Steam 30% cut way too much. All due to useless features

All Steam has to do.

Match Epic in Dev cuts. That's all they ask for.

Here's the thing, doesn't matter if many people don't buy borderlands 3. It will still make profit.

Steam has so much bloat from streaming (twitch does it better) to selling videos and movies (this is a videogame store wtf) to useless item trading crap to pimp out your shitty ass profiles with golden letters. Cut that shit.
Just sell games.

Just give me the games.
That's what epic provides.

Attached: 18_PM.jpg (675x224, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off Chankoro

I'll agree that Steam could lower their cut, but don't bring Epic into the discussion because they've done shit for meaningful competition.

And this is why Steam is losing. People like you.

Review bombing games.
Shitting on the developers

Nothing but crybabies who don't know this is a business. And the developers come FIRST.

Attached: epic_revenue_1.png (714x1017, 106K)

Epic store is literally going to be dead in a year. I t is going to kill the small stores like discord and GOG and not even make a dent in steam.

>Just give me the games.
Give me a single (1) worthwhile game on the Epic Store. I'll wait.

Borderlands 3
Super meat boy 2

If you don't like them then just leave the thread you're just playing contrarian at this point. That and a steambaby

literally spy ware

Attached: epic spy launcher.webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

>Super Meat Boy 2

Attached: 1543461702661.jpg (340x314, 78K)

did no one play borderlands 2? how can you be excited for 3 after that garbage?

See? Contrarian posts. Just leave the thread. Nobody wants you.

>borderlands 3
timed exclusive, i can wait 6 months unlike some faggots
>super meat boy forever

people are stupid, that 30% goes to all the steam cards and extras that valve literally loses money on

This is extremely based to be honest. Valve are massive fucking kikes for taking a cut that big. I honestly want to get into making vidya myself. If I self fund my own game, for lets say 100k, that means I have to make 140k in revenue just to break even because Valve is gonna fucking scalp me for so much fucking money. Look how much profit potential they are fucking gouging there. I am so glad that the Epic Store popped up and gives a much more realistic percentage split, right about the time I am thinking of getting into the industry. I don't give a fuck of Yea Forums doesn't like it. I don't want to go bankrupt, or have a game technically make a profit but have it all go to valve while I actually lose money I spent making it because Gabe is a fat greedy fucking kike. Money that could be spent on a sequel, but instead will be spend on someone making a fucking sticker or a hat.

consumers come first actually :^)

>useless item trading crap
Bruh, that's free money

>useless features
Among features that are pretty damn good nad useful, among hardly any epic games has.
Go shill somewhere else china

fuck off chink nigger tranny fuck

sounds fair for providing the whole infrastructure. game devs are just entitled talentless shits who wouldnt have a job without unity and gamemaker studio

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As a consumer this doesn’t affect or bother me how a publisher is paid. What I do care about is that Valve has literal inifinite money to make any game and they choose VR shit and Artifact

I'm sure Valve knee-jerkingly cutting off a massive chunk out of their earnings would stop Epic from outright paying off developers for "one year" Exclusivity like tomorrow.

The only thing Valve needs to do is calmly wait two or three years till the Fortnite fad is over and Epic can't afford throwing chink money for FREE GAYMES, Exclusivity contracts and Guaranteeing millions in Sales, since their "business model" and their sales cut isn't sustainable.

Lets see you make a game with all the talent you have

>Here's the thing, doesn't matter if many people don't buy borderlands 3. It will still make profit.
Mostry because Epic paid for this game to be exclusive, not due to wild sales.
Also it doesn't benefit costumers at all, so why should they care about shitty store with zero features?

It's clear that this will last as long as OP keeps getting paid. Barring the mods REALLY getting sick of it.

found the buttmad "indy dev". back to agdg, bucko

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They already are. I've already seen a couple of shill threads get deleted minutes after getting posted

The problem isn’t steam taking more percentage.
The problem is that steam isn’t paying millions in bribes for exclusivity.

If gaben would just be a scumbag like epic there’d be no problem!

See this is what I mean by defending valves horrible shit.

