skyrim belongs to succs
It quite literally doesn't. Ulfric's a fucking brainshit retard.
skyrim belongs in the trash
>Install mods
>Can't actually play the game because I have such a huge dressup fetish that I cum just from trying on armor and watching those curves jiggle.
longears get out reeeeeee
Fun fact about redguards:
Despite making up 13% of the population, they commit 52% of the crimes.
Fuck Nords, Fuck Bretons, Fuck Altmer, Fuck Redguards, Fuck Orcs, Fuck Khaajit, Fuck Imperials, Fuck Dwemer, but most of all
Huh, Dunmer really are sluts.
Blessings of Mephala be upon you brother
Talos is not a God.
skyrim belongs to the male argonians
Did you say nerd?
Those with the best voices rule, indeed.
Please stop yelling your fetishes to all of Vvardenfell. Some of us are trying to sleep.
>talos is not a god
>can literally get blessed by praying to talos at alters
Explain this mer scum?
Maybe it's some spell put on all the alters and it's kept a secret.
Imagine being Altmer.
So butthurt over a Nord attaining divine status they would rather end reality than deal with it.
REMOVE LIZARD remove lizard you are worst beast. you are the swamp idiot you are the swamp smell. return to black marsh. to our altmer cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,argonians we will never forgeve you. n'wah swit FUck but fuck asshole lizard stink fetcher outlander..lizard genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead lizards..ahahahahah BLACK MARSH WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget arnesian war. . we kill the nord king , nords return to your precious skyrim….hahahahaha idiot argonian and nord smell so i can smell it. REMOVE LIZARD FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught.
A third of a Nord.
Oh wow, some shitty human wizard can put an enchantment on a statue of your ridiculous monkey """""god"""""
Did you know that despite being only sixteen percent of the population, Khajiits commit nearly sixty five percent of all burglary and thievery related crimes? I thought that was interesting.
Be seeing you.
all empires are toxic, the stormcloaks are the morally correct egalitarian choice
>being a seething pussy who don't want to access CHIM
By Vivec, I'm glad to be a dunmer
We need more fun threads like this.
The based Altmer realize that all were once gods, aka Ehlnofey before that absolute cunt Lorkhas fucked everyone over. One guy being a god is nothing, everyone should be.
>stormcloaks are the morally correct egalitarian
tfw understanding that there are no Et'ada
>Lorkhan give you the possiblity to evolve and look at the wheel
>altmers are upset because they don't like change
Just imagine being this weak
Without Lorkhan, Amaranth could not be achieved in order to replace the dream with a new one. Lorkhan is needed for reality's continuing existance.
And Nord women belong to Redguard men.
based marshfriend
How will empireshits ever recover?
why don't you zoomzoom back to your fortnite thread or wherever you came from
Instead of earning it everyone should be handed it.
What are you a communist?
Busted to that earlier today. Fucking great milfs
you can get blessed by praying to any literal who dunmer saint too, I guess that means all the dark elves are gods
awe we ded thred
Lore nerds showed up and killed the buzz.
why do lizardcucks still post this image when a single dunmer house reconquered it a few years later?
I still find the lore nerds entertaining tho
>Tfw everyone is shitposting here while the waifuposters is posting in a different skyrim thread
We've all seen the "lets argue about the lore" episode.
Its time to change the channel.
When they really get going it is C SPAN tier boring.
>calling someone who dislikes Skyrim a zoomer
I don't even
liberals confirmed for based
>they commit 52%
I see you too have achieved chim.
Does it really matter which gender of argonians skyrim belongs to when they can change it?
I see R*ddit has arrived.
>tfw can only play this on console because whenever i play on pc i spend 2 days installing mods and the next to dixing bugs and crashes before uninstalling because im bored.
eh skyrim on psvr is better anywho...
only early gen zoomers played skyrim and most of them dont like games that require you to think.
guys im playing skyrim for the first time on switch and im loving the shit out of it
what are some essential side quests?
So who is excited for “Elder Scrolls 6: Redfall”? That is the copyright night we heard about right? I kind of hope we get both lots and lots of Dwemer content in this name game I’m Hammerfell. Would you think it’s too much to ask to have parts of High Rock for DLC like Daggerfall? It just fits so well with the name:
You get Redfall
skyrim does not required even 1 braincell to play user....
It would be cool to have parts of both Hammerfell and High Rock but I think suggesting the name has anything to do with it is really contrived. You don't just mash together words, if it's called Redfall then there will be something that Redfall actually means. I like the theory that it refers to the end of the third empire, and it's about time too since we've seen it decline so much in the last two games.
