I have both serpent visceras and used the first rice the divine child gave me. When I ask for more rice she says it isnt ready yet. How do I get more rice or did I fuck it up?
Sekiro Help Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't beat true monk
You need to consume rice to be able to ask for more
rice is precious you faggot
Need help beating the headless, hes easy as fuck but his undodgeable grab has made me waste all my confetti. How am I supposed to get away if I cant run or roll? Why does this game want me to turn into cheater so bad?
I can't get the timing of Mikiri down on Genichiro. If I do it it's an accident. I know he does the thrust after the jump but I just can't get it even though the window is supposed to be huge
Use it, then reload the area. Repeat until it works.
When he teleports away he will show up behind you and grab. I was able to just start swinging where he showed up and he never grabbed me.
Where can I grind for Fulminated Mercury? I want to get all the upgrades I can before NG+
Also, is there anything else I should stock up on or take care of before NG+? I killed all the minibosses I could find
What should I be doing against Corrupted Monk Ghost? It feels like no matter how much I deflect and mikiri I can't make a dent in his posture. Should I be more aggressive?
You have to dash right into him, not slightly on the side. Also, you may have not noticed but after you damage him to certain point, he starts doing slashes after he jumps, too. So you gotta watch out for that, and jump on his head.
Divine Confetti is necessary to make the fight do-able.
I can counter him if he does it without doing the jump first. But he must be slashing instead of thrusting. Didn't notice. Man I'm really bad at this game.
Damage his vitality first.
Should I give the unrefined sake to the sculptor or wait?
Not really, I have done it without it. You just have to be patient and damage his vitality enough that his posture can't replenish quickly.
You'll get more
No it's not.
Use the kunai thing and after you depleted it you can take down his posture.
Where do i get fresh viscera and what do they do? I cheesed my way through the nest and grabbed the dry one already
Ok sweet, thanks.
Don't feel bad, I was stuck for hours on genichiro the first time, too. And I'm supposed to be good at these games since I have 1000+ hours in souls games.
I can't beat owl 1 should i jerk off beforehand for clarity of mind or use the reward of it as motivation to beat him first?
Use puppeteer on the enemy next to the kite in mt kongo.
Who's owl 1? The one in ashina or the one in hirata?
Just got frozen tears, am I done with the quest line or is there something else I need to do?
Was it kino?
Well shit I just got to his third phase. Now I'm scared since I probably won't be able to pull off this reverse lightning thing. FUCK
Monkey getting up almost caused me to spit take.
You gotta fast travel back and forth once, on top of eating it.
>demon of hatred
>wow it's just guardian ape but with worse hitboxes
His first phase is thrusts and second is mostly sweeps. He'll sometimes do thrusts in second phase as well.
You're good to go. Just make sure you select 'give frozen tears and dragon tears' when asked.
Ashina, where you fight genichiro
Where is the surgery room that doujun goes to?
Just look up the easy way to beat him (by jumping on branches and taking two of his lives)
Just jump at last second and then spam r1. Tbqh I just dodged all the lightning only needed reversal for final boss.
Maybe with looks but definitely not the attacks.
No it isn't shitter, just kill his posture. He's the most telegraphed boss
Ya sweeps is what I meant. Also you're right about how he does both in second phase.
2nd phase isshin onwards is just nonsense m8, you can't even see half the shit he is doing in the field
once you get to ashina on fire you can use the Idol that was for ogre or the merchant, you can grapple up and stealth the dude in the tower and stealth the other guys on their way up the stairs (to where the original ogre was) with demon bell and possession balloons it drops fairly frequently
I don't mean similar attacks but it's literally just another shitty boss where you hit and run constantly, not really fun at all
I died but wasn't able to reverse it even if I jumped out of the way of the lightning. I'll probably just dodge too. I'm shit so I've been dodging his downward slashes and swipes too instead of jumping on him
Phase three is the only hard part. Don’t try to jump counter the sweeps if you are close to her cause there is a good chance you will just jump straight up into the terror vomit and die instantly.
need a hint for making the monkey dance thought I needed the finger whistle but it does jack shit. got stuck at ghost monk and don't know where to go now, pretty sure I've been everywhere else
>Where can I grind for Fulminated Mercury?
Red samurai gunmen drop it. One of the Ashina idols (just before the Demon of Hatred one, I think) puts you behind about five of them. Stick bell demon and mibu possession/wealth on, then just stealth kill those idiots for a bit. It's also the highest EXP grind area, I think.
>Also, is there anything else I should stock up on or take care of before NG+?
Make sure you've got all the Lapis Lazuli you can get that playthrough (there's 6 per playthrough) and all treasure carp scales so you can buy the pieces of the dragon mask.
Yea the 50% slash or thrust rng really fucked me up after I learned his jump sequence
Surprise mother fucker
Yes. Wish it jumped the shark harder, like Bloodborne did.
I pity those who chose Shura ending, they never got to experience the only good area in the game (ok, Ashina is good too, but thats like Undead Burg).
Spam mortal draw, as it damages his health through his block (don't worry about the spirit emblem cost - you can still use the move without emblems, it just does less damage).
Snap seeds deal direct damage to him because he's illusory and I think divine confetti does extra damage to him.
I'm at the end of the game, but still need to beat Demon of Hatred and Owl 2.0 before I go after the Sword Saint. Any tips, anons?
Just dodge the lightning by running behind him. You'll get plenty of practice at the lightning reverse thing in the last area of the game, so don't bother with it if you're struggling just to get to that phase.
first Owl is not even that difficult, he doesn't really throw a lot of unparryable attacks, and his stupid anti heal grenade are free hits.
Coming right after Monkey Trouble, he feels like one of the fairer fights, his gimmicks are rather weak too.
Just remember that he has essentially all the ninja tricks you have.
Also, memorize his openers and their timing, two shuriken means he'll do a heavy overhead jump attack, just dodge to the side for easy punish, single shuriken means the chasing slash, though I have found that the timing for the followup slash is almost equal to the timing for the second shuriken parry, so if you always opt for parrying you'll be fine
I beat corrupted monk and true monk both on my first try blind. Ask me anything.
Did you do the village after both valley and temple so as to luckily not have an insanely long and boring grind against ghost monk?
I'm at the part where I'm supposed to find Isshin for Kuro. I followed the smoke down to the building with three of them but there's no entrance or anything, am I dumb? I know his true identity and tried talking to him, no dice.
yeah I did temple, valley, then village
Ghost Monk is super easy actually, it doesn't have multiple phases and no shadow buddies, so you can just sprint kite it around the premises.
Once you have the very limited movekit down it's pretty easy, though it's a chore to whittle it down.
The ONLY thing standing between me and completing all achievements is Shura Isshin, but the fucking fire stage is making me seethe.
SSI was hard but at least I was able to learn his movesets without fire shooting up and insta killing me
Fight him near the bridge nibba
from kuro's window look straight ahead, there's a rooftop with a smoke signal. It's the rooftop immediately to the right of that.
>get boss down to one hit
>panic and rush in to finish him
>he slaps your shit
Every time
Where do I find that dead white girl that looks like she's listening to a wall? I just got to the Fountainhead and had her spoiled to me. Did I miss her?
he's actually in a tower right next to the Castle top, when you come up from the stairs just head to your right, there's two towers protruding out of a large building, he's in the right tower and the balcony is open
You literally can't miss her, just keep playing as usual.
