Choose your side

Choose your side

Attached: gabe-newell-vs-tim-sweeney.jpg (1280x720, 406K)

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the least lazy, non meme one


It's pretty funny that you can own Unreal on Steam. Epic fags don't even have their original baby that put them on the map as an exclusive. It would be like if Valve didn't have Half-Life anymore.

holy mother of FPBP
how can OP ever recover without sucking dick?

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The only winners every time.

Tim Sweeney definitely isn't lazy. He make seem like an out of touch creep, but he's actually one of the most talented and important game programmers ever. Even John Carmack acknowledged him as one of the highest standards.

I pick the one who doesn't go through all my files for "anti cheat" or "platform improvements"
Oh wait, both of them do that shit

Epic guy looks like a child molester.


the one that has a shipping cart on their store

This but unironically

GabeN. Carmacks evil twin can fuck off



wait a second........

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If those are the only options? Homosexual Benjamin. He may be a fat fucking jew, but atleast he didn't sell out to the chinks.

winnie the poo

tim sweeney it is then

Gaben’s store has a working search function, a shopping cart, and all the games i want anyway, shit’s no contest

he sounds like one too

Anything but the bald chinless cuck


If i had a gun loaded with one bullet, i'd line them up so i could hit both of them

literal who


I win.

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I choose the edge of the coin

CD Project Red's Good Old Games. gog

Sweeney >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gabe Oldwell

Absolutely based

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I do not respect bald guys.

gabe, it's not even a choice. It's not even that I like gabe, he looks like a fat pedo. I just think sweeney is a despicable sellout-cunt!

i'm picking option 3.

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>USA vs China

Piracy is a service problem

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Gabe looks like Santa, Tim looks like a reptile

Gabe is one of us.

>old men running the world
A new age.

Sweeney legit looks like a sex offender creep. Looks like the kind of guy you'd call the police on if he walked into your neighbourhood more than once.

gabe got cucked by his own sjw employees

add me up losers


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so he legit has FAS right?

>everyone older than 40 is out to get me and only the youth of the world cares about my well-being

>spending shitloads of money on keeping up with your hair, products, shampoos, haircuts
>$2 razer that lasts forever if you're not dumb and you have a nice smooth head women love to rub that's a double-entendre for you autists
Keep being dumb.

>bald dumb fuck trying to rationalize his dumb bald head
you're the true dumb dumb, baldie.

those Artifact marketing slides were fucking disgusting

Why should I support Gabe?

>Mainstreamed microtransations
>mainstreamed Lootboxes
>Mainstreamed early access
>Paid mods
>Only gave refunds after almost a decade of fighting EU lawsuits
>Puts all resources into current money raker fad (Moba, card games)
>Wasted time on useless shit literally nobody asked for (controllers, prebuilt pcs, OS, VR)
>Refuses to actually make GAMES

Valve and steam are aids and anyone who supports them are gay faggots


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Why is this shit allowed? What idiot would put his cc info on this bs store?

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Found the balding 35 year old

>tfw have glorious head of hair that I willingly cut off because I'm not retarded
Feels good to have choices.

If you choose the right side you're literally a masochist.

>I choose to be bald
Keep being in denial balding fag

Whatever makes you feel better!

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There aren't really any sides, the only thing I choose is to not give Epic any money. Pretty much every other store except for the most dubious key sellers are fine in my book. Everything goes except Epic.


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for fucks sake
>few months ago
>be 22 year old boomer
>wtf is this fortnite shit, guess ill play it
>install Ebin store
>install fagnite
>play a few matches
>this game isnt for me
>few weeks later
what the fuck ive nothing of value on this account. FUCK OFF AND MAKE YOUR OWN ACCOUNT YOU DOG EATING GOOK FUCK

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>Swole knife grandpa or autistic train dad
I wonder

Oh good, you're admitting being bald is stupid as shit. Balding fags are shit people

t. low t


Still willing to go at it. You really are self conscious about your bald head.

shit build quality, glorified chink shit with cool gamer gr4f1x

>you're admitting being bald is stupid
I didn't, at all do that. But whatever makes you feel better!

Sorry your bald father beat the shit out of you as a kid, pm me if you need someone to talk to.

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Why should I support Tim?

>reduces my purchasing power
>sends me 40 emails a week because someone else is trying to log into my account again
>runs a billion dollar company that would rather hold games ransom than try to innovate
>blocks every store except his own and one other
>pushes the monopoly narrative while trying to become one himself

Epic and their game store are aids and anyone who supports them are gay faggots.

balding fag has to samefag so he doesn't seem worthless

Have fun seeing those mails for a few more months. I used their service for UT4 a bit over a year ago, still got those mails for 6 months straight even after I deleted my account.

are the first 16 games any good?

i cant wrap my head around it
>make account, its literally only a day old

>"ohhh gwailo make account! i wirr stear it!"
>"watta fuck gwailo have nossing onnu account!"

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14 was best dont @ me

You don't have to spoiler that. It just makes you seem like those weak and shy assholes in /vg/.

Yeah I'm thinking based

doom 3 is kino, half-life fags cant handle

>opposing gaben

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Wait you can't get any of the Unreal games on Epic store besides NuUT can you?

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-06 Epic Games Store.png (1881x792, 240K)

That fat fuck Gabe popularized selling licenses instead of games with steam so fuck him.
Fuck that other guy too.

halflife spawned counterstrike
doom is dead garbage
i bet you liked consolized doom 2016


My brother from another mother

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Works on my machine.