>Sekirotards are now using the "git gud" meme to mock Dark Souls fans
I wanna be the guy Souls when?
>Sekirotards are now using the "git gud" meme to mock Dark Souls fans
I wanna be the guy Souls when?
>incoherent anime poster
anime is a disease
Fuck off weeb.
>Sekiro is hard
He said while on an anime website.
Nah. This is a video game board. You can go to the anime board if you want nothing but that though.
>he doesn't know
soo soft
Anime website,redditards
git gud
anime is a part of image board culture zoomers, please leave
uhh no I am le boomer! lel
only """"""""""""no""""""""""""
just wait when you get shooshoo'd!!
Well well kidboy! guess WHAT?! there are anime
itt triggered weebs
have sex
Based BB poster
I want BB to laugh at my penis.
3d people are gross, fuck off
>Shitty little bait post
>Smug anime image
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH the copypasta! Mmmm it's a bit too old now. Plus this is a videogame board so yeah.
Take it to Yea Forums.
It's just disgusting that fuckfaces like you, evading and keep on ban evading, and come here just to ruin other's fun
>muhh safe space
Why don't you fuck off to resetera to have your safe space
here is another mentally ill ironic troll deflector
>safe space
It's not safe place when you just being ironic parasite
cancerous posts.
Anyone that does giga chad posts is most definitely a 500+ pound lardass or a skinny frail tranny.
but user i am saving my virginity for Kishima-chan
your posts are just so fucking predictable an unfunny just so you know. you are not even worthy to be called faggots, niggers
>its not censorship if its silencing hate speech
cry more bitch nigga
God anime is so shit.
Talking about yourself? Since when newshits trying to learn our insults?
Again with the boogeyman censorship? You like chasing those ghosts
Post the full image you little bitch
>posts that want to preserve the status quo of the board are cancer
I wonder who is behind this
>d-don't say anything bad about anime, you are hurting my feelings
Fuck off, MowtenDoo. No one likes your shit
Time to kill yourself at long last weeb.
>unironically saying " to preserve the status quo "
Filthy weebs. Honestly, they make me sick.
Hilarious part is that these people probably hate on Reddit simply because they're told to and have no idea why Reddit's ideals clash with Yea Forums so badly, and these same people will backhand with "Muh sekrit club" when you tell them they're newfags for getting uncomfortable with anime.
It's really disgusting how bad these failed normoids want to fit in, but refuse to actually learn anything
God I can't wait until Yea Forums is blocked off like /mlp/ Is.
Literally the same type of posters. Loser virgins who can't get laid. Incels.
What's so incoherent? I hate anime faggots as much as you but there's nothing hard to comprehend about this post.
Not anymore, no one cares about that trash anymore
Fuck off weebs.
You can say bad things about anime but it doesn't mean I cant say mean things back to you. As they say, tasting your own medicine!
>Yea Forums - Video Games
>Yea Forums - Anime & Manga
Guess which one you are on.
>proceeds on being so aggressive
How mad you are???!!!
What is even more fucked is outside of a few bosses Sekiros overall difficulty isn't higher then DaS3/BB unless you overlevel drastically. SS and Owl 2 are the only ones throwing that curve slightly higher.
People are picking up Sekiro and pussing out because they HAVE TO learn a basic mechanic to succeed. That is the only reason even DSP has learned it proving its not difficulty even I learned it. Yeah some shit will still require some trial and error even so but for fuck sakes man.
Underage people sometimes have trouble understanding even simple concepts
Guess which site you are on
I'm more triggered by this image. Fuck the animated shit is awful I couldn't stomach past the first episode its just cringe terrible shit that feels like the show but if Rick and Morty tier writing got its hands on it.
>hating anime faggots
>in our site
haha so funny and ironic
Everyone in this thread save for one guy needs a break from the internet. Go outside. Walk in the grass and enjoy spring. It is a much better way to spend your time than this.
Its not your site anymore, retard. Anime is normie fag shit now, sorry.
Doesn't matter. This is a videogame board.
>trying to be hivemind
>but failing so hard
Discord is two blocks down
And being a contrarian retard is also normie as fuck, no one is impressed
Go back to watching cartoons about schoolchildren kiddo, anime is shit
Fuck off faggot, you first
As they say, a ''normalfag'' doesn't fit in with the rest
>save for one guy
and who would that be?
Have sex.
Hahah what the fuck is this thread
>not liking anime means contrarian
Fuck off shithead,
lmao thank god western influence is changing anime, pretty soon anime will be just as woke as the cartoons here, and all you fags will be all alone again xD
Was this really your best try
Normalfag is a dead meme old man.
Just face it, this isn't your anime hugbox anymore. Anime is shit
>this thread
I just wanted to have a nice discussion about how Sekiro lovers are closet masochists.
>haha that your best try
I don't care lolifaggot, my post is the truth and I see you fags squirming all the time over this shit.
Right now, you're losing basically every anime degenerate game thanks to the West, lol soon enough the tv shows and movies will follow their footsteps.
It's only a matter of time for when you have nothing left, and that amuses me endlessly
>I wanna be the guy Souls when?
I have honestly no idea what you mean by that
wheres the fucking SOURCE?
Feels damn good to be a PC chad then, I don't have to worry about bullshit like being unable to censor cunny if I so feel like it.