Alright thanks. Also this age sap debuff is both hilarious and deadly.
aw fuck, i way overthought that, thanks
Should I stay locked on and just circle behind him? The lightning either kills me in one hit or I seem to deflect it but absolutely nothing happens to his posture so I don't really know if it's working. Think I got his first two phases mostly down, but the third just hits so hard with that lightning
Yeah that's true I agree I mean the whole point of the game is the parrying combat and they just discard it for both of those bosses.
You'll get there and then if you carry on genchiro will be one of the nicer bosses in your memories. Since the final 2 and daddy are tough as nails
For the snake nest? Sneak up behind it and use the possession backstab.u/spoiler]
Old man Sekiro is adorable
>tfw haven't updated my video drivers for 5 years
>Tfw doin it for Sekiro
wish me luck bros, toaster incoming.
Post cute Wolfs.
Where the hell do I go? I just met Geronimo or whatever his name is. Did I miss the monkey? Snake? Where the hell do I go? There's so many branching paths.
You can't actually do monkeys or snakes before you do Geronimo, at least not by intended means. I would recommend going through the dungeon, it's the easiest path available to you.
Why the fuck cant I go to ashima castle anymore? Where am I supposed to go? Just got the rock after killing the priest
You can travel to the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance shrine and work towards the castle.
The dungeon that takes you through the buddists and you fight the armored Roberto dude? Already did that.
Fuck this cheating old nigger. He one shotted me from out of no where, while I had full health and actually had some progress on him. I also really love how he gets a free stagger from one of his moves whether you parry it or not. I also really love getting stun locked by him in the angle between the doors and the wall. I'm not looking forward to fighting an apparently even more bullshit version of this faggot later. I know his moves and get that I have to whittle him down, but he just completely obliterates your posture for free. At least Genichiro, or any other boss for that matter, is actually a fun fight.
Then you can either go behind the castle and down into the ravine or into the hole in the ground in the reservoir where you started the game. Ravine is probably the harder of the two aside from the boss at the end.
Oh. I just grappled up, took the hit, resurrected and walked in
I was in your exact position a few days ago. My best advice is to just put the game down for a day or two and come back later.
I was super mad at Owl and borderling spitting at the game, so I took a 2 day break. After I did that I came back and beat him on my first try.
Learn how to recover your posture and keep your poison gourd at hand, also when he throws the Lloyd's Talisman/Numbing Mist thing at you just sidestep and hit him, he goes down pretty quickly.
That's terrible advice.
I am putting it down for tonight at least. Glad to see someone else felt the same way. I know I can beat him but maybe I'm just to tilted right now
I'll make it my next goal to get that poison gourd. I know how to recover posture it's like Owl gets to completely ignore your posture and stagger you at almost any point
Are we not going to talk about the fucking Phantasms in Mibu Village? They're the exact models from Bloodborne recolored.
When he hits just guard up and jump backwards, keep your guard up so it goes down and he doesn't break it.
If posture is your problem try equipping Ichimonji, I didn't do it for the Owl fight but it is an easy way of recovering posture while inflicting damage.
Great Shinobi throws just about every trick in the book at you and is one of the best bosses From has ever done.
The other version much, much more demanding, but still exhilarating to finally take down.
I found Nightjar Slash to be useful for closing in after he jumps away, helping do a little more of that crucial vitality damage.
take it slow and drag the fight out. spend attack opportunities to heal and just blocking air to recover posture. he's pretty hard to posture kill until you get him to 50%. his posture gain is much more manageable around that vitality.
Nightjar slash is just generally one of the better combat arts, Nightjar and Ichimonji both have loads of uses and everything else is a gimmick at best.
Already did start of game area.
Ravine? The place with the kite?
Senpou Kicks/High Monk is godlike for punishing sweeps. I wish I had gotten it earlier.
did you just describe every boss i've faced in souls
So im at genichiro, the guy who cut my arm off.
Is this the last boss? If not what percentage of the game am i at?
I've been trying a lot to make it useful in my second playthrough and for every sweep you can punish hard with it there's another that will super armor through it and hit you with a followup before you recover. Corrupted monk is a perfect example of that, half her sweeps can be High Monk'd and the other half will hit you with super armor followups.
On top of the castle? Maybe a third to half, depending how much you've been exploring.
>tfw finally beat Demon of Hatred
I can't imagine doing that shit without the Umbrella. It literally serves you free hits on a plate.
I think he's still pretty easily manageable without it aside from his spray and cone projectiles, avoiding those without it is crazy inconsistent.
>jump down to grab the item by the ghost fucker in Fountainhead Palace
>run away
>energy beam goes through several meters of solid rock to get me
About to fight Great Shinobi Owl for the first time, any tips?
Be very aggressive.
Genichiro is probably the hardest boss I've fought so far yet I don't feel frustrated losing to him. Of course I want to win but it's not like with Ogre, or Seven Spears or Lone Shadow where they feel annoying and cheap. Genichiro feels fair, and if I die then it was all my fault. I can also see myself getting better unlike those fucks who rely on gimmicky bullshit.
It's simple, git gud.
GIT GUD OR GIT OUT. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!
I beat Ogre on the first try, but got fucked by other bosses.
Enemies with grabs, like Ogre, feel bad because of how magnetic they can get. The hitboxes otherwise being amazingly precise makes it even worse.
Seven Spears goes down like a chump once you can deflect his followup to mikiri. Which is why they add a lot more bullshit for the second one.
Well that's the thing. SS is "deflect him or stunlock him with jumps". Genichiro can't just be stunlocked. There is no gimmick to him. It's purely a test of your reactions as well as you forcing him to react to YOU and it feels like a much better fight.
Just whup his ass you should be swimming in confetti and calming powder by now.
Why would you need the umbrella you can stay on him all the time and never get hit by anything besides his flame combo with 1 stomp where you need to parry his first attack. Umbrella seems dumb you don't want to be passive on Demon of Hatred.
Anyone else went for the shura ending and not feeling it to play it again to finish the few bosses you missed?
You missed the best boss in the entire game. Probably the best boss From Software ever made.
Because it shits damage and negates alot of the AoE and ranged bullshit he spits out. Also the attack has some hyperarmor.
If he does his big jump you can be on his case as soon as he lands. The massive line-AoE he does after his charge grab can also be completely ignored.
Umbrella isn't really a defensive prosthetic, it lets you stay on an enemies case all the time and frankly just running at the Demon gets you killed most of the time.
no spoils if you can but how do i get to fight that boss?
get behind or to the side of him when he throws the heal seal.
dodge behind him when he pulls out the fireworks.
if he does the 1-2 shuriken throw he'll follow with a leap which you can sidestep and punish.
he's easy enough to posture break but depleting his health is a safer strat.
play the game again and side with kuro.
you can avoid every AoE attack he does pretty easy.
> just running at the Demon gets you killed most of the time.
no it's actually the best way to kill him once you understand how easy his patterns are
his back is pretty vulnerable. I used the kunai which sends butterflies to get like 1/3 of her life down and the rest was really easy through parrying. Got her first try.
can somebody tell me where the head monk is in the temple? Is it some place new or somewhere I already explored before?
you miss more than 5 bosses with that ending
Should I ring the demon bell? What does it do?
