inb4 poor
spending your money wisely is the best thing you can do
I bought this bad boy for $16. I couldn't be happier. Hope it holds up decently.
If it breaks on me, I can buy another 3, for the price of the official xbone one, so it is a really good deal, in my opinion
ITT - God-tier cheap off-brand accessories
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le sir
enjoying my $45 8bitdo myself, but I certainly wouldn't go in too cheap territory for a controller (especially 3rd party, at most I'd go for used console controllers from last gen if I'm that poor).
how does she handle?
Is the d-pad as satisfying as it looks?
I've had this thing for fucking 7-8 years god damnit. best 15 ever spent
My previous controller was a 360 one, and it ended up having horrible drifting, and the batteries lose contact if the gamepad rumbles.... bad quality, in my opinion, so I decide to go the off-brand route and give it a go
still a work in progress, but so far the thing is built like a tank, and I love having it wired, to avoid input latency and messing around with batteries
the thing that I like the most is the ps4 layout for muh hard platformers
8bitdo looks like a fantastic brand, desu
I like it, also has a nice clicky feel to it (doesn't really feel the same as a snes controller for what it's worth)
some people say the diagonals are too sensitive but I don't see a problem with it myself
you should buy a better camera with the money you saved
Jesus, are they this expensive? I bougth the stickless one and I don't remember them being this much even though you probably mean the one with the sticks still.
I didn't care enough about your eyes to focus the shot, camera is fine
logitech never failed on me
indestructible devices
>i bought this cheap thing
>i dont know yet if it will last
>even if it breaks, i can buy 3 more for the price of a non cheap one
>good deal
>i spent my money wisely
i never read so many contradictions all at once
If it breaks and you buy 3 more for the price of a non cheap one that will not break, you spent the same amount of money, so if that happens, it doesn't make this purchase any different, either in quality or wisdom, than buying the non cheap one.
You said you hope it will last, so you dont know yet if it will, yet you claim to be happy with can you be happy with a product that, according to your hope and ignorance about its durability, might not last a month?
your whole post is the example of how to not wisely spend money, yet you argue your post point is to spend money wisely.
that said, that controller is very good for the price, had one for years and never had an issue.
your post and its logic are still dumb though
I've been using this pdp afterglow for a solid 2 years and while the cord it comes with isn't great, a braided cable + this is still pretty cheap and really feels like an xbone controller
These things are really good for how cheap they are. You've got the DS layout which allows a claw grip, nice meaty triggers like an Xbox controller, and the dinput/xinput switch is useful if you play both old and new games.
The only problem is that the D-Pad is pretty shit for stuff like fighting games.
eh, it's pretty cheap for the build quality, especially for a 3rd party (console makers tend not to care if they don't profit on the controller)
especially considering it's got a decent amount of features packed in
I "think" the stickless version also doesn't have rumble, so that probably helps the price too
>If it breaks and you buy 3 more for the price of a non cheap one that will not break, you spent the same amount of money, so if that happens, it doesn't make this purchase any different, either in quality or wisdom, than buying the non cheap one.
buying 4 is still better than buying the official one, and having to deal with drifting and problems wit the battery pack
not only that: you can buy another different controller, and you still has paid less than the official crap
>You said you hope it will last, so you dont know yet if it will, yet you claim to be happy with can you be happy with a product that, according to your hope and ignorance about its durability, might not last a month?
I am happy because for the price one could expect cheap plastics and operation, and that is clearly not the case, hence this thread
the thing is built pretty good
I bought this controller from Amazon, and it's been fantastic. Great little wireless controller for cheap (currently $20 with the coupon).
It even works on the Switch. Was playing Smash Bros. with it when I had friends over. I bought a second recently and will likely get another 2 as backups.
Are there legit any decent wires controllers for pc?
I wasn't attacking your purchase, i said it's a good one.
it's the logic of your post that it's flawed.
according to your ignorance about the controller durability, it might not last a month, so let's assume, for the sake of the example, it will last exactly one month before breaking.
you spent 16 dollars for a controller that will last one month, and when it breaks, you'll buy another 16 dollar controller, which will break as well after a month, and repeat this other 2 times
in total, you would have spent 64 dollars for 4 months worth of controller durability
if you spent 64 dollars all at once for a non cheap controller, it would have lasted 4 months at its worst, so you would have paid the same amount of money for the same controller durability.
If this was the case, and the hope and ignorance about you suggested about your controller say that this can be the case(again, for the sake of the example), your money wouldnt have been spent wisely at all.
Was your purchase worth it? Yes, as i said that one is a good controller for its price.
Was the point you were trying to make in your post valid? No, not with how you worded it with all its contradictions.
>currently $20 with the coupon
what coupon?
Its 21 where i live, it'd be great if i could get it even cheaper with a coupon
you may be over analyzing, or you are just plain autistic
>I bought this bad boy for $16. I couldn't be happier. Hope it holds up decently.
>If it breaks on me, I can buy another 3, for the price of the official xbone one, so it is a really good deal, in my opinion
take care
>love buying mew controllers
>have money
>can't justify buying new controllers because I was raised in a poor family and won't buy a new one till it breaks
Just buy a wired 360 controller lmao
It's like $30 or less and it's miles better than that crap
Don't buy it, I gifted one to my brother and it lasted less than a couple of months
Why is start/select offset. That looks stupid.
