Do you play video games in public?
Do you play video games in public?
he totally got laid afterwards
I don't go out in public
Do nintendies actually do this? Lmao
PSP Go on airplanes that's it. Though I live in Japan where every third person on the train is playing a smartphone game so not like anyone would care.
holy fuck if anyone deserves a beating
that's a yikes from me anons
The only time I'm in public is when I'm at work or buying things since I have no friends and rarely travel. Mobile gaming isn't worth the money/effort anyways.
Ofcourse not. Only a fucking idiot would do that.
I've tried while travelling on train and plane. I get very motion sick when staring at a screen and concentrating. Even then, I feel like it's more hassle than its worth and I'd much rather watch a movie on a plane or read. If you can't go a few hours travelling without gaming you have a problem. I don't see any other reason people would play games in public outside of travelling.
What does it feel like to have friends? Does true friendship exist?
going public with a switch on your hands is like saying "hello steal and kill me" here , one switch cost here (argentina) 110% my salary
>Does true friendship exist?
>What does it feel like to have friends?
Salty milk and coins.
One time me and my friends played smash on a switch in a whataburger at 1 in the morning
It's like a parody of that nintendo switch commerical ONLY REAL
>be working
>a few work guys are talking about going out after work
>its been a long week, so go along with it
>Autistic Billy over hears
>"Yeah guys I would love to come along! I dont drink, but I dont judge you guys if you do! Im high on life! and gaming!"
>whatever, at least I can just get drunkk
>get to the bar
>Billy is already talking about video games
>buy everyone a round, try to hit on Emily, but Billy keeps interrupting me
>Pulls out a fucking gaming console
>playing it with full volume
>screams when he dies, cheers when he gets a life
>no conversation can be had
>this night is ruined
>see a flash of a camera, billy took a photo
>im on reddit the next day
If I'm alone, yeah. I'll play on public transport. I beat a luck mode run of SotN on a shinkansen years ago.
Fuck no
Mutually enjoying each others company and spending time with each other, regardless of what you're doing. Also having each others backs in one way or another.
You've got to make an effort to be a person that people would actually want to spend time with. Like basic hygiene and being able to have a conversation. Also not whipping a Nintendo switch out on a night out.
I use a GBA emulator on my smartphone so I look like the other retards that have no life and sit all day on social media.
Never. Video games are for playing at home either after midnight when neighbors are asleep or when you call out sick due to really being sick or if it snows and you don't feel like going in. Every other environment is wrong.
Yes but who the fuck would play vidya when outside with frenfs?
You can still play a drinking game with a non-alcoholic drink. You can still be part of the group and engage others. It's not like you'll explode if you drink a soda instead of beer while playing a drinking game.
Unless a public transport trip is exceedingly long, no
I like to get lost in games so it breaks my immersion having to look away every 5 minutes to check if I'm close to my stop, I'd rather just look out the window and listen to tunes
This guy needs to get cucked and/or beat up.
that doesn't look like a drinking game to me. too few people and where's the booze?
>dude has pink hair
>other is hiding his greasy stinking hair under a beanie
Yeah I don't think they're much better. Was probably a 50% chance one of them would be doing the same thing.
she plays by herself, do you?
This. I take drugs that mean I can't drink and I just drink coke or something.
What kind of absolute cumguzzler doesn't play along.
I think those are porters, and you can play 2 player drinking games, that's an nice group of people for a game
My mates and I went to a strip club a few years ago.
One of them sat there awkwardly and played phone games. I paid $20 to have a stripper give him a drink and a dance and he awkwardly declined.
The op and my friend are fucking faggots.
Who goes to fucking strip clubs in 2019?
>a few years ago.
>go out with friends to play on your toy alone
I don't understand.
Name ONE (1) real (non-imaginary) advantage of participating in a drinking game.
Protip: you can't.
what are they looking at?
Was a few years ago a time before camwhores?
Only porn games.
Camaderie. Alcohol.
camwhores don't suck your dick in the VIP room
I would be kinda pissed if my 'friend' took a pic of me to farm karma on reddit desu
why the fuck do people do this
>Does true friendship exist?
Yes, they're called siblings and cousins.
Your friends will never have you back like your brother(s), sister(s), or cousin(s).