Depending on where you are in the game he'll be right next to the Main Hall idol or at the end of the cave that's to the left and outside from said idol.
If you go there before fighting Genichiro then he's in front of the altar in the main temple. If you go after he's in the cave next to it on the path to the senpou esoteric text.
Help. The Wolf is in trouble.
Hard mode, you can easily exit out of it and re-ring it to engage it again if you want to.
What is the best place to grind for skill points on NG+? Not counting Fountainhead or the final area since I'm getting Shura this time.
So I have to keep warping back there to turn it off/on?
You can turn it off anywhere. You have to warp back to turn it on
>undodgeable grab
You for fucking real?
Yeah I was stuck at this faggot for days. It felt so damn good finally killing the stupid old fuck.
>those enemies that come out of the wall that are unique specifically for the snake cave past poison pool
what the fuck is this?
still early in the game, how the fuck do you kill this flaming bull motherfucker? Is there something I'm missing, this guy is harder than the first boss I fought. Please don't let it be pic related
DaS2 asset reuse
Bull feels like it's meant to teach players that no matter how scary an attacker is they've gotta stand and face it unless it's a perilousrather than roll like Souls. Parry his charges, if you're having a real tough time try getting the firecracker and using that to scare it and give yourself an opening for some attacks.
It's a little bit of git gud, the real key is to treat it like a dark souls boss rather than a sekiro one. Ignore all that deflect and posture bullshit they've been teaching you the past however many hours and just side dodge and sprint around him.
Run around him, stay on outside of the curve, smack the ass. You can cheese with firecrackers too
use firecrackers you nigger
You're probably still reactively playing like dark souls and trying to dodge out of the way of his charge head uppercut, don't. Deflect all of his horn attacks and if you have cracker prosthetic you can fuck him up without as much difficulty. If he runs past you chase his ass down so he doesn't have enough space to build up speed.
What should my attack be at by the final boss?
Whatever it is at from killing all bosses before him.
Dousing powder/red gourd, firecrackers, deflecting more than you'd think, sprinting for spacing. There are always lots of tools for approaching a fight.
My worst enemy in that fight was the camera.
>"You got some waifus like all your other games, bro?"
>"Sure bro, I got you covered."
>The blandest woman ever created.
>A loli.
>Reptilian la creatura.
>Long neck uggos.
>Dead and deader.
Ape fight was kino
Stuck on Lady Butterfly, which is kinda embarrassing.
She's easy to cheese. Either sidestep her, or nightjar slash spam her to death:
Thanks bros, must've missed the firecracker item, but deflecting that bitch was all it took
what the multi colored rice for , fun?
golden fan or malcontent?
So there's no need to grind levels using the mask then?
>>A loli.
he doesn't know
Replenishing prism stones
Malcontent has a situational purpose, and you can farm fine without Fan.
Excuse me I was led to believe this boy would be hard, or at least harder than his brother in Senpoku, but I dusted both of them with the same combo deflect strategy, I did zero vit damage at all just posture from deflects, why is this boss talked about so much?
I don't get this meme. I just beat the ape and there was only one of them.
I haven't seen anyone complaining about that guy.
He's just a "can you deflect?" check
leave the thread
Is it worth playing the game with the bell demon? Is there a noticeably higher drop rate for items?
Does someone have the smug pepe double rape apes picture with the 4 panels?
You can turn it on and off as much as you like. Use it to farm, then get rid of it when you're against bosses.
Whole game feels really kino
A shota is not a waifu.
Damn, man, how can you play with those black bars
It's your PC that's in trouble, user.
I raise your call
No it's not. Just hit his side/back when in any of his numerous giant openings. Sealed blade art also does a ton of damage if you follow up on his back after he whiffs leap. Then he's about half hp and it's an easy posture fight
If you're stuck on her than you should just quit now, uninstall the game, and never play another game in the rest of your life. You're the type of people that ruined gaming by casualizing the hobby and making everything easy.
The only ONLY reason Demon of Might is his retarded hit boxes (getting clipped up his ass by flame swipe) and his nigh instance charge that does 90% of your health.
The success of my runs have depended solely on how many times he uses it.
Fuck this game is easy.
The charge is incredibly easy to jump over.
>grapple to a lightning tree
>midair when it hits me
>kills me instantly
What the fuck?
I died once because I was being a retard. It's an easy gimmick fight but if you don't pay attention you'll still pay the price.
Lads I missed the 2nd owl fight first playthrough because I went in blind, can I fight 2nd owl and get Shura ending so I've done all bosses?
You can jump it? How? He's huge. Does he just clip through you?
No, when you see the kanji symbol, just jump to your left (his right) as that's the arm he uses to hit you.
How does dragon rot occur
Can I cure it
Is it something I should get worried over
Nah I mean I was midair when the lightning hit me and it killed me from full HP before I hit the ground, so it's not like I even had the chance to fuck up the counter.
I've won/lost bosses on the basis of the moves they randomly select. Some fights Owl Father will serve you Mikiri counters on a plate, others he just spams Chasing Slash which is an EPIC gap closing, massive sweep he does very quickly and pretty much kills you from full undoing all your work.
It's really quite egregious in this game because the disparity between moves is massive, and some enemies literally shouldn't have some of the moves they pull out their ass because it just oversaturates the amount of shit you need to prepare for. Those moves could then be added back in for NG+, but lolno.
>How does dragon rot occur
Fully dying and respawning at an idol
>Can I cure it
Yes. The supply of cures is limited, but you get a good number of them
>Is it something I should get worried over
Nope. the only thing that happens is you can't progress NPC quests.
have the stick be in neutral, ONLY push the dodge button. also not being too close helps
>running up its sword to deliver the deathblow
Huge difference in the item drops.
Vs normal enemies you won't even notice the buffs either, they're still really weak.
Vs minibosses & bosses there's quite a big difference. All the buffs to enemy damage, health, and posture are only about 30% but the way health & posture regen are linked any enemy you have to chip away at hp and then posture is about 50% tankier. The enemy damage honestly matters more for posture as well, most attacks still won't 1 shot you but enemies are more likely to posture break you mid combo resulting in death.
However not all enemy attacks are buffed. Any attack that deals % hp and posture is still identical which is pretty much all unblockables & maybe a couple others.
>cut open dragon's eyelid
Its a gift from the mortal blade, not the dragon
Ok so I found rice girl and got the mortal blade and I found Donkey Kong but I don’t want to fight him yet, where else can I go
If you can get to the final boss you can beat him
Tips for Isshin?
Shaded Woods 2.0
Mibu Village to fight the Corrupted Cuck. Past the gun slut in the poison pools.
How do I get there? Just tell me the Buddha to start from and I’ll do the rest
the kanji pops up indicating it's either a thrust, grab, or a sweep, and this attack is obviously not a thrust or a grab. how is jumping over it not the obvious thing to do?
Ashina Reservoir, grapple over and kill the ninja guy in the hole and go that direction.
I just beat isshit after like 3 hours and came to the conclusion that sekiro is best from game it was an absolute wild ride
also fuck genchiro wasting my time
>not enjoying smashing him without even getting hit every time
Is it ever explicitly stated that Sekiro takes place in Japan?
