Please play Phantasy Star Online 2 Yea Forums it's fun and you can play the entire story in English

Please play Phantasy Star Online 2 Yea Forums it's fun and you can play the entire story in English.

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I thought PSO2 was dying in jape land

Nah it's still pretty popular

Im playing it in jap on PS4. Matoi best girl

Jumping into PSO2 this late in the game is terrible. Maybe if damage was less than 9 digits and people weren't screen wiping enemies teleporting attacks.

last I checked most of the lobbies are dead except for the endgame ones where you just AFK waiting for an emergency mission to start.

Bro they literally give you tons of shit to help you get caught up now it's super easy

What did you check on?

ship 4

Is ranger still kill? They nerfed WB without buffing their PAs, and they kinda dropped off the face of the earth when I last played like 2 years ago
I still really want to fuck a caseal

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That's your problem user

You're not going to bribe me to play that turd with Lisa images.

Ranger is good again

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What about Fourier?
I'm not sure if I can trust an elf

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>The sequel that everyone asked for but shat on PSO's legacy so hard that Sega refuses to localize it due to shame

Still not budging.

Ship 2 the english speaking server isn't any better either. population across lobbies are in low numbers except for the level cap ones where people AFK for EQs. It's a terrible time to get into PSO2 as a new player.

You should trust me user please play again
That's not true they didn't localize it because they had literally fired all their localization staff right before they announced the game

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Episode 6 is getting ready to start in a few weeks it's literally the best time to start

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you know your online game is dead when your /vg/ general takes 5 days to die

This looks nothing like PSO. It's just pathetic generic post-2010 weeb shit. At least bring back the 90s stylings of PSO and Phantasy Star.

Fuck this absolute crap. I've seen the gameplay its just retarded fireworks and floaty stupid jumping shit. NOT PSO

What's new? Summoner class was a dud and by the time Hero came out I lost interest

I keep wanting to, but it's not the same now that my entire team and friend circle is fucking dead
Gosh, Afin's so cute. I just really love rangers

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user please dont make me beg

I played it and enjoyed it until there was no more "singleplayer" content and the game devolved to grinding the same event every 10 minutes.
I dropped it then, and of course a few month laters the game got mechs. I'm still seething to have missed out on that

why didn't they make this anime the first time around instead of that god awful japanese high school pso2 anime

The first anime was just an ad

They must be desperate for new players if they're offering a 1 million exp ticket and all these boost exp events.

so fucking generic

That must have been a really shitty ad in hindsight because they made 12 garbage episodes instead of 1 ova.

i hope it dies

Sega isn't good with planning or money

They were trying to get people excited for the story shift in EP4. It backfired horribly.

>another class with big dick range
>AIS in space
Now we're talking. But I'm still not reinstalling.

Is it on PS4? No? Meh.

You're going to reinstall user stop fighting it

I can see that. PSO could have been as big as Monster Hunter globally since Monster Hunter was directly inspired by PSO back in 2000, but Sega decided to sit on the IP for years and make bad decisions.

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The game doesn't have anything I want from it anymore. I'm done.

Does PSO2 still use Gameguard. Fuck that rootkit spyware malware keylogging piece of shit.

ugly weeb shit

how did we go from trying hard to revenge kill Lassic to this garbage

my account got locked and sega won't help me unless I speak japanese.

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Your small cat children aren't enough to make me play again either

Make a new one

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Why do you want us to play so badly? Did redrum run out of sluts? Is redrum even there anymore?

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Redrum died years qgo

I vaguely recalling hearing something about how they condensed EP1-3 into cutscenes and stuff and you can't play through them anymore, is that true?

>looking through the 15 campaing to make sure I got all my items
>cant find my chrono stone anywhere
Hold me brehs

Tbh I dont suggest anyone really try this its fun until youre stuck at endgame with nothing to do cause barely anything needs optimization and theres really no endgame compared to your average MMO

The only endgame thing to do is buy shit off the market to make your robot pretty

Episode 1-3 matterboards don't exist anymore. They play out like Episode 5's story mode where you just select the next scene in the menu iirc.

I quit way before 5 so I have no idea how that works, just wanted to know whether you still got to play through the plot of 1-3 or if it was just "here watch some cutscenes and start from normal on EP4 quests to level"

No you still play them you just don't grind matterboards anymore.

Thanks user, I might reinstall then. Kind of liked the first 3 episodes and didn't really enjoy the weird parallel Earth thing or whatever it was that they did for 4.

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fuck that. that was a closed beta account. it had a ton of exclusive shit from the closed beta and open beta and launch. also I had over 300 hours invested, no way am I putting that amount again in this crappy game.

Don't worry about that stuff I'll send you 1 USD over PayPal if you play again

Yeah that's why I quit the game. Endgame is literally a dress up simulator and waiting for emergency missions to pop up because it's the only way to get good shit. I miss the days of PSO1 where the endgame was grinding missions for days with friends, not AFKing in a lobby for days waiting for an event.

Nah, Gameguard is literally malware. I don't want that anywhere on my PC.