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Other urls found in this thread:


FFVII and P4G. Had to lose 20 hours of progress in P4 because I wouldn't finish Adachi's S Link in time. At least now I can romance Chie I guess.
Gonna have a fuckin 'za
Alcohol soon
Been pissed all week because of some bullshit my professor pulled on me on monday. I'm working on a 3 minute long sequel to Yea Forums rage but he told me I need to cut it down to 30 seconds. I stayed calm but it had me seeing red.
Also been crunching hard on another animation for my senior exhibition next week. Worked on it for 13 hours yesterday and finished less than 50 frames. My advice for anybody young here, don't go into animation. It's fucking miserable work.

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Fruits Basket, Noragami, and Shield Hero

King Crimson and Camel

Pizza, fried mushrooms, italian beef sandwich, and fries

Blue Moon

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dota 2
twins phillies GO TWINS
tom waits swordfishtrombones
malazan book 8 toll the hounds
had mini corn dogs
coffee now
maybe later

Homm3 baby
Papa John's

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Yakuza 0
The Blob 1988
XFM Show with Gervais and Merchant
Book: The Trial
comic: Jonny Double, ennis Hellblazer, Blame and Han Solo
bowl of eggs
Pretty good but partially thanks to the meds probably

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this chess game on the library computer


the clock


some asshole arguing with a librarian about an overdue fee or some shit


this thread


not tonight or ever maybe


had some water in from the fountain in the lobby




fucking horrible. as of today, i am officially homeless. i've spent the last few hours on the computer here at the local library and they're about to close soon. i'm not sure where to go for the evening.

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Tekken 7, I haven't played in a month. Julia is kicking my ass.
Yea Forums
nothan much, too lazy to cook
Probably not, depends on what my friend's gonna respond on the text I sent her.
Pretty drunk. Life's good.



I’m working on maps! Anyone wanna see?

Shadow of Mordor
Not sure
I have no sexdrive anymore
Ok. But a bit sad

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I'm actually about to head into work for another 12 hour shift of manual labor.

I fucking wish I was dead

Risk of Rain 2 and Outward; basically just the Yea Forums memes. I would like to play an RTS later, though. Any recs?
Just picked up a copy of Aeon Flux. God bless 1990s MTV originals
A Death in the Family, by James Agee. I haven't gotten very far into it yet, but I'm enjoying it so far
Spaghetti and meatballs
Guerilla Glue
Pretty good honestly. Just hanging out, getting ready for a chill weekend

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Look up a local homeless shelter and walk there.

Rise of Nations
DMC anime or Hard Boiled
Stone Ocean maybe
some leftover bbq
Monster Ripper
maybe later
tired but also happy, haven't played RoN in at least 8 years, it's realy nice comming back to it

Look for a nearby homeless shelter and start looking for jobs. Judging from your situation you’ve already hit rock bottom so it can only get better from here on out. Hang in there, user I’m pulling for ya.

Kill la Kill
Lisa and ClariS
UQ Holder
Not much, been sick the past couple days
Tired and stressed.

Sure, why not?

yugioh down of a new era just fucking around with an ojama deck it's pretty fun might make some decks later and new vegas
yugioh gx, live pd, and JOJO was good
david bowie
general tso's chicken
wate and dr pepper
cute anime boys
pretty comfy been getting back into yugioh got a lot of shit to learn since I stopped after gx also just kinda happy it's the happiest I've been in a while so i'm trying to keep the mood going

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Vermintide 2, maybe endless mode in Dusk, maybe fire up Killing Floor 2 if I'm feeling it,
Game Grumps. Don't judge me.
See above.
Stranger in a Strange Land.
Ellio's bizza.
Secret Spot Alt Ale. Gonna switch to some macro stuff in a bit.
Later, but probably teens.
Better - finally got ahold of my lawyer about getting my speeding ticket downgraded. Parents were in a rough car accident on Wednesday but they're feeling better and in good spirits. Got a few leads on job opportunities. Got a bunch of free beer from my side job last night. Things could be worse! :D

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It hasn't changed much since yesterday. I spent most of last night messing with color values and what not for readability. This first one is just a geographic map.

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Xenogears and some Smash Ultimate
New JoJo
Finished Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals and started More's Utopia
Probably Thai
Acerola bullshit
Pretty great moodwise. A little frustrated since I don't have phone service and I don't know if Google Fi will let me use my old number if the old service has already died.

This one is a political map. I am doing work on languages to name all the countries according to broad language families.

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Fate Extella Link
The new trailer for Studio Trigger’s new movie
Porter Robinson - Ghost Voices
Goldfish crackers, doing Lent
Mtn Dew
Gay chubs when I get back home
Saving up for AX and chugging along with AX funds decently

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sekiro and the steel division 2 beta
Letterkenny and maybe more of the rising of the shield hero
nuffin atm
Beowulf and the Masters of Stone and Steel WH fantasy omnibus
Just had a sandwich and some deviled eggs
I'd like some wine, but I'm trying to be /fit/ so water
I'd like to, but my zoloft is kicking in which makes it difficult. Feels bad man
Good. It's Friday, and I have a date with a cute girl tomorrow which makes me nervous

A lot cooler than what I was expecting user.

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I'm on disability (about $800 per month) and I'm on a crossroads because my parents want me to be working more (rightfully so), but if I go ahead and get a job and earn too much in a month, I could be taken off of disability, and then I'm dependant on the job. This would be fine for most people but I'm on meds that make me tired, and I finished chemo about 8 months ago, but I still have brain fog from that occasionally. I also had a stroke at 20 so my left leg doesn't work so great. Also seizure risk.

I don't like that the way disability is set up it basically encourages people like me to not work at all, because of fear of getting my assistance terminated. The honest truth is I just get fatigued way too fast these days and I can't afford to be working a minimal wage job now because if I get locked into it I might not be able to go to work one day, I could literally just collapse or get fired in the first week for not trying hard enough or whatever.

I'm going back to college to get a better degree, probably for computer science/engineering or something. I already have one for computer animation and multimedia but it's too hard for me to find a job currently and I'm still building a portfolio that I'm proud of.

Feel free to call me names or whatever, I'm not proud of being a leech that has to live mostly on government handouts but it's what has to be done right now.

Anyways I'm
> Playan
pokemon ORAS with Nuzlocke and Randomizer, or maybe DMC5. Except not really because I have lots of things to do at home atm.

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Dead Cells
PJ streams whenever he is on
said stream or random game OSTs
The Black Company
I'm on nofap for a little bit as I'm out of adderall with which to fap for 20 straight hours
Pretty shitty cause I have an untreated hernia I can't afford to get fixed and I think its getting worse, problems will be over soon I guess

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Do you fap to anything that isn't gay chubs, or is that just your trademark in these threads?

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What did you give up for Lent?

When did jannies stop caring about signatures/avatarfagging?

I just looked it up and seems interesting! Thanks for giving me something to watch
Nice to see you back here for the 50th week perpetually homeless library user.
o.o these are what we call reverse bait posts, right?
Are you okay
Based maps, user

Just finished raiding in ffxiv. New static got to final omega with just a few hours of prog on the door boss. Not a bad fight compared to the exdeath and Kefka.
Girly air force! Finding new things to watch
Lo fi. Jaeden camstra. Jp music!
Discord chats, ffxiv guides and 4channel
Gonna have a plate of Chinese food in an hour or two .
Water with some whiskey and coke!
>tfw no bf
I am very comfy tonight though. I have some scented candles going and the windows cracked slightly open so it's cozy.

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FGO because I'm a weeb gacha trashman and there's an event with a cute loli on. Also Ico.
StartUp, and just finished Mob S2. Shit was dope AF.
20th Century Boys and Fire & Blood
Just had myself some spanish potato omelet for dinner.
Good ol H2O.
Nathin really
Feelin' good cause I've finally eaten something heavy after being unable to eat anything with fat for a week cause of a really bad indigestion. Also, finished a Uni asignment so free weekend.

