Main character can buff the party

>main character can buff the party

Attached: party.jpg (1280x536, 77K)

>main character does nothing but cast debuffs

Attached: Hitoshura_Human.png (450x811, 1.41M)

is that the asian-chad from 13 reason why?

purple shazam needs to sit on my lap

Just say the word, Yea Forums


did that happen in his comics? It seems like a bad fucking idea to give a bunch of kids super powers
dem girls in those suits are hot tho.


>main character can fuck his party

Attached: DjfQyQHU4AAPRqj.jpg (720x1020, 91K)

>main character can improve the party's weapons

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Attached: IM GONNA SAY IT.png (720x790, 807K)

Yes, under Johns. Because once again Johns is shilling his shit.

>just two more weeks before i fuck off all boards again so i avoid dumbass kids like op posting shit from endgame
i dont care about spoilers but is a mid annoyance paying for a movie and remembering scenes i saw in a taiwanese marble simulator few hours earlier

Spoiler: the heroes win and use time shit to undo everything.

She's a little kid, you sick fuck.

>main character still believes in santa
You've got a chance, bro.

Attached: santa.jpg (1280x536, 63K)

Does Clark lobotomize all of them?



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Yes, even Sivana gave his kids super powers.

Was Johns the one who tried to get people to fap to Georgina?

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