The hit is supposed to knock you off the ledge but I did it a different way too. I just used mist raven when it attacked and teleported across the bridge.
Rice loli says the dragon brought immortality to Japan by accident, so yes
welp, i tried.
guess its an asset flip.
Oh well?
>Get to Genichiro
>"This isn't so bad"
>Manged to kill him 3rd try
>Wait he's not dead
>Turns into a fucking lighting nigger
How do I bet him without getting instawreck by high lighting attack? Also what's a good way to deal with his arrow spam on his second stage? I can manged to kill him on his first stage without taking any damage, be he keeps managing to kill me at least once during his second stage.
Just jump, nigga
Jump to take the lightning hit in midair and press attack before you hit the ground to send it back at him.
If you didn't learn the lightning reversal you should definitely go do that, once you have it turns that move into a free third of his healthbar.
Arrow spam just get used to blocking more.
>instawrecked by lighting
Just jump and spam attack. Lightning attacks don't hurt you until you hit the ground, even if it seems like his sword should cleave your asshole in two. If you hit him with the counter attack, all the lightning damage goes to him instead.
Don't give up, shinobi!
Fucking hate this site you know that you need to give her the serpent hearts but don’t know how to get more rice yeah right get real fuck you
Some anons in the last thread told me that the Tengu in Isshin's room's plot should still be doable once you get to Fountainhead Palace. However, he just repeats the same one line of dialogue over and over. Did I mess up by advancing the plot before unlocking a hidden technique?
PLEASE i need the guardian ape as smug pepe pic, not the one where he is shitting on wojak sekiro just the smug one pls
why is chained ogre the hardest boss in the game?
literally no way to dodge his teleporting grabs.
you know how to counter lightning right? get hit while jumping and hit r1 in the air
>arrow spam in second stage
Just block it, but also stay in his face so he doesn't actually use it aside from the extremely easy and punishable "shoot arrow and roll" move.
dumb phoneposter
Press the jump button, retard
So what the fuck are those ghost things in mibu village anyway. Those shit start show up randomly after a certain point in the game. Are they ghosts or are they summoning illusions controlled by the nobles. What cause they to start showing up?
>game says "dodge for grabs"
>dodge doesn't do anything
nice trick miyazaki
NPCs getting dragonrot. Should I just restart my run?
where do i find the monkey waifu?
No, it means you should uninstall. If you have dragon rot, that means that you failed to learn your lesson and git gud. It means you're a scrub and don't belong here.
you can dodge it. just dodge backwards, not to the side.
Both quickstep and jump are both "dodges" and you're a retard for conflating your own terms with the real mechanics and then blaming the game
Managed to beat Mr. Horse Asshole and Mr. Ogre on my first try each. Ogre was really weak to fire like the dudes said, so he was pretty easy. For some reason the Horse Guy was pretty easy to parry for me. I managed to parry a lot of his hits and get down both forms at a decent pace.
That opening shot is kino AF as is running up the sword and cutting the eye.
the diving grab will connect on a backstep
lets just agree the grabs on ogre are literal bullshit and move on, the only working tactic is nonstop sprint/hit and run.
What about this shit?
Do you actually have the counter? Like have you read the scroll in the dojo?
Or this
Horse it easy. Killed him on my third try. Spear has such an obvious telegraph that only a brainlet could have trouble with him
I am ashamed to admit it, but Lady Butterfly probably killed me 10 times. However, today it only took me two tries to beat her, though I did have a double resurrect on my second attempt.
somebody said dragon mask is fairly useless since attack power is capped at 14 anyway which is what you would have from beating all the bosses in the game. no point in wasting skill points since it's such a grind to get enough EXP to get all the skills.
>record scratch
>freeze frame
Yup. That's me.
You're probably wondering how I wound up in this situation.
Yeah, this just happened the one time, no idea why.
She's killed me way more than that. I remember some people saying in the last thread that you should just quit and refund the game if you lose more than 20 times to a boss.
Black phantoms only show up when you die a lot on my other runs I haven’t seen them due to getting better
never mind i just looked it up and they were full of shit. still 5 skill points takes a long fucking time by late game or NG+, i don't think i'd use it unless i already had every skill already.
Damn son, edit your files for it to run in ultrawide.
All that effort in the game and you never got to see it in entirety.
what determines whether or not the lightning reflect will work? sometimes I get hit in mid air but it won't send it back, is it a specific timing?
How the fuck do you survive Demon of Hatred's orbital strike? I've tried deflecting, rolling and running.
Time advances based on bosses defeated, like Bloodborne.
Each area gets "vengeful ghost" enemies once you hit twilight
I just sprint away from him and jump then grapple back, I don't know if jumping actually makes a difference or not
Divine dragon is a great one?
just exploit his shuriken throw & jump and his healing prevention bomb attacks. second phase he only gets a couple new attacks. he's really not that bad.
owl 2 is a whole different animal though. though now i'm on sword saint and he seems easy in comparison.
Why is this game substantially shorter than the other From games? It took me 30 hours to beat.
there's a set amount of time for your body to 'absorb' the shock before you can attack and release it so if you jump late you'll land before you can discharge
Aye running seems to do it if I start early enough, thanks user.
Because there's 4 different endings
traversal is what takes the longest in every souls game so being able to jump and dash and grapple a million miles an hour significantly reduces time between the next thing you're trying to do
Because its not and also doesn't have its dlc yet. Also you rushed like a motherfucker.
so I spirited away the big fat retard at the temple, what do I do now?
Also what's the deal with the big black samurai dude? I've refused to send him to the doctor twice now. Is there any payoff for this?
There's no payoff for him no matter what you choose
Key point is to launch it back after getting hit by the lightning before you are inches way from the ground. Ideally you want to give the boss a bit of time to finish its animation and then jump in.
Or if you can't be assed to get the timings down, just invest in Senpo temple kicks.
Lmfao dude what the shit. I’m at Ashina Castle, I’m stealth killing all these shinobi when I get to a part on the higher roofs where I just charge at one, and some other dude fucking barrels into me like a guided missile out of the open sky. I completely panicked.
>surprised a game set in Japan has kamikazes
I'm passed the blazing bull, but I still have trouble timing deflect. I have trouble delaying my reaction. Has anyone here had success getting over this problem?
Why is this allowed?
That sucks, he seems like a cool dude, I was hoping he'd be an ai helper for a later boss.
I know this reply is late but umbrella isn't passive at all. The game is centered around deflects and counters which is exactly what the umbrella does. It's useful pretty much against anything and is one of the best tools in my opinion. This is mainly because projected force is a strong as fuck counter and there's also no knock back on umbrella deflects. Its both an offensive and defensive tool.
Fire Umbrella my dude.
I dunno, I still get really stressed with the mini bosses. Like Seven Spears, he has this whole mob of guys in front of him that I have to stealth kill each time to fight again. I can do it flawlessly, but it takes a minute to complete. That minute feels like such a pain in the ass that when he would land a hit (it only took two to kill me) I start losing my mind for a second because I’m like “god fucking damnit not again”. Then I do the dumb shit where I’m pressing block three times in a row or something because I’m too nervous to try to time the parry correctly.
