Gaming Setup Thread

post your comfy gaming areas bros

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imagine the smell

>tfw you have no one to celebrate your birthday with

That's my every birthday

Get a job beggar.

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My "office" is a corner of a living room thats shared with my children's play area. It's not comfy.

Boomer life is sad, friends. So sad.

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Wait, this looks strangely familiar. Isn't that DSP's place?

Isnt this DSP's setup? God it's like it's designed to make you feel uncomfortable. Just align the damn couch already

>throwing yourself a birthday party

see a therapist.

It is

>covered jaw
>covered hands

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>that kangaroo pikachu
what the shit lol

>no coaster

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I have a fuck huge living room the size of my old apartment used to be because the guy who I bought my house from knocked out the wall to his garage to expand his living room. Here's the most recent picture I've taken of my little man cave area now that I've painted and moved my old PC out there.

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Here's the other side of my living room, a more "normal" area that I don't have to listen to my mom whine about how I still play video games in my early thirties when my family comes over to visit.

Attached: Living Room 2019.jpg (4032x3024, 3.41M)

Then here's my actual battlestation. I have a three bedroom house, the biggest room is mine and has pretty much nothing in it except a bed since all my shit is spread out, I chose the second-biggest room as my "home office" as you see here, and my smallest bedroom I rented out to a friend of mine for a cool $300 a month. The best part is I live in buttfuck nowhere, and $300 a month is how much my house is in the first place.

inb4 blogfag

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What’s your opinion on knowing you’re a massive pathetic failure to you parents?

Dude what the fuck, clean your house. That's fucking disgusting.

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I make like $20+ an hour and live comfortably with a steady girlfriend and my childhood friend so I honestly don't care

i can smell this picture.

you have rabbit shit visible all over the floor.

I'd be proud of him if he were my kid


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I know, I have a husky so I have to vacuum every single day. I should have taken it afterwards.

Rabbits drop little turds every once in a while when they hop around, I clean them up at the end of the day. It's not a big deal.

>$20+ an hour
So $20 an hour, got it, no need to try to inflate it with a + there. That's not a lot really, but I guess it's acceptable for a young adult addicted to videogames that contributes nothing to society and with no family.

>a steady girlfriend
A what now?
>and my childhood friend
This is pathetic at this point.
And the saddest thing of all is that among three of you nobody has the decency to pick up after your shit and you all resolve to living in that dirty mess. Disgusting.

might as well repost
ps3 on a 15" 720p VGA screen isn't as bad as it sounds, I swear

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Do you have a rabbit? Like a pet? I dont get how your house is messy like that.

>i swear i pick it up right away!
>takes picture to show people with feces everywhere

gee maybe theyre not great pets to let freely roam

I had a rabbit as a pet and somehow I managed to not have shit everywhere when I posted humblebrag pictures.

>I have a husky so I have to vacuum every single day
The dog is not the problem, it's the fact that you're literally living in garbage. There's dust everywhere, shit on the ground, pieces of paper and other wrappings scattered everywhere, etc.
>I clean them up at the end of the day. It's not a big deal.
It is a big deal and it's disgusting. Don't let your pets roam around freely and shit all over your living area like that. Either train them or place them in appropriate areas (cage, garden, specific pet rooms, etc). You're an irresponsible disgusting pet owner and should be ashamed of yourself.

It's like 90% dust and hair. I'm an EMT so I'm pretty much never home, and I promised my girlfriend if she did "woman stuff" I'd take care of the house stuff. I usually only vacuum on my days off, which is a huge problem considering we're going out of winter into spring and my husky is shedding like absolutely fucking mad.

He's litter trained you whiny faggot, it's literally only one or two little poops at a time as they're hopping around. They're just little cocoa puffs that you just pick up and toss out when you aren't a fucking crybaby.

Yeah, I had two bunnies and they would love throwing their litter and hay around. But no, I would never take pictures like this of my house.

>train a rabbit not to shit randomly
Are you okay, user?

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>Battlefield 4
Honestly based but still, fuck off.

>Lewd anime wallpapers
>ironic gamer and anime merch
>dust everywhere
>random shit scattered on the ground, pieces of paper, literal garbage
>animal shit everywhere on the floor
>a carpet floor at that even
>"streamer" gear
>ironic cringe anime hentai weeb shirt
>gaming chair
The worst thing about all this is that somebody somehow thought this series of picture was good enough to put online in front of strangers as some kind of humble brag. It screams mental illness and depression from every pore.

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>and I promised my girlfriend if she did "woman stuff" I'd take care of the house stuff
She's not doing woman stuff I take it.

Need to talk to your girlfriend....

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Okay, now just take down all of the stupid fucking horseshit you have plastered over your entire house.

disgusting tranny

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>I'm an EMT so I'm pretty much never home
more excuses
>He's litter trained
He's obviously not, since he's shitting literally everywhere on a carpeted floor. I can't imagine the disgusting smell of your house.

>Are you okay, user?
I had a friend with rabbits, they were somewhat trained not to shit all over the house when they were set free from their pen one or two odd hours every day. And if that is not possible then refer to option #2: don't let them fucking roam freely in the place where you live/eat/sleep. It's unsanitary as fuck.

>Every thing I don't like is ironic or cringe
I'm sorry you can't enjoy things without hoping someone won't judge you about it.

>A couple rabbit poops here and there means OH MY GOD SHIT IS ALL OVER IT'S SMEARED EVERYWHERE
You're probably one of those fags who washes his hands after every single thing he does

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user do you not wash your hands after going to the bathroom?

I don't care what anyone says
The face mask makes it hotter

I bet this one has a cute butt.

