Why was this called Bioshock?

Bio means water, and this game takes place in the sky. Shouldn't it be called Skyshock Infinite instead?

Attached: bioshock-infinite---button-1546669924735.jpg (1024x1024, 328K)

Or maybe airshock?

Water comes from clouds. The setting was in the clouds.

Helioshock is aeroshock

>Bio means water

no it doesn't, brainlet

>Bio means water

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oxygenshock, h2o

>Bio means water
What did the inbred OP mean by this?

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>Bio means water


If bio doesn't mean water, then why is marine biology the study of water??

>Bio means water

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Ah yes, Biology. The study of water. Nothing else.

You got a bunch of actual brainlets to reply to this in an attempt to sound smart so good job OP, here's a (You) on me

>baiting this hard
it's a Friday man go do something fun

It's not the study of water you absolute cretin. It's about the shit that's in the fucking water.

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>Bio means water

Attached: Bark.jpg (250x249, 8K)

>all these newfags

Obvious bait aside, why do we call the science of life Biology but the science of chemistry or Physics Not chemiology or Physicsiology

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Bio-logy= the study of all the living organisms be it mammals, be it germs. There. Happy now?

Infinite is titled bioshock to brand the series as a trilogy under a title name.

Put me in the screencap

>wojak poster is also colossal newfag
Who'da thunk

>Bio means water

Great job OP on exposing all these newfags ITT

and there will be even more newfags tomorrow and the day after

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>Bio means water

this guy wins the internet for today. what the hell is being taught to kids today?

jokes on you I was merely pretending that I didn't know you were pretending

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OP is why this industry is a mess.

Did OP somehow confuse Bio with H2O?

>all this newfaggotry
Yea Forums is beyond salvation

Yeah sure try to play off your stupidity as if it was "le trolling" OP, we already know you are a brainlet and nothing can change that

The fuck does a cable network have to do with water?

you need to lurk moar newfag.

>Bio means water

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Well played OP 7/10 bait.

More like Incestshock

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She fucked MILLIONS...

>Bio means water

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>bio means shit