Can't even take criticism because let's face it devs are jumping ship because they're tired of valve being stingy with their profits.

30% is TOO MUCH

How many epic shills are actually indieshit devs?

they are all coming to steam later, why should I care?

>actually thinking this was ever true
The only thing expected of consumers is to suck the corporate dick.

You shouldn't. But judging by this board and a ton of bitching on the steam forums.

Waiting a few months is too much.

Steam is shit because they ban """conspiracy""" materials aka inconvenient truths about jewish bullshit and ""school setting"" VNs aka best taste.
Epic is worse though because they don't even let you leave nasty negative reviews on games that cater to casuals and trannies.
Personally I prefer DRM free and discussing things on Yea Forums.

Regional pricing is worth the 30%.

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I mean I'm quite butthurt about the outer worlds and metro but that just means I have more time to finish my backlog

You should see how much book publishers take , from significantly lower per sale returns

You should also kill yourself epic shill

If the cut was all that mattered Discord Store would be running circles around steam with their 90/10 cut.


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>30% is TOO MUCH
Why is it too much and why should I as a consumer care about your cut?

Part of the reason for valve's cut is because they take an intentional hit so you can buy games from other stores. What's epic's approach to 3rd party resellers? Exactly. Also why do you only pick on Valve for 30%? Lots of other stores that offer less take it, don't tell me you swallowed Tim's sales pitch wholesale?

Fuck off dumb indie dev. The cut doesn't matter, if your game is actually good it will sell well and Steam is the most convenient platform with the biggest userbase.

>The only thing expected of consumers is to suck the corporate dick.
To be fair, this is true. But if you just outright tell your consumers that they are addicted sheep, they'll still at least -try- to spite you by not buying your overpriced 30fps cinematic hero shooters.

Since when does Yea Forums of all places care how much devs make?

>Comparing books to videogames now.

You really don't know what you're talking about. Don't post in the thread anymore.

Thank god the EGS doesn't have those features. Who knows what kind of bloated it'll get once it has a shopping cart.

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They have to match what they are giving to publishers more or less, many other services offer a more generous cut than steam and do much worse.

30% is the standard in the industry because a lower margin is unsustainable for operating a store long term. This is actually one of the strongest pieces of the evidence for this being a short-term get-rich-quick scheme on the part of Tencent who just needs a Windows software store for legal leverage.

In practice Valve's margin from the devs isn't even 30% since they can generate as many Steam keys as they want for use outside of the Valve storefront at no cost and sell however they want.

>muh poor multi-million dollar video game megacorps and their feelings

Attached: wank.jpg (600x400, 17K)

i'm just too lazy and if i care about a game it's one i can just pirate
i'm just tired of the bullshit

30% cut is the standard cut across the industry, what do other platforms offer that makes it okay for them but not for steam?

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo each take a 30% cut for sales of any games for their consoles. It is the industry standard.

If you’re gonna get up in arms about valve taking 30% you should get even more up in arms about authors making lsss than 30% on their books.

But you don’t actuallu care about creators getting paid. You’re just trying to pretend that you do so you can try to claim a nebulous moral high ground, even while it’s simultabeously being undercut by Epic’s shitty exclusivity dealings.
So in summation; kill yourself

>30% cut is the standard cut across the industry
Because Steam is the industry, they have a monopoly.

Why do I need a launcher at all in that case? Why not just sell the game and provide a download link upon purchase? No additional launchers needed.
Epic launcher can fuck off. Why do I need a featureless launcher at all? Shit's there just to waste my time when I could just be downloading the game and playing it without using any bullshit launchers.

I'll be honest here. Steam does have too many features users don't use which costs steam a significant amount of money to maintain and have.

video clips? Youtube
Streaming? Twitch/obs
Forums? Yea Forums/Reddit
Reviews? Kotaku/giantbomb/twitch streamers/YouTube
Item marketplace? Worthless.
Voice/chat? Discord

Steam should only be about games .This is why they got rid of flash sales.