Its showing as 25$ with a 5$ coupon.
If its showing 21$ for you then that's pretty much the same. It might be location based.
Their wireless PS2 controller was COMPLETE garbage
I have one of these, everything about the controller is good EXCEPT the D-Pad.
Its a bit of a pain on the thumb, and diagonals are hard to activate. In particular Up-Right barely registers.
shit controller for shit console nigger
I love this controller. Despite being for Wii U/Switch, it works as a regular USB device.
this is what i hate about opinions and reviews about controllers.
controllers that a lot of people hate for lasting too little or for being easy to break lasted literally years for me(i.e. i stil have both my original PS2 controller and they both work flawlessly), and most of the time the people who complain about these thing are the ones who rage and throw the controller on the ground or at a wall when they lose.
At the same time, everyone praise(d) the 360 controller, yet when i bought one it constantly disconnected and the dead zone of the right stick became huge to the point of being unusable in less than a year, and i never threw it or did anything to it.
How should i trust whoever says a controller is shit if the reason it breaks or doesnt last is because the person is a little shit who smashes his controller on the ground multiple times a day and expects it lasts forever?
One of the best retro USB pads out there. Though they're almost double the original price now. Dunno if they stopped producing them.
Buttons are too mushy. 8bitdo snes controller feels much better.
I've the same gamepad but the D-pad feels loose and kinda fragile. Is it a known issue with this controller?
I can't complain for the $12 I paid.
>I'll just keep buying controllers that keep breaking after a few months because they're cheaper, instead of buying an expensive one that'll last for years!
Are you proud of this absolute brainlet-tier opinion you're posting?
These things broke after like a week
The dpad really depends on your personal taste. The way it's set up it kind of rocks/floats on a central pivot point so you can hit any of the cardinals/diagonals easily, but there's no microswitches or anything because it's like $20 so of course there aren't. Personally I find it glides nicely for sweeping motions in fighting games like QCF/B or DP, but charge motions can be tricky unless you're very careful with your inputs.
In terms of durability... ehh, not really.
In terms of precision, yeah, kinda. If you're trying to do a half-circle motion or even a quarter-circle one it's very easy to tap up as the D-pad is pretty "mushy".
There's also a lot of play in the D-pad when idle. You can grab it with your fingers and move it a few degrees back and forth.
It really depends on the kind of game, yeah.
For Blazblue's specials with the Forward, half-circle backwards, forward input I find it almost impossible not to tap up in the middle of it.
But BB is pretty forgiving with fatfingered directions so it's not that big a deal.
Also the forward, down, forward-down diagonal input is pretty easy to mess up if the game is strict about it.
But overall it's what you'd expect from a $20 pad while the rest of the gamepad is above that.
Based. I ordered one and couldn't be happier with it for most 2d games, and even some fighting games. It's comfy and the huge shoulder buttons means I won't accidentally hit ZL/L2 or whatever. Also even though it's virtually just a six button controller since there aren't two sets of shoulder buttons, the two extra shoulder buttons are still included as tiny ones in the center, so if you need them for menu/non urgent commands they're there.
Lack of xinput is also a pain since it's what most developers build their games around now, but Steam's overlay sees it as a Switch controller so it can be rebound to work with pretty much any Steam game.
Whatever you do don't buy this piece of shit. Got it because I wanted a PS style xinput controller and apparently some obscure chinese company is the only one that's trying to fill that niche. They're obscure for a reason. The gamepad does register as xinput but the "triggers" are pressure sensitive buttons that you have to squeeze with the force of a thousand suns to get them to "trip", instead of just being buttons. You can adjust the sensitivity on windows but every time I hit the buttons the output pressure seems to be random, so finding a right sensitivity level is annoying. You simply can't use those buttons for essential quick react commands because there's a chance they won't trigger, or they'll trigger a second after you press hard on it.
Also aside from that you get phantom inputs if the controller gets jerked quickly. Something inside is probably soldered poorly. Looks pretty slick though.
get a 8bitdo, registers as xinput (when wired, it actually pretends to be a 360 controller and can run using 360 drivers)
the r2/l2 also aren't analog and work as normal buttons, seen in unless you really want grips and a weird spaced d-pad like the DS4
I do really want grips. I don't know how people can use a controller for long periods of time without grips. It feels good man.
The analogs on this are pretty much horrible
I personally don't miss them at all, actually I find it better without and often play for like 18 hours a day with it and aren't bothered
This is the best controller for the original xbox, it's so fucking good.
I bought one of these
The sticks' deadzones are all fucked up and then it just straight up died after a month
My fucking nigger, mine's never let me down either
deadzones seem fine to me, and been using it for a year so far
I do wish they were a little bit smaller (like on DS4) but it's still less than many other controllers I used
make sure to update firmwares too, they tend to fix a lot of stuff post-release (but well, I doubt it'll fix a broken controller)
got this after gamecube refused to work properly and the game sir one was complete crap.