Enemy is faster than you

>enemy is faster than you

Attached: 1552000896696.webm (800x450, 615K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What anime and is it good?

not even kidding, that looks like absolute shit.

That looks retarded and stupid.

No modern anime is good, watch retro shit then forget about the medium.

oof that looks bad
>boring schoolgirl design
>wiggle waggle fight scene going woosh woosh and wash wash akfbfkja;iv yh .;k/,w

fuck modern anime

>everything that isn't rotoscoped is a seemingly random mess of bullshit
I thought people were memeing about modern anime.

Attached: concerned good boy.jpg (693x663, 60K)


oh my fuck

Attached: 1505160193440.gif (560x560, 945K)


No, its garbage but people will try to convince you otherwise

>What Melee matches look like to other Smash players

That fight scene wasn't great but the show was good
>mfw Yea Forums discusses anime

Attached: D23pCLBXgAU5Xnm.jpg (1200x675, 34K)


Attached: 235235235.png (483x248, 89K)

dafaq is that animation

Attached: 1498039554901.jpg (307x286, 57K)

>but the show was good

Attached: 1512711822270.jpg (766x720, 71K)

>modern anime

will this become the new norm in 2019?

Attached: 1546307681332.webm (634x720, 745K)

OK, are Shaft and KyoAni the only studios that can actually do animation these days? Bones and Trigger are sometimes good (don't even get me started on how bad the BNHA movie was animated) but most of these studios shit out shit like OPs webm and hope they get to clean it up in the BD releases if they ever get the chance to release them.

Boogiepop and Others


Shut the fuck up you jaded nigger

>Shaft and KyoAni the only studios that can actually do animation these days?

Attached: fuck.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Was the new Boogie any good? I watched the old one and it was shit outside of the one Otaku bully episode and the OST being a fucking banger

Did you watched the new light novel adaptation#400000 of this season that will never be fully adapted yet?

Trigger is all I'd ever watch if I could.

Attached: 1546234102054.gif (300x302, 370K)

>Trigger is all I'd ever watch if I could.
please say sike

Attached: 1535894435207.png (400x333, 91K)

>muh 80's anime
fuck off old man

Attached: 439968.jpg (479x492, 28K)

I don't think there's an industry more creatively bankrupt than japanese animation nowadays


Attached: 1429263839623.png (327x316, 211K)

Except I'm probably younger than you, retarded rat. You do know that young people today have access to those old anime and can make a logical conclusion of what's better right? Now slit your wrist.

Attached: 08f73865c3e570d9dae9157e8434e836.gif (500x271, 782K)

Attached: flat 550x550 075 f.jpg (499x550, 40K)

which generation has the best animu?

Attached: 1386646351392.png (470x454, 11K)

>You do know that young people today have access to those old anime and can make a logical conclusion of what's better right?
Yeah, that weebshit was never good lol

.... that's a movie

definitely not 10s or 70s

Hollywood blockbuster movies? Nowadays they just get inspiration from anime or spam super hero movies, although said super hero movies have to be in complete comedic fashion of course, otherwise we would have to focus on getting a good narrative across.

>old anime wasn't heavily reliant on manga and LN adaptations back then guys I swear!

LMAO have you seen Hollywood my guy? Check your latest showings in your closest theater and tell me what do you see?


Attached: 1549958434831.jpg (1280x1138, 330K)

When is weebshit ever good? Good thing that there are good works of anime that isn't weebshit.

>.... that's a movie
Tell me when you're going to make a point, you low IQ ape.

Attached: 32ybF9g.jpg (1440x776, 117K)


Its good
The ost is is great in this adaption as well

Attached: 02-4.jpg (800x689, 28K)

>defending old anime by comparing big budget movies to seasonal shit
yep, this is Yea Forums alright

Attached: 1494302675279.png (419x384, 122K)

That's fucking atrocious.

Attached: 1526042488678.jpg (240x200, 10K)

>Good thing that there are good works of anime that isn't weebshit.

