>Move to japan
>live in a small apartment
>Can't own two TVs + PC lack of physical space
>End up playing PS1 games on a large LCD TV
how can I be rich in japan? I don't want to spend the rest of my days playing PS1 games ultra pixelated
Move to japan
Get handhelds, dummy. Japs live in really tiny spaces and have no place for big consoles.
Shut up moot.
I would be more concerned about power consumption. My PC trips the shitty breaker in my apartment on start up and after shut off. I have to unplug the strip from the wall every night.
>You will suffer catastrophic mental health effects from the isolation
This is guaranteed no matter your ethnicity tho
why are these nips mad at protestants
>Can't own two TVs + PC lack of physical space
I call bullshit.
How about being creative and use space efficient.
Put them on shelfs, mount shit on the ceiling.
I've seen capsule hotels with more stuff crammed into them.
>heh, yeah daisuke, "motherfuck" is totally an offensive verb and they hate that, slap it on there my -kun"
>You will suffer catastrophic mental health effects from the isolation
This happens in every country in the world btw
I blame it on the Spanish. Ruined everything for westerners in Japan.
OP my nigga?
>davido-kun janishit so mad he deleted my post
fucking lmao
why would they call their own country japan? it would be like if I said "fuck off tugas, this is estados unidos da america!"
hahahaha did that janny really delete my post
did I strike a nerve, davido-kun?
I rent 100sq ft room and could fit a tv if I wanted.
Mine too. I think it might be the same guy from the ERP thread that got to 400 posts earlier without being deleted.
What are jannies doing defending ERP threads on Yea Forums?
he's fucking seething
This is so rare though, they hate on other Asians and especially pacific islanders way more.
why the fuck would anyone want to live in that shithole
Maybe he got a job offer there.
I've moved states for a job before.
>Move to japan
Did you ever think of taking a position teaching English to Japanese students or teachers. Like reverse translator.
These are the Japanese equivalent of trophy wives. You will get 0 respect because your skills are low tier.
If you also learn Mandarin then you will be seen as a valuable language instructor tho.
you are full of shit, I also live a small jap apartment, i got a tv and a pc with it's own monitor. you are doing it wrong
also >isolation
>not getting drunk with おっさん
i wouldn't expect anyone here to be able to socialize though, let alone in a foreign country
True, but socialising is a meme.
the image our wittle gaijin jannie doesn't want you to see
>moves to japan
why would you....
>moving to Japan
>not continuing 24/7 digital hikki life, but in Japan
are you even cyberpunk
Those were the Portugese
I was reading in to it awhile ago, apparently a lot of colleges were hiring English speakers who didn't even know Japanese, but then you would live dirt poor. Also the culture is so radically different you would probably do the equivalent of shitting on the sidewalk when you get on public transport.
Get a gaming laptop and a Switch. Laptops have almost desktop grade GPUs these days.
it's good for a visit but living there would suck
You sound like you're living in a vapor wave music video from 2017
get a better place to live
yeah but i guess the reason why they think its an ethnicity thing is due to where its happening, specifically in asian countries. Ironically that is what happens when globalization takes effect. Japan before getting nuked was alpha af, its exports were amazing in quality, they had a huge gun industry before then. Its just western culture and commercialism taken to the extreme cause asia after ww2 and the cold war couldn't recover without adopting values and then going overboard in them. it sucks but mass globalization is to blame for the rise of mental health issues even amongst the most normal of individuals, thanks to circumstance.
tldr; blame mass commercialism/ globalization
They also have their own crazies like any country, you must know by now of Japanese cults.
Just spend all your excess money on soapsluts and booze and food, desu senpai.
What do they have against protestants specifically?
Japan is a fucking meme. Access to media you want isn't worth the depressing nightmare that is Japanese society. Japan is a very fun vacation - I'm speaking from experience - but you don't want to live there.
Move to Shanghai desu. The girls there are way more into foreigners than girls in Tokyo, there's a much bigger expat population so you can meet lots of English speakers from all over the world, the food is generally better and there's a lot more variety to it, and the cost of living is quite a bit cheaper. People are also generally a lot friendlier and cool there.
I am speaking from a lot of experience working, living and touring all over Asia. Just because you saw webm's of accidents doesn't mean you actually have any idea what you're talking about.