Phantasy Star Online




Some teryaki wings

Some Pepsi


Comfy AF, but overall could be feeling better.

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DMC1. I've been stuck on Nightmare 3 on normal for the 10 days and honestly it can go fuck itself.
JoJo, MHA and Eva. Also thinking of starting FMA Brotherhood and Mob Psycho cause I hear they're supposed to be pretty good.
Synthwave shit on youtube.
Yea Forums
Making lamb stew.
Probably /ss/ or something later.
Friend of mine went for a gastroscopy today because he's been vomiting a lot recently so I'm a bit worried for him. Aside from that I'm cool tho.

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Demon's Souls and Ni No Kuni, now moving on to Dragon Quest V soon.
Franz Ferdinand
Articles about Smart Cities in baguette land.
Might make myself a late night omelette in a couple hours if I'm hungry
Peach Ice Tea and grape juice
might do some futa demon erp with a pal soon enough
Pretty okay, got some translation work done, I'm still a bit behind schedule but I'll be fine hopefully

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Pokemon Platinum
Blue jackets rags cos /hoc/
Nothing rn
some chips
Seltzer, im bland
Feelin fine since I finally feel like I can rest and have a humble time with family.

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Pokemon emerald on the emulator
Random YT videos to pass the time
Random articles to keep me awake
Coffee to keep me awake and a metric fuckton of water
Can't fap on the workplace. Yet.
Sleepy as fuck. Who thought night shifts were a good idea for the body and the mind?

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Noice. What programs are you using?

I grew distant with an internet erp buddy since we had different schedules, and I miss having someone to share fetishes with desu. /trash/ threads aren't even remotely the same

Either play Apex Legends or Sekiro depending if the homies get on.

Probably watch Thunderball in the background.

I use basically only use Gimp and Wilbur. I use G.Projector for some of the projections though. Wilbur is just for simulating erosion though for river paths.

Either RDR 2, Super Mario Galaxy, orJedi Knight Academy .
Gonna get comfy and watch either The Good The Bad and The Ugly or Revenge of The Sith because they always make me sleepy.
Dunno maybe Joe Rogan or something else.
Yea Forums
Ice cream
Milk and ice cream
Elinor Gasset
Tired and wish I had the job I wanted so I wouldn't be as fucking tired. I hate fast food and the bitch general manager with this new cunt kissing her ass everyday.

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Thunderball and From Russia With Love are the best Bond movies imo. I really liked the From Russia With Love game because it brought Connery back one last time as Bond.

My pal and I have have mostly different fetishes, but we just do different things for one another, sometimes we won't enjoy what the other is getting off to, but then we know we'll get something we like in return (or have already gotten it)

Nothing but I wish I was playing Guantlet for PS2
Gonna watch the Celtics lose their spaghetti later
A book about applied behavior analysis and lecture slides probably
Eh nothing probably
Water and gonna kill off the Jim Beam
twitter thot nudes
I haven't been on Yea Forums since like, 2013. It feels pretty much the same. Not necessarily a bad thing.

Sekiro, I keep getting anally ravaged by Guardian Ape. I can't get the timing right for deflecting its attacks, it's pissing me off.
Kaiji soundtrack
Probably going to try and get back into learning hiragana and katakana tonight
Using my imagination

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Sekiro, I'm thinking I'm close to the end, just bodied the second corrupted monk. Maybe some Apex Legends with the bois in a bit.
Recently finished season four of Mad Men. What an absolute powerhouse of a tightly written season. Really makes me miss when TV was good.
Bob Dylan
One Hundred Years of Solitude by GGM
Taco Bell
Baja Blast
9/10, mostly a free weekend of playing vidya, watching sports, and memeing the bois online,

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I may buy Outward later, I've heard good things about it. Probably Sekiro until then.
Sugar Ray
Heard some anons mention fried chicken earlier, sounded good to me but idk if I want to leave my house
Soda maybe, I drank last night so I'm not sure if I want to double dip
probably spanking videos
Alright. Chill air outside is nice. Finishing uni soon, realizing there's not a whole lot holding me down and I can kind of do whatever with my life. Used to have grand plans, but idk if I really care for them any more. Trying to enjoy now.

Star ocean 2
Youtube vids
Rockman zero mythos album
Yea Forums
A lot of water
Not today
like shit. i got the flu and it feels like fucking death.

Dropping pills for freeing my nigs of China.

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Stellaris later on, Maybe some Sekiro for a bit soon
JoJo Part 5. Digging it so far but there's some q u a l i t y shots. Hopefully that's fixed in a blu ray release.
Testament, Judas Priest, Bolt Thrower
Yea Forums, (you) guys
Probably just fruit and red potatoes for dinner
water, and a diet mountain dew
vanilla gay thoughts
Pretty good, very lonely though,

>King Crimson and Camel
Absolutely based

Your EATAN sounds pretty good user.

Why are you sad?

I will absolutely judge you, Egoraptor is a fucking retard
But good to know things are looking up for you user.

Same, I wish I had a bf too.

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Kingdom Hearts II FM HD
Banana Fish
Nothing atm
Yea Forums and Reddit
Gas station pizza and wings
Lemonade/unsweetened tea
Just glad its friday night and no work for the weekend.

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Comfy bote postin’
New Vegas. Debating whether or not to kill that furry Vulpes when I get to Nipton and suffer through legion death squads so early in the game.
Latest episode of the Grand Tour. This season has been fantastically comfy.
First Aid Kit.
This and /o/. Been wanting to pick up 100 Days: the Memoirs of the Falklands Battle Group Commander.
Bit of gelato now, had some cold digiornio rising crust supreme earlier.
Shiner Premium.
Told myself I wouldn’t so I would feel more confident for two stepping in a few hours but gave in to memories of a pretty high school teacher.
A okay. Car is running good, got an interesting new job lined up, made a few friends this week.
Good stuff man. Sorry about the boss, mine’s been unbearable lately too, but it’s only a couple of months until I’m on to greener pastures, and the hours aren’t bad anyways so it’s manageable.
>blue moon
You saw me standing alone...
Based twinsfan
>papa john’s
Better ingredients, harder R’s
>bowl of eggs
Do you have to eat all of them?
>drunk texting
I couldn’t get into shadow of Mordor when I realized the combat was exactly the same as mad max but without cars and bogans
Sounds like a comfy night in. Kinda jealous cause I’m feeling like that now but I already promised some folks I’d go dancing and my boots are already on.
For me the first Dishonored is my old comfy game. The atmosphere and soundtrack is just phenomenal.
Have some water with that sprite user. A little hydration goes a long way for your general well being.
Ride that mood user, sounds like some good stuff going.
I love alt beers. Glad to hear your folks are doing alright, car accidents are one of those surprising things that come out of nowhere.

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Well it's acceptable drunk texting since we were drinking together and I just got home before her. I think she's getting me back for not putting out last time we were drinking though.

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Far Cry 5 New Game+ on hardest difficulty and Risk of Rain 2.
Youtube garbage and Jerma.
Twin Shadow
The Best of Damon Runyon
Microwave Burritos
Brown girls.
Okay. Mending relationships with a couple friends right now.

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>Do you have to eat all of them?
Yeah but I don't want to, I think i'll just run.
How's the book? Wanted to buy it but my backlog is already huge.

Sekiro and DMC5.
Lasagne al forno.
Monster Pipeline Punch.