This is the correct answer

If the OST isnt the same style I will write you a very angry message on an anonymous anime image board


>Hollywood blockbuster movies
That's too specific, I mean if you mean hollywood as a whole, you can still watch some ok-good movies, not blockbusters though. With modern japanese animation, there's nothing good anywhere

>anime """""fight scenes"""""

Attached: herc vs salter.webm (600x336, 2.99M)

old anime section looks great

Let's get this fucking thread started.

>modern anime is shit
>Yea Forums is shit
>Japanese anime is bankrupt and shit
Anyone who disagrees needs to put a .45 in their head.

Attached: 1554227063448.jpg (1920x1038, 286K)

pretty much this

Attached: mh teleports behind you.webm (960x640, 1.16M)

>Good thing that there are good works of anime that isn't weebshit.
O I am laffin


Attached: 1553293889052.jpg (611x869, 34K)

compare movies to movies

Attached: movie.gif (500x281, 3.23M)

Your little ego is so desperate like a coward that's about to be killed, that you literally are arguing based on a premise that was never made. It's good to know that all I did was post an image of an anime which instantly made you so triggered. I now own you.

Attached: 501bd212604df173428c78c07d543ba0.gif (640x344, 897K)

>you have to eat all the eggs to heal

Attached: Jet.gif (500x375, 687K)

Is he ok?

Based, fuck Yea Forums and fuck moeshit.

Attached: gunbuster2.webm (320x240, 2.98M)

Who was right?

Attached: Legend.jpg (1840x1794, 385K)


I'm still not sure how I feel about this show.
It started so promising but the pacing is absolute shit.

>modern anime sucks, the only good anime is the stuff that I watched I was a teenager

Attached: 1548198599509.gif (332x332, 1.15M)

That looks pretty fucking good

>implying Im not a retrofag too

Attached: 1544848610777.png (694x716, 734K)

Yeah, he's got 11 lives left.

Shaft and KyoAni are probably the most consistent and prolific, at any rate.

This reads like a DBS thread



Attached: file.png (792x143, 22K)

>It's a mandatory vehicle level

Attached: silent assassin.webm (800x442, 2.9M)

>fuck moeshit
>posts gunbuster

Attached: 1533844229190.png (661x893, 554K)

all that time and effort and for what

Attached: 1533574960099.gif (200x200, 1.28M)


>teleports behind you
>*dabs on you*
>Nothin personel, kid

I don't watch anime though, I just have eyes

I'm going to disagree just so I can have a .45 in my head. Pull the trigger daddy.

>everything is a simple, sloppily drawn bendy figure with flat shading rendered at 6 fps

Yeah, that's going to be a no from me

Attached: 1553481999230.png (851x703, 934K)

god bless switch netcode

Gunbuster may be moe, but it's not shit.

is this the video games thread?

Attached: 1547926780711.webm (800x450, 2.61M)

Attached: time to boogie!.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

Backpedaled like a bitch.

Attached: 1522550346505.jpg (1460x1080, 637K)

early 00

Oh fuck you I didn't even notice the dab at first

Reminds me of that soul eater SoL one

The novel is good, the anime is not.

>everything is a simple, sloppily drawn bendy figure with flat shading rendered at 6 fps
So the same as old anime but with less shading


By 2030 all anime with be a mixture of rotoscoping and 3D models and you are going to like it, firushi gaijin.

You deserved it, whore.

Attached: 118cdf5fed93d7825e85c1a9bc7911544ea10617_hq.jpg (1024x768, 101K)

>enemy has bigger muscles than you

Attached: 660b1eb163039ec77814a4e3c67b6825.webm (532x300, 2.86M)

opinion discarded

this looks so bad lmao

The real answer is that anime has always been shit. We just think old anime was better because we pick out the few gems that in reality only came once every year or two and because when we first got into anime we were all teenage weebs who'd eat literal shit if it came from Japan. You can find archived Yea Forums posts from the mid '00s and even usenet/BBS posts from the mid-'90s saying the exact same shit people in this thread are saying about anime now.

The Goglo movie was SHIT and everything that wasnt the opening scene and intro was 2deep4u farbage

>The real answer is that anime has always been shit.
He literally said that

>Japanese anime is bankrupt and shit

thats gonna be a yikes from me dog

Attached: 1528803171184.png (1024x768, 1.27M)

user, the .45 is the perfect women for quickly removing yourself from existence.

