Once again they're BTFO'ing Valve
Praise the European Union!!!!!
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yet they "accidently" approved a law that forces filters and shit for every website or else it's fucked
what does geoblocking games mean
What are you talking about?
As Valve correctly pointed out, this'll just cause publishers to raise prices in the poorer European countries.
EU is literally fucking its member states over.
Fuck the european union. We are not the united states, we are different countries. So it's perfectly fine to block access from different countries. Globalist faggots
based based BASED love the EU love it love it
it means trannies will never be real women
EU BTFO by one fat man with a beard.
After Article 13 passed, a bunch of EU chucklefucks tried to save their skins from the backlash by feigning that they didn’t actually know “what we were voting for.”
It means restricting availability based on geo-location.
Europe's laws are what fucked the Xbox 360 (Red Ring of Death) and why I have to click on "I consent to cookies" or whatever everywhere now. Fuck that region and its politics.
can my continent actually help its citizens instead of trying to use globalism to fuck them over?
how the everloving fuck do you sell vidya at 60$ in countries with 1/10th of the per capita income as germany/UK/France/etc?
EU fucked every single member country except germany tho
>he actually buys videogames
Look at him and laugh
Games already cost pretty much the same across europe. Games are only like 5% cheaper in eastern europe on steam.
truly, these people are worthy to make political decisions.
This is true though. Unless you want your white country to be BLACKED and become third world.
Tell the pedophile faggots in the EU to go fuck their trannyboi underage muslim cockslaves.
>The EU is so fucking dumb that they would fuck over people and say it was a accident Accident
What games are geoblocked in europe? Loli Incel Massacre Simulator or what?
Germany also dumps most of the money into the shitshow and is burdened with most of the mudslimes
the eu is incredibly nationalistic. but they want that everybody is nationalistic to the european union, to have it be a superstate seeing all the other individual states. eu liches literally want to turn europe into another united states
>”I Have Not Argument And I Must Shitpost”
so what? the difference is enough for the publishers to not want people buying from those regions.
I dunno, only plebs and americans use digital middlemen like steam
Lol what
>EU is literally fucking its member states over.
That's what the EU was for in the first place
That or just drop EU support for the games.
So nobody is getting anything from that pile of shit, and thanks to the money given by germany, the loser states like italy and Greece will always be shitholes that depend on foreign aid
>nationalism bad
>giant super nationalism good
Won't this get some games banned from Steam due to them being illegal in some EU countries?
like what
I get my games on the igg games store anyway
>publishers don't want people to pay for a product which they can generate copies at literally no cost
really makes you think
It doesn't matter; the EU Parliament doesn't have the power to block legislation, only approving and suggesting changes.
Any game with Nazi imagery due to Germany. And some of the porn games Valve has allowed.
Er, you realise that supporting the EU IS Nationalistic? It's just for the new European nation.
publishers don't want people from OUTSIDE THE SPECIFIED REGION to be purchasing the game at a LOWER PRICE than they otherwise would pay.
I don't think this is that hard to understand. Have you even read the EC's public release or Valve's reply? Jesus christ.
Germany actually gets more money out of the EU due to the fact that everyone is indebted to German banks and the Euro keeps their imports cheaper.
No, it'll just mean that european poorfag countries that currently get cheaper games will have to pay full $60 since they'll be using the same keys as the rest of the EU.
Not quite, what it might do is cause all German, or other nationally required, censored games to exclusively be available censored across the EU. So, no more Nazi's and more robo blood.
Why aren't they disbanded yet? They literally do nothing.
games are 5% cheaper in the poorfag countries than they are in germany, doesnt matter
It means that steam has to allow games to be sold in the entire EU so that the EU authorities can ban them instead of valve doing it themselves. The only reason they did this is so that they EU bureaucrats can make a few more millions of dollars.
Why do Germans overwhelmingly refer to themselves as EU citizens and their country of origin as the EU when it's just a trading bloc?
If it has the power of approving it, it has the problem of not approving it you dummy
the EU is not a nation, it's a zombie parasite terrorist "government" of hostile, genocidal (((elites))) and their subjects who are going to be in a state of outright rebellion very very soon
>weeb being a fucking retard
imagine my shock. disbanding the eu at this point would almost be like disbanding the federal government in burgerland, except the eu doesnt actually fund our public services (yet)
This barely affects anything since prices in eastern europe (the parts of it that are in EU) are already paired to those in the west.
I have to pay the same as bongs and frogs even though the average wage is a quarter of theirs.
This is about a small number of games that don't follow this general trend. EU says you need to sell at the same price for the entire union, which makes sense in the context of the common market, but sucks for us.
An upside to this is that Netflix and such services should not be able to restrict their library based on region.
The commissioner responsible for persecuting those who break these common market rules is Vestager.
You may know her from the big fines she handed google and amazon. She doesn't fuck around and makes more news then the other commissioners combined.
If she wasn't from a gimped party she'd be heading the next commission.
>supporting the EU IS Nationalistic
You know nothing about Europe you fucking retard.
It started out as one but has slowly become more than that
1) it's not just a trading block anymore
2) EU has unironically brainwashed a lot of the population of its countries into thinking "we're europeans before we're [nationals]"
EU is Pan-European nationalism, fucking idiot, and it does not work because Europeans hate each other.
because the EU is a german project. continental europe is mentally ill.
The swastika-ban has been lifted in germany in 2018.
>when you stop Germany's mad plan to annex the entirety of Europe under one banner by annexing the entirety of Europe under one banner with Germany as the leader, but it's okay because instead of obeying fascists everyone obeys the banks
EU literally does nothing, and Juncker is an alcoholic.
People will start bombing you soon dude.
>EU literally does nothing
eu makes a shit ton of laws and regulations all the damn time probably 10 a day. the regulations imposed on member countries are insane
He meant nothing beneficial.
It was never meant to be just a trading bloc lets be honest.
It's so fucking bizarre seeing for example brexit remainers decrying nationalism and yet waving EU flags and saying their proud EU citizens.
Germans just have a fetish for trying to take over Europe it seems.
oh please fuck off with this meme, greece got jewed hard by kraut banks and italy gives way more money to the eu than they receive
Can't really blame Germany for actually making something of the free market considering that was the point.
