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thanks for beta testing
great game. i hope more people get to enjoy it.
switch is getting persona 5
RIP switch. Once it gets emulated no one will fucking want it because it cant even pllay most of its own games properly.
Reminder that Bloodborne is playable on PC too.
Tressa nude mods inc
based korea
Mario Oddysey will be playable by the end of summer fyi. The only good switch title.
That would be nice. I'm considering getting a Switch for a few games and this is one of them. It would be nice to straight up have it on PC though.
And the PS4's entire first-party library will be playable on the PC through PSNow soon.
absolutely based
Looks like a bad snes game. I'd rather emulate Terranigma.
We had this thread yesterday. It's still going to be a browser game, not a port. Same thing as with Bravely Default.
you can already play half of ps4's library on youtube
Why are so many people on this board consolewar fags, can we not just be happy that more people are able to play a video game
nope, it got rated for steam. the full game is coming to pc.
epic wins again!
>so triggered by sony goldface he goes into immediate retaliation without even looking closely at the image
And nothing of value was gained
>switch loses another exclusive
Why even buy the thing, it isn't a good console, exclusives is the only reason to buy that stupid thing and now it has less of them. Anyone else find it hilarious that SE don't take away their PS4/Vita exclusives but they drop their Switch ones lightning fast.
Ye, but streaming games are shit so no thnx. Input lag is shit.
Who the hell buys Nintendo consoles for third party games
There is no reason, its a fad console with no purpose outside of ports. The end of the gen it will have maybe 5 exclusives and all of them will be a mixed bag of preferences depending on what you like ie. Pokemon games are shit, but shit taste retards still buy them.
The input lag with Stadia is the same as the input lag on a console, PS Now should get to that level soon. Only games running natively on PC have low input lag. Also, if you can't play Bloodborne with a little input lag then Git Gud.
Enjoy PC bros.
Let the edgy teens have their fun.
torrent when
>Why even buy the thing
Most people (me included) buy nintendo's for one game. Pokemon, FE, Zelda, Smash etc. I'm waiting for AC and Metroid to buy one.
Ohnonono not getting a Switch at this rate where it gets no fucking games anymore.
By the time SMT comes out, ill be able to emulate it. What a piece of shit console.
Holy shit, you're fucking boring. Go play a video game you little bitch
No it doesnt.
You must play on the Shitch if you find input lag acceptable.
I blame M$ for releasing such a shitty console, having a discussion with ps4fags have been fucking cancerous
he means le movie meme xd
even though you can watch playthroughs of pretty much any game on youtube.
>wanting to play octagon triangle in the first place
Don't you need to sort your own house mustard face before you can gloat, maybe its an epic games store exclusive.
This is embarrassing
Enjoy! I got 90 hours out of it. Definitely not perfect but incredible combat, aesthetic, and some really charming characters
>The input lag with Stadia is the same as the input lag on a console
That's not true at all you retarded google shill
>Octopath Traveler is coming to PC
>thread is swarming with Snoyniggers
REALLY makes you think...
i played it and it was kinda of a lazy game
I played it and 100%'d it after 90 hours and it was a great game
You're welcome, Steambros and Epicbros ;-)
Best soundtrack in a Square game
Great game
>incredible combat
Abjectly worse version of press turns where you can break your enemies but they can't break you. Class system is as shallow as FFIII's but has LESS options. This "OT has good combat" meme needs to die. Play any JRPG from the last 20 years that isn't labeled Final Fantasy if you actually think that OT has good combat, especially for the time.
>anybody who makes fun of nintendofags likes sony
What does thos have to do with Sony? Most of us are PC owners. Most adults dont give a shit about the shitch
Your falseflagging is too obvious, Snoys.
>yeah I've played SMT
Every fucking time. Nobody's impressed
hey thx bro
Because war never changes.
Yikes kid.
>most people who actually played the game and at least played until the final boss say it's a good game
>most people who haven't even got over the first half of the game say it's ass
really makes you think huh
>i can enjoy the same game loop for 90 hours because i am a brainlet
i played this game for about 2 hours and got all i needed from it
very lazy game the stores aren't even stores they are just pop up boxes
this is typical trash made in unity or whatever but its unreal
inb4 it's the mobile game
so much soul in one picture...
i skipped ps3 generation and recently look up all the games that i might be interrested in playing and the literally only one was tekken tag 2. sad.
Still better than DQ11.
The secret fights and final boss are fucking awesome. I loved the progression in power across the 4 secret bosses too, going from hanging on for dear life for 45 minutes in the first fight to dabbing on the enemy without ever needing to heal by the 4th. The bonus jobs definitely feel like you earned something cool for your trouble
People have more tolerance for bullshit and bad games when they invest in a platform that gets one or two good games a year.
Why are PClets so starved for games?
>Octopath on Switch = bad
>Octopath on PC = good
>I have ADHD (and that's a good thing)
Go watch hands play with toys on YouTube
>shitty weeb cartoon garbage
who fucking cares?
No, it's ok, keep it, I don't want that junk forgotten a week after release
I never understood the wars myself, I had friends growing up so I always knew someone who had something I didn't, we all came over to each others houses to play.