>Just because you saw webm's of accidents doesn't mean you actually have any idea what you're talking about
nice try Ping
>china expats
I can't think of a group of people I would less want to be around
It probably has to due with the Japanese and their ties to the Dutch. Dutch merchants are what Westernized the Japs.
who the fuck wants to move to another country to hang with other loser expats, that's fucking retarded lmao
living in japan is great - I'm speaking from experience - but probably not if you don't know Japanese, or are ugly or weird or something. the fucks who complain on reddit about living in japan always, every time, check one of those boxes
China is an even worse shithole than Japan. I'd sooner live in Korea or SE Asia.
It's also why they like the Germans, or at least were more predisposed to doing so.
Why does the world think everywhere in japan is exactly like tokyo?
It's like if the world thought every city in america was like new york city.
>I don't want to spend the rest of my days playing PS1 games ultra pixelated
That's what a PC is for.
show me your room op, tell me why you can't just do this
That looks reasonably comfy. Is that one room basically your whole apartment?
>move to Japan
I sure hope you’re at least East Asian.
tell us more about your life
pretty much, but there is also the kitchen, bath, and toilet behind. that area is just a bit smaller than the main space
is it even possible to move to japan without being fluent in the language?
what kind of job could you even get?
God, Japanese furnishings are so retarded..
And Catholic. So now I am more confused.
>reasonably comfy
fucking how
it looks awful
op is just larping
who knows
a few friends went over as software engineers
Why do they hate pacific islanders? Do you mean southeast asians? Is it because they're poor and uneducated?
I wish folks wouldn't be so fucking gullible these days
Stop living in a capsule hotel and you will have space for a PC if you want it
If I'm moving to japan, the last thing I want to do there is talk to english speaking normie fuckheads who are so "cultured" because they also moved there and travel meme everywhere
>moves to Japan
>bitches about living in a small apartment
>doesn't realize thats what the average jap lives in
might as well be like me, I live in my tiny ass room but at least I have enough space to put everything I own in their own place
Why? I thought Asians hate other Asians? What do they think about whitewashed Asians.
fluency is fairly important for working there. if you want to make any money
consider that meme teachers through jet or some other bullshit make pennies but the tesol's who go through the hoops make pretty good money, especially if they have an existing teaching degree
t. linguistics/biology teacher
>Move to japan
there's your problem right there
White piggu go home
I live in a fucking shoebox in Sydney, and still manage to have two monitors an a TV. OP is full of poop.
Do they work in like Japanese branches of Western companies or straight up Japanese companies
I would assume the former over the latter
>t. not the guy you're responding to
>tfw no Japanese gf
How whito pigu gets apartment ? it's hard to get apartment for foreign
Jap women are ugly as sin.
very cute
would lead on/10
>it's hard to get apartment for illiterate retards
fixed that for you
whore yourself out to hungry japanese vaginas
I dont engage in degeneracy, sorry. Only plebbittors think showing tits or fucking women for cash is okay
wow a push up bra
fucking virgins
>whoring out to hungry jap vaginas
>Can't own two TVs + PC lack of physical space
Lol fag
found the 13 year old that spends most of his time on here on /pol/
they have some qts
>Move to China where the local population hates white people and want to suck your blood and where girls would literally call chinese mafia to take your kidney if you don't pay them 5k in cash
so much cringe in one shot
crap face
crap taste
imagine having yellow fever
I don't want one I want a 32 inch LCD TV
please give me pictures on how to set up my room for a big LCD screen plus 32 inch TV or perhaps a 4K monitor
cut her hair and she'd just look like a Jap boy
Quite frankly I like any attractive woman of almost all races except blacks, they only get good looking when there's some other genes to wash out the monkey faces
The only "good" job that you could potentially land in Japan without speaking the language is an IT job or software engineer IF you have the skills. Don't waste your time applying if you don't have years of industry experience amd a degree though.
Don't go to Japan as an English teacher like all the other weebshits do though. The pay is awful for one. You'll have a bad reputation instantly since all Japanese people are aware how people use English teaching as a free pass to come over, you'll only be able to to hang out with other Westerners or westaboos as a result. The government will also kick you out of the country within 5 years. You'll also get no respect from your own countrymen since they know exactly why you went over, but you probably wouldnt have any respect to begin with if you act like an anime obssessed, uneducated otaku.