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useless features like regional pricing, Linux support, cloud saves, and file hosting

I've been saying this shit for so long, valve makes no money from games sold outside of steam but redeemed on steam, I've bought so many games for $15-20 off before launch outside of steam, activated it on steam, downloaded it and used all their services with $0 going to valve

Will epic let devs distribute keys and let me buy games $15 off pre-launch? No
Does epic have any services at all like cloud saves or leaderboards? No

That's why their 12% works, they don't give anybody anything. The question people should be asking is what epic does to earn their 12%.

>they have a monopoly
Then why do other store that sell keys exist? If steam was a monopoly they wouldn't give keys to the devs to sell to independent key selling sites.

They're console.
They want money for their exclusive platform, especially since they usually sell their consoles at a loss, or no profit.

This. Literally why not be a G2A oh wait hahahahahahahah


This is a videogames board. You wanna complain about book publishers cuts go to Yea Forums, because your argument is null here.

Literally every console company takes that much for any game sold for the console

We don't, shills do

>Forums? Yea Forums/Reddit
>Reviews? Kotaku/giantbomb/twitch streamers/YouTube
>Voice/chat? Discord
Those are good

>what is G2A, kinguin, et al.

And you’re not even making an argument.
Take your 30c from tencent for your post, and then off yourself

Can't wait for Red Dead Redemption to be Epic Exclusive

Because scalpers buy from a cheap store, and sell high, and buy a bunch when there's a big sale.
Devs/publishers sell their game to other platforms too (humblebundle), which then steam let people activate the game on their service instead. That basically takes the game hostage, since that game is now steams, and you're only borrowing it.

thats because you have to buy the console first but steam is literally free so it doesnt justify taking 30% they are just a greedy monopoly and thats why epic will kill valve

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

>>Forums? Yea Forums/Reddit
Is this a joke? Why the fuck should I have to go to reddit to see patch notes and how on earth do you expect devs to use Yea Forums? The only reason to use steam forums to see what devs post there and communicate with them, that shit doesn't work on reddit because anybody can make a subreddit for a game and devs don't have to post there and they often don't.

>Reviews? Kotaku
Okay stop, kill yourself

The only reason Epic can lower their share of each purchase is because they don't do fuck all on the user side of things. Steam has a fully loaded launcher with almost everything anyone can need, a moderated forum for every video game, game reviews, the works - Epic games has nothing.

it will lol

Found the no dev. Shouldn't you be jerking off you your waifus at this hour?

Axiom Verge.
It's not an exclusive, obviously. But it's still good and it's on the Epic store.

Attached: axiom verge.jpg (616x353, 41K)

PC is not a console.
Steam does not develop PC, and sell PC at a loss.

Screenshotting your post so I can laugh at you in a year when the Epic store folds.

You haven't even seen what a real monopoly can do yet.
Third-party stores exist because Microsoft allows it.
They'll end because Microsoft demands it.

This is actually how Tencent plans to make money off their store. With a lawsuit when Microsoft shuts down third-party stores by default.

Attached: windows-10-creators-update-app-limit-dialog-1200x675.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

Exactly what I said.
The shitstorm will be huge.

Ah yes, the game which broke and users had to get support on steam.

Literally the only good steam features are cloud saves, screenshots, and workshop. Everything else is worthless bloat.
>people on this board unironically defend steam cards and jewy emoticon shit


So what I'm hearing here is that you can buy the games from other stores. Hmmm, I don't think thats how monopolies work.
Epic on the otherhand is. They buy out the dev/publisher with fortnite vbucks and have their game be only available on Epic. No keys, no regional pricing, nada, zip, zilch, zero.

I wonder what this would take, and if I could do it even if I tried.
It might be cool if I make a game that's designed to be as hostile to non-autists as possible. Ward off the waifu fags, the erpers, the e-celebs, the normalfags, SJWs, the easy moders, and ESPECIALLY ward off games journalists.
... Though at this point one wonders what I'm really trying to accomplish. If my biggest goals in making this game isn't to make something I enjoy, but to NOT make some something that the masses will enjoy, I could literally do nothing and achieve the same goal.

ching chong i'll what's this sausage in a bun, I ordered a hot dog!