I have major memories from each company. My god the lan days were the best, pain in the damn ass but the camaraderie of setting up and playing some Quake, Tribes, or even the first xbox when we linked machines to play Halo.
t. PS4 owner
I would prefer Bravely Default, but ok.
PC already has better games, all you faggots only care about this garbage because muh console wars.
the costumes in this are so good. 90% of the reasons why I left Alfyn in the same job for most of the game was that spiffy hat.
I was a little sore that they don't have field sprites but the battle sprites are very good so it's not the end of the world.
Who and why the fuck uses Primrose?
The game's pacing is quite weird when it comes to enjoyment
>chapter 1: this is pretty good
>chapter 2: this is pretty grindy and boring
>chapter 3: the battles are speeding up and it's fun again
>chapter 4: this is awesome
>secret bosses: GOTY
>final boss dungeon: Worst fucking game ever, what were they thinking?
Sell me on this game, looks like cash grab on JRPG nostalgia like I am Setsuna.
with which I am fine, but I also felt like I am Setsuna was rather meh
Yeah and emulation outside of mesen/higan/blastem is shit as well, your point?
Again, sort that Epic game store shit before you make flagrantly stupid comments son.
Notice how Sonyfags invaded the thread when this is about a PC release. This thread was hot garbage from the start.
I was mad that they gave you a readme.txt in the final dungeon as the only kind of narrative closure but I'll admit I really liked the writing at least. A save point would have been nice too what the fuck was that
Has good OST.
Maybe they can mod in the rest of the game.
It's really not that good. Save your cash, user.
They only own one console and that's all they can afford. They also have no friends outside the internet and that's why they are on Yea Forums in the first place.
once people realize one console is like the other they all switch to PC
You really wouldn't. It's one of the worst JPRGs I've ever played. The story is non-nonsensical and repeats itself over and over, the characters are insultingly stupid, there's zero post game or really any secrets to explore for, and you can break the entire game's combat in a myriad of ways accidentally which turns every battle into busywork of waiting for auto-battle to end even on the hardest difficulty (which you can change at any time with zero repercussions).
I love the music of this game.
do you play JRPGs for good and deep battle systems? definitely get it
do you play JRPGs for the story? run from it and far away
i haven't seen any sonyfags in this thread. i only see nintendo fans lashing out at sony because they thought a pirate wojak was actually a sony wojak.
I feel like every problem with this game has been discussed to death (still love it tho) but why the hell were there save points in the first place when there was one on, no exaggeration, every single screen in the game besides the final dungeon? Why not just let us save anytime
>Everyone going crazy for a port
>A port that is meant for Korea
I personally don't care if it is a port, but why the fuck are you excited for something that is not even coming out here?
Enjoy doing the same section for all 8 characters four times each? Enjoy random battles that take forever because ofthe weakness system? Enjoy the terrible characters/storylines?
Nice, I only played up to chapter 4 too
OK, Snoy.
>worst korea getting a game
I didn't know this was still possible.
Cool, another game to not buy. :)
>>most people who haven't even got over the first half of the game say it's ass
half the game is basically most other full games, but at least the game gets fun at the very end I guess.
I always get skeptical about JRPGs being ported to PC specifically in Korea. Ys 7 was a trainwreck when ported to PC originally.
Your welcome PC cuck. Enjoy playing our games 2 years after release lmao
The final boss cheats. If you literally don't stick purely to a repetitive meta strat he'll one-turn kill you. I played for 3 hours, decided to try to prep extra damage once and got my shit pushed in for not following the pattern. I would have tried again if I didn't have to start back from the boring boss gauntlet.
weren't you all just circlejerking over maybe getting to play persona 5 several years after release?
PC shitposting is still consolewarring you dense faggot.
Don't worry, this isn't the only game I was looking at and I'm never going to buy a console for a single game. Right now I'm waiting a bit anyway to see if there's any truth to the rumors of a faster Switch coming out. 720p is honestly very unappealing.
Jesus Christ, user. Can't you detect obvious Snoy?
The port is coming to ps4 as well
I would like to add, with better resolution and refresh rate with mods and free online. Thank you again for beta testing.
Now PC lards can experience the boredom.
>free online
Octopath had multiplayer?
>>chapter 3: the battles are speeding up and it's fun again
I call BS on this, everything gets 4-6 points or armour, bosses get 8 and then start using shitty mechanics where you can't even hit the weaknesses. Until you break anything in this game you can't do SHIT to them.
Imagine if in Persona you could ONLY kill enemies by knocking them all down, but couldn't use an All Out Attack when you did. That's the combat system of this fucking game.
I will, user.
Ok portbegger. Its ok when PClucks do it! :^)
No it's always been a single player game. Consoleway autism makes you braindead.
Might be able to actually play this shit. Apparently nobody actually has the physical copy anymore and I sorta just gave up on it.
>but you couldn't use all out attack when you did
Goddamn you're bad at managing BP
i'm an idort and i don't have "snoy" living in my head rent-free all the time, so no.
Or the aoe in this game isn't worth SHIT for most of the game.
