Halo Infinite

The destroyer of battle royales and will define PC gaming for the next 5-10 years.

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not if it's anything like 5

Halo is led by woman that loves big guns.

Also Master Chief is confirmed micropenis

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You can't fuck an AI

>"Why has this series gone to shit?"
>woman designer

Every. Fucking. Time.



fucking zoomer

So this is why Halo went straight to shit

Capcom's incompetence speaks otherwise

But Halo went to shit with 3.

Halo was at its peak with Reach.

chief will get cortana pregnant, finishing the fight on the spot.

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what is this woman's position within 343?

Bonnie Ross is such a MILF
She sort of looks like Lauren Phillips

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Ummm... Head of the studio?

/our girl/ Bonnie runs that shit, user

You mean Xbox, PC gamers don't care about the Windows Store.

>Also Master Chief is confirmed micropenis
Where, your ass?

>non-Halo fans

so, she's responsible for 4 and 5? and she still has her job?

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4 and 5 are the best Halo games, you neon sack of shit

chief is too much of a chad for that to be true

Who will fire woman? You sexist asshole.

She's the reason the series took a 5-year break when Microsoft were thinking of making a shitty Locke game after Halo 5.

Halo 3 was where the series was at its peak popularity, meaning it was dumbed-down babyshit even for console shooter standards.

I'm pretty sure the source came from his ass since he won't post it.

chief is a cuck
he let the gravemind pound his girl cortana every which way so she can't tell up from down any more
fuck chief i wish lock had killed him

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t. locke

Get the fuck out of here.

But Bonnie is unironically based, literally saved Halo with Infinite.

What the fuck, man. Where do you live that that's remotely attractive. I mean, I'm on nofap and even I wouldn't.

you again?

hell yeah

That's why Chief is cucking your ass in Infinite, Locke, stay irrelevant. Be happy you died alongside your father, Brian Reed.

>Doesnt know shit about the game.

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Look past your 1st-grade memories and you'll see that I'm right.
>slowest movement of the series at that point
>busted melee system
>BR was random
>garbage netcode
>water balloon grenades
>gimmick equipment
>gimmick shield doors everywhere
>new weapons are all just worse versions of existing ones
>no elites in campaign

This, Josh Holmes, Brian Reed, and Kenneth Scott finally fucked off.

yeah but frank the liar and kiki wolfkill are still there so halo is fucked

>No elites
Thats for canon reason

>give the strong man a small gun
>give the dumb bitch a big gun she possibly cant physically operate
wow ... such symbolism ... women power ...

Who gives a shit? It makes the game worse. Brutes, even with their shields, sucked as enemies.

>slowest movement of the series at that point
Same as Halo CE and 2 just the FOV
>busted melee system
Better than Reach's
>BR was random
BR was broken in Halo 2, it was always a shit weapon that replaced far better one from CE.
>garbage netcode
Halo 2's was shit as well
>water balloon grenades
Halo 2's grenades were pure shit until the update
>gimmick equipment
They were map pick ups and better than Halo 2's bullshit targeting rockets and massive hit boxes
>gimmick shield doors everywhere
Updates fixed that
>new weapons are all just worse versions of existing ones
Wow, Halo 2 doesn't exist
>no elites in campaign
Elites sucked in Halo 2 as playable characters and as allies, they re better as enemies and even in Halo 2 they sucked as enemies compared to the Elites from CE, they sucked just as bad as player control characters in Halo 3 and they're allies from two levels, be happy about that, you xenophile bitch.

>attacks halo 3
>when halo 2 was dumbed down as shit compared to ce

They have no control of making the games just lore shit outside the games.


>no elites in campaign
>what is floodgate/covenant

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if your lore is shit then your games are shit.

You mean marines with shields?

No one gives a fuck about the books.

>No one gives a fuck about the books.

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women love halo

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>Same as Halo CE and 2
Nope. youtube.com/watch?v=xFPg8jC3eEQ
>Better than Reach's
That's not saying much at all. 50% damage for free is fucking stupid.
>Halo 2's was shit as well
Still not saying much.
>Halo 2's grenades were pure shit until the update
And then they stopped being shit, Halo 3 never got such an update.
>They were map pick ups
That doesn't make them good. They were still gimmick shit designed to slow down combat.
>Updates fixed that
They shouldn't have existed in the first place, and those maps had much larger issues than just shield doors anyway.
>Wow, Halo 2 doesn't exist
A lot of your defenses for Halo 3 seem to be "BUT THAT GAME DID IT BAD TOO"
>as playable characters and as allies
You know damn well that's not what I was talking about.


>Where do you live

The only people who care about the books are the same fags that read Star Wars EU shit.