Yep, you're mentally ill.

This person definately has over 1500 hours in tf2
gimmie the boipussy


there you go, there is the sauce. Fucking newfag retards

Imagine being an adult and living in a room like that.
but hey if you're genuinely happy and not harming anyone then it's fine who cares

>A couple rabbit poops here and there
>fucking implying

>Rape sux!
Every time

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>that pronebone video

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Vacuum your fucking floor

Also you sound like an incredibly shitty friend, and once your buddy finds out how much you're scamming him I doubt he'll want to associate with you anymore

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These pics show why I hate rabbits, my dad used to have one and it was fucking disgusting. They piss and shit everywhere and tear up everything. I can practically smell it.

well of course it does. It covers up all his masculine features

If I ever keep rabbits I'm keeping them outside, with a little indoor pen for if the weather gets bad

And then I'm going to eat them

>acceptable to have feces anywhere in sight when you take pictures of your living situation



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>Piss and shit smelling fag is mad people told him he lives like a fucking slob.


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Your living conditions remind me of Chris-Chan

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Selling seems to have slowed down a bit. But I am sure I can sell everything before moving. Will post update in next post

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I will neither confirm nor deny this statement.

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These people really love their gamecube games, sold most of those. I absolutely flew through my boxed GBA games as well, within the first day.

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>2 monitors side by side
>bezels in the middle
How do you play vidya like that?

So, translation, you're getting cucked on the regular, right?

The NES games aren't selling as well as I was hoping. Half the xbox 360 games went up last night.

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I put a few cute anime girls to the left of my monitor while I play games on steam.

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I sit in front of one while I play and have a movie or something on the other monitor.

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how do you package the boxed gba games? I'm afraid of bending the covers for softer boxes.

It says RARE you fucking mong

Lol, look at this assblasted faggot trying to cope.


Post office has hard DVD mailer boxes. Fits most boxed games.

Kind of like pic related.

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Got some PSP games left, Haven't put up any 2600 game yet. And half my SNES games are left.

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What kind of food is that user?

Sounds like a good idea. In that case I guess I should keep the gba games in the regular state in a solid proper box rather than flattened.

>11th grade
>living with my dad in his apartment because parents split up
>birthday comming up soon
>mom says she'll fly to the country i live to attend it
>dad tells me to invite all my freinds from school
>he goes out and buys 2 cakes party decorations and loads of drinks
>i go to school and hand out about 30-40 of the invitations to people i hang out with
>eventually the day of my birthday is here
>large "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" sign above the dinner table with lots of other decorations
>start to get ready for people to flock in
>some time passes
>only one freind shows up and hes been my best freind since the 9th grade
>parents look visibly sad the whole day, especially my dad.
>me and my freind just go and my room and watch 2011 youtube memes

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take my virginity bby

I also still have a good amount of n64 games left.

Not to mention all of these boxes.

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Why are you selling your stuff, user?

is it broccolibutts?
he looks a bit too feminine

I'm moving!

He uses like a pound of makeup, covers 90% of his face and wears wigs, of course he looks feminine.

So do you sell them on eBay? I have a lot of games I want to sell as well, any tips or important information?

Eh, I still wouldn't be able to give up my stuff like that. Why not just move it all with you?

based osrs player

I'm selling them on ebay yes, and my tip is save any boxes you might find useful. Supermarkets are great for that.

I'm moving from the United States to Germany. I don't need my stuff anymore. I'll be taking clothes and my switch with me. While shipping my computer, monitors and speakers over. Which will probably be about $500 in shipping costs.

PS2, CRT, Wii, flat screen, PS4, RetroPie.

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>megaman battle network poster
good taste user

Fuck dude, good luck in Germany.

Vielen Dank!

aye i guess
wonder what his boyfreind looks like tho, the shy big guy.

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Comparatively....I feel like I’m normal...

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Fuck dude. I saw a scene from smallville similar to that as a kid. Was the saddest thing I had ever seen.

Looks nice, but why do you have your desk in the middle of your fucking bedroom?

There's a wall directly behind it. It's pretty much parallel with the wardrobe. I've always preferred facing my desk towards the center of my room rather than against a wall.

Could I get your ph

I imagine about 7.35.

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Shit setup. Only DSP would do this crap.


Lucky shit/10

Please bully.

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>Not a perfect 7

Physical copy master race.

I drink lots of water, I just looked up the average.

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You skipped me

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oh shit forgot to post mine. here it is faggoots give it a rate.

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thats what i expected

Fuck off DSP.

I would come to your party user

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>that suspicious stain on the cushion

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's the shadow from the mic. Not cum.

That's a shadow, user.


Pls explain bars of soap user

Hey its fucking hairdryer and food user again!

nice xbox box

>bragging about $20+ per hour
even if it's true, you are poor anyways lol.

It smells great in here.

buy a vacuum


I’m sorry. Point it out.

>tfw even messier right now
every time I clean my shit it just slowly starts building up again until I have a desk full of random junk

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good one,do you have hydrocephalus too?


fuck, i though that was piss

why the little monitor?,to see movies?

tfw had no problem getting people to come to my parties because my mom bought alcohol and weed for us
>tfw it fucked me up so badly and I'm only just now picking up the pieces

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these days I use it for discord or another game I run in the background but don't want to close
also for browser if I have a game running on the big screen

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7/10 nice and sleek

>do you have a rabbit
>rabbit is under chair
He might.

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Is that chocolate milk?

iced coffee, but chocolate milk/cocoa with coffee is supreme

>its my moms fault!


I see this shit way too often. I guess some people enjoy fucking up their necks


There's nothing wrong with my neck though.