I want BB to bully my penis with her vagina so bad
Based Uminekoposter
>there's STILL BBlets in this thread
I want Passionlip to give me a full body titjob
That's not Passionlip
Doesn't stop me from playing anime, retarded bot
projecting this hard
It's just retards think they are being cool for being so contrarian
BB is BBased
You are right and it sadden me
I want BB to tell me to git gud
How does it feel being aged out of your board ""culture""?
>mfw unironically leftist and trans
>mfw came here in 2016 for the memes and shitposting and have stayed ever since
Eh you'll leave soon anyway
You know that this site is a pit, and you are on a shithole, furryfag
Cancerous frogshitter
you both are cancer
Sorry mancel, I'm cute and passing. Life is great and I love watching lonely virgin nerds shriek. We are the future. Old Yea Forums is over.
>This hate on anime all started just because some youtuber must making a joke
fromtards will never not be retarded
Don't shitpost with my Smash main please.
>gachaclicker hates challenge
shocking revelation
git gud
thats why "lurk more" used to be a thing
reminder that people age, you'll end up looking ghoulish in 4-5 years and commit 40%
>some youtuber was just making a joke
Is this true? Who, when and where?
Having sex with fellow trannies won't save you from living a terrible life
Never played a gatcha in my life
Its just newfags shitposting for the sake of being contrarian
lurk more doesnt work anymore. Yea Forums is too big. back in the day when post rate was 1 post per every few minutes any garbage you posted would stay up for at least half a day, for everyone to see and eventually call you an embarrassment. now you can just driveby poopoo pee pee and it will be off the board in under a 10.
>I'm cute
When your mother says that is because she's trying to be nice
>mentally ill furfag
They made /trash/ just for you
Pop off tranny
/av/ - Anime videogames
>getting your thread deleted on /trash/
I might just kill myself at that point
This post turned me on because I'm such a raging masochist that I fetishize being erased. Smug discord teenagers laughing at me for being 24 and making me feel like an outcast where I used to belong is arousing me.
I'm not kidding. Sometimes I cum hands free when I lose to tea baggers in Smash Ultimate. There's something wrong with me.
Omg hai ^__^ I’m user-san and I absolutely luuuv @@ anime
>let alone
>as in "the last thing being"
I can hardly breathe user, holy shit
It's like the entire nigger race has a case of down syndrome
>arrive and start teaching them how to farm
>explain how to till the soil in a straight line
>they start doing it and going all over the place like a child incapable of coloring within the lines
>try to show them again and they keep doing it
>just till the whole thing for them and move on to the next step
>show how you need to spread out the seeds
>give them seeds
>proceed to drop the whole pile in one location
>scoop them back up and show them
>they start doing it and barely manage to space it out right
>like the whole concept of measurement is beyond them
>multiple times we had to stop them from eating the seeds
>show them how to get water from the well that another group made them
>well had to be fucking repaired because it was literally filled with dirt and shirt and grass
>show out to slowly water to not erode the soil
>proceeds to dump the entire bucket and destroy the seeds
>end up doing everything for
>each day we come back something has gone wrong
>forgot to water, flooded it, literally shitting in the field, getting hungry and digging up the seeds to eat them
They can't think past the present. They have no concept of time at all or waiting for things and that's either because they are retarded or that way of life has made them retarded.
Two moments stand out in scarring us. We were trying to teach a woman and a man comes up behind her and pulls her bottoms off and starts fucking her. We are literally standing there mouths open in shock and she just said, "Daddy wants it." Like her actual fucking father.
Then one day we found a baby dead drowned in the field with horrible head damage like he was beaten by rocks. The mother just shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't want him anymore and she thought he could work the field.
Literally this is and was my face. Total shock in trying to accept what should be fucking impossible.
Is it bad if this made me laugh even though I'm a tranny
>There's something wrong with me.
>Smash Ultimate
no argument there.
>now you can just driveby poopoo pee pee and it will be off the board in under a 10.
this. Pretending to be a retard isn't met with "fuck off retard" anymore its now "based and redpilled"
>being able to laugh at "offensive" jokes
congrats, you're on your way to becoming a normal human being.
>liking le rebbitme
Tripcode: !.oLiver5IQ / Natsuki !.oLiver5IQ
Steam konto:
Youtube kanal:
Leif EMIL Lindh, 1997-09-12
Folkbokförd Kungsgårdsvägen 64, 681 54 Kristinehamn
Yea Forums.org / 4channel.org:
Tripcode: !.oLiver5IQ / Natsuki !.oLiver5IQ
Steam konto:
Youtube kanal:
Leif EMIL Lindh, 1997-09-12
Folkbokförd Kungsgårdsvägen 64, 681 54 Kristinehamn
Yea Forums.org / 4channel.org:
Tripcode: !.oLiver5IQ / Natsuki !.oLiver5IQ
Steam konto:
Youtube kanal:
Leif EMIL Lindh, 1997-09-12
Folkbokförd Kungsgårdsvägen 64, 681 54 Kristinehamn
Hugo Lindh Mor: Monica ELISABETH Niska, 1949-02-25 Folkbokförd Havrestigen 8, 681 43 Kristinehamn Farbror: Peter Lind
ANTON Peter Lindh, 1996-02-02 Folkbokförd Eldaregatan 12C, 681 35 Kristinehamn Antons steam konto: steamcommunity.com
I see a future where the tiananmen square copypasta is reformated like this.
But why?