XIV grinding eureka and doing the zeta chain for PLD when I get bored
New Fruit Baskets, Bocchi, Bakuman
Had the worst burger I've ever had, but it's okay because the local walmart finally had some bacon donuts cereal that I've wanted to try
Gin and Tonic trying out Bombay Sapphire East it's pretty good
pretty okay, been getting regular interviews despite not getting hired, also been doing some writing and recording for a project I probably won't follow through on but it's been somewhat stress relieving

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king crimson is the shit

Fantastic, haven't read it since high school but GGM is one of the best 20th century writers, without a doubt.

Monster Hunter: World. Just went on sale and I want to try it out.
Upgrade 2018 then whatever's garbage on netflix
Spotify assortment playlist or Lofi
If I get bored then: "Rejoice: A Knife to the Heart"
Ham and Pineapple Pizza
Rickard's RADLER
Really into Ludella right now
Pretty good this week. Got a few commendations at work for sales and advice which was nice, and closed on a new place recently.

thanks user, gonna add to the list.

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downloading a few games atm (MHW, TW Warhammer 2, RS2 Vietnam, Metro Exodus). please offer some nice sat morning music while I cook breakfast (french toast + bacon)

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Well, I finally beat the first phase of the Guardian Ape, after about a hundred deaths to it. And then it got up and started assfucking me all over again in phase 2. God damn this boss fight.

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Anything by him is great. Try Memories of my Melancholy Whores if you want a really fast read, it's a tiny novella at like 100 pages.

>brown girls
Exceptional taste
>had a super qt petite brown girl who was into me back home
>I had to move away
Still hurts a little
Try some Boccherini on for size fren. My go to for relaxing background music while I write or do stuff around the house.
How do you do your french toast?

sven coop MEDIC
pizza pops, cookies
like shit

Bump for friday

Bloody Palace DMC5. Trying and failing just to reach floor 100 with Dante and Nero
Super best friends heavy rain
JoJo part 1 opening
This dank ass thread
General tso chicken with rice
Chocolate milk
/gif/ or milfs on pornhub

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>milfs and choccy milk
It can’t be possible to have this good of taste

sports videos
the money store
probs gonna get wendys
maybe later

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I thick slice a loaf of brioche, make up a mix of egg, milk, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. dip in then fry in butter. serve up with bacon + maple syrup

Not sure. Maybe Super Mario 64?



This thread

Doritos and Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Rolling Rock

Foot Tickling

Pretty good now, just avoiding the eventual soreness that's going to come tomorrow morning due to a car wreck I was in earlier this morning.

rs2 vietnam is the shit

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Borderlands 1 Remaster
anime music
how to spell lasagna
Corssdressing and dildo

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emulator or N64?

i always want to play those old games again but i just dont have the patience anymore. i'd rather just listen to the OST or watch someone else play it

I can't stay awake after work and I always fall asleep way too early then wake up at like 2-4 in the morning and can't go back to sleep. Help me

It's Saturday morning in Japan
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
Nothing right now, but I'll go out in the afternoon and I'll probably listen to Crystal Lake, A Scarlet Dress, The Winking Owl and Decipher.
Star Wars: Red Harvest
My breakfast was a banana, a slice of bread with strawberry jam, something I bought yesterday in a bakery in Shinjuku (tastes like bon o bon) and mate cocido.
Mate cocido
Not this morning.
Good. My lawyer sent me a picture of my residence card, I'll go to pick it when my wife comes back from Yonfest in Nagoya.

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Going to pick up my GameCube controllers from my buddy in a bit, might play Smash with him.
Watched the new JoJo, so that was fun.
youtube.com/watch?v=-UIn2xq-tOE and Prince
Yea Forums
Just had pizza and I'm going to be having ice cream later.
No clue
Excited since we might do D&D again after half a year of taking a break from playing. Not to mention I've been told I have near Chad aesthetics in regards to face, not to mention I'm 6'0"+. I wish I was a shota again, though.

What compels you to do this?
>New Vegas
>memories of a pretty high school teacher
You have pretty good taste user.

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Pokemon emerald romhack with the physical/spec split and some of the newer moves introduced in gen 4-6
I just finished up EV grindimg for the bullshit battle frontier so that will be fun.
Marathoning it's always sunny in philly while grinding.
I only catched a few episodes when it still aired and I thought it was time to watch it.
Currently at season 6.
Nothibg really at the moment.
Nothing specific, but reall look forward to reading chainsawman every week.
Grilled cheeae
Sparkling water.
Some rando pornhub vids that are hot right now or some shit.
Bretty comfy.

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My favorite gaming moment in recent memory was playing on an australian server for a bit and listening to the aussie commander who seemed to be on 24/7 constantly going wild over the most minor of events

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Smash and Persona 5
Taxi Driver, haven't seen it since high school (about a decade ago).
Catching up with Kaiji
Had a pretty good sleep, looking forward to a nice weekend chilling with girlfriend and vidya.

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>Nothing specific, but reall look forward to reading chainsawman every week.
My nigga.

Revelations: Persona. It's really not as bad as people say it is but yeah i guess it's pretty tough if you're not used to old rpgs. I don't give a single fuck about the "americanization" btw
The entirety of Sailor Moon. Bout to start season 4... One of these days
Various vidya battle themes
these replies
root beer
cute and funny girls
pretty good. even if i'm down, i can always say, "well at least i'm not dobson"

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Been alternating between Earthbound, FF6, and Yoshi's Island on my snes classic. Also been playing beatsaber on psvr and A Way Out with my roommate
Seinfeld. Might also check out the door Louie soon
Unfortunately nothing. I really need to get back into reading
Miller Lite beer
I work all weekend but I'm alright with that. Feelin pretty gud tonight, desu

I'm in aus so play on all the aussie servers. loving it so far

chocobo’s mystery dungeon. never played a game like this before, harder than i expected
ffx no sphere grid challenge stream
see above
grilled cheese
awful. extremely depressed and ready to give up on life. i’m in an outpatient mental health program while i’m on medical leave from work, but i feel so disconnected from people i have a hard time participating in group and just leave the room out of panic. but it’s only been my first day. guess i’ll keep trying

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Persona 3
Big asses
Unproductive. I should really finish my application.

Everything ever on my 2ds, mostly kid icarus and shovel knight
Made in abyss
Mostly meme musicals like flight of the valkyries and entry of the galdiators
Scripts of videos that never made it
I dont like eating
I only fap once a week
Pretty good

>Had to lose 20 hours of progress in P4 because I wouldn't finish Adachi's S Link in time. At least now I can romance Chie I guess.
Wait, shit. I'm playing P4G right now and the Adachi thing has been bothering me, I skipped his S-Link a couple times early on and now it hasn't showed up in a long time. I'm right before Naoto's dungeon, I think.

Already played base P4 so no worries about big spoilers.

Probably continue my Parks and Rec rewatch or finish up Mob Psycho 100 season 1
Nothing for now
Steak with rice
Sparkling Ice Black Raspberry. It's flavored sparkling water that doesnt fuckin suck.
Already blown my load in the shower, so no fappan tonight
I feel good right now but I become really anxious and stressed as soon as the sunsets. No idea why. Need to see a therapist, me thinks.

Beach House
Arizona ice tea

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>ffx no sphere grid

fucking how

Torna: The Golden Country
Been trying to play Dragon: Marked for Death, but I see a lot of updates and I feel like it was Red Dead Online Beta (incomplete and a lot of bugs)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part V and Umbrella Academy
FFXV soundtrack
Either pizza or boneless in a few hours
some manhwa:
-share house
-close as neighbors
but only if they get updated, else Ima have to find a new one that involves mature women.
Desperate to find a job, I got fired this week, a friend's company owes me money because I worked part time with them but they can't seem to help me in the matter. If it was any other friday, I'd feel awesome, but I feel useless as fuck.

