>ResetERA trying EVERYTHING in their might to get people to boycot this game
>Even talking about boycotting Digital Foundry for doing a tech analysis of it
Anyone here pick it up?
>ResetERA trying EVERYTHING in their might to get people to boycot this game
>Even talking about boycotting Digital Foundry for doing a tech analysis of it
Anyone here pick it up?
Why, what now.
Is it any good? I've never been good at this sorta game but $30 isn't a big price for it.
THQ Nordiq
They're still upset THQN did an ama on infinitychan because muh child porns even though mainstream websites have had their own issues with pedo pockets
THQ did an AMA on 8ch, ResetERA holds them fully responsible for promoting white supremacy and the New Zealand shootings
No, it will probably run and look like shit on the Switch, and 99% of people who cared about it already beat it.
Someone post over there, " I don't care about 8ch's white pupremacy or the new zealand shootings, they have nothing to do with the game"
Banned for trolling a sensitive topic.
I played it on WiiU already, encountered some glitches tho
>No, it will probably run and look like shit on the Switch,
It's a very solid port actually. Comparable to PS4 version, performance mode and quality mode.
Darksiders II is alright but I and III are dogshit.
>act like an annoying troll
>get banned
Based mods
I dunno. Seemed like a legitimate question to me
I'm 1000% convinced that there are mods on that shitty website that are 4chins undercover whose sole objective is to push the lunacy to the top so that it triggers a progressively violent response from the other spectrum
It is, but all the nu-neofags at retardera literally advocate for more censorship.
Nah, resetera mods and members are legit stupid.
what the fuck is an infinitychan / 8ch?
On the contrary, the mods and admins are smart as fuck because resettera is finally filling a void the kikes left gaping open for to long. They needed a community for their subverted faggots to thrive in, thats why as soon as you question their retarded narratives you get banned, they rather not risk their useful idiots tainted.
its just a deader version of Yea Forums
I think this game is shit, but now that those faggots hate it I'm going to shill it now.
It's like if reddit and Yea Forums had a retarded babby, also, why is 8ch*n still flagged as spam?
In that case i wouldn't use the word stupid. It looks more like a bipolar disorder coupled with Pseudologia Fantastica disorder
A failed spin-off of Yea Forums that was spammed here during the GG era. Basically some cripple trying to get retards to go to his site. It died within months.
So basically a haven with almost no normalfags
Shit they're making a switch version. Might have to pick that shit up.
No. Mostly newfags flocked there and then it died. In fact I bet it died becuase most of Cripplechan was normalfags.
I already bought it twice, I'm not buying it again just to spite muh essjaydubyas.
It's already out actually
It's astounding that people still post on traditional forums with admins and usernames and shit. I can't even fathom not being able to call some a niggerfaggot.
>I can't even fathom not being able to call some a niggerfaggot.
I used to post on a Final Fantasy forum as a teenager where the admin put in wordfilters for "fuck" and "shit" and would temporarily ban you for circumventing them, but was just fine with you typing nigger and faggot everywhere.
Will the whole trilogy be coming over to the Switch?
I know what you mean. I can't go back to that shit either.
So nothing to lose.
On one hand I kind of miss it because you could have actual conversations that minimized shitposting and I actually made real life friends through a couple of the MBs I used to frequent but on the other hand yeah, I like being able to call people any name I want without having to worry about being banned/censored.
Seek he!p
Yet another decade old port for switch lmao
Hi Eric, how are you lately
Obsessed AND seething samefaggot.
Great because I'm didn't buy a shitch.
Well I'm glad you're doing well man. I'm always worried about you having a rage induced aneurysm. On account that people still like the Switch
Help for what?
Don't they know it was just a LARP?
Y'know, that's the weird thing about it too. DS3 is without a doubt pro-Woman Power type game. I'm surprised the logical error hasn't exploded more era-fags' heads
is that hotwheels?
Nah its the tryhard who owns cripple Yea Forums.
What? What the fuck are you even on about?
do not buy thq games
buy the games
Great port