And can't blame Germany either for only lending their money to corrupt moneysinks like Italy or Greece instead of just giving it away.
well yeah but what the fuck are you gonna do. you cant remove anyone in the eu from power because none of commission members or the president are elected, they are all appointed. the eu is antidemocratic and cannot be voted out
Only as long as their use meets the standard of "socially adequate".
Enjoy the article 13 eurofag
good, the poorer european countries are leeches
France under DeGaulle laid the foundations for the EU.
That's not how the EU Parliament works.
Simply put: If something passes the EU Parliament, it's basically law in every country in the near future. Sure, there are still ways that an EU decision can be overruled, but it's more likely that the EGS will stop exclusivity deals than the corrupt politician fighting for the people. Politicians are elected by their party not the voters. Even Trump would have never been president if he would have created his own party. If you know how the voting and election systems works, you know that our system is rotten so much, that even China seems like a much better democracy than the west.
it literally does nothing, stupid
>EU forces my country to import millions of muslim savages but they protect me from Gaben's shitty practices.
Not feeling it guys.
>everyone shitting on the EU in the thread
>these same people shit on the UK for leaving it
Explain this to me
Well yes, the EU is nothing but the 4th Reich.
>It's so fucking bizarre seeing for example brexit remainers decrying nationalism and yet waving EU flags and saying their proud EU citizens.
Any time a leftist's actions seem nonsensical or contradictory just look at their behavior with the perspective "How does this this harm white people?" and it will all make sense.
To be fair they intentionally phrased to question in the most retarded way to achieve exactly this.
Jewish tricks until the last second.
share the pain
Don't have to worry about region locking when you're enlightened.
UK has europhile leftists of their own moran
also nobody knows how the eu works. this isnt taught in schools
>Stop blocking games in singular countries! We want to block games in the entirety on Europe!
Saguga UN. What a bunch of dirty kikes.
This is the kind of argument a 12 year old would make.
>muh monsanto
Yikes, even more sad and pathetic, neck yourself you sad walking steroetype.
lmao found the monsanto employee
hope you have a vpn
Relatively few of your fellow citizens will celebrate a corporation fucking you over. They will celebrate a government doing it to you.
I hate everything about my fellow euros and I wish this whole continent got nuked
No need, my country doesn't arrest people for pirating lmao
lmao what for dude?
File sharing isn't illegal where I live and cops have other problems outside my ROM collection.
not because of the cops but because your isp will block everything
>isp will block everything
Nah lol our ISPs don't give a shit about what the rest of the EU demands. They know who's paying their bills.
>buy india steam key for the fraction of the price
>it doesn't work on your eu steam account
>cry to politicians about it
I've been exclusively pirating media for a decade now.
They won't and can't do shit because I pay for my internet and get to use it however I please outside of child porn.
after a13 is implemented isps can be sued if they facilitate the spread of copyrighted material
Has Valve really pointed this out? I kind of doubt it because their store is not cheaper for eastern europeans for the most part, in fact it's more expensive.
Eastern bros get their cheaper games local.
Isn't the reason why these games are geo-blocked cause the EU (well mostly germany) put these games on "bad boy" lists? Why do they suddenly want these games back?
Trannies aren't real women
>An upside to this is that Netflix and such services should not be able to restrict their library based on region
Literally impossible, since some IPs are licensed by different publishers/distributors in different regions. It would be easier and cheaper for Netflix (and many, many other such companies) to just GTFO the EU altogether.
So if a game is restricted in one country it'll need to be restricted in every country in the EU?
Said the mutt who pretends to be a viking
>eu liches literally want to turn europe into another united states
This is going to be a huge disaster, many people tried to unite Europe as one and all of them failed. It's going to be even worse since EU is also copying the failing modern American multicultural model, as if importing shitskins will create unity not more division.
Fuck the EU.
everything on the internet is copyrighted material.
They may as well file for bankrupcy.
God, you people are idiots.
ok retard, I appreciate you telling me how my country's ISPs operate despite not living here and me pirating for literal decades. They have a don't ask, don't tell policy.
thats whats gonna happen. if article 11 & 13 were implemented tomorrow youtube, twitter etc. would have no choice but to block the eu or theyd be sued out the ass
So wait, what the fuck is this point of this thread and of the EU doing anything if Valve already did that four years ago?
>Implying this will work long term or let alone work at all
it's not going to happen.
Average wage in Germoney or France is 3-5 times as high as in Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania.
Publishers put in region locks so they can give lower prices to the poor countries.
a13 isnt implemented yet and once every member country drafts their own version to law it will be
your countrys isps will operate exactly how eu is telling them in two years
This has nothing to do with games being unavailable.
It's about EU law that you should be able to buy anything an EU country sells from any other EU country.
I can go to Poland from Germany right now to buy at their local stores, because that's the law.
I can't buy from "Polish steam" because I'm geo blocked, illegally.
doesn't everything has some form of region locking? Movies, games, streaming sites... All of it has it.
lmao no they won't.
yeah its not gonna happen tomorrow. but it will in less than 2 years. if there is no solution by then the eu will be blanket blocked. you are a fucking retard who seriously needs to do some reading if you dont understand how serious this is
If you think that's bad you should see how they will force them to have a % of the content be made in EU. Personally not a fan of that one, but meh they can buy shitty tv shows cheap.
They're not going to leave EU though, it's too big of a market.
That's what they said about the British
>bongs gloating over article 13 when they live in a draconian hellhole
>Implying the suits wouldn’t do this
You really underestimate these people
>Publishers put in region locks so they can give lower prices to the poor countries.
And now they want to take that away? Are they jewish?
ok thanks for your input, I'll be sure to keep an eye out in case my ISP decides to actually give a shit what some jew in Germany wants.
youre in for a rude awakening
yeah I'm sure they're going to kill the internet in the first world in 2 years because some boomer law even the scribes didn't understand was printed.
stupid idiot.
>weeb doesnt understand law
imagine my shock
Why do they hate/fear the white man so much? I've never done anything to anyone.