My experience was he thrusts in the first phase and sweeps in the second
I have beat Lady Butterfly and Horse Man. I only have 3 Prosthetics though. Am I missing any? I haven't found a new one in a very long time.
You should have 5 at that point.
Flame Vent
Mist Raven
Which ones do you have, user? Firecrackers, flamethrower and axe?
Shuriken, Flamethrower, and Axe.
How many of you remapped attack and deflect to the triggers? Feels much more comfortable.
I beat Genichiro Ashina and I see Emma moved to the new location, but she's not taking my gourd seeds. Is there something I have to do before she accepts them again?
There's a vendor to the left of where you got the memory bell in Ashina Outskirts that sells firecrackers for 500 shekels
Wow. I was wondering where literally any merchant was.
I don't know why I never thought of this so thanks for the idea.
you just have to go talk to isshin first
Two attempts on him was enough for me, for now. Until I can Mikiri reliably, I guess I'll just dick around somewhere else.
I just stealthed around all the enemies, though. No one tried to join the fight.
how the FUCK do I get to Kuro's secret passage at the end of the game? I'm following the nightjar shit on the rooftops but when it gets to a collapsed roof I can't make the jump. I know I'm just being retarded but I just don't see where the fuck to go to get to the reservoir.
If I get the mortal blade before fighting Guardian Ape, can I kill it completely? What happens with double Monkey Trouble? Do I miss out on the prayer beads from that?
hes easier than sword saint
>Be fighting genishiro
>Strike him
>He goes into a strike
>Cancel attack into a deflect
>He cancels his attack into a deflect to deflect my first attack
>We both stare each other for a second there deflecting
What's the deal with the headless monk? How do I deal with his slowdown effect and terror build up. The powder doesn't have much of an effect.
you get to the reservoir by going through that place next to the bridge you got to right after beating the bull. there's a sculptor's idol there at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the castle, go into the building on your right facing away from the castle and go down. when you come out you'll be out by the reservoir and it's time for seven spears 2 electric boogaloo.
Welp, just got to where the bell should be and there's a dude instead. Is it even possible to get the blade before fighting Guardian Ape?
I had mortal blade for guardian ape and killed him with it. Just got to fountainhead and no 2ape, so maybe? I don't know when you're actually supposed to fight them
oh, also you don't have to follow anything, just look for the stairs leading down from the castle when you leave kuro's room and then go down there by falling down one level at a time. takes like 5 seconds.
2ape is in the Ashina depths, past the Snake-Eyes at the poison pool.
Wow, I'm legally retarded and kept walking right past that into the dead end water shit.
Thanks user.
You can kind of get around the slowdown by jumping, the terror you supposedly don't get if your deflects are perfect but you're probably better off getting some pacifying powder or the purple gourd instead of planning on never missing a parry.
mist raven feathers
Yes, you just can't do either until after Genichiro.
no you still have to fight the two apes to kill him for good even if you have the mortal blade for the first fight.
The bell should be on the altar
Is it there if i did depths before killing guardian ape? I'll go back and check
Where can I get those?
The bell is not on the altar.
You also need divine confetti
The pagoda I think. It’s in Hirata Estate
>stab Isshin with the spear
>pull him towards me
wtf this plays a lot better holy shit
based user
go to the bridge before you see owl and drop into water
swim to the grapple point and break through a bamboo wall
wall jump up and fight a ninja and open the door
Any tips for O'Rin? I feel i got her figured out fairly well I just run out of emblems before I can kill her all the way with Ichimonji.
meant to reply to
Thank you user, my brain is small.
Threadly reminder that holding block makes your posture restore faster.
I want to sex Rice Girl she is very cute and nice
>Get Mortal blade
>Cool, I can kill monks now
>Be fighting second monkey, my mind drift offs to last monkey
>Nigga had a bug inside but I still killed him
>Wonder why he didnt cameback the second time, didnt use the sword
>I wonder
this made zero fucking sense to me, it should be the opposite
Same thing happened to me, didnt quite get furious but I beat him with plenty of healing and revives to spare first try
Is Spear the worst tool? Used it once to take that guy's armor.
>Shurikens are good all around weapon
>Axe is for wood shitters and slower enemies
>Fire fucks over slow enemies plus oil
>Firecrackers lmao
>Mist again fucks over slow big enemies
Havent found much use for flower and finger though.
>Beat Tokujiro
>low on health and heal but press on
>get into mist noble house
>ez stealth kill
>slowly comes towards me
>oh fuck oh fuck
>back out blocking like a maniac expecting something
In hindsight it's funny.
>near instant unblockable danger move charge with a hit box that extends about 3 miles wide
how do i even deal with that garbage?
every other move ive gotten a grasp on but after so many attempts i still do not get what counter play i have other than just get lucky with positioning
Jump on head for sweeps
Where do I find the key to the gunfort? Do I need to kill Genchiro first?
literally jump
nothing can hit you except the claw on the ground
The terror thing? The move has a huge wind up, and even then you can outrun it, you will take minimal damage and 75% terror bar.
The logic is that by blocking you are focusing and therefore restoring posture.
You are more in control of yourself than running around.
Blocking also makes movement slower so it's a choice between evading further or taking the time to breathe and collect yourself.
>rice girl
drill spear makes the spear actually somewhat useful
the holding charge, pull and follow up attack does decent posture damage for 1 spirit
every other spear is trash
She’s a nice girl, that rice girl
As a swordsman, in order to have a strong guard you need to have good posture. By holding a block longer you allow your body to reposition itself correctly.
Also, I feel like I'm missing one prosthetic tool. I have Shuriken, Axe, spear, dagger, chinese magic, flamethrower, feathers, fan and middle finger. I'm up to Fountainhead Palace.
Go to the upgrade menu and see if there are any locks. If there aren't, you have everything.
I cleared out hirata estate and the 7 spears boss/one armed dude in the well in Ashina reservoir, now where do I go? I saw the orb boss but I dont have the umbrella prosthetic
Do you have a metal umbrella
There is one set of locks.
Not yet, is that it? I assumed umbrella and fan were the same thing.
drill and cleave spear are both pretty good
honestly the best feature is pulling in a single enemy during any encounter to single them out without the risk of someone closing the gap in that time
Have you beaten Genichiro yet?
No problem, user. I unironically play better using the triggers. Plus, having a busted LB pretty much forced me to try it.
keep going past the one armed dude or go up the castle rooftops
Did you fight the ninja in the well? Won,t help you progress much but here's something to fight.
That image makes me happy like monkeys make Joe Rogan happy.
Go to Old Grave and look for a roof you can jump in
Well there you go
Am I the only one who found Isshin phase 2 and 3 easier than phase 1?
Everyone was bitching about the spear but I found those attacks way more telegraphed and easy to deflect, plus he thrusts more often which is basically free posture damage with mikiri counter. After I could reliably get his first phase down it didn't take too many attempts to beat him.
prosthetic tierlist for newfriends
it's good vs ape stump neck
What's a good place to grind some money and exp?
I'm at the great Gaurdian Rape Ape in the Sunken Valley.
At this point, what are some most have Prosthetic upgrades, skills, and tools?
Also, how do I beat the headless ape after I slice his head off?