Seriously, Japan is one of the most conservative developed societies in the world, and weebs want to go there cause they think people will wave to them as they run to school in a dress with toast hanging from their mouths. Realistically, they'll spit at the sight of you while gossiping about you all the time with their friends. If you really want to go to Japan, take the time to learn the language, study the business etiquette, and act like a normal salaryman. You'll be respected that way, which will create a good experience and get good pay to boot.
Ironic because the Dutch introduced them to a lot of things that allowed them to even function as a country without being stuck in the iron age like modern medicine, electricity, and guns (AFAIK). In fact their trade arrangements with the Dutch would have remained perfect if the US hadn't tried to play world police and forced them to open the country (because oy vey they aren't like us).
Let's face we all here wanted to move to japan but it's very hard because we don't have enough cash (we are mostly poor) and japanese government won't give us neetbux
But japan is superior and everyone knows it. The only issue is that they don't like white people very much except if we are there as a tourist
I agree, she should cut her hair, she would be even more attractive
>posts a picture of a shark
>is actually human
>spouts opinions all humans hold
based maymay screamer
I would never ever want to move to Japan, thats unless ANA and JAL offer me a job and I can get a crash pad
why do Jap women have such jacked up teeth
Another thing I hate about weebs. Half the time, they are men in there 20's that are trying to go to Japan to pick up high schoolers. It's pathetic.
Because not everyone falls for the braces meme
>tfw was told I had near perfect teeth
>work 6 days a week
>live in tiny apartment
>quitting a job is as bad as getting fired
why would you do this to yourself
You'd think when moving to a country of interest you'd put a minimum research into what's possible to take with you?
How hard is to live in Japan if you don't know language very well?
I want to move there eventually but I don't know if I can learn Japanese.
Countryside = literally mansion for a dollar - they have been giving them away basically in empty villages. Living in tokyo is a meme driven by lf job
They really need to fall for the dental hygiene meme.
You can say this about Japan as much as you can about literally any other country on earth. Walking down busy places like Dotonbori, Shibuya, Shinjuku etc. You'll see hundreds of the attractive Japanese women people meme about so much, and you simply won't notice the ugly ones because that's probably not what your brain is actively looking out for. But the amount of non-attractive Japanese women will probably match the amount of attractive ones. Same if you walk down London, Paris, NYC, LA, ect.
If you have a thing for Japanese women, you'll obviously say Japan has prettier women based off of that. If you have a thing for white girls, same in Europe, if you have a thing for Muslim girls same in Europe. You'll simply look at whatever ethnicity you don't have any particular attraction towards and notice the "ugly" ones because you don't find the attractive ones attractive.
TL;DR attractiveness is subjective and the best thing to do is stop pretending every woman in a certain country looks like the ones you see in cherry picker images
Imagine living in the US midwest without speaking English. Then imagine everyone in the US also wants you gone. That's about how easy it would be to live in Japan without knowing Japanese.
If you have limited space it would make more sense to have a PC rather than a TV, PC is general use and can be used for more than a TV can be, and you could hook up a console to a monitor if you really felt like it (not like you need a big TV if you're living space is really so small like you are implying, you're going to be right up on it anyway)
return to your country gaijin
It's not hygiene though. Brushing your theeth is hygiene. Braces is just about looks.
>You'll see hundreds of the attractive Japanese women
I read something a few years ago that Japanese parents don't really treat small children's dentistry as important since they figure all the baby teeth will fall out anyway. Unfortunately, this is an important time period for developing good adult teeth since they are affected by baby teeth. As a result, the dental hygiene of adults is ruined by their bad approach to it as children. This includes not brushing or flossing.
Cheapest house you can buy over there?
Where you at bro? I'm in Chiba.
How hard would it be to get basic level to get by on?
I would be working for international company if this comes to pass.
It's rare to find a pretty Japanese girl with good teeth.
You'll also see hundreds of the non-attractive ones. Ever walked through Dotonbori during golden week? "Hundreds" is a conservative estimate.
braces are important though
>looks aren't important
Honestly, every modern citizens teeth are fucked due to our diet. Braces&co are just bandaids on the fuckup we cause to ourself.
There's been even numerous publications on how we could even revert carries if we didn't eat as shitty as we do.
Well above what you can afford gaijin. Apartments can be cheap enough to afford on english teacher salary but you'll never find a cheap house.
Just emulate PS1 and use a CRT filter?
>oh husbant you spend all money on video game now we are homeress