>lowest selling mario game
What went wrong?
Lowest selling mario game
Why would you play this when you could play the original on the same system?
Utterly pointless remake releasing long after the 3DS's obsolescence
Good, this shitty remake deserved to flop
dead system
unironically looks worse than the original
People with asthma had a hard time with the original
>> the 3ds was already dying and most people who wanted to play bowser’s inside story on the 3ds could already play it on their 3ds with the original.
Even worse than Hotel Mario?
Does anyone else wish Nintendo would make an ACTUAL fucking Mario RPG game with 3D visuals? I'm so sick of Mario RPG games being tacky CHEAP 2D garbage. It always struck me as blatantly suspicious since Paper Mario on the N64. The only RPG game for this franchise that makes sense in 2D is the one Square made and even then it had a bigger sense of "3D" game design than fucking Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi. Fuck you Nintendo.
Give me an actual fucking 3D Mario RPG with a decent budget. If not? Fuck off.
I still have the original ds game why buy the new one that's gonna look worse and just be the same thing otherwise.
>system is practically dead
>good amount of people think the graphics are inferior to the easy to emulate original
and, i think, most importantly
>remake the first and third games and just forget about the second
who the hell wants to play a series out of order? fucking dumb
>make a remake of a game that was already graphically pleasing
>add absolutely nothing new
>fixes none of the mistakes of the original
>improves absolutely nothing of substance
Whoever gave a greenlight to this was a retard
Look up literally any sprite sheet for dream team and have sex.
It was released two years after the system's successor came out.
It came out on the DS, but yes, you could play it on the same system. It's like the people that bought the new play control remasters on the Wii of gamecube games.
Didn't release it on the switch
Shitty DT artstyle instead of playing the original.
It wouldn't work for the switch
they failed to show why we should buy the remake
They added plenty new. It's just that what they added wasn't anything that a single human being had ever asked for in the history of the universe.
Inferior to the original version in every single way.
there are so many ds games that could only work with the duel screens and it hurts that the 3ds had to die
It's been 8 years since it was released, let it die.
>3DS game in 2019
>remake of a game that can already be played through backwards compatibility
>no new content besides Bowser Jr.'s Journey
>Superstar Saga remake proved that Minion Quest/BJJ wasn't anything special and you were better off looking up the cutscenes on youtube
>most 3DS games as of late have been getting price cuts or thrown into clearance
That's pretty much it. The last reason is why I haven't picked it up yet.
but all the never ever sequels i'll never get
>halves the fps
haha no. i still bought it
game had such a high production value
I wonder why
Like what games? I know there are definitely some, but I just want to know what games you want to see a sequel to, I am generally curious and I want to know what you want.
Such as?
I thought I was the only one suspicious that they haven't created a true 3D Mario RPG. The closest we have is just 2D sprites in a 3D environment. Hell, I wouldn't mind if they just remade SMRPG but everything was in 3D and they used Mario's Odyssey model.
Ruined bowser, the new sprite doesn't have the charm and he doesn't say "showtime!".
he does say "Showtime", but get this, he only says it if you don't do a first strike and let the enemy touch you
I bought it but haven't bothered opening it yet
It has no reason to exist, th original wasn't made that long ago, fuck jewtendo
Reminder that this is the last first-party game for the 3DS so far.
What a shitty way to end your console, on a 9 year old port. GBA had Rhythm Heaven and DS had Pokemon Black & White 2 as their last first-party titles.
>engineer a Mario&Luigi RPG that will flop in sales
>Nintendo: "well clearly this didn't sell as well as the Sticker Star games so we should shift focus to those titles instead"
>3ds in 2019
Of course it was going to be the lowest selling Mario game.
Did sticker star sell that well?
don't do this to me user. I got so scared when they released Color Shit and worried if it flopped Nintendo would go "eh I guess people don't care about Paper Mario anymore, pull the plug!" and if it did well they would go "I guess people like this new model we have for the series, let's keep doing it."
Literally nobody asked for it.
Textbook example of sales=/=quality
haha but user people will just get confused if there are TWO Mario RPG series running around, we need to trim the fat
>tfw Paper Jam is the worst of both worlds
Paper Jam is basically a Mario and Luigi game set in generic NSMB set pieces...oh yeah and Paper Mario's in it too. Now instead of Bowser being the big bad, it's TWO BOWSERS! WHOAAAAAAAAAAA! So much wasted potential.
Now that Mario & Luigi has flopped, it's time to make a remake for the better AlphaDream RPG
I only bought it because I lost my original cartridge
>you can't skip cutscenes but we graciously added a function to the shoulder button so they play 1.5 times faster
>that'll turn that initial 10 minutes into 6 and a half minutes, aren't you grateful
>the literal first thing you get to do is a Toad hunt
>everything on the first island
>every new landmark you get to that results in you being derailed and forced to backtrack to an old landmark to get a powerup
>every Toad hunt
I gave up at Bowser's castle. Even with the plane powerup I just wasn't feeling it. The combat is some of the best it's ever been but everything around it is a complete slog to put up with.