You beat Donkey Kong Country 1, but Diddy’s Kong Quest will be coming out shortly
That’s all I can say without spoilering
Also Rats usually give pretty good xp
Mist raven shit over ape and armored dude. Fire is good against minibosses, I findt it better than firecrackers, more damage and even most stagger.
the spear does massive damage against decapitated Ape’s centipede
Somebody give me a pre NG+ checklist
mist raven is almost completely redundant. just parry or block the attack that you would use mist raven on for the cost of exactly zero spirit emblems. the fire is not terrible but you won't ignite half the time and takes twice as long as firecrackers to cast.
Rats at which location?
It’s not the worst but it is medicore. The AoE attack is really good and spirit emblem efficient but there’s not much area that demand aoe. I wish the pull attack work more but it doesn’t work half of the time so shuriken and chasing slice is so much better for closing gap to enemies. Spear is good for ape of course where the pull actually has consistent use. Also, fire spear is the safest way to apply fire for those red eyes enemies, but there aren’t many of them in the game. If dlc has more red eyes then fire spear definitely has important use for sure as flame vent is more unsafe and cost a lot of spirit emblem
I haven't gone too far up Ashina castle
I did and ran into the purple orb boss that wrecked me.
I did, he was tough in that small space
I assume the closer you get to the end of the game the more they give
There’s some in Ashina Resivoir under the bridge though
Climb the roof, don’t forger to read the scroll on the wall
when the ape flops on his belly you can stab him and yank the 'pede for big posture dmg
I think the spirit umbrella is more useful than the fire one, there's more enemies that deal spirit damage than fire damage and the umbrella combo attack is useful against those enemies.
Mist raven teleports me over the monkey's back while he keeps swinging for free damage, its better than deflect and dodge.
you are dependent on oil for a small damage boost. not worth it at all. Just learn to fight the boss properly and use firecrackers to cancel attacks you don't like.
Ok I will head up ashina castle. Thanks
parrying any spirit attack, including all of Shichimen warriorss attacks negates all of their damage and prevents all terror buildup.
Is there a "lore book" for sekiro?
I wanna know why Gaping Ape has a sword stuck in his neck.
I like to think the sword is from "Kingfisher"
Tell WOOOOOOOOO guy I said hi
Still can't believe that I beat those 2 huge monkeys in one try, cause I still have trouble on the first time fighting the original guardian ape.
Confirmed to not having the final arm skill tree upgrade. That + flamesword shits damage. The stagger when enemies set fire is invaluable too.
Should I get ascending or descending carp first? Are there must have shinobi/prosthetic skills I should grab first?
all shield are A tier minimum, you can avoid all projectile damage with no effort while fuelling a no cost attack that hits like a truck
its shits over anything that does any sort of ranged attack
the thing can even parry in a pinch if you need a safer option to finish a close fight
It’s a From game, the lore that isn’t stated is up to your interperetation
Vaati will also probably post videos eventually
>""""Sword""" Saint
>pulls out a spear and a piece
>it's only phase 2
the issue is the high emblem cost and the long startup lag. hitting it requires setup.
Fire one saving you from demon of hatred mid range bs is good enough. Sure, spirit is really good against shichimen warrior and only okay against headless but I don’t like the fact that the counter attack move dispel your divine confertti buff for some fucking reason
I feel bad that I keep forgetting you can upgrade your arms. I've barely touched that skill tree.
Spamming your phantom kunai will take like 75% of her health, or if you want the fight over in 20 seconds:
Ako buff and divine confetti buff, run in and throw ash in her face, hit her three times, ash, hit her twice, ash, 2 hits, firecrackers then two hits repeat until out of emblems, snap seed then two hits repeat 3 times, this should be all of her health or close to it giving her no chance to ever even attack you
rape ape unironically has the deepest lore of any boss in the game
but you can parry literally all ranged attacks normally... bruh
>boss does an attack that leaves them open (they all do)
>walk up press R and mash rb afterwards
>1/3rd of their health disappears
That’s the Ashina style
jesus christ what a pain in the dick, one of the worst non-gimmick bosses From has made outside of the garbage in DaS2
I'm going into NG+ and eventually going for all endings, how much does the health and damage get changed for each? should I go for the ending that lets me fight owl2 or the early ending next, just got the regular ending first time around
parrying doesn't build the fuck huge follow up
the only boss that takes significant fire damage is stage one ape? you must not have gotten to anything lategame yet.
>Sengoku period Japan
>Last boss whips out a glock
Miyazaki needs to do some more research, this game did actually have a few historical innacuracies
I think flame is underrated on the list, long wind up is still fucking good and worth it when a hit guaranteed burn status on any enemies and boss with oil.
Sabimaru is underrated when it absolute wreck any enemy with weakness to poison and can still apply poison to boss neutral to it easily. It makes the whole palace okami warriors a breeze
This. The flamethrower combined with the ability to light your sword on fire absolutely shits on humanoid enemies, and even some non-humanoid ones.
>Sword Saint does ichimonji
>Dodge at the very start of his wind-up, blast him with fire and slash him a few times with my fire sword
>Gets staggered when the status procs, giving me another 4 or 5 free hits, plus a bit of DOT
>Guardian Ape first form absolutely shits itself if you light it on fire, doing huge damage, and it often gets ignited from just the initial blast without anything else needed
>Against lol2ape a fully charged fire blast blows off about 25% of the extra ape's health, making it trivial to just use hit and run to get her out of the game quickly
>Also completely trivializes most human minibosses since they stagger on the initial blast and fire damage goes through guards, meaning that you can often just spam R1 on them to ignite
It's very, very useful against some of the toughest enemies in the game.
Where the fuck is thr boss. I went down and fought a lot of little dogs and monkeys and now next to a broken bridge. There's no ape here. Where is he
You can follow the purification ending steps without locking yourself into that ending. In fact you always should progress that path to get the two exclusive prayer beads and attack boost from owl2 regardless of the ending you’re going for (sans shura)
you want to parry the apes sword, it literally stuns him for like 5 seconds.
firecracker should cost 3 and flame vent cost 2
>They don't understand how good firecrackers are
Yeah nah. I didn't even have to stagger kill Owl or stage 2 isshin with it. You're right about its high emblem cost but that's the only point I'm willing to concede on. The only bosses its worthless on is the ghost bosses(better options) and demon of hatred.
I don't think any of those posts even mentioned firecrackers
ng+ fire attacks do piss for damage. the only time fire attacks are good are endgame ng
Do I need a spear prosthetic tool to fight the knight?
Didnt knew snaps worked like that, feel I am not using them enough.
>man i cant wait to see all these bosses get perfectly parried to death in speedruns, a real show of skill worth to behold.
>firecracker cheese half the bosses
Backstab her ghost booty first. I actually recommend the monk kicking skills for her since most of her moves are sweeps
no, just push him of the edge
Shut the FUCK up
Snap only work for that one boss i think because he is an illusion/ghost thing
Not about damage, it's about stagger. Leaving a boss vulnerable for enough time to get 4 or 5 free hits is absolutely useful.
What about the nigga at the darkest dungeon and headless?
>firecrackers work for 90% of all enemy attacks
Utter fucking bullshit. 90% of the time it doesn't work during a boss attack and even when they aren't attacking it doesn't even seem to work 50% of the time. Small enemies aren't even a problem anyways
Follow living force up with floating passage for guaranteed burn. That's the main point of that combat art. It hits a ton of times making it great when your weapon is buffed. I haven't tried the cloud passage version but I'd like to see how it works with living force. I don't know if you can combine living force with bestowal either.
