You will never get to experience this for the first time again

> You will never get to experience this for the first time again

why go on

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jokes on you i never played it. probably never will, tensei games aren't my cup of tea mate

im currently playing through this. Any tips?

That's okay, I wasn't really a fan.

>he doesnt give himself amnesia in order to 0lay again games
Poorfag are so poor and dumb

>you will never play the worst smt game again

>garbage animu tier writing
>anime cardboard cutouts instead of characters
>absolute lack of both choices and consequences
>no freedom or creativity in gameplay whatsoever, just stay put and watch dumb ass visual novel cutscenes
>castrated SMT mechanics
Persona is the single most overrated franchise to ever exist on planet earth. It's a decent series when you're a teenager but if you put it into any sort of pedestal you're a neanderthal

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>Persona is SMT
This HAS to be the most retarded post on this site. And P2 and P4 is worse than this, for SMT I and Devil Survivor take the spots.

I cant understand what you are trying to say but if you are implying DeSu is bad fuck you

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The original DS version is bad, don't deny it bro. OverClocked is better.

Not even once.

>"I visited r/megaten for the first time today and learned to distinguish between SMT and its spinoffs; I'm a big boy now so I better make a big deal out of arbitrary meaningless bullshit"
you motherfuckers are so cute sometimes
this series really does attract some of the most autistic people on the internet

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I'd like a Persona game with the story/music/atmosphere of P2 or early SMT with the graphics and gameplay of 5, nu-persona has too much otaku waifu-bait

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Cool glad you posted in this thread.

4 and 5 are objectively better, so I don't care.


>Le Leddit boogeyman

people have been arguing over Persona being SMT or not since before Reddit was even something people talked about on Yea Forums

>this salty about being wrong

What is this supposed to mean again? Is it supposed to be an automatic "I Win the Argument" button even though you have literally no response?

>otaku waifu-bait
Is it really bait if it's THAT obvious? Atlus has stopped trying and I can't blame them considering all the 10s and 9s P5 got. Sad, really

>see Persona 3 bread
fuck this board, learn how to filter and hide instead of ruining everything cfot everyone

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I'm a normie that started the series with 5 but I resolved to play the rest of the Persona games. Beat 4 last year, it was fantastic, looking forward to starting 3 later this month.


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Which version? FES or Portable?

I played a good grip of it but never finished it. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth going back. I really enjoyed it though

Man, I just want a new HD SMT, we'll get a new Persona, a Persona addendum, 2 or 3 Persona spin-offs, and even Catherine got an up-port and SMT pretty much gets the back off the bus

I'm not against Atlus making money but fuckin' hell man, it's like waiting for From Software to make a new Armored Core while getting side-tracked with a new Souls game every year

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i'd just like a p2 remake with the graphics and gameplay of 5.

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I love Fuuka!

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SMT fags get out
persona 3 is the first persona

>Played 2, 5 and 4
>Have no desire to play 3 whatsoever
wat do?

And keep the negotiating system in too, that shit was interesting

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p5 had negotiations too, so it should be relatively easy to translate p2's over.


lol So? This game is no different than any other weeb trash set in a fucking school.

Realize that P3 is more strict on time compared to P4 and P5 if you have played those before, expect days where you can't do anything and time not being used on social links due to them being inaccessible.

Max out your courage first. Karaoke each evening until it's maxed. Tuesday and Friday is when you can go to the arcade to get a higher boost for courage. Visit the nurse when you're tired/sick after a tartarus visit.

After courage is maxed, work on charm by visiting the cafe. Arcade visits during Monday/Tuesday.

Then work on Academics which is on Wed/Sat for arcade visits.

Try to initiate your social links as soon as they are available but only work on your school social links during school. Leave the social links which are not your classmates for when there's an exam coming up or when there's summer break or a holiday.

Tartarus bosses are harder than full moon bosses so if you reach the point where it won't let you go further, you can stop visiting it until the next full moon event.

I literally just finished the portable version. I knew about the protagonist dying but the ending still hit me like a ton of bricks. That final scene is too much!

Also, real talk, I haven't played 4 yet, but I'd argue that 3 has a far better set of characters than 5. 5 has the more coherent story, but Junpei's growth in particular was phenomenal.

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Learn the tactics system as quickly as possible, you only have yourself to blame if you end up complaining about Marin Karin.
Learn and abuse the intricacies of Persona fusing. The game will assume you will do so when it comes to boss difficulty.
Try to do Tartarus blocks in a single day so you're not wasting time. Always clear everything that's unlocked before the next operation to ensure you're not underleveled.
Don't let anyone in your party fall behind, understand what their strengths and weaknesses are and swap appropriately. Every character has their use.
Don't bother trying to max every social link on your first run because the game was literally not designed for you to do so (though it is possible with a guide). Focus on your stats first and any social links you're interested in, then do a max social link run on NG+.
The arcana is the means by which all is revealed.

Pace yourself, don't try to do all S.Links, just find the few you like and stick with them.
Your first days you won't have anything to do at night, so use those nights to go to the arcade in the mall and play games that give your persona stats.

For persona stats:
Punching bag gives 3 STR to your current persona
Whack-a-mole gives 3 AGI to your current persona
Fortune game gives 3 MAG to your current persona

Visit Tartarus at least once every 3 days, when all of your party members get tired feel free to leave.