>I don't play videogames, I just watch twitch

Attached: 1522751404184.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)


the 2008 Golgo 13 was based

>old anime has always been shit
>Get got gems every year or two
Fuck off with that relativistic bullshit argument to try and denigrate the premise that modern anime is shit and will continue to be shit. While old/retro anime is superior. A .45, faggot.

Attached: csmile.gif (500x375, 1022K)

>boss can teleport

Attached: 8516e5c65b5ef2178bae118e46d876a7.webm (532x300, 2.85M)

Boogie back and lads.

>TFW been on Yea Forums since 2005 and disliked the very little anime I've ever watched

Attached: Maleninja.png (453x558, 199K)

>based retard stopping animation mid-motion
It's like you people don't understand anything about animating in general yet have the dying need to butt in with your ignorance.

Not saying that the animation in OP looks anything but trash though.

Attached: 1528456269130.png (458x485, 312K)

>Anime predicts the future

Attached: USA ! USA !.jpg (640x2400, 305K)

I stopped watching their shit years ago because their stuff all have this "We want to do ~ART~" feel. Do they still do 10 hardcuts in 2 seconds and constant shifts of color? I get headaches watching their shit.

Fucking plebs, let me show you what REAL anime looks like

Attached: tointelligent.webm (852x480, 88K)

No he said modern anime is shit but old anime is kino

>Anime predicts the future, twice.

Attached: Dictatorship.jpg (400x5000, 420K)

Judging anime based on random screenshots is like judging games based on watching someone else play them

that animation

Anime is so dumb, holy shit. They look like monkeys.

Attached: 1524327073065.jpg (440x368, 27K)

Don't mind me. You boys can keep arguing.

Attached: 1540810622247.gif (500x369, 746K)

yes, and Kyoani still makes you blind with all that postprocessing shit

only talentless hacks have to use smear to convey motion

I make this same argument against retards that don't understand animation as well dude but that shit in the OP is trash. It looks like shit even outside the inbetweens.

name 1 good anime
ill wait

Attached: file.png (595x480, 393K)

> I stopped watching their shit years ago because their stuff all have this "We want to do ~ART~" feel.
Well it still has that feel.

Good thing Yea Forums isn't an anime website.

thanks for the dolphin porn

>enemy can stun you

Attached: cute and funny.webm (853x480, 2.84M)

Wait no longer. Watch this and fuck off. Never touch the medium again.

Attached: 8f3a3baf15535275d2b753230d7fa0e8665ae2b0_hq.gif (540x404, 643K)

Jojo is the only real modern anime
anything else is moe and shonen garbage

Attached: D0dLKNfV4AAPpT4 (1).jpg (2048x1536, 513K)


>lil zoomer has a double digit IQ
Just stick to YouTube & your shit "le epic memes XD" sweetie

Attached: 1552504168642.gif (387x263, 1.3M)

>t. head of his high school's anime club

Attached: 1533728445713.gif (500x281, 544K)

Legend of the Blue Wolves


Anime peaked at fist of the North Star
Prove me wrong

I'm an anime expert and know about anime more than all of the posters in this thread combined. Ask me anything

Hang yourself.

Attached: 11eece9287adf820d9bb20cf3b03f836.gif (500x230, 984K)


Attached: galatea.jpg (3118x4535, 1.67M)

>tfw guest appearence in tada kun

Attached: deepestlore.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

why is the girl being raped dressed exactly like Homura

Animation in modern anime is so bad wtf

Attached: giphy.gif (500x370, 1017K)

Goddamn, what the fuck happened to choreography?
Why can't people make a decent hand to hand fight scene anymore?

Is modern anime good?

Goddamn, it should be legal to execute people with shit taste.

Attached: 1522551844983.jpg (1436x1080, 819K)

excuse me, but this post is based. It also happens to be, by no means of mere coincidence, red-pilled.

I know this was posted for irony or for an epic lul, but people that enjoy this shit should be gassed.