Do minibosses count for Man without Equal achievement? I did every boss and it's not unlocking on 2 playthroughs on 1 save.
Throw a pot shard at her and you’ll be able to backstab her for her first health bar, then just spam sabimaru lol
Fire one also makes red eyes afraid. They're both good, you just use the one that's appropriate for the situation. It should be noted that projected force also deals damage with the corresponding attribute.
Sekiro looks pretty great with a beard.
DLC better add new outfits for sekiro
only bosses count
There's only like two red eyes enemies though, and you can't have the fire umbrella by the first one.
Owl fight 2 is kicking my ass right now. Every video I watch of it for tips show him clearly telegraphing all his attacks and moving fairly slow but when I'm fighting him he's dashing all over the fucking place and comboing out the ass. Doesn't help that I'm back to this after a 3-4 day break so I'm out of my groove.
I hope Sekiro becomes a long-running and beloved franchise, it’s awesomr
You shouldn't be allowed to make tier lists. That note about shuriken makes no sense either, they only cost one emblem except the kunai. That's not "high". They're not about damage either, they're about utility. Gap closing, causing enemies to flinch, hitting airborne enemies, dogs/apes, and yes, picking off enemies like archers or gunners from a distance. Also drawing single enemies out of groups. There's not point in listing all the variations on there either. Lazulite is a direct upgrade over all the other ones. The only different one is the phantom kunai which could be listed separately.
Plus burn status negates posture recovery during the duration of burn. Idk if poison does the same but I assume so
Use confetti for extra damage and pop a red lump and get him backed into a corner and swing like a madman, you can power through his first phase like this with some luck and a big ass health bar
cant wait for sekiro 2: shadows die thrice
I was guarding a lot of the time against him. When he starts dashing around, he often does his sweep so be ready for that. Basically every sweep into overhead slash is free damage if you play it calmly.
"yeah my burn leaves my enemy defe-"
What else could they possibly do in this setting though?
I'm not watching your shitty Twitch stream, no matter how hard you try to shill it.
>Also, how do I beat the headless ape after I slice his head off?
He's pretty easy once you realize you have to play him really, really safe. Use sprint and dodge around his knife attacks, and always parry them. His huge wavering overhand attack can be deflected and it stuns him for 5+ hits. Get used to immediately running away when the windup for his terror attack starts.
Think of his as a soulsborne boss and just whittle away his health, don't worry about his posture as much.
But you can have the flame barrel which works super good.
it isn't my stream you absolute retard
I only beat him after abandoning the umbrella.
What do I do in the Fountainhead Palace where the Giant Carp destroys the bridge?
I can't go anywhere, some dude in the top of a building is shooting lighting at me if I go in the water.
Yeah but having the flame barrel has no bearing on whether or not the flame umbrella is useful.
Sure thing, mongoloid. Keep posting the exact same link, I'm still not watching.
Go kill his ass.
Jump across the broken bridge and slightly to the right, there's a grapple there.
There's a grapple point on the other side of the bridge, stupid.
Just jump off the end of the bridge and grapple to the land beyond it. You can eventually kill the dude shooting lightning hes there so you cant proceed through the water.
>Have all the materials and the money i need for the Lazulite Zabimaru
>have the level 3 zabinaru and its apath leads right to the lazulite
>wont let me buy it
Then it's bugged on steam, I did both ending branches bosses and optional demon/owl 2/ ape shit and still didn't get it.
They go to China to return the heritage, just like Rice Girl says
If there's a line leading to it then you need what's at the other end.
Not boss related, but when you're climbing the mountain in kingo temple or whatever, eventually you get to the demon bell. I cant find where you go after this, though. Is it a dead end?
you big dum, its a upgrade tree what did u think
I'll try this once
Yeah I'm finding that the less I move the better, this is one of those slogs of a fight where you don't have much sway or control in the fight and your just waiting and deflecting until you get your 1 of 4 possible openings over and over for 10 minutes
That's not the way forward, go back towards the previous statue.
modders should be killed
>this is one of those slogs of a fight where you don't have much sway or control in the fight and your just waiting and deflecting until you get your 1 of 4 possible openings over and over for 10 minutes
Bingo. Unfortunately a number of bosses are just tests of patience really, so keep waiting him out. His openings are pretty big once you get them down, same with his second phase.
Just wanted to say that I was pleasantly surprised with not only swimming in this game, but the ability to actually dive in it. I fucking love it when games let me explore underwater. Then you get to fountainhead and you get this big ass body of water to explore. Imagine swimming in the fishing hamlet in bloodborne. That would've been cool as fuck. I hope From has swimming in their next games.
plz don't post that annoying little bitch in this board ever again, thanks
Why do modders have such hubris that they think they can improve on perfection? They truly are scum who destroy a creator's artistic vision.
Took exactly an hour but I finally beat Sword Saint. Hidden Tooth gave the freebie resurrection I needed. Hanbei's a bro even after the end.
But man I still suck at reflecting lightning. Can already tell it's gonna make the inevitable Tomoe DLC fight an absolute bitch.
I used to think From was just a bunch of hacks that just got lucky with the souls formula, this game changed my mind
I already said that the Piercing zabimaru leads staright to the lazulite zabi and i have piercing,but it says i havent meet the requirements.
Only other path to it axe or purple flame spark
I traded all of the items offered by the scale-carp-dude in Hirata Estate but he keeps asking for more. What's next? I can't give him scales now that I got all of his items.
Actually owl 2 is pretty vulnerable to aggressive play because you often interrupt his side stepping and his recovery hit on block is slow and fairly easy to deflect.
>Hard game comes out.
>People complains it's hard.
>Everyone starts to learn how to play, and even normies start beating the game.
>New narrative forms: I-it was always easy, lol. I-it's not even hard, lmao.
Why do people do this? Is the gate-keeping meme real?
You mean you don't like those reshade """"""mods"""""" that ruin the colors in a game?
progress through the game, check on him every now and then. he'll make a request at a certain point
wait you can dive?
I'm at the monk after O'rin and in the valley I'm at the ape, so it seems like I almost at the end of the game and I still haven't seen one(1) headless everyone is talking about
Games aren't art, turbonerd faggot.
talk to him repeatedly, if he doesn't have anything to say you need to go further in the game
You need all of the ones that lead to it.
Okay, thanks, Anons.
You get the ability after killing a certain boss
you learn it later, try to keep in mind pools of water you want to revisit
Who the fuck thought ministry ninjas were a good enemy to put on roof tops
So killing the dragon triggers the demon boss, right? Do I lose the sculptor if this happens? I still have a ton of prostetic stuff I want to upgrade but I want to keep going with the game.
keep playing
You can still upgrade.
Okay, three things:
1. For some reason Ashina samurai apparitions appear at certain places. Did I do something to trigger this?
2. Where can I find Big Hat Logan-dono (who sold you the umbrella prosthetic) in Senpou Temple?
3. Where the hell is Tengu after the Great Serpent Shrine?
kill the monk in mibu village
Oh good God, thanks.
