Game will be literally borderlands 2 with almost nothing new except graphics and new characters

>game will be literally borderlands 2 with almost nothing new except graphics and new characters

prove that im wrong

after major flops (colonial marines and battleborn), they are too scared to try anything new/inovate their games, so they will stick with what works (borderlands 2)

which sucks, because borderlands has potential

i wonder if they have the guts to at least implement gun customization (attach sights and accessories, change barrels and magazines) or a modifier/stats upgrade/reroll system

Attached: file.png (1214x933, 2.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:"maliwan"'s_Relic

>6½ years since BL2
>Been in development for 5 years
Yeah sure.

Colonial marines was leeched money off of to make BL2.

Never forget Gearbox are immoral scammers. Dont do anything until game is out. They cannot be trusted.

well that was fast

>he thinks development time guarantees a amazing product

i wish that was always the case user... i really do... but sometimes it aint like that...

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>game will be literally borderlands 2 with almost nothing new except graphics and new characters

How us that necessarily bad?

>prove that im wrong
The burden of proof falls upon you to prove that you're right, retard. And considering we've only gotten one trailer and the game doesn't release for another half a year, you're not going to be able to prove shit. And learn some fucking grammar. Dipshit.
You're probably right though.

never pre ordering should be common sense, especially for developers like them

did i said anything like that? i said that borderlands 2 works, but the game has lots of potential that will be throw of the window because they are afraid to improve the game for the better with the fear that they will fuck up

borderlands 2 is barely good, is a mediocre looter shooter, but is the best looter shooter we got

I don't get why people are so hyped on this game after shitting on Gearbox for the past few years

Borderlands is notoriously Gearbox's only not-shit game

>And learn some fucking grammar

my bad but i never studied english properly
and yeah...

maybe im asking for too much when we got almost no material to discuss what we will get, but i'm not confident about gearbox after all the shit that they did and still do (epic games exclusive was probably a 2k games thing, but still...)

Didn't someone already leak that it's going to be mp focused with minimal story?

So, how many seasons of dlc is this one going to have?


i dont know
but borderlands never focused that much on story, so nothing changed

that was one very early theory based on a Japanese/Chinese knockoff, and seeing every previous game was Co-op i highly doubt they'll change

This will always be the most empty criticism. No game has ever been released without potential because everything can be done better than it is.

I really dont have a problem if they just make a BL2.5 with BL3, as its been like a million years since I last playedd Borderlands. But they really couldve stood to have given us more than just 4 characters again.

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>i wonder if they have the guts to at least implement gun customization (attach sights and accessories, change barrels and magazines) or a modifier/stats upgrade/reroll system

That sounds like crafting, and crafting is just bookkeeping + gambling.
Path of Exile listened to cats who said they wanted more crafting and the new league is a shit show because of it.

One of the best things about Blands is that gameplay is crafting. If you want different and/or better stuff, go kill things. If your don't dig the core gameplay loop, then I don't see what the point is.

Although them selling XP and Loot drop boosters is a concern. Anytime one of there games sells you a way to skip gameplay,well I'm not saying it's a deal breaker, but ti's a red flag.

but what if those gun accessories are droppable items (just like guns)?

that would be stupid
you would have to farm twice
once for the gun you want
and another time for the accessory

then diablo, grim dawn and all those other arpgs are all bloody stupid because things like gems ar droppable items too


Anthem was developed in just over a year if reports are to be believed, so yeah, I think development time can contribute to a good product.

That will be 100 Euros plus tips.

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>5 years of idea guys spitballing with no direction

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Yes because Colonial Marines and Battleborn flopped because they were too innovative.

Borderlands 3 will probably be very safe though. Gearbox can be semi-competent when they actually devote all of their resources and talent into making a game and don't outsource half of it to fraudulently reallocate publisher money.

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it can contribute, but isn't a guarantee

Isn't it horrifying?

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>paying day one
>paying at all

Borderlands is supposed to be about chaos and anarchy, not religion. It looks like Gearbox fully gave in, as if the gay faggot characters weren't enough. Another good game, once again, ruined by the left.

>i wonder if they have the guts to at least implement gun customization (attach sights and accessories, change barrels and magazines) or a modifier/stats upgrade/reroll system

wasnt this confirmed in the leak that got right all the characters and shit?

worth it

Attached: file.png (231x103, 4K)

>Colonial Marines
is this bait?

>except graphics
it looked exactly like 1 and 2 in the trailer

>Game will be a vehicle for microtransactions and "Service" based gameplay
>Game won't have much original content in comparison to Borderlands 2

>not getting a collectors edition

Attached: BL3 collectors eddition.png (1007x566, 388K)

learn to read user

Really don't get the point of paying for tat.

>10 character figurines
how are those things? are they like the Marcus bobblehead or actual figurines?

Randy Flashdrive

>prove that im wrong
It will have a bigger advertising budget and will be more mass-marketed through threads like this one, and also through paying Twitch streamers to play the game.
As a result, more gullible idiots will buy it because "If all these totally legitimate and not at all paid by advertisers people like it, it must be worth getting!"
The post-purchase rationalisation will be even more intense than for 2.

Is Borderlands 3 selling boosters in anyway? I know there's that XP and loot thing that they're doing with the deluxe edition of the game but that was literally in the second game as a Relic's_Relic

Unless of course you're talking about the golden keys but that's only a Twitter thing.