Attached: epic store.png (2408x1488, 465K)

>steam is literally free
do you think steam's infrastructure is free?
do you want to go back to the days where steam would go down for hours because it couldn't handle the large number of users all at once?

I watched origin go down several times recently because they couldn't handle the number of people playing anthem and apex with their shitty infrastructure , there is a cost to everything.

Also it broke because the dev removed a file called Steam. Like pottery

I like steam for steamworks and connecting to friends via steam.

Why are western devs like this? So fucking petty and entitled

>what is itunes
>what is amazon
>what is all the consoles
70/30 has been the standard for digital content forever across all mediums. Steam isnt ripping people off because someone else came along and gave a better deal

Apple is discontinuing support for OpenGL which will break nearly every current game for MacOS X. They also don't allow Vulkan which means slower performance and lower game compatibility.
Their drivers are already much slower than the ones provided by Nvidia on other platforms, or by the community on other platforms for AMD and Intel.

These bugmen are screwing over devs, They're going to just call bvankruptcy when this show ends.

Take your political bullshit elsewhere. If the mods are here I hope they remove stuff like this. It's distracting from the main thread and useless and quite honestly just shitposting.

Yeah, I heard about that. Didn't affect the DRM-free version, which I have.

>Bethesda Launcher
>Discord app
>GOG Galaxy
>fucking ORIGIN
"Look, I'm stuffing my PC full of bloatware and now it doesn't have storage anymore!" - some redditor brainlet

Attached: 1551659821297.jpg (386x535, 64K)

>Because Steam is the industry, they have a monopoly.
>steam is somehow responsible for every vidya that gets produced
How dumb are you really?

Valve is a major investor in PC gaming infrastructure. They employ or contract a who's who of the absolute most important developers who maintain the most vital open source projects games depend on.

except they do nothing and rake in money

Imagine how hilarious it'd be when epic gets bored of this PC shit and they leave the devs high and dry. It happened before with GFWL, so many fucking games broke when GFWL shutdown it was insane.

>steam is bloated
Its funny because despite Steam having so many features, Epic still takes up twice the memory of Steam
>muh movies
they are removing that
>muh cut is too much
nearly every other game launcher takes up a similar cut Epic is an exception
>but muh devs
it doesn't even give money to the developers it gives money to the publisher

thats not storage you fucking dumbass, thats ram usage

epic will abandon the PC market again just like they did a decade or so ago, fortnite won't last forever

>except they do nothing
But they do do something
There's posts in this very thread that prove you can have a game on steam and get less than a 30% cut without making 50 million dollars.

Post the real picture faggot

Attached: 1554461137297.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

>EGS is ridiculously barebones but nearly reaches double the memory consumption that Steam does
Fucking how?

>Why aren't the AMericans running at a loss like we Chinese are?!

Attached: 0e9.jpg (499x499, 26K)

Dude. Just stop already. You already got enough (you)'s from your baiting

Attached: 1526087619237.gif (514x510, 94K)

Why do you?

Write like this?

It makes you look stupid.

So instead the argument is that if you open a bunch of useless shit that you have no reason to even have installed anyways at once you run out of RAM?
Oh, that fixes everything! That redditor is right, we need to rise up against this!

>Reviews? Kotaku/giantbomb/twitch streamers/YouTube
>Voice/chat? Discord
Cancer services.

Attached: 1548827778125.png (84x122, 27K)

This image I have just posted kills the Epic shill
when he sees the image his brain cannot comprehend being proven wrong and he absolutely refuses to reply.

Attached: Monopoly.jpg (500x372, 55K)

This is the thing that bothers me the most, a lot of these kids and devs don't remember when epic stopped releasing games on PC because we're all just a bunch of pirates

>Epic's CliffyB got all up in MTV's Multiplayer grill dissing PC gaming and state of the industry in general:

>“I think people would rather make a game that sells 4.5 million copies than a million and “Gears” is at 4.5 million right now on the 360. I think the PC is just in disarray… what’s driving the PC right now is ‘Sims’-type games and ‘WoW‘ and a lot of stuff that’s in a web-based interface. You just click on it and play it. That’s the direction PC is evolving into So for me, the PC is kind of the secondary part of what we’re doing. It’s important for us, but right now making AAA games on consoles is where we’re at.”