ALWAYS tell Fuuka to scan enemies, even if all you get is question marks, your team's AI adapts to the enemy's resitances

Persona fusion is very important, but remember to register your personas when you get the compendium.

Also don't fuse orpheus until you get the compendium, since if you do you will lose a very good skill from him.

The skills passed in fusion are random and change every time you select the personas you want to fuse as shown in the the webm I'm posting, but certain personas have some affinities to different types of elements, which means they're more likely to learn a certain type of skill.
A persona that has fire as its main theme is more likely to learn a fire skill over any other one.

I think that's about it, if you have any other questions feel free to ask

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Yes. I unironically loved the jaded and alcoholic cast of EP, real sick of sparkly-eyed high school students. Fucking Baofu, man.

The adult confidants in 5 made me want a game staring those guys instead of the high schoolers.

It was nice but I'd rather experience P1 or EP for the first time again. They resonated with me more.

I genuinely thought they were setting up for a P5 Eternal Punishment due to how well developed they were, but I guess not.

I know right!
I have no idea why that other user would refer to Persona 3 as an SMT game.

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We have always mocked people for saying not mainline games are SMT

wow so bad advice

never use night time to improve persona stats, thats useless

you can easily clear tartarus in one day, don't go there more than once a month

tell your team to knock enemies down

>gameplay of 5

So the same exact shitty easy gameplay?

>So the same exact shitty easy gameplay?
as 5 or 2?

Giving the player more tools to work with is never a bad thing, failing to balance for those tools is the problem. SMT gives the player a fuck-ton more tools to worth with than Persona ever has, but increases the difficulty to balance.

Both. 5 is barely better than 2IS

SMT is easy as fuck. The closest it comes to challenging is Final apocalypse mode

>never use night time to improve persona stats, thats useless
It's extremely useful early game since most enemies have like 3 to 5 points in each stat at most, three uses of the punching bag means you're gonna be dealing huge damage to them.

Besides what the fuck else are you gonna do at night? there's no S.Links at that time until you join a club which is like two months into the game

>you can easily clear tartarus in one day, don't go there more than once a month
Not at the beginning especially on hard mode. You have very limited resources and get tried quickly.

>I never got to have a spoiler free experience of 2, 3, and 5

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>you can easily clear tartarus in one day
Only once you're 40 hours into the game, until then you need to make multiple visits

And Persona's easier.

improve your stats ofc
its completely useless to improve personas stats when you are gonna replace it almost imminently

A fraction of the stats does carry over you know

you can easily clear tartarus in one night at persona 3 fes hard mode gid gud

>you can easily clear tartarus in one day
did you play one easy or some shit?

yeah okay nigger

Maybe I'll play P3P someday

persona 5 is better

>tfw got a fully spoiler free experience in EP since nobody talks about it
>mfw that ending

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Not really. Not even Persona has bright and dark might skills.

Fucking retard, holy shit.

You literally can't

Currently on my first playthrough of FES right now, I'm up to early september right now. Question, so I started with chihiro SL and I'm up to the point where it says she'll get upset if I talk to other females. What does this mean exactly? Because I was set on yukari from the start. Does it reset her SL or some shit? I know I wont max out all the links but I'd like to get a taste of most if not all of them at least

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Dont worry about it, unless you go full retard there is no reason not to harem

I played 4 before 3 as well. Took me some time to get into it but in the end I ended up liking it even more than 4.

do it anyway

You go on in the hopes that you'll come upon a game that gives you the same feeling that Persona 3 gave you, or Persona 4 gave me.

Just don't ignore her. If you hang out with other girls a bunch and ignore her, she'll get mad. Then you hang out with her some more. Basically, pace your links. Once she's maxed, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

dont want to be a degenerate but it's not like protag will stick around anyways

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I found P3 to be lax on Time and encouraging players to plot out their their schedule. If it does seem strict, then it's just Mitsuru forcing MC to join Student Council and Clubs out of motherly instincts.

You can pay 1000 yen at the shrine fortunes and they won't reverse on you

>tfw Persona 3 and 4 made me feel shit I've never felt from games before
>play Persona 5 9 years later
>It's fun but I don't care about it on the level I did P3/P4, have no urge to replay P5, replayed P3/P4 3-4 times each


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3 had better sets of characters, 4 had better atmosphere, and 5 had better gameplay.

I couldn't bring myself to give a shit about the characters in 5 aside with exceptions to Tae, Sojiro, Kamakawi, Ryuji, and other Confidants. Joker is arguably more interesting as a normie instead of Phantom THief.

Best girl Mitsuru’s doesn’t unlock until near the end of the game and you need max academics.

There's simply no elements of danger or chaos in Persona 5. The closest to drama 5 had was Ryuji almost punching out Kamoshida's lights.

5 was such a disappointment

Okay, here's your response. I have fun with the game, so how absolutely fucking pathetic do you have to be to go online and tell other how they dare to enjoy something you don't approve of. We're talking about a video game, asshat, what the hell is even your problem. If you want to start being mr. intelligent, there you go.

You just need to avoid going out with a girl while another one is available. They'll see you and get mad and you'll need to waste turns fixing the relationship. For example, if Fuuka and Chihiro are available the same day, the one you don't go out with will get mad. Better hang out with your bros then

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5 is Persona for zoomers

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You mean Persona 4G