Attached: 1500168938552.jpg (564x428, 37K)

>It's a 'the creators only wanted to draw cute girls and didn't give a shit about anything else' modern anime

Attached: Grunzwald.jpg (634x952, 289K)

them fucking boomzoomdoomyoomgoomtoomwooms

fuck shonenshit

There are some good ones

>Mob Psycho
ok, this is real Reddit now

This just looks likes they're hovering above the ground having a Capoeira battle.

Jojo is the only real modern anime
anything else is moe or shonen garbage

Attached: 1552446234806.jpg (1773x1400, 1.01M)


Why does /m/ hate Seed so much when Wing exists?

the most based kind of anime

I'd rather watch a shit story with good art than a godly story with crappy art

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

>modern anime fights are shi-

Attached: gunchucks.webm (998x562, 1.91M)

your opinion is worthless moe shitter

Attached: sZiY9f47bl4.jpg (1413x2048, 672K)

>cant even prove me wrong
You're probably seething that theres no downvote button huh zoomie

fuck off weeb

>posts another movie and pretends average seasonal stuff from ye old days didnt look like G-Gundam and other low budget trash

weak bait
pity (You)


Hell no. The last good modern anime was code geass in like 2007

jesus fuck how atrocious

>I'm afraid of leaving my comfort zone of "random 80s/90s ultraviolent mecha OVAs that no one other than busterbeam and VF-kun care about"

why are you posting MMD on Yea Forums

i fucking hate this cgi shit god damnit. mother fucking ruined berserk... ill never forgive cgi. i hope george lucas gets his diabetic legs chopped off fucking piece of shit. and for what. star wars. fuck this world. was berserk worth star wars? even if the sequels hadnt sucked ass it still wouldnt be.

>people unironically enjoy eating shit

/m/ doesn't matter because mecha anime exists to promote toys to japanese kids. Gundam is not really good and Tomino is a hack who is only good at storyboarding and being in a team with Miyazaki and Takahata.
I like яичницa

I don't need to prove anything wrong, you're the one who needs to prove ME wrong. Modern anime is shit, no matter what you shitpost it will never change that fact. Accept it, or a .45. It's that easy, low iq, ape.

Attached: 1540843720183.jpg (1440x1080, 1.32M)

Is it that time again?

Attached: file.png (500x403, 203K)

Fuck you asshole, now my eyes are bleeding.

>Code Gayass

Thanks for the laugh user

Attached: 3478697786.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>game has a glitch that unequips your armor

Attached: cunnypot.webm (964x542, 1.84M)

and liking them does?

I thought all the jojo faggots were laughed off this website like the narutards

Attached: 1487577036977.png (800x676, 420K)


>he didnt watch Drifters or Rage of Bahamut

my nigga

Attached: fuck you, zeiram.png (640x480, 338K)

Literally looks like two guys joking around in VRchat.

This shit really is for braindead normies huh

>source material is already kinda lewd
>adaptation cranks it up to 11

The only thing this thread is missing is Otaking screecaps

Attached: 1530500201611.webm (720x480, 2.94M)

Ok? What's the cure for said illness?

>modern anime

Attached: 235231212.png (1283x726, 1.11M)


I didnt no. I got burned out when the focus became on pretentious shit, gay scifi or time travel, and cute bright faces doing nothing but sitting in a room in a high scool

Attached: 1380086427973.png (291x317, 19K)

Another war.

Dangiaoh was shit, SHIT, watch a REAL mecha OVA like Genesis Surviver Gaiarth or Kishin Corps

Was she incapable of biting her tongue? C'mon man.

Bleach is garbage, just sayin

The last great modern anime was Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Prove me wrong.

genocide the jewish race
kick nonwhites out

>>I'm afraid of leaving my comfort zone
Literally the dumbest fucking "argument" in the thread, of course I've watch some modern you dipshit, otherwise how could I judge whether it's good or not? Low IQ, ape.

Fuck, Jorge. He was just another faggot hypocrite that once he got money, of course would change his mind. The same happened to movies, look at how Tremors look compared to the Prequels yet people still say CGI is good. Anyone who trades in complexity, hard-work and time for cheap, easy to produce art should be whipped.

A .45, dumb nerd.