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status ailments and steal/use mainly

Postal 2. Maybe God Hand or GTA San Andreas
The Sopranos S3
Lil Uzi Vert and R Kelly
this thread
Ate a chicken burrito earlier
Carbonated Water
a very lewd and naughty video from the bf
lazy as fuck after work

my boyfriend is going this year. I wish I could join him but eh maybe next year. He did buy me a key chain from there last year


You'll be fine user. Good luck with that date

Nightmare 3 really lives up to his name but it's not impossible. Give it a rest and you'll beat it eventually

>probs gonna get wendys
that $5 Baconator meal is too delicious for the price

Natsuiro High School - might drop it, my Japanese just isn't good enough, especially when the game can be vague enough that even JP players struggle with it.
Also, Trails of Cold Steel and Atelier Nelke
Granblue the animation. Io a cute!
My pacman frog paddling around in his bath tank
This thread
Have some grilled steak left over from making hogies last night, so I'm making a spicy beef stew with it.
Cranberry Juice
loli, always
Did my taxes, so I have zero responsibilities for a few days, which is always nice.

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God damn man, sounds like you've been through quite a bit. I'm surprised that your parents are getting on your ass that hard considering it sounds like you HAD FUCKING CANCER.

I do think that trying to get into computer science or something similar would be the best option. Not in the field myself but it would be a good way to quickly get into a high paying, non-physical job that pays enough for you to have a backup fund if anything else does happen.

Also, know that even though you're probably barraged with work horror stories here, there are some really decent people out there and chances are good that if you land a higher-than-shit-tier job they will understand your physical limits, so don't let that put you off.

Anyway, good luck, I'll watch out for an update from you in the future. Take care.


Mw2 with m8s
MLB Baseball Go Pirates
Lots of different music. Great vibes all around
/k/ and Yea Forums
Had a Chipotle Cheese Steak
Water and strong cinnamon chai
For Sure
Very tired. Comfy as fuck and fried. Enjoy the night guys

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Twinsbro its been a while. Fuck Harper

cant decide i may not play anything but if i do maybe DS1 or sekiro havent beat either one yet. but im hoping my friends get on to play something soon

GTA RP streams
Wolves in the Throne Room or i might finish the slowdive discog

Nothing but i kinda do want to read a book soon not sure what i want though

Nothing im on a diet so i dont want to eat late at night anymore i need to lose like 10-15 pounds

H20 NIgga

Some user posted some good TF2 webms earlier maybe some incest hentai manga if they dont do anything for me

Pretty shitty Aldis told me today they arent interested in hiring me which is fine but i really want to find a new job soon its only been a week and i already feel useless. Also had to Withdraw from one of my classes cause i only have 2 points out of 25 for the whole semester cause of my laziness, I guess its better that theres no F and ill pass my other 2 classes with an A & B but i really didnt want to fail anything this semester

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yup lol they takin this game prolly. how u doin?

based and tiananmenpilled

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Borderlands The Presequel, minecraft with the lads
Unironically Naruto, maybe a goose kino, I'm in the mood for that
Yea Forums
snacks and pasta
tap water and monster energy ultra
big titty milf on mompov
I have 2 months to finish my final uni project so I can get my degree, but since I slacked off for the entire time at university I have to catch up on the material before starting, and I'm also nervous because they gave me a second chance at this since I failed the first time, but 2 months is enough time I guess, it's just a simple app. I also have a massive crush on a qt programmer girl on my part time tech support job, but I'm a f/a/t Yea Forumsirgin, and she will never notice me, I'm a fucking autist who can get along with guys and even the other 2 women just fine but I spaghetti all over when speaking to her, and I sense she is attracted to one of the guys there, fuck me senpai. I'm doing well in my diet and lurking /fat/ daily, just stopped today so I can fucking relax, this was the worst week of the year until now.Sorry for blogpost, I need to vent and have no frens

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Based as fuck

All 3 Persona dancing games
Codyko and Noel play Love Island
/vg/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums
delicious tacos
I had a dream that my best friend was still alive. It felt so real that when I woke up I was expecting him to text me at 11. He always texted me around that time like clockwork. The text never came, unsurprisingly.

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Don't get in computer science, man. Everyone picks that degree because "YE! Ima play muh vidya and muh fb while studying" Those people have a hard time getting grad. I'm a computer science engineer myself, and I tell you, It's so hard to find jobs;
they're brainless cavemen that knows nothing about why you're useful. And if you try the programming area... hooo boy... they want you to use languages that even a kid could use. What's the point in learning vanilla coding when they'd want you to use java? WHO THE FUCK USES JAVA NOWADAYS?!

Sorry I hyperventilated there, I'm

nvmn I found what to fap to anyway

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>Sorry for blogpost, I need to vent and have no frens

its okay user and btw i was /fat/ before too and itll get easier in the coming weeks if youre doing cardio everyday and focusing on your diet youll be good in no time fren. Also dont be afraid to talk to her even if you think she likes someone else. You have nothing to lose by trying to talk to her and seeing where it heads even if she says no youll gain confidence, and realise being rejected isnt so hard it really makes talking to females easier if you get rejected once (I hope she says yes tho)

youre a big boy and if you get a gf now or even get rejected im 100% sure youll be way more motivated for working out and getting shit together you can do it user

Super Mario Party and Mario Rabbids Kingdom
Classical music
Mein Kampf
Already got pussy today
Tired as fuck

meatballs and french fries
Dead inside as per usual I think my friend who's in a relationship likes the girl (also in a serious relationship) i've developed feelings for as well. Makes me feel a little better knowing i'm not only one.

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SFV and maybe Persona 5
New Superstore and Jojo
One Punch Man
Just had fish tacos
gfs fish taco
meh job is a joke I did nothing all week cept pretend to work.

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Sorry it sounds like you're in a rough situation too user, but do you have any constructive advice for >457468205 besides "don't go into computer science?"

How bout you like a real team like the Phillies shitsburg fag.

NES games, Bravely Default
chilling adventures of sabrina
Cane Hill
Had Chipotle
Mt Dew
Awesome. Got my pay check and tax returns today so I'm swimmin in money.

Meant to point to >457455024 with the in-text reference there

Borderlands Pre Sequel
Marty Robbins songs
Dr Pepper
Neutral I guess

FGO grindan
Dies Irae just got through the prologue it's pretty good
Futadom world. It's ok but it could be better.
Burned out on life. Unmotivated to do anything and without a direction in life. Excited for Kill La Kill IF though looks good for an Arena fighter.

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>goose kino
You seen the Nice Guys yet? Top comfy

Splatoon now that I'm done running my tabletop campaign.
Mogra Rave.
Should get around to catching up on Kaiji.
In the mood to write smut.
Fucking exhausted. Massive headache, and it's killing my productivity on my day off. Might try and take a nap and see if I feel better later.

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This lad is an absolute patrician. It's sad how Camel is overlooked even among progfags
>Hard Boiled
its a good movie, you'll see what inspired the mechanics in games such as fear and max payne
>studio trigger
>gay obese men
kill yourself
keep the momentum, even when your libido comes back try some self control
The remaster was better than I expect, its just some weird bugs that annoys me such as the minimap just vanishing sometimes
How the fuck did you move to japan?
I'm the user on this , how the fuck do I get better at programming, I'm dumb as fuck
I feel you
added to the backlog, thanks mein negro

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Damn, sorry to hear that. Im doing alright, wish the Pirates bullpen would do something right kek. Enjoy your night Yea Forumsro

Good for you that a federal court just ruled anti-vagrancy laws unconstitutional

Or not since this is a pasta

Kek. West PA > East PA
Fuck the Phillies and fuck Harper!

Just meat every Friday.