No, this regulates blocking originating from companies, not governments.
Are you American? You can't seem to quite grasp the concept of a corporation not fucking you in the ass. I know corporations run America, but it's actually different over in some European countries.
guess how i know you have no idea what youre talking about
I can't even imagine the amount of balls and complete lack of care you would need to be a politician and claim you didn't know what you were voting for but decided to vote anyway.
A statement like that should automatically remove you from office.
nah, I'll just pirate and nobody will ever do jack about it, keep parroting some meme law you've read about on kotaku lmao.
stay salty americuck, lick them boots clean, now.
no i live in an eu country. unironically educate yourself
Never attribute any malice to the EU. 9 times out of 10 the EU is just too incompetent to know the negative impact of their regulations.
Trying to see waht post can get the most (you)s. sadly mine failed so far
The point is obviously that people should be able to buy their game in any EU state they want, considering they can freely travel everywhere, and not worry that the game wont work when they get home.
better buy a vpn now that theyre still cheap
guess how I don't give a shit about what you think
Ah okay. I'm out then.
Sure you are. Better watch out, I hear Comcast might be raising their rates soon. Not that you have many other ISP options.
>in an eu country
stick to Florida, ese
>remove geoblocking
>disable gifting and trading from poor EU countries because fuck you this is an optional service you were never entitled to
That's just a lie. Countries like Poland have literally higher prices than Germany. A good 10-20%
fuck the EU but more importantly FUCK ANGLOS
>the eu is antidemocratic and cannot be voted out
You're right, better give up your guns lmao
For a long time, I thought I was inferior to others because I didn't have the confidence to make big decisions; I didn't feel like I had enough information to make the correct choice, and I thought everyone else did. After following politics for only a year or so, I realized that none of the fuckers knows any more than I do, and many of them probably know significantly less; they're just confident as they make shitty decisions that fuck everything up.
when will the EU finally crumble?
Because we're the only ones that can stop them.
what the fuck is wrong with you
>seeds 5tb in a week
psh nothing personnel EU
good. fuck slavs
Average wage here in Croatia is shit, but AAA games still cost 60 euros.
If the EU is so bad and offers not benefits, why is the Brexit falling apart and they try everyting to stall leaving?
The only thing this can accomplish is making things worse for poor people outside the EU for literally no gain.
You think this is some sort of /int/ pissing match? This is fucking serious and you neckbeards better open your eyes before your lolis are taken away.
When the Balkans decide it's town for another round of fuck you.
Because the politicians are bought off and they're in a quandary because the people voted to leave and they have to try to get past that.
Imagine worrying about your ISP. I've seen people on Yea Forums complain that they got a letter from their ISP, does that still happen? I unironically have more freedom than you in that regard.
Because fuck what the actually people want or need.
Only populists care about that.
be a concern shill elsewhere.
If they fuck with the internet, then I'll just get a real hobby.
>Let's join our economies
>Let's only use a single currency
I guess
>Let's have an EU parliament make your laws for you
>Let's have an EU military
Please stop...
The EU was a fucking mistake. There are too many cultural, economic and language barriers to join all of Europe.
Because the EU is comprised of globalist kikes and the British government is comprised of globalist kikes. Put two and two together.
Because bongs are incompetent.
I would assume it's the Epic spammer looking for all news that looks bad for steam. It's really a minor thing with a few games for a few publishers, that will be straightened out.
Not at this point.
balkanite here. Our populations have dwindled completely, we lost most youth and worker to the EU, and they'll probably import niggers soon.
she's fucked m8.
Theresa May is a remainer.
this time it won't be the Balkans. It will be the Mediterranean countries and their huge debt and unemployment.
The first thing is good
The second one is questionable
The last two are retarded
What the fuck would I even be shilling for? You are brain damaged.
The joke is england fought 2 wars because of the threat of germany to their british-french hegemony over europe only to get cucked in the end when france and germany joined up to do it.
>be worried goyim this thing I read about may happen
I really don't care
>when you ruin Europe for the third time in 100 years
I know.
Again what the fuck are you even talking about?
>i'll just take it in the ass like a good citizen
yikes fella, just... yikes
The people voted wrong so they will make them vote again when they are sure they will get the correct result.
Europe is a closed market where the richer countries use the poorest to benefits from the difference of level of life. buy low, sell high. It's not meant in any way to equalize and better the life of any of its non billionaire inhabitant.
>green blood and robots for everyone
Thanks, Germany.
>reading is for jews
yeah thats a poltard alright
Holy fuck I forgot how explicit Deus Ex dialogue could get it's been years since I last played it.
worry about your own problems, cletus
The internet has been a cess pit since '07; I can live without it.
>EU's credit score has been increased by 10
>Why is Brexit falling apart?
It isn't. The 'Brexit in name only' that the traitorous UK government and the EU wanted is falling apart.
i have no problems because i live in the greatest country on earth, turkey
>why is the Brexit falling apart
the UK still has lots of pro europe lapdogs on its side, and apparently Europe has the power to force countries to pay money from thin air imaginary laws (probably military threats on the backside who knows).
And yet here you are
>Leon "Fuck Stalin, let's back insurgencies" Trotsky
it takes a really big brain to admit that you go out of your way to not understand what youre talking about
We don't use credit scores in europe.
>why is the Brexit falling apart
That's euro propaganda because they are getting mad they can't just bill other countries and get money from nothing like they do with their members.
Slavs are the last line of defense for the European man. Show some respect.
>England takes Valve side against Epic and ZoomieNite
>Eu begins to shit on Valve to counteract this
Fuck Eurocommies, chinks and brown people
ah, a fellow BMW(Ultimate Driving Machine™) owner?
as salamu alaykum brother
More like BTFOing local prices in EU. And that's a GOOD thing!!
If the EU is so great why do they need to concoct such draconian penalties for leaving the EU like as if their some seedy mafia organization? A voluntary trade union should have no qualms about members coming and going as they please.
true. we just print money whenever we need some
>Publishers put in region locks so they can give lower prices to the poor countries.
Nice lie corporate shill
Yeah, I bet you only care about shit when the entirety of silicon valley pushes it, like nut neutrality.