>"Here's the problem right now; the person who is savvy enough to want to have a good PC to upgrade their video card, is a person who is savvy enough to know bit torrent to know all the elements so they can pirate software. Therefore, high-end videogames are suffering very much on the PC."

Its just sad user.

Attached: Momijimad.png (104x104, 2K)

30% is literally the market standard. it's what all the consoles charge.

You need Uplay and Origin though if you're playing a Ubisoft/EA game. Hell, in the case of Ubisoft even if you bought the game on steam it'll still launch the Uplay launcher before letting you launch the game.

Not even market standard, depending on your region, Steam is taking loss, but I guess Epic is only focused on US market.

The devs are the ones who deserve to be screwed
Timed exclusivity benefits them more than anybody and they know that
They get to have their cake and eat it too and it's all because the storefronts are cannibalizing each other

But actually Steam and Epic deserve to be screwed as well because they literally only exist for convenience as re-sellers
People are too stupid to realize that competition isn't automatically a good thing (I think you have to blame capitalist education for this one)
The whole point of competition is that it should make things more convenient not less

I think it's morally reprehensible to financially support the oppressive communist regime imposed by the Chinese government. Transexuals are grooming our children with this liberal propaganda because they are evil sexual deviants.

Videogames should be made by and for normal people of the civilized world.

spotted the redditor

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Consoles sell at a loss. They recoup the costs by charging 30% for software.

Valve isn't losing money they're taking advantage of poor devs who are new to games.

It's literally wrong.

Only steamonly babies will defend this.



>All Steam has to do.
Or what?

Gabe Newell was right. Piracy really IS a service problem. It went down tremendously after Steam appeared to save PC gaming.

>Valve isn't losing money they're taking advantage of poor devs who are new to games.

Attached: 1549120909669.jpg (918x610, 100K)

>if you're playing a Ubisoft/EA game
Why would you, though?
And even then, why would you have, like, all three of those open at once? A Ubisoft game launched via Steam has it and Uplay at once, yes, but no game requires both Steam and Origin open at once, and certainly no game requires all three.
Twitch, Discord, GOG Galaxy and the Bethesda Launcher are literal bloatware. Even if you care about cancerous shit like Twitch they have a website that doesn't require an app installed on your PC, same with Discord. The big selling point of GOG is "just games, no bullshit", so why would anyone install Galaxy?
That picture is just big numbers trying to make people go "oooooh, that number is BIG!" without taking into consideration that the situation presented has no reason to ever happen.

Pirating didn't die out until ~2016, 13 years after steam.
Every torrent site owner went to jail, and they were all shut down. Scummy "we'll sue you for downloading!!! or pay this fee" activity lessened torrenting as well.

Needs mommy and daddy to make everything "safe". Join the 41%.

Dunno about your or that guy, but I did actually stop pirating because of steam. It was less tedious to buy games there than to pirate them.


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>moving the goalpost from "why install that shit" to "why have them running?"
I don't get the point of the guy's picture either, just saying you're a retard if you think you're not going to need certain programs running to play certain games.

Steam didn't become a major 3rd party storefront until ~2011

You've never had to sell your game via steam you entitled knob, you go there because your greedy ass thinks you deserve the giant player base garnered by the services without any price paid your end.
A percentage split unfeasible to carry on a long term basis, with very little hidden costs unlike steam which has significantly more behind the scenes support and services.
Sick and tired of having to defend steam but EGS and indie devs are just so fucking detestable. Especially indie devs who'll always spout "Entitled gamers" while they're the most entitled of anyone.
EGS is only worth something while it's forking out cash for you to be there. Once a game has to stand on its on 2 feet in its store they'll all be focusing on steam once again.

What happened to Fakku?
Does anyone remember all those licensing deals that they did?