Jojo part 5
just had some soup
fireball whisky
gay shit
ready to hurt my liver

I feel I posted in this thread yesterday

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>RS2 Vietnam
My fuckin' grunts

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yeah man, you have a point on saying the motivation comes when you get enough of feeling sorry for yourself after getting rejected, the thing is, I'm scared of approaching her and having her go to our boss (small company) and reporting me for sexual harassment, things are insane in my country. Also, since it's a small company, our desks are really close, like 3 meters apart, so that would be fucking weird if she rejects me. It's not even excuses, it's just facts that I need to consider before making a move like this. I'm also really slow with learning stuff and she probably noticed it by now, that might factor in, I just don't have much going on for me except being a comfortable person to be around, since I like making jokes and I'm friendly as hell, but that might be my own perception of myself when actually everyone thinks im a unfunny fat piece of shit, I guess I'll never know.

Yea I noticed that, dieting gets easier and I can barely eat as much as I used to. Today is my cheat day of sorts, and I barely finished my snacks before feeling full as hell. Overall I have very good discipline with following a schedule of eating, its just exercising that is hard for me to get used to, I have to work on it

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W-what’s wrong with oatmeal and instant coffee

Gonna hop on MHW. I still do the weekly bounties, cause otherwise I'm pretty done with the game until Iceborn. Might play something else later.
Just finished Hot Fuzz. Fucking amazing. Too bad now 12 years later a lot of things in it feel more like a documentary.
Opeth later
Mindhunter. I loved the Netflix serie, so I'm reading the book that inspired it. Pretty much the same content, but the tone is less liberal than the usual Netflix bullshit.
Ground beef with rice. Personal "recipe"
Water(tm), the official beverage of the gaming community
Not tonight
High and stressed, not a good combination.

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>Being homeless is not a crime
Good thing the courts had to make it official, right.
Fucking crazy world we live in.


Sekiro. Approaching the top of Ashina Castle, got scared and decided to go beat Seven Spears first.




German practice


German flashcards


Ate spaghetti




Already did that too


Nervous about the process of moving to a new apartment

Tetris Effect
Kamen Rider Blade
11-22-63 audiobook
Cheese Ravioli and sausage
Lemonade gingerale
Not bad

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whatever happened to the sunday night version of these threads?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Random youtube shit, something about Russia old believers living in the wilderness. Some vice news about the end if isis
I'll stop the world and melt with you
The chans
Sammiches and pataytuh chips
Minute maid juice
Some dyke porn on ptrex, cavanni and Taylor vixen
Pretty alright tbphwyf

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Lots of people have to work on monday, so I guess there are less people shitposting on Yea Forums because they're sleeping.
Or maybe it's the opposite. I dunno, I'm almost never there on sunday night

It's still Friday night in the United States of America

played some ghost n goblins earlier to see what roms look like on the switch
shield hero and robocop 2 later
random thrash metal (megadeth atm)
Yea Forums and job requirements
had pizza
cheap beer from 711
bellaasmr and maybe other internet famous bitches
a little nervous but happy about an upcoming job interview, its my first EE job i'm trying out for and I just want to give it my best shot
its been a long time that i haven't been completely scared of the future

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>Random youtube shit, something about Russia old believers living in the wilderness. Some vice news about the end if isis

Im at work fml. But at least the radio is playing some good 70s music. Might play some Halo when i get home.

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>shield hero
how is that? Just saw a trailer and it got me hyped, but I have no idea what it is.

yeah i understand user being so close to each other during work hours might be uncomfortable if youre rejected. If you wait until you drop more weight thats understandable confidence goes way up once you start seeing differences. Also a good way to drop weight fast is outside cardio in the mornings even if you just start by walking only if you can do 3 miles before you have breakfast and then 2-3 more miles after work youll start losing especially if you start jogging.

BTW for jogging even if you look like a complete fucking retard the way you jog then keep it up. Us big guys have trouble doing cardio cause our leg muscles give up really easily and when i jog i look fucking retarded but i can jog for a loong time your breathing is the only thing you really need to focus on while you run.

2 deep breathes in 1 breathe out itll feel weird at first when you start doing it but once you see what this breathing technique does for your jogging youll be impressed with yourself

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>how is that? Just saw a trailer and it got me hyped
i havent watched shield yet cause ive heard a lot of good shit about it im waiting until all 24 episodes are out to watch it same with jojo atm

Sekiro and EU4 probably
Post-hardcore and emo garbage
Sad and drunk

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Pokemon Crystal, dex is at 234. Feels good man.
Calebhart42 speedruns
Granola bar
Water, a bottle from home.
Stressed the fuck out about homework but I'm trying to get some writing done, and that's fun. I'm not sure if I want to see Shazam or Pet Semetary tonight.

Old School Runescape and maybe FFX. Just got past the Luca Cup and it's gonna be nice when I actually get to play instead of just watch cutscenes. Seymour/Yevon are evil aren't they
Random horror on netflix
Not tonight
Had a cheesesteak and 5-pc boneless wings and now I am too full to move
Root Beer
Tired as fuck. Life is stressful as shit

Played Smash with my buddy til he hit the gym, now killing time with Civ VI. Pretty sure I'm in for a war on more fronts than I can handle soon.
Just finished some Destiny/Sargon/Fuentes twitch debate. First time seeing Fuentes, he made an impression
Nostalgic Pony Music
The interwebs
Greek salad
fag shit
Pretty good. Working 12 hours each Saturday and Sunday but get to see Baroness Saturday night. Shit's hype.

its pretty good the whole underdog thing is always a good watch. my only complaint is the bit of cgi they used


Lamplight City
Gatchaman (1972) and Space Battleship Yamato (1974)
Mist by Unamuno
Ichigo Aoi

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Its isekai shit that completely falls apart into generic garbage.

If you're an isekai fag you'll love it, probably. Its tailor-made for dudes deep into that shit

Rockets VS Knicks
Coheed and Cambria

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dunno yet, might go into NG+ on sekiro for the second owl fight


K-on or my hero with the woman


Old BBC Beatles recordings


Learning Japanese because why not


Had some shitty garlic fries from a pub down the road, might make some eggy rice to fill me up


Bud light, not the best but eh


Probably nothing today


Dad had a stroke a couple weeks ago and didn't tell me. Haven't really put my thoughts together and replied to him yet, I keep putting it off. Been in a bit if a slump but I've been there before, hopefully going to Italy next month for a week or so will help. Wanted to go since I was a kid and it hasn't even hit me that I'm really going yet. Doesn't feel real. Hope you guys are alright

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Is that like fish out of water stuff? I feel like thats often a cheap gimmick

>I'm just a normal Japanese guy but I got transferred to this fantasy land where I use my real-life knowledge to try and get ahead, complete with girls fawning all over me!
It gets praised for one twist but otherwise its as generic as they come.

Shadow Man, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, Devil May Cry 5
Nothing. Trying to decide what show I want to start up next. Suggestions welcome.
already did
Okay I guess.

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Risk of Rain 2
Lupin III; Fujiko Mine, Love Is War, Shirobako
Norm Macdonald's audio book, Easy Allies podcasts.
The Promised Neverland
I impulsively ordered a bunch of food, but I'm not really hungry. I just felt like it was what my lonely Friday night needed, but now it's making me feel sad about my situation.
I'm okay. Sometimes I get stressed that I'm not spending my free time efficiently. Like how many anime series can I finish in a weekend, rather than enjoying them just so I can feel like I didn't waste my time off work.

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>>I'm just a normal Japanese guy but I got transferred to this fantasy land where I use my real-life knowledge to try and get ahead, complete with girls fawning all over me!

holy shit nevermind im not watching this shit show then i already know how its gonna end and what im in for thanks user

Meh I'm tired of generic anime, thanks for saving me the time.

thanks mate
Sorry about your dad, user. Hope he'll get better.

