GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Erdrick (yes, THE Erdrick who invented console JRPGs) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Erdrick zooms into the spotlight!
>b-but Sora has a few spin-offs in Nintendo consoles! He’s gotta be in! “No!”
Sorry Sora fags, but the SquareEnix rep is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo choose an irrelevant cringe character over the marketing of potential millions of DQXI S sales? Nintendo went way out of their way to talk up and even PUBLISH the game THEMSELVES, guess what other DQ games are coming? That's right it’s DQ Builders 2 (a game Sakurai is literally addicted to and can’t stop playing, his own words), both DQ Heroes 1&2 ports, and even the upcoming Monsters spin-off. The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Geno or Sora are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite JRPG legend! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
WHHHHHHHHH >Holy moly Mickey!! What is that sound WHHHHIIIIIIIIRR >M-Mickey? This is really weird, should we call Aqu- TUNK >OH NONONONONO! PUMP >AHHHHH WINNEY POO!! HELP ME!! SHHHHHWWWWIP >B-but the power of friendship... Jack Sparrow!! Do something WHIIIIIIIIIIIR >mgg..mgg... ggggel...gelpp.. PUMP >...
They needed some unknown father figure to just suddenly be this legend, yeah. Congrats, it's a NPC that made his son move his ass which made his son get a game of his own.
Liam Cruz
That’s... actually a good point.
Matthew Taylor
It'll all be worth it for those couple of seconds in his reveal when people only see his goku ass face
>DQV is getting a new movie soon >DQV is seen as tied with III for the best DQ game in Japan >Would have a way more unique moveset than Erdrick Sorry DQIIIfags, but HE'S IN
Except the Erdrick trilogy story was planned from the start and the first 2 games are just the build up.
Aiden Cruz
>he thinks Nintendo will add a character who is a complete nobody in the West as paid DLC.
And before anyone says "but Corrin", Corrin was used to advertise a first party Nintendo game. Erdrick is a legacy character who won't be in any future games.
Erdrick promotes DQXI which is being published by Nintendo and is coming out this year, expected to sell millions of units. And Dragon Quest Builders 2.
And all the future DQ games on the Switch.
Aiden Scott
>He doesnt know about erdricks significance in dq 11
Luke Miller
>Posts Arino but is a complete and total zoomer
Juan Smith
He's another character I never heard of before all this rosterfaggotry. I'm sure he's somewhat iconic in japan, or at least Slime is. I personally don't want him and I have suspicion these erdrick posters are more for hating on other characters than they are for wanting Erdrick in. The same can be said of steve posters, or most people who make these rosterfag threads.
Julian Martinez
Eh, steve is okay in my book, because he could have an interesting moveset and is more relevant. I’d expect Slime if we ever get a DQ rep.
I've been saying Erdrick would be great and that people are sleeping his chances for over half a year now but fucking Geno and Sora shiposters kept shutting all discussion down with "literally who" or "lolno" or other bullshit. You fuckers deserve every ounce of this shitposting. I finally get to say I told you so and I will fucking enjoy it. Yes, plenty knew who Loto was.