Yes, look at how well that's working out for Greece.
to be honest I do not care at all.
any sort of collectivism is fucking retarded
nationalism is one of them
Sounds hot
I wanna be a jew too!
>what is schufa
>we just print money
Sweatie, you can't print money in EU, only Germany can print money. That's the whole point, that's why EU exists.
>mfw neoliberals willingly fight for globalist corporations and bankers
>mfw I don't have a face
I like how the writing for this game was basically "lets take all current conspiracy theories and a world where they are real" and it's scary how spot fucking on it ended up being for a lot of things.
but that's true, the games in the mexican steam store are 20% cheaper than the amerimutt one.
does this mean i can buy russian priced games?
>ecb is germany
fuck off retard
>any sort of collectivism is fucking retarded
Civilization is founded and based on collectivism, you hyper retard.
We do in the UK at least
The EU DOES offer benefits. But just because the EU is undemocratic and retarded as fuck doesn't mean the UK is not ALSO undemocratic and retarded as fuck.
The UK's entire fucking economy is based on being a service economy to the EU market, espicially for american shit, becuase of the language advantage.
The UK needed to make it's economy workably independent of the EU, and they're unwilling AND unable to do it.
See Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Greenland for examples.
No it means russians buy first world priced games.
The EU Parliament will end up patting themselves on the back for that like every time, don't you worry.
>can my continent actually help its citizens instead of trying to use globalism to fuck them over?
You can always just leave the EU
>Free market
>Corporations existing
They literally require a charter from the government to exist, are you retarded?
Financial decisions are always weighed against an individuals credit score. If this is how it's working in the UK banking system it's almost certainly in the European one too
>So they can charge people in the richer countries more.
Is that better?
Need to get and industry based on things like manufacturing or fishing rather than based entirely on Soccer and whatever Damjan does
>what is negative interest rate
>what is quantitative easing
>only Germany can print money
not yet
They aren't BTFO Valve, they are BTFOing Yuropoors.
Lmao enjoy your overpriced censored games simply because a game featuring Nazis or sex couldn't avoid Germany.
oh for some reason i thought the topic was social score
You don't according to wikipedia, or not in any unified sense.
When americans talk about credit score they talk about a number you have attached to you across all banks and lenders.
There's no left or right anymore. There's power and those who take it.
Yes user ECB is controlled by Germany. How the fuck do you not know that? Remember when Greek banks were told that they won't get any money if they don't comply with German orders? You think it won't happen in every country that isn't Germany?
EU allows for general regulations that makes it easier to sell products in different regions.
social credit score is just a logical extension of the economic credit score. after all your social well being is economically determined and vice versa.
Pay debts
>American company
Eh, tell em to fuck off
Never trust fucking Germans
Those are things countries that aren't Germany can't do because they don't control their monetary supply. Wake up user. Why didn't Greece just do quantitative easing? Don't THEY control ECB as well? Well evidently they fucking don't do they.
>Yurop getting BTFO all day every day
>tfw Mexico
>tfw can keep not giving a single fuck about anything
And at last, being third world finally gives me the upper hand. Fuck Spain.
How can you pay debts if you can't print money and your import/export is controlled by a foreign country? Where exactly is that money supposed to come from other than from German gibs?
When do they start WWIII so we can finish them off for good?
Have you tried working hard?
Aren't you afraid to live in mexico?
>Censor this! Censor that! Censor everything!!!
>If you don't submit to our vaguely worded laws we'll fine you millions!
>WAAAAH why are they blocking us from content!? WAAAAAAH!
You're ignoring Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria and all the other countries who had no interest in letting the greeks have their debts forgiven for free.
Currently the ECB is still funding Italian profligacy at the expense of more efficient countries. Do you know how fast that already massive debt would explode if the ECB stopped the river of cash?
How is that benefiting germany? They're tied to a drunk juggling a molotov.
I'd rather live at the poorest European country, lets just say Moldova, than Mexico.
I'm American and travel to Mexico with zero fears. Imagine not being street smart and not being able to tell who is a gang member, cultist, or corrupt official.
No need, they're breeding themselves out of existence with the Somalians they import just like we're killing ourselves with spics. Just enjoy the ride.
De dónde eres PUTO
Guy in the middle has legit anime proportions with those eyes and fivehead
Lol your whole government is literally controlled by the cartels. Well at least you subhumans make kino gore for my amusement.
Hey don't be racist. There's only one race -- the human race.
artificially deflated currency which vastly helps its industrial sector
ironically the best thing that could happen for the EU is fiscal union and basically becoming the United States of Europe, but Germany/France will never allow it
nigga the only reason half the east europe has highways is thanks to eu
In a years time they will call Einstein Black
>Imagine not being street smart and not being able to tell who is a gang member, cultist, or corrupt official.
i don't have to imagine because i'm not street smart so i am spooked
considering the prospect of globalist inevitability i'd say the germans are certainly some of the most qualified to lead a one world government. i'd trust them over the USA or their vassal state, the UK.
in fact you'd be hard pressed to name a better global standard.
Fuck off Paco.
Yeah, there's a death cult growing in Mexico
it mask itself as a weird catholic branch but they don't fool anyone
The only parasite with EU money are the polish
meant for
>I'm American and travel to Mexico tourist spots with zero fears
hans please
If murrica is so great why do they need to concoct such draconian penalties for leaving the US like as if their some seedy mafia organization? A voluntary union should have no qualms about members coming and going as they please.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
>Publishers put in region locks so they can give lower prices to the poor countries.
The irony makes it that it's literally the opposite. It was the Eastern Euro countries complaining they can't buy games at Western (a.k.a. lower) prices.
t. Eastern Euro reading local press on the subject
You think Monsanto is a great company user?
Please mister Trump, deliver us from our failed country
Any commonwealth tribute is better than corrupt deals
and I said that as a jew
because the retards realized they are going to get fucked over so hard they either become a eu vassal state or an us vassal state
just wait until ukraine joins, that'll be a riot
A lot of countries go against what the EU says even if they get fined
I go to smuggle illegal fireworks, cheap viagra, and liquor.