At least in the case of some New Play Control games there's still better justification of getting them over the originals. Pikmin and Jungle Beat come to mind
This is 1:1
>Oh no, Bowser did a thing and we need to get to the next area
>but first a toad hunt
>Oh no there's a giant thing blocking our way
>better start hunting for toads
>hey mario I need some paper toads to help me craft this glorified parade float
>more toad hunting
fuck toad hunts
It's been 10 years
Sticker Star did but its successor sure fucking didn't
better than BIS on the 3DS apparently
Everyone's just sick of the 3DS at this point. We're on year 8 right now. DS was over 6 years old when the 3DS came on the scene
Yeah, Sticker Star was an early lifespan game that was marketed as a return to form after Super Paper Mario. Of course it's gonna do better than a remake of a game you can already play on the exact same handheld when it's on death's doorstop
Quit fear mongering and think logically
he was talking about Color Splash
Nintendo needs to chill with their Toad bullshit
>reusing DT assets for the 4th time
Look I get you're proud of them and they are very detailed and well animated. But they're so bland and sterile compared to the other stylized sprites in the series. And doing it over and over makes it even worse.
Color Splash still did several times better than BiS at a time when it'd take a game like botw to sell a million on WiiU.
Seriously. What happened over at Nintendo that made them go "NPCs of different species and unique designs? Nah, just make all friendly NPCs Toads and Yoshis."? Even though early Paper Mario had loads of toads, at least they looked different from eachother and not just Red Toad but with a hat.
Intelligent Systems are retarded and have lost all their creativity years ago
I blame them for pouring all their time and effort into their waifu gachashit
Name just one mistake with the original game that could have been fixed in the remake.
He says showtime but only if you do a normal enemy encounter (don't punch or flame them).
It's unironically been a decade
That's good. At this rate I'll get to play 7 or 8 more versions of this game before I die.
>No one asked for this
What did he mean by this? Lots of times there have been games people have asked for that still flop, and games people literally never asked for that sell gangbusters.
There were unskippable tutorials up the ass in the original. It was like every 3-5 rooms in a dungeon would have something happen that would require you to slog through minutes of explainations. The remake cut down the time by making pop ups letting you know a new mechanic was introduced so you could look it up on your own time or skip them.
I just PM to feel like a fun adventure again. Fuck the toads and fuck the "witty" writing
So? not every game needs to have a remake just because it is been certain numbers of years. the original version is perfectly ok and held up fine.
>Release it on a dying platform that overstayed it's welcome by 2 years
>Use the same shitty Dream Team engine for a 4th time in a row that people are sick of
>The DS graphics have more charm and better bold outlines for a cartoony look
>Not to mention the jump from DS to 3DS isn't as impressive as it was for SS and the jump from GBA to 3DS
>You can actually still play the original on 3DS and isn't as old as SS
>30 FPS unlike SSDX which had 60 FPS because they crammed the whole thing with obnoxious bloom
>Outsourced 3D giant fights to a shit tier developer in Arzest, who made everything look like shitty N64 polygons compared to Good-Feel's superior 3D giant models in Dream Team with cel shading and smooth polygons
>Waste remaining budget on a crappy fanfic about Bowser Jr. that no one cares about
>People finally realized BIS was an overrated minigame clusterfuck of a game that only carried on by goodwill of having the novelty of Fawful returning and Bowser being playable.
None of this is rocket science to understand.
The remake at least got rid of the blowing shit so that automatically makes it better than the original.
They made this game because it was easy on a shoestring budget and to train their new hires.
Its a lot easier to find newer 3DS games than old used DS games. That's why someone would buy it
The designs weren't really that great to be honest and from 64 -> TTYD -> SPM the newer designs were decaying in quality. Standard Toad and Toadette are certainly the best designs in that whole picture.
When you've got a iconic series with lots of great character designs. Why would you focus on making different, lesser ones? You can't improve perfection and adding random bits of hair, hats and crap to an existing design isn't creativity.
Oh yes, the "witty" writing of nuPaper Mario.
>"Haha we all can fit in this cabinet because we're made of paper."
>"lets unburrito this town! Haha get it? Because our world is made of paper so it got folded into a tube shape lol"
"lol I'm stuck behind bars even though I'm paper thin enough to squeeze between the bars."
You know you could literally breakdown any joke in existence like this if you were a faggot.
that hack miyamoto started meddling into paper mario and ruining it by making them remove every iota of creativity and originality from it.
People just don't like the characters knowing they're made of paper, ruins the in universe fucked up aspect of the curses in TTYD when before you could imagine it's a boat made of flesh or whatever.
>this nonsense
Miyamoto was producer for the first two games. He had less influence as the series went on.
>muh Miyamoto boogeyman
He just said NPCs should be based on species established in NSMB, not his fault devs took this to heart and thought Toads only.
>original game on a system that literally everyone owned
>anyone interested would have played it by now
>can buy the original game for $10 if you haven't
>or buy the same game for $40 but the case has red lining
>can also play the original game on the same system as the new version
Really gets the noggin joggin.
shitty remake nobody asked for
on a dead console with highly outdated hardware
Oh my god the 3D models look like that?! This ugly low poly shit looks like something that would be on the original DS game.
How is it a shitty remake? Its better than the original. Takes out tutorials, cuts out unecessary bullshit and adds a bunch of QOL changes, a decent sidestory.
I played and enjoyed Superstar Saga and Dream Team.
The reason why I never bothered trying Inside Story is because half of the game's environment being inside a body is fucking BORING.
>decent sidestory
Nobody was asking for this Bowser Jr. shit, nobody.
Even if you dont like it, it doesnt harm the game at all. You could just not play it.
What about Partners in Time or Paper Jam?
They fucked up Shadow bowsers theme thats what
Dream Team remake on the Switch when?