>Not knowing the difference between a monopoly and a market leader
>Not realising it's EGS entering the race to the bottom to try achieve a true monopoly

>ugh, I'm trying to buy Assassin's Creed but I cant handle the fact that the Super Mario Bros. Super Show is on the same store. I'll just go buy it on Epic instead....

I stopped using that shit because they wanted me to sign in or some shit like that, the site just went to shit

>moving the goalpost
You don't seem like you know what that means.
The entire second half of my post was describing how at least half of that shit has no reason to be installed at all and the other half only needs to be there if you're the kind of drone that buys Ubisoft/EA AAA garbage.
Steam and MAYBE the Blizzard spyware if you still care about WoW or something are the only ones there that absolutely need to be installed on the PC of someone who just wants to play good games.

>When specifically asked, people who are charged money for a product typically say they would be fine with paying less for that product



Guess what? If you ask people if they'd rather give Steam 5%, they will say yes. If you ask them if they'd rather give Steam nothing and have Steam simply eat all associated operating costs perpetually out of the goodness of their hearts, they will say yes.

Call me when places like Google and Microsoft aren't charging 30% for participation in their App Stores. I couldn't give a fuck about Sweeney and the axe he has to grind with Gaben.

If you feel the need to argue semantics in situations like this, just shut the fuck up. A lot of people understand what is meant by "Steam is a monopoly." I think that "monopoly" is the wrong word to use, but it's the easiest way to say "Steam has the largest market share and they dominate the market. If you want good profits, you're forced to submit to them." Debating the semantics instead of the underlying argument is very retarded and distracting.

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Why are the Chinese so immature?
Their whole culture is centered around acting like children and placing the blame for their failures on others.

You're an anti-consumer shill if you support Epic, devs like EGS because it's hard for players to shit on games when there's no reviews or good return policy.

Attached: 1554190282032.jpg (565x563, 57K)

Well shit how did games like LoL and WoW and minecraft manage to become the biggest PC games of all time without being on the steam store? I guess steam's monopoly is worth jack shit

>steam is a monopoly
>meanwhile it doesn't fulfill even one point of what an actual monopoly needs
>i-i-it's just SEMANTICS

Attached: he really is.jpg (499x338, 51K)

>saying "Look, I'm stuffing my PC full of bloatware and now it doesn't have storage anymore!" isn't saying "why install that shit"
Uh-huh. Sure got me there bub.

None of that benefits me, the consumer. So you're doing a very poor job of attracting me to buy from the epic store so far.
What was your plan OP, tell us

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but sweeney says devs will decide who wins the store battle so w e have to follow them

Why do you think a duopoly will be any better than a monopoly? Have you seen google and facebook? American ISPs?

Its not semantics. You're just wrong, and a faggot to boot

>Debating the semantics instead of the underlying argument is very retarded and distracting
>while all he's doing is exactly that
Do you fucks even read what you write before hitting "post"?

Attached: benefit.jpg (300x392, 33K)

I love when some dipshit armchair economist recommends that a company cuts their profit by over 60% and not understand the cascading consequences that would have for their service as a product because they heard a wonder number in a marketing campaign.

>Steam is bloated
I agree, steam needs to cut away a few of the more useless parts and are already doing so by removing movies.
The problem with Epic is that they are lacking in features that help them sell games. So far the flaunt how developer friendly they are, despite the fact they actually giving all the money to publishers who are leeches on the industry, while not giving the customer any benefits or even matching steam in terms of game sale related features.
For fuck sale they don't even have shopping cart!

Attached: IMG_7696.jpg (750x744, 52K)

I wish it was legal to kill chinks.

Attached: CgHGea8WEAAXVU6.jpg (400x400, 21K)

June 4, 1989
Tiananmen Square Massacre

You would be in the right but Steam doesn't have one of the traits that is in the definition of monopoly your just a genuine retard.
>but if you want good profits you have to suck Steams dick
I guess that's why Bloodborne, World of Warcraft and Gears of War flopped didn't it? Fuck off and stop posting

>steam take 30% for useless features
>EGS take 12% for... nothing
No thx, gonna keep my games on steam

Getting rid of the movies and trading cards isnt enough saving to justify cutting your main revenue source by 60%

>For fuck sale they don't even have shopping cart!
This is a good thing because they don't play to have sales like steam does so you'll never want to buy a dozen games at once :)

Fair enough!
Based Epic stopping people from buying more than one game on Epic.