I'm not Mexican nor do I bring any Mexicans because border patrol would catch me.
The 50 cents party strikes again
What the fuck is this even about? I'd imagine geo-blocking is done because of laws restricting the sales or the dev not wanting to sell in specific countries. Surely that should be fine?
just wait until Russia joins
Cultist is kind of used liberally now (Euros consider Jehovah's Witness a cult for some reason despite my being one and not being culty), but Mexico is a hot spot for cults since there are a lot of rural areas and not a lot of news warning about them like in America. These are legit human sacrificing cults too.
It didn't happen in 18 years good memories playing the psone
never ever
Yes but you learn to live with it. Like Bruce Banner's secret is always being angry, mine is always being afraid. At least we have god tier food and anime dubs.
Qué chingados te importa
>b-but m-muh cartel
Every time. The government is not controlled by cartels, they just stupid and don't know how to deal with them so they don't bother to do so.
>Gringo goes to [most likely] North Mexico with zero fears
Poor bastard, I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
Dude looks like Bubbles from The Wire
Oh yeah can't wait to be ruled over by all those (((germans))). It's going to be as authentically German as Latkes and Matzaba- I mean beer and pretzels
>entire govt and police controlled by ruthless drug cartels that kill steal rape with impunity
>a-at least the eu has no power over the fisheries
okay paco
Lol you're owned by some random bureaucrat you've never voted for.
Russia would never join the EU, they make far too much money selling oil to them
If you're a chilango you can fucking die
>The government is not controlled by cartels
Ah my mistake, I guess those politicians being assassinated by cartels every month is just an unrelated thing.
I don't think the EU understands video games are above the law.
>Euros consider Jehovah's Witness a cult for some reason
It is a cult though
That's fine. All the big damage is done to peasant countries. The whole world can get raped for all I care as long as long as I can live in my gated community.
This is the truth European countries love backstabbing each others for petty reasons
t. also from yurop
That's right, I'm glad we're in agreement then.
I've been to Guadalajara if that counts, but never farther south. Los Cabos has some of the highest homicides and is a major tourist spot.
Given the choice which would be better? Remember that being an 'Murican vassal gives you a bunch of American benefits while in the EU you get cuck EU benefits.
>t. virgin norteño
Se te hace tarde para ir a escuchar corridos. Órale a chingar a su madre.
>I've been to Guadalajara if that counts
>He literally went to Homosexual central
Hahahahaha holy shit you probably caught AIDS or something.
>ancestors got mad at US for leaving
>now here I am wishing the US would reverse-colonize us
Kill me, we can't even have butter knives outdoors lmao
they have to trade anyway with the eu anyway and their entire economy is based on being the financial hub for europe. they're going to bend
about as much as islam, but more peaceful in the end.
>the government, media, big business, rich people and military are you friends we must defeat the evil working class
So.. wouldn't applying that idea globally basically bankrupt half of its countries?
But being an American vassal they no longer would be subject to the whims of drunk vindictive European bureaucrats they would now have to go through the US first before having their way with the UK.
Free market is bullshit that only works in theory under a lot of stupid axioms
It works under a consistent and stable demographic which it considers to be compatriots and not just numbers in a human species.
we already reverse-colonized you and that's precisely why you're in such a miserable predicament. the modern UK is a perfect microcosm of the american dream.
We don't have guns so your argument is automatically invalidated.
then the eu would simpy stop london to trade eu's financial products to relocate those activities in paris/frankfurt. then london die and since london pay for 33% of uk taxes, the uk also die
>a single anonymous poster on a mongolian basket weaving forum solved the greek debt crisis
Tell that to key resellers then EU and deal with all the scams they do.
also they would just become the us's bitch, not an equal partner
Spain HDI 0.891
Mexico HDI 0.774
Enjoy the independence
It literally always work though.
sorry for that
Russians will never join the EU
>relocate those activities in paris/frankfurt.
the amount of laws they'd need to change to move that shit to Paris is hilarious. There's a reason those people aren't there to begin with.
As someone from the USA, go fuck yourself. Really. How much dick could you suck off of people who give zero fucks about you? Writhing worm.
De gaule only wanted a commercial europe, none of that "fuck your laws, fuck your languages, fuck your kids, send everything to Berlin and obey" bullshit.
>since london pay for 33% of uk taxes, the uk also die
Hmm, remind me which demographic would 'die' first in the case that Londonstan falls? Would the United Kingdom proper really fall?
>be based poland
>tell EU to fuck off when they want them to accept third worlders into their country
>meanwhile the third worlders are busy ruining the once great euro countries
Feels great man.
So how much is this thread is mutts whining and pretending they know a semblance of even the basic geography of Europe instead of discussing what this means for Steam?
>no, see, it's not a cult because lots of people do it!
What do you think a cult is?
A religion that doesn't have ties to the government.
I mean having the EU blame valve for something they resolved 4 years ago is still kind of newsworthy in a EU-incompetency sort of way
Free market needs perfect competition. Perfect competition is when there's:
A large number of buyers and sellers – A large number of consumers with the willingness and ability to buy the product at a certain price, and a large number of producers with the willingness and ability to supply the product at a certain price.
Perfect information – All consumers and producers know all prices of products and utilities they would get from owning each product.
Homogeneous products – The products are perfect substitutes for each other, (i.e., the qualities and characteristics of a market good or service do not vary between different suppliers).
Well defined property rights – These determine what may be sold, as well as what rights are conferred on the buyer.
No barriers to entry or exit
Every participant is a price taker – No participant with market power to set prices
Perfect factor mobility – In the long run factors of production are perfectly mobile, allowing free long term adjustments to changing market conditions.
Profit maximization of sellers – Firms sell where the most profit is generated, where marginal costs meet marginal revenue.
Rational buyers: Buyers make all trades that increase their economic utility and make no trades that do not increase their utility.
No externalities – Costs or benefits of an activity do not affect third parties. This criteria also excludes any government intervention.
Zero transaction costs – Buyers and sellers do not incur costs in making an exchange of goods in a perfectly competitive market.
Non-increasing returns to scale and no network effects – The lack of economies of scale or network effects ensures that there will always be a sufficient number of firms in the industry.