Attached: 1522550897421.png (2194x1058, 2M)


Oh, you actually think Code Geass was good... I legit thought you were joking user, my bad That just makes it funnier though

Attached: 1458093708543.jpg (1200x803, 163K)

>enemy is so fast the energy melts steel

Attached: saitamavsboros.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

>I got burned out when the focus became on pretentious shit, gay scifi or time travel, and cute bright faces doing nothing but sitting in a room in a high school
so 1983?

You forgot Ping Pong the Animation. Also Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is the only Shaft show that matters

okay sounds good. But what about when that war is over?
No one asked you /pol/

>muh 80s high-detail powerpoint slideshows!!!

Attached: 1505886086561.jpg (425x320, 18K)

>Japanese "Humor"

So is the joke that it's obvious it's the same show or?

So for those of you that actually watch anime

You fuckers see that new Promare trailer? Fucking holy shit that looks good. Imaishi using 3D more makes me happy since he's not used much of it besides for environments with his director roles at Gainax and Trigger but he directed for the 3D animation in the Black Rock Shooter TV series and people can talk shit about that series all they want, but Imaishi did some real fun shit with 3D there. Promare seems to be very much his style with heavy use of 3D which gives it a really unique flair.

Attached: 1381190949372.jpg (482x476, 58K)

If only there was no one who lost their life or family to war, then maybe I'd even come to believe it

Attached: Yang smile.png (640x480, 294K)

yeah, I know
Seriously though, why is it so rare to see fights where both characters are trading blows on screen, where every motion has an actual meaningful effect?
It's always the lazy
>one character on screen blocks while speedlines indicate blows
>one character swings in one cut, camera angle changes, and the motions don't match up at all in the next cut
>fucking beamspam and animation turned up to 4x speed

>game lets you have children

Attached: father daughter bonding.gif (500x280, 1.39M)

*Blocks your path*

Attached: shinjuku.jpg (720x480, 95K)

S2 fucking when dammit

Where did he say that? all he said is that your favorite anime is shit.

>figures, alcohol, condoms

You are the male version of roasties who have to include their face in every picture lol. Go lose some weight tubster

1995-2007 was the golden age

I don't care about another garbage Trigger anime.
>unironically liking KLK

did misty chronexia make another anime

That entire sequence could have been easily half the length if the animators knew what flow was.

>The visual medium that can portray literally anything the mind can imagine, only limited by what an artist can draw, infinite possibilities for stories and characters

>What if boats were teenagers with huge tits
>What if in highschool these people date and it's like a will they won't they
>What if regular people go to another world and meet girls with tits and it's like a will they won't they

Enthralling stuff, Yea Forums

god I hate modern anime

>No one asked you /pol/
keep being ignorant
i-it's just all a coincidence

Oh, that site doesn't embed.

Attached: 1534045309861.jpg (1024x768, 210K)

lets see you animate something bitch boy

Not my picture, sorry I hurt your feefees over a shit anime

Attached: 4864563476.jpg (1492x1080, 80K)

So fast a human animator couldn't animate it. Sasuga...

Growth of social institutions

GT was quite a ride

Attached: 1537027162686.webm (720x480, 2.9M)


>he doesn't know
The dream is dead, user.

Attached: 1553000872699.webm (1280x720, 1.14M)

that's why JOJO exists

Attached: Anime_PurpleHaze.png (1920x2103, 3.38M)

Why does that sound that a Jap copied from Rod Sterling's Twilight Zone?

That's a man baby!

Saint Chad reporting in. Good vidya when? Only decent one was the PS2 Hades one. Soldier Soul had the classic half bake of toei games.

Good animation requires budget and time. Most TV series have minimal budget and are limited on time. Typically movies have a much higher budget and looser production schedule, allowing for much more big, high quality animation and choreography.

Hell, your clip is even specifically from the Bebop movie and if you watch the TV series you'll notice the higher number of cuts and fewer fist fights in fight scenes.

Not everything can be high quality on a low budget at all times, not even the classics.

How well did that work out for the last people who tried it?