Speak for yourself bitch

>if your lore is shit then your games are shit.
Halo lore was always fine even without the books, nothing special but it does the job.

>That doesn't make them good. They were still gimmick shit designed to slow down combat.
Why the fuck do you play halo if you dont like slow combat?

I started the series before 2007.

>They were still gimmick shit designed to slow down combat.
Fuck off compfag, equipments were always fun as shit, especially the bubble shield.

You have the reading comprehension of a 12 year old with Downs Syndrome.

When the combat was already slow? Lmao look at this dood

We can only hope, OP....we can only hope

No, you're just a retard that doesn't know Halo 3 unnecessarily slowed the game down even more. Probably because you never played it before then.
CE was relatively fast-paced.

>The destroyer of battle royales

You know damn well it will have its own battle royale mode.

I just assume that anybody who defends Reach, 4, and 5 aren't Halo fans that sucked at the game. Only a fanboy or a lorefag would defend such a shit Halo game.

Sure is fun to press X to immediately not die.

Nice vaporware game shill

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>CE was relatively fast-paced.
In what way? The TTK is fast with the magnum but thats about it.
Game is still a floaty mess.

>Yea Forums

Agreed, Halo 3 was like a nerfed version of Halo 2. Although some of my best memories were with Halo 3. A lot of people thought it was the best Halo, because it was the most causal out of the 3. I always thought the hit registration was shit, especially against non Americans. It's like ten times worse on the MCC.
CE was the fastest Halo game.

Fastest TTK in the series, and items spawning every minute meant there was always some sort of a fight going on.

>CE was relatively fast-paced.
lolwut. Movement in Halo games is slow as molasses, weapon diversity and control is extremely narrow, rocket splash is so huge you only need to lead on vehicles, and the crosshair magnetism is way too heavy-handed and not in-line with advances in manual gamepad aiming since 2001. Things like the BR and removal of health packs took the game backwards after CE, and yet the fans still argue for a Halo 3 clone.

The thing is, Halo isn't just slow compared to arena FPS; it's slow compared to other console shooters. Everything from the movement speeds, to the physics, to the ultra-heavy crosshair magnetism, is all a relic of a by-gone era where no one knew how to make FPS control smoothly on gamepads. By the 360 era, things improved enough to support the much faster gameplay of later COD games, BF series, UT3, even some Quake 4 console tournaments in France, etc.

So yeah, you can call Halo whatever you want, whether it's "tactical arena FPS" or whatever, but it's really its own thing which bears limited appeal either to PC arena FPS players or even people used to the later console military shooters.

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>CE was the fastest Halo game.
Doesnt say much,

>>attacks halo 2
>>when halo ce was dumbed down as shit compared to marathon

>halo battle royale
soiled it

For one thing, the weapon and power up spawns were always static on most maps. You simply couldn't camp in CE or the other team would constantly get the rockets and dominate. You're forced to fight.
Where you are when you're alive dictates where your teammate(s) spawn too. Memorizing each spawn for each map is what the skill gap so high. You could pretty much spawn trap people and lockdown the map. Also, the sniper had the highest rate of fire, and the pistol killed you in 3 shots. You should always swap the AR for the shotgun unless you're cloaked with rockets. Plasma weapons slowed you down.
Literal faggotry.

Halo Infinite will have garbage armor abilities and sprint.

Sniping someone from the other end of blood gulch doesnt make it fast paced, retard. Halo is about tactically approaching situations, not bhopping headshots to victory.
My first Halo game was 3 (zoomin'), but I also played a fuckton of custom edition as a kid. And you know what retard? The pacing was the EXACT SAME.
If anything, 3 was faster due to splashes and missle pods being able to down banshees. Or equipment being able to shut down shutters trying to get splatter kills. Or grav hammers just... existing.
In short. Shut the hell up, retard.

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Sprint makes me FEEL like a spartan.
Abilities are a pass though.

Don't forget mancannons and the Mongoose. In 3 you can cover more map distance in less time.

*splasers. Excuse me.

The shotgun could quick camo too, it just wasn't as fast when you wanted to initially become invisible. All of the unscoped weapons could, except the Needler for whatever reason.


Chief will turn Cortana into human with some dumb Forerunner tech, marry his waifu and live happily ever after. Mark my fucking words.

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No it won't, it's a sequel, but also a gameplay reboot. Screencap this post.