>pirating meme

AAA games dont deserve any of the money and the indie market would never get here without steam so they should be grateful

Why didn't they give the developers 80% and instead remove 8% from the games price, that way developers will both get more money if people buy their games on Epic game store and people are more inclined to buy it from epic since its cheaper than other stores

>30% is literally the market standard. it's what all the consoles charge.

Also Google, Apple, Microsoft Store and similar. I don't see that changing any time soon.

Some of those games were established before Steam had as much power, so they didn't have a choice but to make it work. I also think that AAA and AA devs have enough money to spend on real advertising, so it doesn't really matter what platform they use. Essentially, you spend money on advertising to boost your own platform and game, or take the hit from your profits on Steam. Either way you /lose/ money but the first option is better.
I don't think it would be better, but Steam losing control is a good start I think. It might take a long time for it to be worth it.
You didn't finish reading my post. Try again.

Sauce on graph?
How many people were asked?
What type of person was asked? (consumer, dev, etc)

Attached: 1548081110763.jpg (555x677, 39K)

that would be pro-consumer and we know epic doesn't give a shit about consumers

woah thats like 102-130% wow


Attached: 1554486303019.jpg (640x640, 33K)

Steam= conservatives
Epic= Liberals

Reminder: anyone that says Steam's features are useless is a basic bitch that doesn't know shit about actually playing games.

>Steam has so much bloat from streaming (twitch does it better) to selling videos and movies (this is a videogame store wtf) to useless item trading crap to pimp out your shitty ass profiles with golden letters.
do you even know what bloat is in referral to computer software or are you just throwing out buzzwords you've seen on your twitter feed
because steam is the opposite of bloated

Meanwhile you didn't read any of our posts
try again user

Read my post again, retard. You're arguing in semanticas again, after trying to call others out on it.

When a dev/pub wants to take a hot, steamy shit in my mouth, I’m just meant to lie there and take it? Review bombing is the only way that we can get them to listen to us. It’s crude, but it works. They’re quite happy to ignore us and continue to shit on us otherwise.

Cant we just range ban all the chinks already?

Attached: 1532268775347.webm (1280x720, 995K)

>still can't name even one point Valve is somehow fullfiling from
It really is the chink killer.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志

Attached: 1544916253927.gif (548x401, 192K)

ok but how does the 30% affect me? it doesn't and I'll keep using steam or pirating shit

The EGS is the best competition for the PC.
>support developers with up front payment and bigger cuts
Thanks to the EGS developers always making profits with their games. They can even create new and exciting games without fearing of bad sales.
>quality control
Every game on the launcher is proven to be worth playing. All asset flipper getting fucked.
>NEW GAMES which would never be possible without the EGS
Look at Heavy Rain and all those other games. Only because of the EGS those games will be playable on PC without an emulator. Also you can bet your ass that Persona 5 will be finally on PC because of the EGS.
>top tier launcher with free games every few weeks
Now go to Gaben and ask him for free game. He will probably eat you before giving you something for free. Also every game on the EG launcher works flawlessly and much smoother than on Steam.

>b-but muh Chinese government
If you use Steam or even Google, you are getting robbed of your privacy so hard, that even China's biggest dreams are not even close to what they do to you.
>b-but muh tencent
LoL is literally tencent and pretty much everything game related has some tencent in it
>b-but muh spyware
How does the EG launcher spy? Asking for a few information of Steam. That's it. They don't get any information about anything important. If you have your account public, everyone has more data about you than the EG launcher is asking for. If you pirate a game from Shitgirl and any other cracking group, your whole PC is literally a bitcoin miner and you can bet your ass your whole financial and private data gets used by criminals.
>b-but muh shill
If you fear that everyone is a shill, just don't use a fucking anonymous board and the internet at all. Also I wish EG would pay me desu.
>muh no features
Just look at the road map (which gets posted with the winnie the pooh memes). Pretty much everything Steam has will be available with the EGS in a few months.
>but muh security leaks
Never had problems

Steam is bloated. This is your average steam user profile. Tons of useless shit.

