I was put off by the weird-ass art style for years, but it's actually good

I was put off by the weird-ass art style for years, but it's actually good

Attached: Psychonauts.jpg (1280x800, 373K)

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the first half of the game is kinda slow, but the latter half is pretty good

the controls kinda suck though

The only bad part about the latter half of the game is that the camp site isn't as fun to explore when it's night, and all the characters are replaced by asshole pyrokinesis cougars.

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Towards the end you get one amazing level after another, I love that part

Weren't they making a sequel?

supposed to come out sometime this year. they did a trailer at the dorito pope awards last december.

Yeah, planned for later this year.

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i really enjoyed this game and will replay it every few years but god damn i have zero faith in Tim Schafer to shit up the sequel, i enjoyed his small games like Stacking and Costume Quest but his bigger games have sucked ass for the last like 10 years?

Not that they've done much for bigger games besides Brutal Legend.

Which is kind of a mess, but I have a soft spot for it.

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>The PUPPY orphanage!

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Honestly what they've shown of the game looks promising. The visuals are exactly what I would want from a Psychonauts sequel. The big question mark is the level design, specifically for the brains.

At least they're not falling for the episodic meme again.

agree with the user above me that it at least actually looks promising, much to my surprise. I'm still not really holding out much hope for it, though, especially given how shady their funding went.

not in the loop, what was shady about the funding?

I never understood why people think the art is ugly
it's weird sure but it is well thought out and executed to look nice

I played the everloving shit out of that level

What would he find in a pedophile's mind?

Then the puppy orphanage burns down and kills everyone including all the children inside.
Meanwhile the teacher denies her responsibilities and rather than help anyone, saves herself and lives the rest of her life haunted by the children killed under circumstances she could have prevented.
Every night she hears their screams. Begging to be saved. All for naught.

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She was out getting groceries though

Was the milk worth it though?

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Played this a couple months ago, immediately became one of my favorite games. I had no idea they're making a Pshychonauts 2 either, that was great to find out right after playing this

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I think people are more disinclined towards Fig as opposed to Kickstarter.

Oh yeah I was going to say my only regret is trying to find all the figments right away. I should have just played through the game and then gone back to look for them, some of them are so hard to see

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I'm glad that Milla is still able to enjoy life despite all the shit she went through.

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a crowdfunding source that made it look like on the surface something like buying stocks in the company and you would make money back on the game sales, but a few people have dissected the fine print and pretty much these people will never see the money back unless the game makes some unreal sales numbers with it at full price and they dont have to pay these people if doesn't meet those numbers.

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Black Velvetopia is the best level...until you try to find all the figments.

Man this game is so good. I'm just bouncing around in that fun level and then suddenly the game throws that stuff at me

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I love all the scavenger hunts except for the figment collecting.

It's cool that they're individually designed around all the different environments and all, but their layout feels like a game of 52 card pickup. Except some of them have the gall to move around and phase into walls, leaving you waiting for them to pop up again.

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Fuck trying to platinum this game. You literally have to be psychic to beat the punching minigame and Benny peaces out of the universe if you re-brain kids in the wrong order, so you can't show him Mr Pokeylopes.


Trying to get the figments kinda ruins all of the levels. Going back to find them added like five hours to my playtime after finishing the story

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Huh, I didn't have much issues with the punching thing. Maybe my game runs slower or something, it definitely feels like it's below 30fps so maybe the entire game just plays out slightly slower for me

I love the artstyle, but I still thought it was a little off-putting at first glance. Raz and the other main characters have actually aged really well design and animation-wise, but a few of the minor characters look more like muppets.

Best camper.

I liked how the game just asks you to look up and to the right at the beginning, instead of asking you if you want to invert the camera controls. I thought it was kinda clever, you just do what feels intuitive to you

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What's everyone's issue with the controls? I like how snappy and sticky Raz is, so rail grinding and catwalking are no-brainers, plus levitation is super satisfying. The only time the controls really bothered me was when I tried to grab a figment in meat circus that's off-course in the tunnel of love and Tax is a little too sticky to derail himself in time.

Word up for Raz's sister.

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I think it gets the job done once you get used to it, but I think the ledge detection on precise platforming jumps can feel a bit dodgy at times.

The levitation ball's great though, even if it feels like they built half of the campground scavenger hunt challenges around not being able to simply bounce up to it.

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What the fuck did they mean by this?

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I got spooked by the naked bear.

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is that actually in the game

You see that cutscene if you use clairvoyance on Lili's bracelet

I liked this game because it had a twintail tsundere loli love interest.

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She's a good egg.

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I like that they're bringing back all the camp counselors.

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I'm looking forward to the new game. If they just fix the controls and camera and keep the same humor/level design and story then it'll be 10/10 for sure.

They have some cute banter in the VR game.

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I may be old and wrinkly but my husband still loves my baked goods

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That whole level was amazing

played for five or so hours, saved and went to bed, never touched it again

You should keep on playing, user. At least get to the best level

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>decide to collect everything in the game about a year ago
>finally get to the Meat Circus
>get to the rail riding section, making sure I got every figment beforehand
>rail throws me into the last section of the game, game autosaves, can't travel back out
>still missing figments that were near the entrance of the last part and last manual save was hours ago
Whenever I feel like playing Psychonauts again I just remember that and I'm immediately offput by it

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I'm glad I'm autistic about saving

I think I've won it three times, but I've never found the gumption to 100% the figment collection.

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No matter the game, always rotate saves.

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I can't believe I missed all the dialogue as a kid from reading the Bulletin Board.

Also Lili is so fucking cute

Do you think they should add Triangle/Y Button for interactables?

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>Bulletin Board.
Oh yeah, I completely missed that on the first run. I loved the whole camp history timeline that you can find on that log in the parking lot too, which actually explains why the town around the asylum was flooded.

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Whoa were those faces there the whole time, I didn't even notice

>talking to Lili while she's watching other kids making friendship bracelets together
>Lili: Who'd even want a stupid friendship bracelet?
>Raz: I don't know, I wouldn't mind one...
>Lili: Yeah..? Well that's... stupid....

>she tries to give him one a few hours later

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Yeah they're above the asylum. Can be easy to miss.

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