She's basically his mom, that'd be fucked or maybe based

You've never played CE at a high level, or played it enough to know what you're talking about. I'll give you credit for admitting you didn't get to experience the LAN parties on Fridays. You simply don't have the credentials to comment about CE or Halo 2. Also, seeOh, and post your 50s in H3 or keep your mouth shut.
Being able to aim while sprinting would make me feel like a spartan too. Nonetheless, lorefags aren't welcome here. If you don't like Halo, play Doom or COD.
It was just a faster backpack reload with the AR. You can't always get to the shotgun in time. But yea, all non scoped weapons.
Did you play Halo Wars 2? I wonder if Isabel will be Chief's new AI.

Pretty based desu

You don't seem to like Halo yourself, faggot. You only really like the first game.

sprinting and shooting would make me feel like a spartan

>Nonetheless, lorefags aren't welcome here. If you don't like Halo, play Doom or COD.
Man why don't people on this board reply to what they read? Never said I didn't like Halo, I'd give all of them above a 5/10, except 4 maybe.

>you have to like every release to be a fan

everything after 3 is non-canon

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>CE at a high level
Holy shit lol
But still, what? 500 hours+ in my golden years as a middle schooler/highschooler doesnt count? I'm sorry mr mlg fancy pants try hard, I didn't know this was a dick measuring contest. I'm not going to give you a damn thing, faggot.
>credentials to talk about a video game
This fucking guy. Point and laugh, anons.

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Chief is a 2 metre tall giant in his 40's

>Nope. youtube.com/watch?v=xFPg8jC3eEQ
This just proves that Reach is the slowest Halo game
>That's not saying much at all. 50% damage for free is fucking stupid.
Been that way since Halo 3, get over it
>Still not saying much.
Says a lot
>And then they stopped being shit, Halo 3 never got such an update.
Halo 3 didn't have a Plasma Grenade that couldn't kill players unless it stuck.
>That doesn't make them good. They were still gimmick shit designed to slow down combat.
You didn't have to use them.
>They shouldn't have existed in the first place, and those maps had much larger issues than just shield doors anyway.
>A lot of your defenses for Halo 3 seem to be "BUT THAT GAME DID IT BAD TOO"
Because you act as if other Halo games didn't have the same issues.
>You know damn well that's not what I was talking about.
That's exactly what you meant.

Except the part about humans living on sangheilios and the sangheili listing after Spartans. That part can stay.

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I am

I love Halo. I love CE, 2, and 3. I thought ODST was cool. Reach, 4, and 5 are terrible. I play Halo 5, because the MCC is still unplayable at times due to the hit detection and bad teams. I strictly play FFA in Halo 5. I play Halo Was 2 as well. Halo 2 was the most competitive Halo, but I had the most fun with Halo 3. You hate Halo and want to dumb it down so you can compete with veterans like me. Kill yourself.
The retards think running away from 1v1s is "skill".
There's plenary of other FPS games you can play if you don't like Halo. Stop ruining our game and stay in your lane.
>posts pic of a faggy Reach spartan.
Didn't even read your post, zoomer

nobody played Halo Wars 2

>This just proves that Reach is the slowest Halo game
With Halo 3 in a close second.
>Been that way since Halo 3, get over it
That doesn't make it a good change, faggot.
>Says a lot
Not really, because it was shit in 3 too.
>Halo 3 didn't have a Plasma Grenade that couldn't kill players unless it stuck.
Why should a plasma kill without a stick?
>You didn't have to use them.
You did if you wanted to win, and you couldn't stop other people from using them because you could never know if someone had one.
And Halo 3's maps were shit.
>Because you act as if other Halo games didn't have the same issues.
I don't, but we're not talking about those games now are we?
>That's exactly what you meant.
No, "exactly what I meant" was Halo 3 not having any Elite enemies, making us deal with boring Brutes.

>didnt even read your post, zoomed
And nobody is considering your opinion, sooner. At least I'm not a fag that needs to validate themselves by replying to 5 people at once.

The only thing it will define is being one of the dullest franchises in the history of FPS franchises. Seriously each episode following the space marine and his pals from the UNSC as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the slow gameplay, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of mechanics, all to make movement molasses, to make bullets seem magnetic.

Perhaps the die was cast when Bungie vetoed the idea of Apple funding the series; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for directx. The Halo series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Perfect Dark series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to with 343i.

>a-at least the single player was good though
The level design is dreadful; the single player was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I went for a walk, the designer instead put an un-involved corridor in my path.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a corridor was encountered. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Bungie's mind is so governed by cliches and flat topography that they have no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Halo by the same Jason West. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Halo at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Call of Duty." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Halo” you are, in fact, trained to play Call of Duty.

