic Advance won.
>Mfw I got Super Mario Advance 1 with Super Mario Advance 2 instead
Was kinda pissed, but dealt with it.

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As a 20 year old, this port is very very special to me. It started my love for smw hacks. If they never ported it, i would not play my most favorite game of all time

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>1:1 remake

They cut out a bunch of chapters

It has TLL in it?

Sonic Advance 3 is one of the most important Sonic games, considering it was the last Sonic game before the 4Kids VA's took over, which means no more Ryan Drummond and Deem Bristow.

Pretty much any GBA port of a 3D game.

This version is so fucking cool for some reason

Fighters were always better on 360.

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Sonic may have had original games but it came at a cost

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The voice acting for the bosses in this game redeemed any bad qualities it may have had.

Yeah, copy paste of mariowiki
>After earning a total of 300,000 points in Original 1985 mode, the player automatically unlocks Super Mario Bros. For Super Players, a Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels port. The game is not an exact port of the original, as some modifications have been made. Worlds 9 through D are left unused in the game (though they do exist in the ROM). The wind feature and Luigi's unique physics were also removed; as such, the game was modified so that some jumps were actually possible.

Super Street Fighter 4 for 3ds

fucking why, this one baffles me more than most of the shit on this thread. is this actually a real release? why would they port a 10+ year old medieval autism simulator that looks like absolute shit graphics wise to the PS4? as great as warband is (got literally hundreds of hours in it) the kind of normies who have a PS4 are gonna stay the hell away from it since graphics is a big seller, and the kind of people who would actually buy and play warband sure as hell wouldn't buy it on a console when 90% of the m&b experience is the vast amount of user created mods and content out for it

>didn't fit the full game on 1 700mb PS1 disc
>fit it on a 64mb N64 cart

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I still give them credit, SEGA somehow produced those games with a decent budget with sprites that more or less defined an entire generation vs. simply porting the Genesis games. How that game even came to be is anyone's guess. I remember Nintendo Power giving it a fucking 60/100.

Borderlands 2 on PS Vita

Own it on 360 because I own a 360 Fight Stick

it was good
I wish the 3DS got more GCN ports, especially the FE games.
WW and TP would have been better on the 3DS too, rather than the wii u.

A fine example of "Just because it can run doesn't mean you should actually release it"

Unironically enjoyable to play the split screen mode.

How about ports people actually asked for

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I have 28 days on my Vita gunzerker. Play it on PC now so I don't get a headache.

I'm more curious about how it actually plays with a controller.

After years of playing it on my toaster, I can't imagine why would anyone pick a different control scheme

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>*laughs in Cave*
Motherfuckers port the rest of them to Steam.

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This was my first video game. Fuck you faggot.

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Came out exclusively in europe 3 years after the Gamecube version.

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I really liked how this came with that old Mario game too. Was surprisingly fun.

Your dad porting his sperm into your mom

I'd imagine it actually wouldn't play too poorly on a controller, especially when it comes to the analog melee combat, swinging a weapon would probably end up quickly feeling just as second nature as using a mouse. Can't imagine using a bow or crossbow with a controller though, especially when you're trying to hit shots on the other end of the battlefield at max speed on horseback, that shit is already hard enough as it is with a mouse.

excuse me, what the fuck.

this exists yet they can't put it on Steam

>Being 20 years old is bad
Ok boomer.

Fantastic though.
People are still making levels.

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is it really that weird of a port though? iirc it was genuinely a good game, I had the PC port and remember it being comfy as hell to play

user, don't be retarded. The twitch stream audience is too fucking young for the GBA, it's old as shit by their standards.

Not in these dark times it isn't.
Imagine being in clown school in 2019, paying 20+k to learn about how oppressed trannies are.
You were born too late to experience the start of technology and too early to do anything cool with it.

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just as bad as sonic 1 gba

I had the first one on Xbox.
By the time Ultimax came out I had a PS3, though.

>Mario Bros required everyone to have their own copy of the game to play multiplayer
>Include it in all four Mario Advance games
>Threw it in Superstar Saga too for good measure

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About the only sin the GBA port of FF VI committed was butchering the music compared to the SNES original. I didn't like the changed script, but that's because I was so used to the original translation.

Unlike the NES game that was a sidescroller, this is an actual port of Dragon's Lair, albeit a very compressed and pixelated one.

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Didn't the Metroid one come out after it's remake that also included it as a bonus?

Yes, and it was also included with Metroid Prime if you had Fusion and a GBA-GBC cable.


On a somewhat related note they changed how the password system works in most rereleases of Kid Icarus so most old passwords no longer work on virtual console, NES Mini, and Switch versions of the game. Baffling as nothing else seems to be changed. Meanwhile Metroid and it's ENGAGE RIDLEY MOTHER FUCKER password still crashes the emulator on every release.

Deus Ex: The Fall on Steam

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>ruins the soundtrack and colors

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Metroid has some fun passwords


I always found it weird how they remade them out of order

So glad when the SP came out and companies stopped overcompensating for the original GBA's shit screen that didn't have backlighting.