Anti-competitive regulation - It is assumed that a market of perfect competition shall provide the regulations and protections implicit in the control of and elimination of anti-competitive activity in the market place.
>Britbongs literally measure weight in fucking rocks
no,it didn't work you dumb ass
Now you're getting it.
>“what we were voting for.”
The sad thing is that for some of them I genuinelly believe this
mutt here, i could find every EU country on a map no problem. try again yuropoor
How is that any different from measuring in grams?
they dont need to do nothing. just to block london financial passporting and the firms ARE going to relocate somewhere in mainland europe
>When the UK leaves the EU, it will be outside of the EU’s framework for financial services regulation. In a ‘no deal’ scenario, UK firms’ position in relation to the EU would be determined by the relevant member state rules and any applicable EU rules that apply to third countries (countries outside of the EEA) at that time.
>By contrast, in the absence of action from the EU, EEA-based customers of UK firms currently passporting into the EEA, including UK citizens living in the EEA, may lose the ability to access existing lending and deposit services, insurance contracts (such as a life insurance contracts and annuities) due to UK firms losing their rights to passport into the EEA, affecting the ability of their EEA customers to continue accessing their services. This could impact these firms’ ability to continue to service their existing products.
Notice how you said find, not know
lmao all you eurofags are retarded
real question, why do you trust a retarded af all powerful central government?
You don't have to care about anything when your country couldn't be any worse.
dunno mate, your country would just become much more poor. have fun sucking us, chinks and poo's dicks for pennies
Jokes on eu citizens, as the EU isn't democratic and you can't tell these politicians to gtfo
Grams are based on an universal constant: The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.62607015×10−34 when expressed in the unit J⋅s, which is equal to kg⋅m2⋅s−1, where the metre and the second are defined in terms of c and ΔνCs.
And SI units are easy to convert as they are decimal
wouldn't that be considered a pre-war hostile activity though? They don't even do it for the arabs
The EU isn't an all powerfull goverment, it's more like an effective UN
>Free market needs perfect competition
Says who?
>you can't tell these politicians to gtfo
You can, but it's a bit difficult.
>my unit of measurement is better because I base it off of other subjective units of measurement
That didn't answer my question.
even still, why are you ok with a government having as much control as the EU does, especially considering europe has many countries with different issues where bigger countries can squash the voices of smaller ones
You literally can't. 20+ weeks of riots in France and Macron still on top of his power, with total Euro support. Stuff like petitions, or "call your local people to voice your opinion" is also basically illegal everywhere.
>pre-war hostile activity
wtf are you talking about? a no deal brexit means there is no legal framework for financial firm to trade. what do you want them to do? fail?
if uk want financial passporting they are going to make concession on other stuff. that's how negotiation works.
brexit retards were deluded the uk didnt already had the best possible deal and that every outcome is going to be worse since there no way the eu gives them a better deal than before since they already had the best deal in the entire union
Macron's hiding in a different country and is about to call in the army. Just gotta keep pushing.
>a no deal brexit means there is no legal framework for financial firm to trade.
Are you retarded? Both the UK and Europe trade with non-European countries, what sort of fanatical bullshit did they fed you this time to post that fucking lunatic bullshit?
You shouldn't be using Steam to begin with. The EU should do something useful like ban companies from charging for digital distribution and legalize piracy.
no because the uk used eu laws that need to be substituted. but 2 years is very little time to formulate new laws especially with such complex ongoing negotiations.
they are fucked and im going to laugh so fucking much in the next months
A nation cannot be in a state of war with its own populace indefinitely. Something will happen, just gotta keep denting the shell.
wouldn't that stop people from producing games?
that's literally what a free market is you fucking moron
t. commie
Part of why valve did this is so they don't have to force Germany's censorship laws on every EU country and to do appropriate regional pricing.
I hope WW3 is Europe vs USA/Russia/China
No, my unit of measurement is better because 1000mg is 1g, 1000g is 1kg, 1000kg is 1ton.
>1kg = 2.2lbs
Hell, even pounds (which are also fucking stupid) are less retarded than fucking stones.
>1 stone = 6.37 kilograms
What in the goddamn hell you tea drinking, queen adoring, teeth neglecting, soccer watching, tv license paying FUCK?
let's not forget Rajoy facestomping separatists with EU approval
I said that because ir's the closest thing to free market ineconomic theory, free market hasn't a formal definition, in our college we studied what I said before, I believe that's because different authors have a different views on freedom, for example there're occasions where an unregulated market is a natural monopoly and you can't just enter the market
>ignoring over a millennia of European history
popular democracy was a flash in the pan, your going back to aristocracy and your going to like it cuck
forgot webm
>I hope WW3 is Europe vs USA/Russia/China
That makes no sense and you know it. It will 100% be Europe, US, Israel vs Russia, China, Middle East.
So the EU is working as intended.
educate yourself you stupid fucking poltard
>Access to EU markets for UK fund managers is likely to be negatively impacted by the loss of the EU passport.The possibility to delegate the management of funds to a third-country is currently quite restricted under EU law. If the AIFM Directive grants cross-border rights to non EU firms, providing that equivalence is recognised by the Commission and the firm is authorised by ESMA (Article 35 and articles 37 to 41 of AIFMD), such equivalence rights do not exist under the UCITS Directive: a UCITS fund must be domiciled in the EU and managed by an EU company.
>An asset management company(AMC) is a company that invests its clients’ pooled funds into securities (stocks, bonds, money market instruments, etc.). AMCs allow for more diversification and more investment options than investors would obtain by investing individually. AMCs earn income by charging fees or commissions to their clients.
In the area of collective investment schemes, European law currently comprises two main pieces of legislation covering two types of harmonized investment funds: -The Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive(UCITS) is the main European framework covering collective investment schemes that are suitable for retail investors;-The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive(AIFMD) covers managers of alternative investment schemes that target professional investors.Both directives establish passport rights across the Single Market. As regards third-country equivalence, it is provided for under AIFMDbut not envisaged under the UCITS directive (i.e. firms established in third-countries are excluded from the EU retail asset management business).