It's like fucking Myspace for gamers. Waste of ram and space.

Attached: booby-trapped-steam-profile-800x432.jpg (800x432, 45K)

devs are less likely to publish on steam meaning less games to choose from.


Attached: you.png (400x345, 223K)

Why dont you just....not put your game on steam, if you think the cut Steam takes is too much? Literally no one is forcing you to use Steam as a distribution platform.

>Myspace for gamers
that's omnious as fuck my dude
we all know what happens next

The devs and publishers have no answer for this, all they say is stupid shit like 'it'll help us make more and better games'
Yeah fucking right, I've seen companies like EA make billions every year and their games are as shitty as ever.

you're retarded steam is extremely light
as I said, learn what words mean before using them chang

It seems that you’re the greedy kike here. If you want to keep more of your revenue, make your own store. Steam provides you a service and a huge player base. The 30% goes toward maintaining the store etc. Retail stores take 30%, other digital stores take 30% too. Epic are doing this to push themselves into the market, but it’s unsustainable. They’ll end up taking a larger cut sooner or later.

>Waste of ram and space
Y-yeah, TOTALLY unlike the BASED Epic Games Store, r-right guys

if epic is so good, why do they need to pay people to be exclusive?

they want to use steam's ability to distribute games to millions around the world, use steamworks for leaderboards and multiplayer, have access to the forums, have the ability to sell DLC and microtransactions but not get charged for it

Explain to me as a customer why I should give a shit about Steam's cut when the games on EGS aren't actually cheaper.
Explain why my friend in india should pay more than the US prices for games on EGS while he can buy games from Steam at regional prices.

>The EGS is the best competition for the PC.
>without fearing of bad sales.
>All asset flipper getting fucked.
>ask him for free game
>Asking for a few information of Steam


>Waste of ram and space.
>takes up almost half the memory that EGS does
What did he mean by this?

You would actually make steam less 'bloated' by deleting extra videos from every game that has more than 1 trailer.
Profiles are just text and a few images at most, that shit is probably a few megabytes at most per user.

>Persona 5
>Because of epic
Please do. The one game I would feel guilty of pirating would end up on my doorstep for fucking free with no guilt at all because chinks paid for my copy

The joke is every big game on Steam already gets 80%

>fake discord no one uses, that ruined the entire chat and friend system
>streaming that no one uses
>groups that no one use
>curators that no one use
>music player that no one uses
>vr overlay that no one uses
All of this shit should be modular if it must exist at all but it's fucking forced upon everyone if they actually want to ever sign in and download a game they already fucking bought.

>Egs launcher is 50 fucking GB
>Calls steam bloated

>no shopping cart
>eta 6 month

I can't wait to make an Epic Games account and have thousands of emails about people trying to access my account because it lacks any kind of security whatsoever!

ubisoft still on top baby

shouldnt you be disgusted at it because the devs decide to support epic instead of steam? barely noone pirated metro exodus due to the massive salt shitstorm it caused.

>Look at Heavy Rain and all those other games. Only because of the EGS those games will be playable on PC without an emulator. Also you can bet your ass that Persona 5 will be finally on PC because of the EGS.
Not true actually, Netease is the reason quantic dream put those games on PC.
Console games have been ported to PC for years and steam never had to pay any of them for exclusivity

>i don't use thing

They are. The only publishers left on Steam are Japanese. Everyone big enough to run their own launcher left, the rest take Epics money. Look at the store releases over the past and next 6 months and realize how fucked Steam will be once Capcom and Square make their own launchers.

Attached: 1552718255352.jpg (1920x1080, 1.16M)

This shit is hilarious

Attached: Capture.jpg (1675x851, 215K)

Lol the devs hate pc. If the game gets ported to pc, it'll be because of Sega who has way too many games on steam and not enough legroom to fuck up like epic exclusivity.

But you would know that if you actually followed games and didnt parrot everything glorious leader said to you