>no slag
>all manufacturer gimmicks are getting major revamps
>new mechanics to make gunplay better like select-fire
>lots of new weapon types
>gun customization confirmed
>all vault hunters will have multiple abilities and presumably revamped skill trees
>slide mechanic shown in the trailer
>more cooperative abilities like the mech being a vehicle anyone on the team can jump in
Now I'm 100% not getting this on release but saying it's Borderlands 2 is stupid.

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>after major flops (colonial marines and battleborn), they are too scared to try anything new/inovate their games, so they will stick with what works
I disagree. I don't think they even know -how- to stick with what works. It's like how a journalist can't Ctrl + C then Ctrl + V a piece of information without having to rewrite it, thus losing the information in the process.
They're going to produce ... actually I don't know what they're making.
But they're going to screech like children about how entitled gamers don't buy it, because it could never be their own fault that their product is bad.

>>gun customization confirmed

source needed

>no handsome jack

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there was a "leak" posted before BL3 was offically announced that had images and names of the vault hunters as well as some info about the enemy factions and the other stuff was in there.

he's making an argument in favor of safe game design. unfortunately he's missing the point that gearbox is on a 3 for 3 fail streak and it's already clear bl3 is a rush job

>Names 2 games
>They've failed 3 games in a row

think hard user, what could the third game be

>It's not okay when Gearbox does it
>It's okay when Nintendo/Activision/EA Rehash the same game 20 times

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>but that was literally in the second game as a Relic
Yeah, that was in the base game. Now they're charging $20 for it. How can they justify that price point if the standard progression isn't unduly grindy? If standard progression is fine, why pay the extra $20 for the XP booster?

A lot of people like having physical things.

it wasnt in the base game
it was a bonus for preordering or buying the collection

The Moxxi Xp relic was in the base game as the reward for The Good, The Bad and the Mordecai quest. The loot drop booster was a bonus for buying the collection, but one of the things that came out through modding was that the loot relic literally didn't do anything.

This is why you wait for the Steam version. Sounds like Epic could only afford 6 months exclusivity on this one.
You get 6 months to find out if the game sucks. If the game is actually good you can then pick it up on the next Steam sale for a lower price since it is now an old game.

shut up and pre order it you mindless sheep

He has been a main character in 3 games already bro. It's time to let him rest

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>want to play tps
>no character looks as interesting as Lilith or Gaige
who to pick?

What are some features you want to see return from TPS?

Athena (my wife).

Doppleganger is p good. Inspire is the best skill in game.


who the fuck wants 3 after the mess and shitting all over on 2.

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Just buy it you stupid fucking gater. Give me more money for magic hidden rooms in my shitty fucking house.

>with almost nothing new except graphics and new characters
You just described every fighting game series.

>Giving a shit about this zoomer trash
I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums

Is this trash going to be optimized better?
my 1080 ti was dipping to 60 in certain sections of bl2 and I was amazed considering how old the game was.

I'm ok with more of the same. Mostly. If you didn't like it why did you play multiple characters on 2 and get all the DLC?

I will buy this game if you get to have 3 AI buddies when offline, can play hard mode on a new save and can change class whenever you want and keep ur level and perks.
>b..but that's casual shit ur not hardcore!
It's a grinding game where you watch numbers go up. I want to use all the abilities/characters in my SINGLE playthrough of it.
You've been able to respec since BL1 anyway. If these changes are not implemented i will not be purchasing or playing the game and will only fap to the porn.

make Fiona a dlc Vault Hunter and im in desu senpai

Gearbox are absolute jews when it comes to DLC. They even released a lot of story DLC after the GOTY edition which was supposed to include everything.

>gun customization
pretty much confirmed to be real,it seems the Pre-sequel movement options as well a a sliding motion will be in the game

Yes, development time is important to making a good game. Doesn't always work out, pic related.

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fucking autism

Graphics look exactly the same.

You can't let a single character carry an entire franchise

Reminder that S&S is coming back

*flashbacks of Duke nukem forever*

Aurelia and Jack are really good
Nisha is easy mode
Wilhelm is years better than Axton or Roland
Athena is fun

Only Claptrap is shit

just look at the trailer, it's so fucking bad i can't understand why people aren't raising more alarm bells. There's no way this game is going to be ready this year. no fucking way. we're headed for a disaster launch.

>EA: FIFA ...10, 11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,15 ,16...
>Activision: CoD 1992488158.2 Now set in space!
>Nintendo: New new NEW new neu nowe newt Mahro Brohs 99 quadrillion: Same Thing Rehashed yet again edition
>Gearbox: Takes 6 years to make a new BL game that *looks* the same as the last one
>You: "mfw they do it too! na-na-naa na naa!"

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I was gonna say, it looks PS3-tier

your wife is a lesbian?

>Playing BL1 remastered
>find a Blast Hammer on Brick
>it's level 19 and my Brick just hit 30 and its still lightyears better then anything else
I forgot how long a quality gun can last you in this game, holy shit


Attached: 1554327099027.jpg (634x1019, 75K)

Nice. I got a lucky chest in t-bone so a blast hammer is waiting for me at level 37.

>Randy's flashdrive

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>did i said anything like that?

Yes. The way you frame your statements necessarily makes it sound like a negative you intellectually dishonest moron.

Yeah, BL1's linear scaling meant loot actually mattered rather than just tossing everything out for whites every time you level up because numbers double every time past thirty

I hope they did a better job designing the weapons than they did characters.

Nooo please, dont talk about nintendo or else.......