>you tea drinking, queen adoring, teeth neglecting, soccer watching, tv license paying FUCK?
WW1 wasn't started by the germans fool. If anyone is to blame it's the serbs.
i'd fuck them
Because the EU is less corrupt than my goverment and enforce them standarts in quality, health, poluution and another thinks and because the Schengen Agreement makes travelling and working easier. It's not a perfect situation but is a lesser evil
not as big of a leech as the EU itself is of USA
i m a g i n e m y s h o c k
>spend the last 20 years being a literal tax haven for internet business
>after practically 60% of internet finances are comfortably in your tax evasion cave pass a massive anti internet bill
>start raping companies left and right with +5 mill fines
bravo, brussels
>A nation cannot be in a state of war with its own populace indefinitely.
It can if the general population is disarmed
If I'm not misremembering how it was reported, the schedule for the day was changed and they were braindead enough not to pay attention to A13 being presented to the parliament before one of the other motions that was expected to go first. Part fuckery and part incompetence at work, just like everything that passes through the EU.
We tried to save the world but underestimated the ferocity and bloodthirst of the mongrel horde the zionists had bred in america.
At this point i don't care.I'm fine with destroying the world as long as it makes a few fucks miserable in the process.
Can't help but notice the suspicious lack of brown on the EU side. I hope you're not trying to misrepresent things. :^)
Just rub the grease out of your eyes and look again.
Oh no no no! What should Valvefags do now?
Portugal looks somewhat amused
Do you know that Russians had weapons when soviets came to power and they couldn't do a shit vs the NKVD and the Red Army
5 million is literally a rounding error for internet companies like google
Damn, an MS paint-colored image. Guess I've been BTFO with my "facts" and whatnot.
>40% children of migrant background
If you count all the 'migrants' from other EU nations in, yes. I guess that headline is technically not a lie.
ching chong ping pong to you my dear friend
Wut Peru isn't that dark, you see caramel people but I've seen a blackie like only 3 times in my life
peruvian niggers only come out at night to hunt
No? A free market is a market where people are free to trade or do business however the fuck they want without anyone pointing a gun at their head giving them orders.
>If you count all the 'migrants' from other EU nations in, yes. I guess that headline is technically not a lie.
Observe, everyone, the classic German cope.
Is CityState fun?
and when monopolization occurs, only one single entity is allowed to trade or do business however the fuck they want, whereas everyone else is not. hence competition is necessary
this but unironically
to this day I have no idea why europoors decided it was a good idea to let their free trade agreement turn into an evolving nanny state
Einstein was a communist so he may as well have been a nigger
That's Tropico
>Obey German Censorship or else!
>>Sure thing.
>Stop putting regional restrictions on games or else!
>>... uh... sure...
And then German users bought everything.
Seriously though, what are the broader implications of this for German censorship laws and EU laws.
>A free market is a market where people are free to trade or do business however the fuck they want without anyone pointing a gun at their head giving them orders
That's what happens when you don't study microeconomics
Meanwhile a bunch of goatfuckers with weapons from the USA managed to overthrow their governments all over the Middle East and North Africa.
Don't forget decolonization. The Indonesians had to violently overthrow the Dutch to gain their independence. So did the Vietnamese. It works, you just have to have popular support.
Why the fuck do people keep talking about Germany censoring shit in video games? They don't do that shit anymore, like at all. Not even swastikas.
It works if you have other country supporting you
There comes a time when we must cut down the tall trees. The EU promoted free markets, now it's overstepping it's mission. Probably time to dismantle the EU for good
they're also the reason that white germans will become a minority in germany, so swings and roundabouts
>tfw Sargon was right
WELL if that's the case can they also kill ALL the geoblocking in fucking Netflix? I can hardly watch shit in my Euro country other Euro countries get.
Shouldn't it be the same?
>Krauts once again fuck over Europe while (((they))) benefit from it
If the EU were nationalistic and not willing to replace their population for an easier to control one at the drop of a hat, it might be a good idea considering how aggressive China is being.
However, the EU is a socialist institution that would rather replace all of the Germans and Frenchmen with Turks and Arabs just to keep their insane public safety nets and universal healthcare going.
never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice
>And then German users bought everything.
I'm expecting this to turn into "And then German users got everything banned for everyone"
>all the ZOGbots band together to stop the last and final attempt of the white race to get rid of the kikes
>70 years later they regret it
Too late fuckers you had your chance. This world is on you.
However, the EU is a socialist institution that would rather replace all of the Germans and Frenchmen with Turks and Arabs just to keep their insane public safety nets and universal healthcare going.
this doesnt even make any sense. did you forget your antipsychotics user?
So EU can't really do anything about it
>once again
Correct me if i'm wrong but the last time the Germans tried to get rid of (((them)))
>sargon being right about anything
Jew detected
pretty much because Britain's government is so massively incompetent that they managed to screw up every aspect of leaving
shut the fuck up jew
Reading quite a lot into this. It's a free market. Getting rid of the geolock means that a game bought in, say, poland isn't allowed to be locked once its carried out of poland.
This will of course mean that games will probably get more expensive in the slav states, but that's fine. Fuck slavs.
Go back to discord Faggot.
Is this the stresstest to see if MKU holds up several generations later or something?
>If something passes the EU Parliament, it's basically law in every country in the near future.
You're a fucking retard who doesn't care about privacy.
Sargon is the shadman of the YouTube skeptik community
Because the British government is such a joke that they keep finding ways to fuck up, not even Britbongs can deny it
This is a lie. We are already paying full price in Bulgaria.
And not only that but we are paying in euros. I hope the EU fucks Valve in the ass.
>As Valve correctly pointed out, this'll just cause publishers to raise prices in the poorer European countries.
Huh, I didn't know Valve was the designated voice of all publishers on Earth.
I'm fucking english and i'm shitting on my government, the entire thing is filled with people who are desperately trying to cancel us leaving without triggering riots.
There is no free market until piracy is completely legalized.