Was playing Witch and the Hundred Knight. As basic as the gameplay is, I enjoy the story so far so that keeps me going.
Dunno what to play now, no one around to do stuff with.
Speedruns. might watch a Zatoichi movie tonight.
Yea Forums
I know that no matter what I will end up fapping to cuteboys.
A bit sad. Thinking on how to fix my brain so social interactions aren't so difficult. I want to make friends, get to know people, be at least somewhat interesting to carry a conversation and not listen all the time. All that stuff.
Other than that, I am okay.

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gonna play some rdr2 i think. i was playin yoshi crafted world earlier and it was decent. pretty easy though not sure how long it'll hold my attention.

Probably Quake 1 mods
Thinking about Black Mountainside
80s speed metal
Delta Green books
Nothing because I can't eat anything solid because I got my wisdom teeth pulled this morning.
Milkshake mixed with protein powder.
Want to, but I don't want to risk fucking up the stitches in my mouth if I clench my jaw when I cum
Like shit because I can't eat, and I can exercise until my mouth heels.

>FEELAN update
Boots are on and I’ve got the courage up to head to the dance hall. Gonna drink some whiskey and maybe talk to a texasfu. Wish me luck, lads.
>Marty Robbins
My man. Bout to put my gunfighter ballads and trail songs CD on in the car
>hot fuzz and mindhunter
Good stuff. I’ve been binging the Americans on prime.
You got a roommate or just flying solo?
Great song
Can’t believe the ride is almost over
Sorry bout your dad, hope you find what you’re looking for in Italy. Slim chance work’ll take me there so I’ve always got my fingers crossed.

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The shield
The Living God
Fish and chips
Water and coffee

My man

I like your taste user. what do you do that has you on night shifts?

Maybe some TF2 later.
In the mood to play a VN though. Thinking of Steins Gate.
just Yea Forums for now
I had some sliced cucumbers
they were nais
hot cawfee from my keurig and some cheap beer
gotta get rid of this pack of pabst somehow
loud house
Pretty lonely and isolated but I've felt worse. None of my friends seem to really care about me anymore. I feel like I've lost touch with all of them. Or they all just never really liked me that much to begin with and now it's starting to show.
Wish I knew how to interact with people and make new friends but I have no idea. I was lucky enough to make these friends and now that I'm losing them, I guess I'll just be alone.

oh well though hehe

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Twisted Metal 1-SB//WoW
Twisted Metal
Yea Forums - Video Games
chicken teriyaki
p comfy

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Having a hard time picking up games lately.
The House in Fata Morgana.
Honey mustard chips, mint chocolate ice cream.
Pretty good, actually.

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it's the breakfast of a wagecuck

*can't exercise

I hate what I've become.

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Please help me frens I’ve never been this drunk I’ve come here with my gf but obviously I’m not the type and this girl I want to fuck from my work is here and idk what to do help

you looking for an anime rec?

No my fren

Gonna need some more details my drink fren. What do you mean your not the type?
Also your honor as a man is at stake here, I’d tread carefully
im drinking shiner after shiner and afraid to dance, help me

Please help me friend I’m drunk and you don’t want to exist I’m at a bar ilfory gf’s i21st and idk what to do

Hey man I've been there, the same thing happened with my dad because he didn't want my sister and I to worry (but thankfully it was not as bad as it could have been). Sorry and hope your trip goes well.

>the Americans
I've heard about it, but I have no idea what it's about. What genre is it?

Sekiro babyee. I'm at the final boss, but I think I need to take a breather for now before I become too frustrated.
Did a John Woo double feature today. First The Killer and then Hard Boiled. The Killer has some amazing scenes but HB is incredible from beginning to end. I also watched Videodrome last night. Long live the new flesh.
New Myd track. It's an excellent classic house throwback.
Rebel Without A Crew
Oh fuck I've barely eaten anything today.
Water, tea, and flu medicine.
Maybe later.
Icky. I was hardcore suffering from the flu the other day, chills, headache, congestion, and a sore ass throat. But after laying around two days, all I have is congestion.


Agreeing with , Hot Fuzz and Mindhunter are awesome.

Also, someone figure this out for me, please.
>working the cash register at my job
>cute girl used to come through for food all the time, haven't seen her in a while
>small talk with her but never overtly flirt with her
>see her walk in yesterday, we both smile and she waves at me
>run to the back of the store for a second to grab something
>when I return, I see her exiting the door

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git your shit together. don't spazz out and drool all over the 5/10 from your work. no one actually wants to be around anyone that thinks shit like that is okay. just be cool, user - be calm, be chill. nice guy but fkn coool. better in the long run. have a good time. its okay to be a little obnoxious but reel it back in, tiger. you wouldn't want your girl to git all flirty either, eh?
if they got a pool table, i'd play a game. check out their music. spend upwards of $20 if im having fun. life is life. ppl r ppl. nothin's 2 srs
I just personally always embarrass myself when im drunk in public so I wanna save you from that

Breath of the Wild and Dark Souls. Got a Switch recently and I'm loving it. Might play some Skyrim later.
A Silent Voice since it finally came out on Blu-Ray in the states.
Recode the Subliminal
When Marnie Was There
Some beef stew and bread
Pretty good

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NFL Blitz 2001
Kirakira Precure A La Mode
nothing at the moment
this thread I guess
had some pizza earlier
I'll decide that later
pretty fucking good since we're finally going to the playoffs

>when I return, I see her exiting the door
Is that it? Women have a tendency to be friendly with everyone, even people they don't actually know. Problem is that a lot of men take this as an actual interest in them rather than politeness.
I'm not saying she doesn't want your dick, I'm saying maybe ask her questions about her, like her name or whatever. If she's actually interested, she will tell you. If not, she'll give you a weird look, and at least you'll know then.

Dragon's Dogma
A Russian vocab handbook and shit on duolingo.
Not hungry.
Not tonight.
Bored as fuckall. Filing my taxes in the morning. I'll probably order another Cobi tank to build soon.

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Spy/period drama. Takes place in the early 80s. All the Russian characters are played by native Russian speakers which really goes a long way in immersiveness.

thanks for the advice man, I actually want to go out and jog a bit. I used to bike when I was thinner and I know exactly what your talking about, breathing is the key, will try your technique next morning

Skyward Sword
YouTube, One Piece maybe Aquaman later. Didn't care for Bumblebee.
Sum 41, Ellie Goulding, 80's music
One Piece
Burger King Bacon King
Dr.Pepper, Pepsi Vanilla
Gina Ryder from the 2000's
Tired. Debating on getting different job when I'm not sure if I'm moving out of state or not in June.

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Just bought all my parts for a new pc build. All but the case will be here tomorrow. Case Sunday.
I’m excited

I just had two back-to-back farts that both lasted for a solid 10 seconds, within 5 minutes of eachother. My feelan meter just bumped up by a factor of 2.

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Receptionist in a local high-ish class B&B. Literally nothing ever happens during my shift so I gotta kill the time somehow. Thanks nepotism I guess, still better than being a neet.

>having a problem with Studio Trigger
Anons into gay chubs, whatever floats their boat. /cgl/, everyone goes to conventions. But bashing Studio Trigger? Come the fuck on.

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fuckkkkk me
make it 3 farts

oh my god four holy fuck okay this is enough farting now

Been on a Siege kick lately and I gotta grind on Destiny 2 to catch up with my friends
Kevin Hart's new stand up special on Netflix
Juice WRLD and Bill Burr's podcast
This thread and others
Pretty damn good

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Adachi doesn't show up again until the end of August, like the 23rd.

>Old BBC Beatles recordings
Link me up with that, I love old Beatles recordings and lost my collection of rare recordings on a HD failure a while back.

Oh, and good luck with the life stuff. My dad passed away a few years ago totally unexpectedly. For a long time I never told him I loved him, but I had made myself do it a few years before he died and it made him so happy even though we never had a super close relationship. One of the few things I don't regret. Don't want to assume the worst but that shit matters, do what you gotta

>Can’t believe the ride is almost over
I started insulating myself from this feel years ago, but here I am.