I find it amusing that nincels ITT lashing out at Sony because PC is getting a switch game.
how can it be in unity and in unreal?
Nice. I can't wait for it to come out
They're almost as ugly as pops.
>mfw its a epic store exclusive
this game is meh, PC should be getting this one
Doing the first chapter for each character is a bit of a slog but the game picks up after that
The combat is pretty good for a turnbased game but again can be pretty annoying at the start but is fixed when you get subjobs and have a better range of weapons and skills to target weaknesses
The weakness system is TOO much though. It makes random battles alone take far too fucking long.
>Still better than DQ11.
not really, I put down DQ11 after 80 hours and probably gonna pick it up later again
I was already bored of Octopath just from playing the demo
i said it plays like typical unity trash but it's actually made in unreal
>The weakness system
that's my main gripe with this game
it's basic bitch turn based combat but they add a layer of unnecessary busy work on top of it
pokemon is how you would execute a fun weakness system
it's third worlders and ghettos who can't afford more than one console per gen so they try their hardest to convince themselves the others are shit
in pc case it's attention whoring and desperately looking for anything to be proud of
t. sonyfag
I guarantee it's for the mobile game
>Looking at scores
Holy shit boomer.
>implying it's not the mobile game
>pokemon is how you would execute a fun weakness system
Or Persona, which has boss fights you can actually hurt, even though the random battles heavily rely on weaknesses (but not insist on it). Even if a boss has a weakness in PErsona, and an ad covers it with 'Red Wall' or whatever, you can still do something.
Has it really been that long? Jesus. Did it ever get any DLC that PCbros will get to enjoy as pack-ins? I was never in any race to play this game so I'm just glad it's coming out on PC properly instead of needing to wait for emulation.
I wasted 60 hours of my life on Dragon Quest 11. Starts as a mediocre game, becomes better when you get a ship... and then you get to chapter 2. I don't know, user, the game is just too long for absolutely no reason. That trend started with VII
Octopath's story is not really interesting, and yes, the progress may feel the same from beginning to end, especially if you started with Therion - go to town, steal, do a mission, go to another town, repeat - but you don't have to recruit all characters if you don't want to, plus you can do chapters in any order you want. It is fun. DQ11 isn't.
>why did you spent 60 hours of your life on it then?
Probably because I gave 30 euros for it.Still not the worst investment in my life.
pretty sure they are actually hinting to Octopatch Traveler: Champions, a piece of crap gatcha spinoff, ESPECIALLY since the biggest gatcha whales in the world are from Korea/China, i mean why even bother releasing the original game when they can make 10 times the money by releasing octo gatcha
>plus you can do chapters in any order you want.
They're all the fucking same, what difference does it make?
>pretty sure they are actually hinting to Octopatch Traveler: Champions, a piece of crap gatcha spinoff
it has been confirmed to be the gatcha spinoff...but that won't stop snoys from baiting
Recently took Octopath out of my Amazon cart because while playing the demo for like 10 hours it felt really bland and wasn't having much fun and felt void of any real identity or interesting story or mechanics. Was I wrong? maybe I will pirate it now.
Is this bait?
But somehow you are up to date with nincels circlejerking
lmao look at the picture closely you retarded nintendie
it's the gatcha spinoff, don't play that shit for the love of god,it's like Final Fantasy all the bravest
the peacock STRUT
what is this?
hard not to notice it when they spam the catalog with it on a regular basis.
Top fucking kek
damage control and seething
Not really. Cyrus can pretty much nuke every random encounter in one turn with his better spells and if that doesn't work usually the others can finish off anything he didn't.
The only times I found the weakness system really grating was when I was beating up civilians with Olberic and H'aanit
Are you serious?
It's a mobile game? Are we going from ''thanks for beta testing'' to ''Octopath Traveler was shit anyway'' now?
back to shitting on the game again
Of course not you tard. They are damage controlling
south korean satanic hyper feminist illuminati
Not an exaggeration. If anything, it's an understatement.
continuing my image dump
I thought that portbegging wasn't okay. What happened now?
ah, the korean Q conspiracy theory shit is here
go back to /int/, chink
no, it's just damage control from console-war shitposters. the article says it's the actual game getting ported, not the mobile trash.
God I hope it's epic EXCLUSIVE just so you fucks start crying
Okay? That means shitall.
Also a mobile gatcha game is being made and the koreans and chinese are all over that shit so this is probably what it's eluding to.
>implying I give a shit
I just want to laugh at tendies who have been pretending this game is a misunderstood masterpiece.
Shillblue get out.
I will. Why the fuck would you brag about paying full price for a game immediately when its released when its a gamble whether it will be good or not because no one has played it yet? buying a game post release when its literally less than half the original price and the internet is full of resources to help you decide if you actually want it not is superior in every way. Only absolute fad chasing retards need to buy every shiny new game at launch
>ps now
lmao nerd
last one I got
Thanks user, I was looking for this. The more exposure it gets, the better
Thank you, /int/ard, very cool video game conspiracy.
It's a convenient chance for lazy shitposting, which the only kind of shitposting discord faggots know how to do.