Dragon Ball z

is a valid password too. Having a lax checksum can lead to fun results. Still don't know why they 'fixed' Kid Icarus while leaving Metroid alone.

I liked the challenge mode for it
I wish they would add things like this to all Mario ports

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There's also a patch that fixes most of the ugly colors anyway:

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Left 4 Dead 2 in arcades

>GBA hack
That just seems like a waste of time. If you're gonna emulate DKC you might as well play the original.

Other than 3 they didn't
1 was made for the GB color
Then 2, they skipped to world, did yoshi, and back tracked to 3

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jesus christ how the fuck did they sell this

this isn't the only case with sega and mid 2000's pc ports
sonic riders, crazy taxi 3, and sonic heroes fall in the same category
same technically goes for mega collection plus but there are other genesis collections on steam

>No one asked for ports of universally-acclaimed SNES classics on the first Nintendo portable capable of running them

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A guy I used to play Siege with got it and played the shit out of it. I used to play a lot on the PC and even considered buying it, cause why not, it was cheap. But the camera/controls are pretty botched, or so I've heard in reviews.

homebrew overclocking makes it better at least

because Randy thought it was BADASS

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At the time of Mario Advance's release the only way for dumb kids who didnt know about emulation to play it was to have a SNES with the cartridge

It's unironically good

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The Zelda 2 port was one of the first games I ever got for the GBA. RETURN OF GANON made sure I never touched another Zelda game until Spirit Tracks.

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>born in '97
>21 or 22 years old
>in high school
I was born in '96 and I'm already in grad school. Are you mentally challenged or some shit?

It's an unpopular thing to say but Mario Bros 2 USA has the best boss fights of 2D Mario. Sure fighting Birdo a lot of times isn't fun, but the mechanics of how you fight bosses is what I mean that's good. Jumping on bosses 3 times on the head is just unsatisfactory and Mario Odyssey did that again for most of the bosses.

Man i love Bowsers entrance

For an MMO that's been mostly in Japan for the better of 11 years, I'm not sure why the devs went with the 360 of all platforms. It took until last year for it to get discontinued and its server merged.

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The GBA ports of SNES games were great. I never had a SNES growing up so I got to play a bunch of stuff I never would have otherwise like SMW and ALttP.

the story in the most is all there
its more amazing they squeezed all the comic cutscenes in with voices.

Who the hell's playing VNs on the Xbox?

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This was the first game I got on my GBA as a kid and I don't think I bought another game for almost a year after it came out. I was pretty dumb so it took me forever to beat bowser, and then I had to go back and find all the secret levels. Some of the most fun I've ever had with a game. I still remember finding the special zone totally by accident and being blown away.

add in improved look with 4mb ram cart

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not only that, it had FULL MOD SUPPORT up to a certain limit. AND fucking KB/M support.

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Every Wii port of a big multiplat game like Call of Duty. What was the point?

i was streaming that recently
holy shit, not even the ram cart makes it faster.
it fucking runs at like 20% speed and i can't control anything. im just barely making it through missions.

fucking ram cart only unlocks the BW missions and there is zero CG cutscenes or even voiced ANYTHING outside of unit lines.

how did they handle the Sumika alien rape scenes in the xbox version? and chomp, for that matter?

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The issue with the SNES ports are that they are butchered.
Even the colors alone are fucked but this is a problem with GBA games in general. Just because Nintendo was too cheap to introduce a backlit screen from the beginning.

Yeah, I agree and the screen crunch wasn't that much of an issue

I had this. Enjoyed it.

VD-dev were tech wizards, and they were only a two person studio. It's a shame the programmer passed away a few years ago.

Chomp is somewhat censored like so.
If I remember right the twizzlers scene retains the dialogue, but there's a CG where you can't see much going on.

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There's also splitscreen, this is how console ports should be done.

Yea Forums on mobile devices

oh that's pretty clever. i was expecting just a black blur. thank you.

it makes it even SLOWER
like, you have no fucking idea man

its more like, the N64 was a bad choice and they should have went with PS for the system.

Freecell, Minesweeper, and Skifree on the Gameboy Color

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So this is the power of the GBC

Reminded me that someone actually had the gall to port Elf Bowling to the GBA, then later did it again with the DS.

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Edgelord creepypastashit RPGmaker game with a suicidal child protagonist inexplicably available on the Nintendo Switch.

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didnt it get an anime

Hey don't talk shit about Angels of Death, the moment when Rachel gets her own introduction as a psychopath in the last floor was kino as shit.

Was Elf Bowling on the Wii too, or am I misremembering?


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I remember Alien Hominid getting ported to consoles and then I remember that game being fun and polished vs. those shovelware flash games the Wii and DS were plagued with.

It's actually a pretty decent port, especially for a portable. The framerates gotten smoother and smoother with each update

the deluxe part is that it actually has SMB2 in it too

No. The handheld versions weren't even official ports. How they managed to make it to retail despite being technically bootlegs is a wonder.

The GBA marios are legit bad though

that was me, yoshi's island was the shit

Didn't straight up hentai Majhong games recently get added to the Switch albeit censored? There were a bunch of threads posting animations from them a month or two ago.