Attached: dresden.jpg (1136x852, 156K)

all that money wasted on nothing


>shaky cam
>With NO/NONE/NADA actual animation
I fucking hate this

>mfw only 20% of the shit that's accused of being rotoscoping actually is
>mfw people say animators like Okiura's stuff is rotoscoping

Attached: 1286490607566.jpg (250x250, 10K)

>pedo humor

Attached: 1537726074477.jpg (515x388, 31K)

The issue is, we're not really seeing fights like these in modern big budget anime movies either.
It's almost like stuff like this is becoming a lost art.

I was about to write an autistic rant but then I remembered that Demon City Shinjuku and Doomed Megalopolis are two different OVAs,

name of anime?

>game has bulletsponge enemies

Attached: the division.webm (720x480, 1.68M)

>motion have meaningful effect
>this shitty anime's fight scene doesnt have any meaningful effects in the fight
Okay, this is epic

why is shonen so bad

Ninja Scroll is Blue Balls: The Movie. They set up all these cool villains and then the protagonist just facerolls them in one move. So disappointing.

Attached: 1551663889278.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)


Attached: 1530971781381.webm (714x480, 2.33M)

Haha yes user, it's for the humor.

>enemy captures you and tortures you

Attached: fingers.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Dead or Alive is Blue Balls: The Game. It has all these girls but none of them exist in real life

Needs better source material

Attached: 1447964064284.jpg (513x9968, 1.5M)

>Doomed Megalopolis
Haven't seen that yet, cheers. Any more recs?

cute and funny

>Man with monkey tail.
>He has nunchuks
Monty Oum was like a fucking child, holy shit.

Attached: 1386274772052.gif (500x281, 717K)

Claymore was great.
Anime > movies, by a mile.

Wasn't even particularly hard to notice considering there's a plethora of time to even see these frames. Awful timing.

Attached: Quality_keyframe.jpg (640x479, 210K)

i dont actually remember this scene, did they make a S3 of kaiji or something

I mean how many big budget anime movies are released at all that specifically are about ground level, man to man fist fights? I appreciate that stuff, but I similar appreciate seeing mechs fighting or a satisfying explosion. Even beam swords can be awesome if done well or an interesting way. As long as it's well animated, I'll appreciate it.

I get where you're coming from, but if you specifically want very well choreographed, well done animation for specifically fist fights, you're limiting yourself already.

Wait when was this? Is this from one of the Ilya movies?

>in any reality

Attached: laughing.jpg (480x360, 25K)

I didn't even know there was a Claymore movie.


Attached: 1529291236792.jpg (760x1200, 836K)

>game forces you to repeat tedious tasts to level up skills

Attached: illya streching.webm (700x392, 2.9M)

It sucks so you shouldn't, however if you want so bad its good kino then I would recommend Mad Bull 34 ENG dubbed and Apocalypse 0

>the same people who hate rotorscoping love animations that have rotorscoping
I just dont understand incels

You better take that back nigger.

>that CG chest and those CG arms

Attached: 1412002298151.png (264x233, 14K)

80s to 00s is the golden age

A giant Galactic Empire, apparently.

Attached: 1553440649382.jpg (640x480, 81K)

Damn Toriyama is really great. Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball are amazing. Feels good to not be a stupid elitist

Episode 0 (prologue) came out today, user.

never, only nostalgia fags like G-Gundam

le wut

70s and 80s for me but there are lots of great 90s, and 00s anime too

Absolutely the most cringe shit I have ever laid my eyes on, and I ironically watch bad movies out of curiosity and for the laughs. I legit to this day do not understand how it attracted a fanbase as large as it did. Then again, I also don't understand the appeal of battle royale as a concept in any medium, either, yet it's been popular in every medium it infected.

>Yea Forums having taste in anime or video games
Old anime is shit and you're wearing thick as fuck nostalgia goggles if you think it's good
Same with video games

Attached: 1507963051097.png (465x453, 195K)

I only watched it a few years ago and it was great, fuck you.

Attached: 1514741656611.jpg (1440x1080, 296K)

>fires gun directly at his chest, he doesn't move at all
>does nothing

I meant anime in general is better than (real) movies in general.

s2, it's just that the entire second season is kinda forgettable