I'm working on a platform that scrapes achievements from Steam to work on pirated versions and will track play time, have forums for each game, reviews, have built in tools for multi player for the pirated or physical copies that can play multiplayer without some centralized servers like Steam, and other stuff. It will be for pirated games, older actual physical copies, and the few new games that get actual physical releases for PC. I'm making it to encourage people to stop paying for digital distribution, physical copies will never come back so the least I can do is try to make as many people stop paying for digital distribution as possible.
I personally won't use it because I'm fine with no client or achievements, no client is best client, but a lot of people do and this will hopefully help encourage them to do the right thing and pirate.
I could put downloads or torrent links in it too but that would get the government knocking at my door therefore there is no free market or actual competition.
Imagine unironically advocating for a monopoly
Didn't these EUfags pass a bunch of strict as fuck copyright laws that basically were aimed at "memes" or something
Stop lying on the internet you miserable valve drone. We've been paying full price for years I don't even remember a time when we weren't.
GOG is the only store that was giving us their fair price on games and now that Epic is bringing cancer into the industry that will be gone in a few months. What i want is for the EU to fuck both Valve and Epic in the ass.
>our censorship = good
>their censorship = bad
fuck the EU
Remember to always filter out the words of G*rmans
Are you clinically retarded? Activision isn't one of the targeted publishers you fucking dipshit. Learn what the dispute is about.
based i hope they go after Epic next
Nice, cheap Ukrainians keys for me
fucking based
hail europa
doom to american and russian imperalist
>used to pay $50 max for a nice boxed copy that is better than today's collector's editions and didn't make you use some console wannabe platform like Steam
>now expected to pay for a download license
I happily pirate with no remorse. GOG is no better.
Death to Valve
Death to Epic
Death to GoG
Show me that mythical regional pricing fagget. Oh wait! You can't cus there isn't any! Now kindly fuck off.
>Kraut claims he was trying to save the world from (((them)))
>entire races has done nothing but create events that end up benefiting (((them)))
the day the last German dies is the day the (((they))) will truly be in danger due to them lacking their puppet race to call upon.
>GOG is no better.
It actually is.
first google pulls youtube then then gabe pulls valve
cant wight till Yea Forums drop your ass too
Germans are jew-enablers since Antiquity.
Your games are more expensive because of VAT. In America you don't have to pay sales taxes in states unless they have valves infrastructure in it (washington, new york and some other places). I live in Canada and I don't pay any taxes on steam. Your government is so jewish that everyone in EU has to pay sales tax and add it your prices. If you didn't have to pay taxes your games would be 10% cheaper than US prices.
We are talking about regional pricing and not about VAT. English, do you speak it?
So I can finally buy games that are banned in this shithole but available in the rest of Europe easier? Huh, neat.
>There is no free market when piracy is completely legalized.
fixed it for you
this means eu prices will rise for nations that are poorer.
are you an idiot? If your country didn't have VAT than your games would be cheaper than US equivalent.
naw publishers are just greedy and retarded
I have seen it several times on the Steam forums
some dude from India complains regularly
and how are the us prices relevent?
why is he an idiot for you not understanding the issue? lol
I fucking love article 13. I hope this site, and other major ones, range-ban all of the EU. I can't fucking wait.
I hear people will just use VPNs, but they will ban those soon too. Can't wait to get you fuckers off this site and others.
That's hate speech and illegal as of the first of January this year, in Sweden. Please delete this.
>article has a statement on what geolocking is and how it works for this specific situation
>the game keys couldn't be activated anywhere but the country of origin to ensure they weren't bought cheap and used in a country where the game is more expensive than what the key is worth
>commissioner directly says that isn't true by saying that people shouldn't have to go to different countries for a better deal
>article also says that the act the government is trying to enforce here doesn't count game downloads at all
So what they're saying literally isn't true or how the actual geolocking works? Is this case even a legal one with how the Act is defined?
The state of you EU fags, stay safe and resist.
Countries ruling themselves BAD
Germany ruling all of Europe GOOD
because regional prices are based off US prices
enjoy talking to yourself
you understand that every eu country has roughtly the same VAT?
This site, and others, are big enough. Can't wait for you fuckers to be gone.
Nah you just broke it. Copyright can only exist by pervasive state enforcement. There's nothing free market about copyright
lol, EU officials are a bunch of old men playing at ruling the world.
They're so incompetent and out of touch with technology and the landscape it created that the worse that could happen is a DNS redirect.
If there one thing I'm glad about EU officials is that they're a bunch of clowns and not efficient robots like Chicoms
duno, europoor here. i can literally buy everything on steam.
i didnt see any game i couldnt buy yet
>Krauts purge kikes that were either to weak to survive purges or to stupid to realize they were getting purged
>This results in the strongest and those with mental will power being able to infiltrate across Europe and America while also give them a pass by always invoking the Holocaust
Truth is the jews regularly purge themselves of undesirables while making somebody else do the dirty work. Ironically the Holocaust was a hoax but not in the way pol will tell you for their was indeed a mass killing, but it was for the purpose of weeding out the weak and stupid.
im pretty sure this site consists of 90% western people
and they will all soon be banned
that wont be big enough anymore after that
>thinking the EU will make anything better
the only good thing these fuckheads can do for Europe is to kill themselves
>haha I got mine fuck the working class
This is the ideology that we call BOOMER, bootstrapitalism, finance class cucks, petite bourgeois
Wtf am I watching?
>It's another "Germany wants the whole EU to have it's censorship laws" episode
They don't have the balls to no deal.
Maybe that will be true if the USA was banned.
Praise Article 13! Fucking love it.
>self-hating white who doesn't appreciate his heritage wants to be live in a world run by Africans who have never done anything of real value
Spanish police forcing their way into a polling station to confiscating ballot boxes
you know. Democracy.
fuck valve. "gaymers" wouldn't recognize the faggotry they do though. I wonder how much taxes gabe avoids paying.
And nothing will happen. They've demanded so many things of different countries in the EU, telling them to do certain things or be fined. Nothing has happened
the US already got their serving EU just followed
you living under a rock lmao
Democracy is fake and guy. Catatonians have no agency because they live in a democracy.
>this picture
Didn't an old Simpsons episode actually predict this very picture?
Didn't they wanted to block those games first? Are they fucking retards?