Unironically better than everytime one of those get near a wall
Same thing happened to me with lady butterfly's kunai. The upgrade system in this game is kinda annoying making you buy trash upgrades you'll never use.
Lady Butterfly was my first boss in this game. She shit on me, but I beat her the normal way (by learning her patterns and blocking/countering). Thanks to her, my next couple of bosses were super easy. Ogre, Gyoubu, and Genichiro all seemed like easy mode in comparison and it only took me one try to beat them. Makes me think that that old hag was meant to be a later boss, and that's why I was stuck on her for so long.
After you beat the area boss it becomes twilight and random ghost dudes start appearing.
Jump down from first idol, he's by the guy with the kite
>Where the hell is Tengu after the Great Serpent Shrine?
Not him, but once you get to the temple and unlock the monk skill tree, is there anywhere else to go in the zone?
There's a door in the temple I can't open from the inside and also those items on the far cliff the old rice bitch points out. Also, what's the deal with that kite at the start?
I know it's him but I want to collect the rewards he was offering. He must be somewhere hunting rats.
>another poison swamp level
I guess it wouldn't be a FROM game without this shit.
>2. Where can I find Big Hat Logan-dono (who sold you the umbrella prosthetic) in Senpou Temple?
Standing at a cliff right below the bonfire room
>3. Where the hell is Tengu after the Great Serpent Shrine?
Chilling in the tower @ ashina
get far enough and you'll have the opportunity again
at least the grapple makes it really easy to get around so you don't have to slog through it on foot
You haven't done the prerequisites to progress here yet.
Use the flame shield when he does the fire floor move. It tanks his One Mind like a champ and the fire does great damage against him.
took criticism and made changes. thoughts? also please stop white knighting my points. they are open to change faggots.
fuck you.
All the poison areas are tiny and can easily be grappled over. It's nothing to complain about.
Fighting Butterfly before at least Gyoubu is definitely the harder option. But banging your head against those obstacles until you pull through helps immensely in the long run. It's what I did with the purple pagoda mothefucker.
It just worked to and now i dont have enough Fulmated Mercury AGAIN
For all thos having trouble on Headless you can tank his shots with Phoenix lilac, and the follow-up move does great damage when you slash with it, also you move faster in his mist under it. Also nightjar slash is a fantastic panic button to escape his grab.
adjusted crop
it's a trap, those points are best used to get all the skills
thats how it basically feels like to be air deathblowed
He always teleports directly behind you when he disappears, just walk away lol
Any tips for final boss?
Oh okay. I got walled hard by Genchiro and decided to start exploring. I've reached a dead end in the sunken valley and am getting fucked by those cannon bitches in Ashina depths. Pretty sure I'm at the point where I just have to stop being a bitch and face Genchiro.
Is there any reason to keep exploring the ashina depths. Also what happens to the big fat guy you spirit away, does he show up later or what?
I mean, if you get him in early, he's there for the monkies.
Doesn't really help, but he's there
I want to get the valley apparitions memo for the finger whistle upgrade but the temple merchant doesnt sell it. Im at endgame and both guardian and headless ape are down
Most people either realize she's too much for them and return later, or cheese cheese her with sidestep\Nightjar spam. She's actually one of the more difficult bosses in the game, being pretty comparable to some of BB's harder bosses. Doubly so if you didn't get any VIT upgrades before.
grind out them patterns, when he starts to slowly walk right he's going to do a thrust so mikiri him
there are 2 poison swamps famalam.
Nightjar slash away from his grab, if you are having trouble getting away in time.
You don’t need the memo for the upgrade man, just pirate the upgrade (look online for the item location
The warrior should be at the Ape's den regardless of whether you have the memo
Also, you don't have to fight the ninja, you can grab the feathers and run. Also you can run away and get back up behind the pagoda before the ninja to reset his aggro and stealth kill him. Just make sure to use a gachiin sugar if you don't have stealth upgrades.
How do i anti-air deathblow? I have the skill but i never see the red dot whether i jump into them or not. I've tried on chickens and larger enemies but no dice, feels like I'm missing something
you mean sending him to the shady surgeon?
I think it only works on very specific enemy jump attacks, like you can do it on a shichimen when he's doing a mid air big orb summon but not for his mid air small orb spam.
Idol still accessible and corpse still there. Just feels like i missed the train
spiriting him away
Hello, I am late on the Sekiro train and wanted to know how well the pc port runs.
Can anyone chime in?
Why do i suck at the demon
>have this happen with true monk except she vomited at me so hard I died of terror right as the deathblow marker showed up
First Phase: In general, attack twice then parry
When he sheaths his sword run far enough away to stay out of his range of attack but close enough to counter him once he has finished it
When he just randomly starts walking (not running), get ready to Mikiri counter
Parry as much as you can
When he does the huge overhead windup attack, dodge at the last second and attack but make sure not to get hit by the second part of it
Second Phase:
Attack once and then parry as much as possible. He has some attacks that you can't really interrupt because he'll just destroy you. This phase is extremely dependent upon being able to parry. If you just some of his onslaughts, your posture will be broken and he will definitely be able to kill you in that moment.
Sometimes after you parry certain things or even by random he'll move backwards and start shooting. Parry all of those bullets and wait to see if he does a thrust or a sweep then act accordingly. Most of the time he does a thrust so mikiri.
Third Phase: Stick by the rules for phase 2. Only attack once and then parry. You need to keep moving towards him to keep the pressure so that you can break his posture. Otherwise, if you're attack once and parrying but not advancing, you're just letting him rebuild posture.
Don't spam the button when you're trying to lightning reversal.
This is a prosthetic-less strategy but I didn't really see any time to properly use the fucking things because he was on my ass nonstop.
fight it like a souls boss, not a sekiro boss
because it's a souls boss
breddy gud, it has mods for borderless fullscreen, fov, and high refresh rates as well
Much better senpai, I would put fire on B and mist on C but thats my playstyle over raw power.
For the randomly walking in phase one I meant to say "walking to the right". Definitely not running though. If he starts doing that he's coming in for an attack you need to parry.
I have an i5-3330 from like 6 years ago and it ran fine just the same as das3.
Just got a new graphics card so I cant say for optimization there
Why the fuck does Isshin come out of Genichiro?
>storm through Genichiro and phase 1 Isshin without a single hit
>go through every single Gourd and a revive and die within 1 minute of phase 2
he made a portal to the underworld on his neck
Sounds good. Thank a lot.
Why all the negative empty space? Crop that shit out along with the watermark and center the text under it.
I try but I never even get past phase 2.
I think I almost have phase one down and then get my shit slapped the next 4 tries, even t the point that he used a move I never saw until like the 12th try
they are made of art(s)
During a No Kuro's Charm run, does Demon of Hatred's fire claw swipes damage you no matter if you deflect them or not? I always get damaged, I'm pretty sure I must've parried one of his fire attacks at least fucking ONCE, I hear the clank sound and everything.
One time, not the time I beat him, but I was able to widdle him down to the third phase without seeing the second. I kept attacking after doing the first deathblow and handled certain attacks properly and was able to deathblow him a second time without ever seeing the spear come out. It's hard to do this though. If you let him get just a second he'll get the spear.
no matter how many times he does a thrust, never forget that it could be the sweep