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Savor that one if you can. I used to binge anime to get away from real life too but that one made me slow down and appreciate it. Was having a lot of trouble with work at the time and that show kinda hit a lot of points hard on working on things you're passionate about (or trying to find interest in work you aren't passionate about.) Plus it's refreshingly free of a ton of the usual anime cliches. Definitely one of my all time favorites.

>Norm Macdonald's audio book
good taste here too

Fallout In general. On the lowest settings. Again.
For a Few Dollars More theme, gettin In the fucking mood for westerns.
^See above
^See above
Stopping that! Losing skin on my peen!

is this picture bullshit? I literally feel this everytime I get nervous, or times I'm feeling pressured by something that makes me anxious.

Am i going to die?

about to try get a bl 1 remake group

nothing atm, but I am waiting on nge on netflix this january

Euro dance, euro pop anything euro 90s related



i might have something interesting saved on my phone


I felt crushed, depressed but I managed to get over it with some self positivity

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>is this picture bullshit?
>I literally feel this everytime I get nervous, or times I'm feeling pressured by something that makes me anxious.
yeah you're experiencing the fight or flight reaction
>Am i going to die?
if your reaction is severe enough that you think you're going to die when you experience it, then most people/medical professionals/therapists would describe what you experience as a panic attack. consider seeing a doctor

So I haven't fucked myself if he's only at like, S-Link level 2 currently?

Probably MgsV TPP
Saw Shazam last night
Old Sleepycabin episodes
This thread
Twice baked potato
Apple juice
I already beat my dick today.

We’re here to the bitter end though. We had a good run, yeah?

DMC 5 my dawg

Aphex Twin

Masters of Doom

Made a kickass old fashioned, currently chugging as much bourbon as humanely possible

Work was kind of a shithole today so I'm just takin it out on the old liver

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>for a few dollars more
Arguably the best of the dollars trilogy imo. I bought a SAA because of it, but in .357 magnum because of New Vegas

>How the fuck did you move to japan?
My wife is japanese, I have a spouse visa. It's my fifth time in Japan, I can finally start a new life here with her.
I arrived in december, got married, the lawyer we hired applied for the visa and a few days ago he told me to go to Akihabara to give him my passport because I got approved.

Not that user, but how many seasons are there?
The last season I watched had the 100th epwith all the background ponies. I'm not sure if I should try to catch up.

I've never understood how you people listen to music, play video games, and watch anime all at the same time.

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There's no reason to pretend to be retarded, user.

just pick one dude.

the game of shitpostan
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
no, i think i'm going to give up porn, it doesn't have any effect any more

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luminus on switch
i'll probably watch some golden age adult swim and youtube
Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World i've read wind up bird, kafka, Norwegian wood and after dark and am having a hard time getting into it.
I read American Psycho, Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep and The Perks of being a Wallflower in the span of a week
Chinese takeout. Orange chicken and crab rangoon.
water and two shots of cheap vodka every hour or so.
probably not tonight
Pretty good. Had a shitty week at work but overall had a good week.
I dodged a bullet last night fiance missed her period and found out she's not pregnant. That was the longest 30 minutes of my life.

Read for an hour, getting a nice buzz going and just gonna play vidya and shitpost on here and Yea Forums for the rest of the night.

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doesn't have to be all at the same time, can be what you're planning to do or what you've done

I usually start the evening by watching a movie, then once it's over I'll put on some music and take a look at Yea Forums. Then while reading this thread, and others, I'll play a videogame, or read a book, or work on my personal projects. It's not like I'm an octopus, doing all these things at once (of course you probably knew this already)
For a weirdo like me, Yea Forums is like facebook, a social media. I can interact with people and talk about my day and so on. It's pathetic, but that's the neet life.

Ys VIII or Va11halla
Soul Eater Not and maybe Tanya the evil
Weeb jazz and stuff
Burg and fries
Okay. Slightly upset over an ebay order. I needed digital pen tip replacements soon, so I ordered them from a new jersey photo store. The package gad a slip with the word WACOM on it and nothing else. So they basically sent me an empty package. Now I have to slow down on drawing and wait for the redelivery

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>The Perks of being a Wallflower
>tfw sam will never give you a footjob

but how does the pussy do?

Factorio maybe. Idk it's hard to concentrate on shit now
see watchan
this thread
nothing but I probably should
just water right now
no way
Like shit. Pretty sure I got a sinuses infection. My sinuses hurt so much and my throat has been pretty scratchy and feel all ache-y. A shit way to start the weekend

how was Shazam?
what kind of Sushi
do you know what you'd say if she was?
why did they send nothing?
what's got you down

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Old yugioh games and E.Y.E.
Someone play a Fire Emblem rom hack.
The Paper Chase.
Orange Vanilla Coke. I might mix it with some alcohol.
Pretty fine. Parents are coming in the state soon for vacation and I have no idea what they plan on doing when they get here. I know they want to go to the city, but I don't know when. I'm feeling kind of nervous about it.

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Shazam was a pretty average cape movie but it has the privelege of being fully aware of and embracing its camp. Mary a cute.

>what kind of Sushi
just a nigiri mix my brother bought from the restaurant he works in
pretty tasty
i ate too much...

>why did they send nothibg
Either the nibs fell out of packaging because the package was not sealed like the description said, or the person who packed it literally did not care if what they were sending had the item

>do you know what you'd say if she was?
That we're in this together. That's what I said before I went to buy a pregnancy test at midnight.

i fixed my blue chip production and made it mass producible
fixed up my green/red circuit set ups
im drinking box wine and listening to desTiny scream to nick fuentes and that soph boy

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Sekiro, Furi and Hollow Knight
Only God Forgives
The Comet is Coming
Dawn of the Jedi
Brie Daniels
Pissed off about this fucking community service shit I have to do tomorrow. If I have time then I want to get into Space Station 13 because I never roleplayed before and it looks fun

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Bayonetta 2

Supergirl. Catching up on the Arrowverse and all its insanity

Deltron 3030. Fuckin loving it. It's like Gorillaz combined with Deep Space Bass from Toonami

Barefoot Gen. Fuck, this comic is going to break my heart

Ben and Jerry's peanut butter cup ice cream

Maybe Nantucket Nectar Pomegranate Pear later. Fuckin sugar tonight

Possibly bimbofication

Hopeful but a little scared. I got officially diagnosed with depression last week. Suddenly, everything wrong with me makes sense/now has context. My gf seems a bit upset and worried that she may have contributed to my stress or something, but I'm trying to show her that it's no one's fault, and now that we know what it is, we can fight it

Are there any Christmas cakes in FGO?

Platinum is awesome. What's your team?

>applied behavior analysis
That was my shit in undergrad. I was a behaviorist all the way.

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are you excited for the upcoming pc releases?

My team so far has a gibble, grotle, vespiqueen, togepi, and bidoof (HM slave). Im at the 3rd gym and Im still planning my team out

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Pretty frickin good taste my man

Apex and stardew
The simpsons season 7
Nothing atm
Had Chinese a bit ago
Beers and tequila....and water of course
Big ole tiddies
Bretty gud got a lot of work to do tho

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I dig I dig

Especially because you picked the best starter pokemon/evolution family of all time

siege with friends
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Massive New Krew
Futas cumming buckets
The full wrath of the curry I just ate

Subway club
Dr Pepper
Gay shit, nigga
Decent enough. Better week than most.

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Alright Lunger... let's do this...