I want a Khajiit wife to fuck
The fallout from Red Mountains eruption.
Red Fall.
Or the fall of the redguard. They go full Coon Ding and eliminate themselves and the Altmer.
Win win.
Skyrim is a shit game, understand that.
So perfect for you then
Damn, Argonians look like that?
I honestly hope they are going with CC only going forward.
Getting rid of the degenerates would be worth the loss of free mods.
figuratively imagine the smell
Smells like swamp ass
I would have her bathe in skooma
WHY did they make Skyrim such a steaming pile of casual garbage?
I CAN NOT imagine a world where a Morrowind-like game would have been a failure. The fucking casuals would have come around and enjoyed it.
ah for fucks sake it becomes permanent at some point during childhood ye degenerate cow
Not everyone will eat the turd just because it is on the plate.
I'm playing vanilla Skyrim and actually having fun. It's comfy to just mindlessly explore
seriously. Guy can't think long term to save his ass.
>beat the odds and win civil war with Imperials only to be subjugated into by jerkoff Elves.
>lose to, and exhaust Imperials. Imperials or High Elves (whoever wins their war) rules uppity Nords with an iron fist. (Elves will NOT reward them for being a useful idiots)
>Cut a deal and align themselves with Imperials. Fight High Elves.
best the Nords could do was be second fiddle to Imperials. Life's tough.
>Best thing the Nords can do for themselves and neighboring countries is align with the Imperials.
Radical Centrists win again.
What perk mod for Skyrim is your favorite?
Do you prefer vanilla perks?
Don't forget the most important part
>Torygg would've agreed to join Ulfric if he'd just ask
Do!! Vah!! Kin!!
How do you figure the AD will subjugate Skyrim?
With the ADs navy tied up blockading the Imperial Navy the Nords and Redguard have a clear path to raid Summerset at will.
The inverse is not true.
Remember 3 out 4 merrish races that have gone up against the Nords no longer exist. The 4th is circling the drain.
Things aren't looking good for the Altmer.
Based Nords.
Fug I wanna play a snow elf. Stop genociding the cool shit todd.
It got so big primarily because there's no other game like it. There aren't even many straight RPGs that capture the feeling of truly open exploration.
Tell the cool shit to quit fucking with the Nords.
I have no sympathy for self inflicted wounds.
should i get the legendary edition or special edition?
This, Bethesda was the only company making truly open-world RPGs at the time (that weren't MMOS of coarse) everyone else just copied them, Skyrim's popularity pretty much kicked off the whole open-world meme which saturates the industry today.
I'm saying if the Nords exhaust the Imperials in any capacity, it'll give the High Elves the upper hand. Your scenario just trades a tired Imperial army for a tired Nord army.
other races interfering is a wild card though, so you have that.
yeah after using ordinator and looking at spergs as well as path of sorcery, i just prefer vanilla
too much stuff in those mods i disagreed with and i'm fine with perks not being super fancy and basically just buffs. although POS was pretty good it only covers the magic schools
next youre gonna show me the alligatorkin and tell me that's perfectly normal in argonian society too
>Be a lvl 200 badass dragonborn wearing a full dragonplate gear
>Legendary dragonbone 2h axe
>Just rekt a dragon and absorbed his soul by shouting at him
>A wild bandit with his shitty iron dagger appear out of nowhere
>"Can't wait to count out your coin"
Why did he think he had a chance?
Really think it'll just be Hammerfell desu, I highly doubt they want to just remake Daggerfall.
>be Ulfric
>throw his lot in with Imperial puppets for the price of...
>Skyrim can keep its traditions
>reasonable kick up to the empire
>a seat at the negotiation table when the Elves are defeated.
instead of Skyrim being the angry manlet of countries, they could be a member of the winning team.
hot desu
Because you were exhausted as shit after fighting that dragon.
Say that to my face and not through the Dreamsleeve and see what happens, n’wah.
jeez, the discord trannies aren't even trying to hide themselves anymore
Are you okay?
It's funnier if you read it as "So, because you're now male, you can't bond with Nuk-Nakal? Goodbye." instead of as two separate lines/choices.
If on PC legendary edition so you can play Enderal.
N'wah. Go back to Atmora where you belong.
My Fetcher
>fight that bandit
>it's a "Boss" and is arbitrarily scaled up to have as much health as the Dragon
absolutely stupid rationalization to defend the shit design of this game
Lizards don't sweat.