Unless you come from a trash family.
drinking for any reason is stupid. If you dont drink and went on your own accord to a bar to socialize but you dont want to participate in a drinking game just leave. Or at least hit on women at thr bar or something.
imagine being with a "friend "and not only does he get his console out and ignore you the hwole time, but then he tell everybody to take a pause so he can take a picture of the scene to be sure you are remembered as a human pissmop.
If you're the sober one out you get a year's supply of blackmail/tease material, you just gotta git gud.
>What kind of absolute cumguzzler doesn't play along.
The kind of faggot that posts on a subreddit dedicated to being straight edge.
Neither to strippers to sweaty stinking nerds that tip them $20 faggot.
the guy on the right would make a good trap
>Neither to strippers to sweaty stinking nerds that tip them $20 faggot.
t. no game incel
Rumor has it she got an orgasm just from entering his room.
I actually did it with coffee once.
Shan't be repeating that.
Having friends is nice but I'm genuinely tired of this meme that you have to have alcohol to have fun.
I tried playing my Switch on a plane once, and it was just too embarrassing.
Fun with friends and joining in with a light hearted social activity while also getting a little drunk/tipsy.
You people deserve to be forever alone.
>implying anyone would want to share camaraderie with drunk trash
I play with my switch on the bus to college and I don't have any problems. Chilean btw
Yes I do, because it's cute when girls or gay guys play games in public.
t. crushed on a cute guy playing 3ds on the subway before
Why is it that if that was a girl it'd totally be okay and everyone would still want to fuck her, but since it's a guy it's the opposite?
>people have been memed so much by this board that they unironically don't use their switch at all in public because of reddit screencaps
I play my switch while island hopping because the ferries take like an hour and nobody gives a fuck.
Every experience I've had with gaming in public passed the age of 13.
>not even offering to play a multiplayer game
I tried playing my switch on the plane once, and the cardboard caught fire giving my face a 3rd degree burn. I thought it was part of the vr experience and no one else was awake to tell me otherwise.
fags belong in bodybags
get drunk real fast. fun with friends. maybe get laid
are you going to do it?
Pro tip: ginger ale, ask them to put it in a mixed drink glass. Reluctantly say "ya I'm the driver" and you might get it free.
of course, it's part of being an adult to do what you like and not care what other people might think.
You don't got to a bar to play video games. That's what barcades are for.
The One Piece poster and Superman statue make this image.
Yea Forums is a gay board, sorry you don't have public gaming privileges, stra*ghtoid.
Wouldn’t that be weird? It would defeat the point and everyone would point out that yours is just coke
Nice delusion queer, have fun with your HIV.
>It would defeat the point and everyone would point out that yours is just coke
Why are you friends with autistic people?
then why are you letting them stay in your head, rent-free?
Sounds like you two are extremely insecure.
>he wasnt here for april fools where every other thread was gay erp or anime sissyposting
laughing at your life senpai
>go out for food and drinks with friends
>that one friend who spends the whole time buried in his phone
You aren't that guy, right?
You only ever have like a handful of friends max. Most people only hang with you because they want something or are bored. You will see who is your friend when you are down on your luck. I personally only trust people who have starred into the "void" and worked for their shit. Most people live in a self created feel good bubble and would immediately throw you under the bus to get benefits or if you dare to be different or criticize decisions.
tl:dr Do not trust normies/fake friendly robots. Only hang with people who understand and respect you. Only respect people who can take no for an answer. Respect yourself.
>friends from work
>from work
Oh so a pity invite. Well everyone regrets something in their lifetime.
That's a good thing. It stops one from turning into a turbosperg in OP's pic.
>All 4 of them actively trying to distance themselves from the nincel
holy body language LOL
Name ONE (1) real (non-imaginary) advantage of not killing yourself right now.
Protip: you can't.
>go out with friends
>just sit there on your phone
Like what's the point of even going out with your bros if you shut yourself off
I'm too scared to bring things besides my phone out. Stolen, dropped, spilled on, whatever. I'm not comfortable with trusting my friends, they always spill beer or tip the bong at least once when we're together.
no. Closest I ever come is having my 3ds with me on a plane, but I always end up just listening to music on my phone or falling asleep
I play tic-tac-toe on my phone. Other than that no.
Unless you got a junker, you'll get mugged for that too
I play my vita pretty much everyday on the train or at breaks at work or while waiting for my girl. Literally no reason not to.
>Good friends
>Good girl
Why should give a shit about what randoms think about me? Thats some beta bitch shit.