Jack shit right now. Maybe a bit of Smash Ultimate later or DMC5. I bought WarioWare gold, and love that shit. I wish it had 3000 microgames.
Mostly Music videos. Dilly Dally, fampai
Dilly Dally again. Y'all need to soak in these moods - youtube.com/watch?v=kUqnXB8a-m0
I have less than 100 pages to go in Moby Dick and fuck, why did I even start?
A frozen Burreeet.
Molson Canadian fools! Just gettin' homesick over here.
Nope, but if I was it'd be something pretty freaky.
I dunno. Moody I guess. I've been working my ass off all week at some high-pressure corporate-assed job, and like, fuck. I just need a few minutes to unwind tho.

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Need to finish Kim's Convenience season 3.
Had some hot chips for dinner.
Do the Dew.
Way too fucking tired.
This week has been crazy at work. I'm glad I don't have to go in tomorrow and I can just be a lazy piece of shit all weekend.

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Drunk and in a stall. There’s some cute girls but I’m just not feeling the confidence tonight desu. Might go home and watch a movie and have a few more.
Nice, it’s a great feel. Like wrenching on your project car on a Sunday afternoon or replacing some worn out springs on an old gun. Comfy
The only tequila I’ve ever enjoyed straight is tres generaciones, but man is it fucking good
Bourbons good stuff, just make sure you can still make it to next week’s Friday night thread, partner
What state if you don’t mind my asking?
What’s your beer?

About to load up hearts of iron
Gonna jam out to classic country
Rc Cola
Just took 4 klonopins after a bad fucking day. Just gonna relax for a few hours before going to sleep.

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I’m in WI so I started with spotted cow but then moved to Foggy Geezer from 3 Floyd’s. What’s your go to?

Hope you feel better user. Good luck against the ape, you'll get it.

The Persona dancing games.
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon and Risk of Rain 2.
New JoJo!
Talking Heads. Have a Nice Life and New Order mostly.
Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami.
I saw it had some mixed reviews but so far I'm liking it.
Some steak
Water and a couple of energy drinks
Pretty fucking shitty but not as bad as usual.
I managed to get the job I wanted though. Now it's time to waste away my time working instead of playing video games....

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Xenogears probably
too drunk
Cheetoes hot fries
beer, mules, gin and tonic
Drunk and in a good mood. Friend is going to Japan to teach ESL and tonight was her going away party. Good times, caught up with some old friends.

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I got a lot of shit in my backlog and they're mostly RPG's. ESO, Borderlands Remaster, KOTOR, and Deus Ex. Fucks sake man, and to think a week ago I was out of games.
Finished watching Takeover, looking forward to Mania. Also FUCK JOHNNY REDDIT
Burned out on OST.
Diet stuff.
Might not.
Annoyed. My life is as stable as it's ever been but I can't get a job for the life of me, I've already expanded way outside of my original career path and I'm overqualified for most of these. Fucking hate that I can't even get a goddamn rejection email or call. It's fucking hard trying to be a wagecuck. I might actually be forced to work at McDonald's or some shit at this rate.

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mario tennis aces

watched an interview for the 20th anniversary reunion of the sopranos

to the interview

Yea Forums

made myself a pretty good burger tonight

st arnolds endeavour


work office drama has me stressed out

>What state if you don’t mind my asking?
New York. I'm around farmland and the city is four hours away. There is very little to do around here it's almost impressive.

>Not frosted miniwheats

N64 games
Vinesauce Vinny, maybe Pulp Fiction later

I used to live 20 mins from the 3 floyds brewery. So good. I moved 1000 mi away tho :/

>Dawn of the Jedi
Good stuff m8.

Hollow Knight
Ross's Game Dungeon
Satires, by Homer
Pizza with all the cheese scraped off
female chastity
Just signed up for summer classes and fall classes. It's good to know that's done with but on the other hand I still have 2 papers due next week that I haven't written yet. I guess I have the weekend, but I dunno, procrastination is such a bitch

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risk of rain twoooooo
shit is fucking amazing
im trying to find pirated rips of the latest season of Adam Ruins Everything but I'm having bad luck
gonna read the next chapter of the maltese falcon before bed
had a sandwich from the bbq place
water and cold canned coffee
not tonight. i fucked my dick up last night
like I need to finish this drawing im working on, cause itll be rad as fuck when im done

Crusader Kings 2. Goddamn norse-irish, leave my trade posts alone.
Not sure
History on Fire
Made a burger
Pretty alright. Nice that legacy actually fired tonight.

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Don't worry my dude working at Mc Donald's isn't that bad if you don't mind getting shit on by ghetto ass fast food eaters and your manager every day.

T. McCuck

>wisconsin and spotted cow
Hell yeah. My old man is from Wisconsin and I go up ever couple of years to visit family. I’m a Texanon now so shiner bock and lone star are my standby’s.
I’ve always thought upstate NY would be a wonderful place to live if it weren’t for the city ruining things for the rest of the state. I like my little armory.

It's an amazing place to live and I'm glad I do live here. It's just not a place you go for a week long vacation. It's more for people that are settling with families and want a quiet life. The bit about the city ruling the state does suck as well.

>get good computer
>all i want to play is old games
think i'm playing Master of Magic tonight

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don't worry user now you can play them better than ever. a surprising number of old games can be easily patched/configured to run at higher resolution and framerates

Debating between Sekiro and Hitman 2
Threads on Yea Forums and /tg/
Made a burger earlier
Beer and a lot of it
Some big-assed MILF on webcam
Frustrated. I enjoy what I do but my current environment sucks, tryna find a new kitchen to work in but I don't have a lot of experience

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Nightmare Toal Run in Ys Origin
Aria: The Animation
Muv Luv Alternative
Burrito from the hole-in-the-wall mexican place on the corner
Mind Break
A lot of things, user. A lot of things.

borderlands 2 or nep Rebirth
Code Geass
Haven't decided yet
Jack's munchie meal
Don't know yet.
pretty good

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they released a abortion called darling in the franxx that deserves all the hate times 1000

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not him but what was up with that? I got forced into watching an episode of it by a girl i knew and it felt like "what if evangelion but with the most blatant by-the-numbers sexual imagery possible?" was the whole series as bad as that episode felt?

Tales of Vesperia. I might dick around in Smash Ultimate after.
3-gatsu no Lion
Keiji Haino
Pineapple slices
Lonely, isolated. Nothing different from the day-to-day.

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>st Arnold’s
Fucking ace me man. Grasshopper is my favorite of theirs
Just try to get a little bit done each day user. Who knows, sometimes that little bit of work clicks and you get more done than you thought you would. I’m a high functioning procrastinator and I’ve managed to be a passable military officer so there’s hope for anyone
>Maltese Falcon
>cold canned coffee
>fucked up dick while jacking it
This is some fuckin bizarre feel but I’m diggin it user
>made a burger
Nice. Getting ready to throw a za in the oven myself
Tbh that sounds like wisconsin to me. I’ve been bored out of my mind when I go to visit grandparents but their day to day life seems comfy as all get out
You a caterer or a cook? I used to bus tables and prepare meals for a big catering kitchen once. The hours were godawful but the leftovers I got to bring home usually made up for it.
Hole in the walls are the best. Place by me does delicious green chicken enchiladas and had an obscene amount of catholic iconography all over the place. I feel like by digestive tract is blessed every time I eat there

Canned coffee is the best. I like to pour it over ice cream, cause then the coffee freezes and makes a slushy layer while also melting the ice cream a little.

Sekiro, currently stuck on beeg monkeh
No Game no Life Zero
Dororo Opening
Deadly Class, Magi
My 2D wives
Alright, only a week left of uni and I have a full time job coming up for a while

I've actually been thinking of moving to Wisconsin. It seems like New York only better. The only problem is I wouldn't know what kind of job I would have over there and how I would become more of a recluse than I already am.

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Cook. I like the adrenaline rush but tonight was another reminder that most of the FOH staff at my place are thoroughly inept. One of my other cooks is very good friends with the chef at an award-winning place nearby so I might try and get in there