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I hate RTS gsnes, but I always played Halo Wars just because it was Halo. There's a lot of players on Halo Wars 2, but they kept adding retarded overpowered leaders which ruined the population a bit.
Halo fans/veterans agree with me. You're just a vocal minority that was always stuck in social playlists, because it was too hard. How does it feel to know that 343 shills agree with you? You're part of the same group. My dad stated playing Halo with 3, and he absolutely loved Reach. It's funny how you all think the same.
Nice pasta from the other thread. As I've said before, the only people that hate Halo are those who sucked at it and those that don't like the sci fi genre.
>trained to play COD
What kind of backwards mentality is this? A Halo player can dominate in any FPS, COD included, but a COD player could never play Halo. Even 343's trash Halo games are more competitive than COD. Pathetic.

Man I love the Brute's design. Too bad we will never get a Halo game with a three way war of covenant with Brutes vs splintered off Covenant with Elites and then humans.

nah they just got fucked over by some conman who had enough clout

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>Halo 1: 2001
>Halo Reach: 2010
We're nearly at the point where the release of Halo Reach will be closer to the release of Halo 1 than it is to present day.

Since when was Cortana a brapper?

>With Halo 3 in a close second.
Halo 4 and 5 are slower than Halo 3 but faster than Reach.
>That doesn't make it a good change, faggot.
As if Halo 2's shit melee was any better, faggot.
>That doesn't make it a good change, faggot.
It doesn't make Halo 2 any better.
>Why should a plasma kill without a stick?
I don't know, maybe because it did it in Halo CE, retard.
>You did if you wanted to win, and you couldn't stop other people from using them because you could never know if someone had one.
Just because you got your ass kicked by someone that used it doesn't make them bad, literally get good you can get past any equipment with ease.
>And Halo 3's maps were shit.
Better than what came after.
>I don't, but we're not talking about those games now are we?
Don't act like Halo 3 was the main culprit of that shit.
>No, "exactly what I meant" was Halo 3 not having any Elite enemies, making us deal with boring Brutes.
Blame Halo 2 for fucking that up, Joe Staten is overrated and can't write. At least the Brutes were better in Halo 3 than they were in Halo 2.

Go back to Doom.

What a convenient scapegoat he turned out to be. To bad Capcom was shit for years after he bailed.

Thank you con man

>Halo 4 and 5 are slower than Halo 3
They're not.
>b-but there's a video comparing different maps!
>As if Halo 2's shit melee was any better, faggot.
It was at least slightly less braindead because it took player momentum into account.
>I don't know, maybe because it did it in Halo CE, retard.
It didn't. Plasmas did the same damage as frags unless they stuck.
>Just because you got your ass kicked by someone that used it doesn't make them bad, literally get good you can get past any equipment with ease.
>you can't dislike something or you're bad! xD
>Better than what came after.
And much worse than what came before.
>Don't act like Halo 3 was the main culprit of that shit.
But it is the game we are talking about.
>Blame Halo 2 for fucking that up
No, I'll blame Halo 3 for continuing that trend.
>At least the Brutes were better in Halo 3 than they were in Halo 2.
And worse than Elites.

>They're not.
They are
>It was at least slightly less braindead because it took player momentum into account.
It was a bugged mess
>It didn't. Plasmas did the same damage as frags unless they stuck.
They killed if you were too close even in campaign and could kill elites with one blast.
>And much worse than what came before.
>But it is the game we are talking about.
It's the game you somehow think is worst than the rest.
>No, I'll blame Halo 3 for continuing that trend.
Halo 3 had no other choice because people would have bitched if they didn't finish Halo 2's story.
>And worse than Elites.
Blame Joe

>They killed if you were too close
Prove it. In multiplayer.

Based yet bluepilled

Halo wars 2 might back the brutes for halo infinity l

Master Chief is on a different Halo ring over the one from HW2, 343 want to keep spin-offs and books away from the games now.

Halo 4

Quality bait

I need more of her in my life
>new trailer makes the possibility of having a different model of cortana to accompany chief

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>Halo Infinite
What a fucking stupid name. Why not call it Halo 6? There will be so many retards out there asking for Halo 6 after "Infinite" comes out.

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Only the lorefags which killed the game, because 343i started to listen to those fuckers.

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That's true and now they are not and thank god for that.

I wish the Cortana in windows 10 was a blue hottie that you bossed around and she told you how much she loves you.

they're trying to pull a Halo Combat Evolved

t. tranny

>not the half assed unfinished mess that was 2

But she can fuck you.


If Halo 2 was a total failure, then there would never be a Halo 3, fucking h3 kid.

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yet he barely knows what sex is

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Are milkers like that possible in real life?

Not him but it doesn't mean he's small down there.

>that Cortana design

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guess I'll stay from fps for the next 11 years then

ODST was the beginning of the end. It was clear Bungie was getting tired of the series at that point.

She needs to be fatter

This should be Cortana's official design